Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1107: Please turn around

The lion camel roared, roared and shook the sky, returning to its original shape while shaking, and turned into nine lions.

He was born supernatural and extraordinary, with nine poems. After he was transformed into a prototype, he opened nine big mouths and roared at the same time. The sound burst out in layers, and it turned into invisible ripples to spread around, and even rushed away from the upper and lower holy fire demon in one fell swoop. Yan, extinguished the supreme supernatural powers ejected by the nine ghost fire flame dragons.


Qin Feng praised: "The lion camel really deserves to be the top demon king of the demon clan, and he can do this with just a roar of the lion, which is comparable to that of extraordinary good fortune!"


There was a cold snort from the nostrils of the lion camel: "The juniors are rampant. I really think that you can compete with the king if you are promoted. It's a joke!

You weren’t born when this king crossed the original star field. Today, this king will let you know what the sky is high and the earth is thick! "

When the words fell, he opened his mouth again, and the violent lion roar uttered again, and every sound wave spread towards Qin Feng!


Qin Feng gave a chuckle, and his voice was clearly transmitted into the ears of King Lion and Camel through the sound waves of lion roars: "Your demon saint, king of the lion clan, would you just yell to scare people?

Although these methods are powerful, they are not enough to make me surrender!

If the lion and camel is poor, then don't blame Qin for his ruthlessness! "

Qin Feng pointed out as soon as he was speaking, a little golden light emerged out of thin air, breaking the void in front of him with sound waves!

He broke his face with a little bit. Although the lion roar of the lion camel was tyrannical, he used his broken fingers to disperse the sound waves into the thousands of space debris, and naturally lost most of its power!

Immediately afterwards, Qin Feng waved his sleeves: "Great Sage Lion and Camel also come and try my tricks!"

A dark green ripple waved towards the lion camel with infinite life.

This is the death ripple, derived from the supreme witchcraft of the Netherfire Truth Wizard, the alternative death ripple supreme method cultivated by Qin Feng after being integrated into himself, and its power is even stronger. Once it is displayed at this moment, you can see the death ripple. Wherever he passed, even the void fell into a dead silence, without any vitality!

"Huh? The Avenue of Death? Somewhat capable!"

The Great Sage Lion Camel saw the death ripples weird, but didn't have the slightest fear. He raised his hand and shot it with a paw. The hammer appeared from nowhere, and his paw slammed into the death ripple like a meteor.

Then it roared, and the body of the sky and the earth became huge as a mountain, and it broke through the space and came to Qin Feng's approach. At the same time, the nine giant mouths bite at Qin Feng's body, wanting to make this human race. Kill on the spot!


There was a soft snort from Qin Feng's nostrils, and he also transformed into an extremely tall Sky Giant while his body was shaking. With both hands stretched out, he grasped the head of the lion camel and pressed it down.

As for the remaining eight heads of the Great Sage Lion and Camel, the nine wildfire flame dragons behind him will contend!

In this regard, Qin Feng has never been stage fright, except for some alternative guys, such as a certain great lord of the abyss who has given birth to a hundred heads, and those demon gods who have given birth to hundreds of arms. Under normal circumstances, he In this case, it actually takes advantage of it!

The two giants competed close to each other, and the fight was fierce. Qin Feng fists to the flesh, constantly talking about the huge fists and smashing the lion camel on the head of the Great Sage.

The lion camel roared again and again, while turning his head to avoid Qin Feng's fist, while swinging the other lion heads to bite with the nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon protruding from behind Qin Feng's back, he waved two huge lion claws and kept scratching. Qin Feng was about to tear his chest and abdomen apart, pulling out his liver, heart, lungs, and breaking his ribs and spine.

It's a pity that Qin Feng's physical body is stronger than Daoxing, how easily he can be caught by his lion claws!

Not to mention the dark golden golden scales outside Qin Feng's body, the defense is unparalleled, just because he has cultivated for so many years, it is not an ordinary attack that can hurt him.

With the strength of his body refining, it is no problem to regard him as a strong physical body who is promoted to good fortune.

Especially after he merged with the heart of the ancestor witch, the strength of his heart is far beyond imagination, and he is always providing him with incomparably pure and powerful blood, so that his physical cultivation speed is even faster than Daoxing.

Therefore, the Great Sage Lion and Camel scratched his claws several times. Although the scratching Qin Feng chest and abdomen were sparked, the scales on his body appeared cracks, and there were vague signs of blood leaking, but it was not far from the serious injury of Qin Feng.

On the contrary, Qin Feng used the opportunity to constantly change his methods while he was scratching himself. The methods suitable for melee combat, such as the Shaking Fist, the Celestial Claw, and the Fragmented Finger, were constantly used. Various magical powers continued to show the lion and camel as the palms changed. Greetings from his head, if the lion head of the lion camel was not strong enough, and he dodges some insidious tricks quickly, I am afraid that even his eyes would be blinded by Qin Feng's broken air.

Even so, the unkempt mane was swallowed down by Qin Feng’s claws, making the lion and camel almost become a bald saint, and his nose was swollen, his mouth and eyes were slanted, and he was obviously crippled. Qin Feng was not lightly beaten.

At this point, Great Sage Lion and Camel discovered that he had miscalculated and shouldn't fight Qin Feng melee!

After all, he is a veteran demon clan great sage. Not only is he powerful, but he also has rich combat experience. Although Qin Feng took advantage of him when he didn’t know him, the counterattack of the lion camel also made Qin Feng feel painful. The nine wildfire flame dragons on the back were also shattered by the scales of the other lion heads, and they were seriously injured.

This is normal. After all, the nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon is only his form, which belongs to the energy body, but the lion heads of the lion camel are the real body, naturally more wishful when biting, and the power is stronger!

But even so, the Great Sage Lion Camel roared and used boundless mana to force Qin Feng back, and his body flashed into a flame and instantly retreated thousands of miles, pulling away from Qin Feng!

In the past, the monsters and humans were mostly physically strong, so relatively speaking, the monsters prefer to fight in close quarters with the humans, especially after using the supreme magical powers of the heavens and the earth, the physical strength will be increased by ten times, close combat It is even more tyrannical.

As a result, I didn’t expect to encounter such a freak today. As far as the strength of his physical body was even greater than that of himself, he immediately let the lion and camel put away his petty heart, and directly got rid of Qin Feng’s entanglement and retreated to compete with him. Taoist magical powers!

But soon, the lion camel great sage discovered that this is not a good choice.

Not only was Qin Feng not weaker than him when it came to the magical powers of Taoism, but the variety of methods made him dazzled and overwhelmed.

Various laws of the Great Dao were used at will, and all kinds of mighty and powerful Supreme God’s communication hand came, and after repeated use, instead of letting the lion and camel take advantage of it, it became the object of Qin Feng’s cooperation. Familiar with the target of the fighting method of the strong in the good fortune realm.

At this time, the Great Sage Lion and Camel was shocked to discover that this human monk who had just been promoted to good fortune was far more difficult than imagined, and he had actually practiced many great laws and practiced countless Taoist magical powers!

This also made the Great Sage Lion and Camel be puzzled. At the same time, he has cultivated so many methods, how profound this human race has accumulated, and how has it cultivated to the present level?

It's a pity that Qin Feng is obviously not interested in explaining the details of his cultivation to this demon clan great sage one by one. On the contrary, he is constantly using various Taoist and supernatural powers, confirming what he thinks in his heart, and being familiar with the ways of fighting against the creation realm.

That is to say, the lion camel great sage has accumulated vigorous cultivation for countless thousands of years, otherwise I am afraid that it will really be embarrassed by Qin Feng's endless methods!

Even so, as Qin Feng became more and more familiar with the good fortune realm, and the power of various Taoist magical powers increased, gradually the lion camel felt more and more pressure.

On the other side, the ancestors of Zhan Tian fought against the Great Sage Feiyan and the Great Lord Youachim, and instead of falling under the wind, with one enemy and two, they took the initiative.

The previous injuries are nothing to this ancestor of martial arts. He suffered countless injuries in his early years, and the numerous battle scenes where he was nearly dead have already made him accustomed to fighting with injuries. , Not to mention the opponent is not intact.

The Great Sage Feiyan is good at poisoning. Although the supernatural powers of poison are hard to guard against, the power of frontal combat has to be discounted. Once the poison does not work, the combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

Uachim's own combat power is not as good as Zhantian's ancestor, and he was severely injured by him before. At this moment, if it were not for the cooperation with Feiqian Great Sage to take care of each other, plus the constant use of magneto-magic light to offset Zhantian's ancestor The attack, I'm afraid they will be defeated and rout long ago.

Although the ancestor Qingluan on the other side suffered some injuries, it was much lighter than that of the Nightmare Witch King who was severely injured by the ghost ancestor Cangshan and the seventh lord of hell. At this moment, he faced each other and immediately practiced the law of nightmares. , The Nightmare Witch King who used all kinds of weird witchcraft to attack the opponent's mind repeatedly regressed.

However, the opponent is also a strong good fortune, and even if it is lost at this level, it is not easy to be hit hard, so although the battle between the two sides is fierce, it is not a short time to distinguish the winner.

And no one can tell whether the opponent has any hidden means, especially the two great sages of the monster race. Maybe they have powerful innate spirit treasure guards on their bodies. If they are used at critical moments, they will turn the tide of the battle.

This is not impossible. As a powerful force that has been passed down to the ancient times, the monster race has a profound background. Of course, there are countless even if they suddenly sacrificed the Eastern Emperor Bell, which was said to have disappeared after the Lich Catastrophe. , Qin Feng would not be too surprised!

The after-waves of several great fortune fighting techniques shook the surrounding void, causing the void to shatter, and even nearby stars were blown up on the spot by them.

It is also fortunate that they are fighting in the void outside the territory, otherwise if they are in the realm, I am afraid that most of the world will be destroyed after this battle.

The reason why Qin Feng broke the world barrier and came to the starry sky before was to avoid being suppressed by the will of the world in the world when he was promoted.

Although the void does not have the blessings of Biluotiandao, his blessings with the nine medium worlds in the refining pot are enough for him to break the final bottleneck and achieve great fortune. At this moment, it has become a life-saving straw to save the higher world below!

When Qin Feng was truly familiar with the laws of the Great Realm of Good Fortune, he suddenly had no scruples when he started. A series of infinite Taoist magical powers forced the lion and camel to retreat again and again, and was not only sacrificed by Qin Feng’s innate spirit treasure, the four-xiang pagoda. He smashed his body fiercely, and the demon sage who smashed his head was dizzy. Taking this opportunity, Qin Feng even sacrificed the Red Lotus Immortal Sword and chopped off several heads of the Great Sage Lion and Camel.

If this demon saint had enough heads, I was afraid that Qin Feng would be completely beheaded on the spot.

"Lion Camel King, if we continue like this, we are no rivals!"

Great Sage Feiyan retreated while fighting. He already had the heart to retreat. He secretly said: "We still leave here first, and when we have secretly investigated the situation of Biluo, we will immediately return to the original star field and report Biluo's matter. Demon Emperor, please invite the Demon Emperor to summon the heavenly gods, the heavenly demons, the Nether and other world experts, to send troops together to conquer Biluo!"

"Yes, this is the end of the matter. It's no use staying longer. It's important to retreat if I wait!"

The lion camel promised, resisting the pain of beheading, and suddenly slapped the magic weapon on the waist, sacrificed a big red gourd, and shouted: "Please turn around, baby!"

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