Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1120: Steal from guard and seize the source

The war actually did not end. Although many strong men in the wizarding clan have fallen, and even the wizard king has lost more than half of them, there are still many strong men left after all.

It’s just that the movement caused by the curse of the Witch King was so great that it endangered all the powerful players in the Biluo camp. Then the ancestor Taixuan wanted to incorporate the curse into his own body for the sake of preventing the immortals from being robbed, and Qin Feng for Reserve Biluo's biggest hole card at the risk of personal risk, instead of Taixuan ancestor Yingjie.

This series of changes is too much to involve people, and it is inevitable that the immortals will focus their attention on this side, and it has slowed down the encirclement and suppression of the remaining powerful wizards, and even many powerful wizards have fled them as a result. He didn't care too much, and he didn't set off immediately to chase after him!

After all, the wizard kings who are the most threatening to Biluo have been killed. The remaining powerful men are limited in strength and are not as difficult as the curse of the wizard king. Even if they want revenge, Biluo will not damage the overall situation of Biluo!

As a result, Qin Feng had just taken the curse now, and boundless thunder suddenly appeared in the depths of the sky, so that all creatures could clearly sense the wrath of the will of the world!

Moreover, this anger was even stronger than the fall of the wizard king, which surprised the immortals.

what's the situation?

Could it be that the Wizarding World has encountered something worse than their invasion?

Otherwise, why would the world will be so angry?


The ancestor Taixuan raised his head to look at the dazzling thunder and lightning in the depths of the sky, pinched his fingers, and suddenly realized something after a while: "Could it be that the strong men who escaped from the wizard family did not leave this world directly, but went. Deep underground, where is the heart of the world?"

When the immortals heard this, most of their faces were incomprehensible.

This war not only caused the wizarding world to sink into the land, the mountains and rivers collapsed and the sea was flooded, but also the strong of the wizarding clan suffered heavy losses. Under such a big change, the laws of the heavens inevitably were greatly touched, exposing the heart of the world. The ground is normal.

And the powerful of the wizard clan entered the space where their own world heart is, and it would not cause such a big movement. Why would Taixuan ancestor say such words.

Could it be...

Qin Feng, who is closest to the ancestor Taixuan, jumped in his heart: "What the ancestor meant, did it mean that the wizards were guarding and stealing?"

"Perhaps it is not guarding and stealing, but knowing that it will undoubtedly be defeated, and wanting to retain the last bit of wealth."

A clear light flashed in the eyes of the ancestor Taixuan, looking towards the ground below, looking for the area where the heart of the world is located, and then said: "As long as they can take the heart of the world away, we won't be able to get enough benefits this time.

Even if we plunder in the wizarding world, the gains may not be comparable to the losses, not to mention that when the natural gods come, we don't have much time to plunder resources!

In this way, after we evacuate from the wizarding world, those who escaped will come back and send the original power back to the place to make up for the world, and it is even possible to resurrect one or two fallen wizard kings to protect the world!

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if we completely abolish the wizarding world, or even occupy them completely, leaving them homeless, those wizards can also use the power of the heart of the world to increase their strength, or rely on the power of the world to increase their strength. Cultivate a few new kings of wizards and come out and seek revenge on me, Biluo! "

Hearing Taixuan ancestor's explanation, those immortals who hadn't reacted before were shocked: "Then what are you waiting for, immediately enter the space where the heart of the world is located, and seize the innate origin!"

"No, in my opinion, it is better to disperse the factions, and be careful not to let those powerful wizards who seize the power of the source escape!"

The corner of the God of War Tianxie's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a sorrowful smile: "As long as you kill them all, you will not only lose powerful enemies in the future, but you can also **** the fragments of the Origin Heart from them. Isn't it the best of both worlds!"

The golden fairy who was closest to Tian Xie quietly stepped back, unwilling to get too close to him.

This guy's murderous aura is too strong, and his words are even more evil. He has a very serious suggestion, and it reveals a very evil from his mouth. I am really worried that he is too close to him when he is fighting. The rise of this guy's killing confiscated his hand and let himself get a knife!

"Okay, all spread out!"

The ancestor Taixuan waved his hand: "Most of the powerhouses of the wizard clan have already taken advantage of the fact that they have just escaped. Many of them must have entered the heart of the world. Everyone spread out to find where the heart of the world fluctuates, and second to intercept everything. The escape of the strong wizard!

Remember that once you notice any movement, you must never be selfish, you must immediately summon all the immortals to attack together, otherwise it would be death to enter the heart of the world alone! "

"Ancestor, don't worry, I'll wait to know!"

The immortals agreed one after another, and then they scattered in groups.

They are not stupid. Of course, they know that most of the powerful wizards have gone to the heart of the world, and among them there are two kings of wizards who respect the wounded and survived. How can a few immortal masters be able to deal with it!

Even if you are greedy, you will not lose sight of your own strength. There are not many eternity in the entire practice world that can counter good fortune on their own. Not everyone is Qin Feng, so they are not going to ignore their own desires. life!

All the immortals used their own methods, and turned into a series of different colors of escape light that disappeared between the heaven and the earth in an instant, exploring the fluctuations of the heart of the world.

Qin Feng also wanted to leave.

He didn't want to find the location of the heart of the world.

Although he had entered the Heart of the World from an ancient mountain last time, it was just a coincidence. The space where the Heart of the World was located was not under the mountain, and would not even stick to one place, but followed the wizarding world. The rotation is slowly moving.

After so far, he wouldn't be foolishly following the route of the last time to dive into the ground again.

He didn't even have the idea that relying on himself would find the heart of the world again.

Because of the last infiltration, the Will of the Wizarding World has given him a big label, and the guard against him is extremely great, coupled with the death of the curse of the Witch King, the World Will’s hostility to him has become more and more intense, unless the world The weak-willed is extremely weak, otherwise he would not be able to encounter it again.

What's more, he is now damaged by the power of the curse, and his combat power is not as good as before. Even the primordial spirit has been greatly affected, and he does not have so much energy to use such methods as heaven and earth to explore the Quartet. .

I just want to go around in the wizarding world with Li Miaozhen. It's good to be able to meet it. If you don't see it, you will **** a few wizard towers, grab some of the research results of the truth wizard and eternal wizard, to enrich your own sect!

But just as he was about to say goodbye to the ancestor Taixuan, he saw the ancestor Taixuan beckoning him: "Don't go away if your origin is damaged, don't go away, just follow me!"

After that, he glanced at Li Miaozhen again: "You too!"

"Yes, ancestor!"

Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen looked at each other, and immediately nodded in agreement!

Of course, they understood what Taixuan ancestor meant, not only to see that Qin Feng was not lightly wounded, and they wanted to take shelter nearby, but also they planned to take Qin Feng to the Heart of the World to gain some benefits.

Although I don't know which one of the Biluo immortals will find the Heart of the World first, it is certain that no matter who it is, it will be impossible to get around Taixuan Ancestor when he finally seizes the Heart of the World.

As long as the two Qin Feng followed Taixuan's ancestor, they would never leave empty-handed.

The ancestor Taixuan is simply giving them benefits directly, and of course the two will not refuse!

The various immortals of the Biluo factions and the dragon and phoenix clans can disperse in all directions, or wholeheartedly search for the fluctuations from the heart of the world, or smoothly destroy several wizard forces and seize some beneficial resources.

If it was difficult to find the origin of the world in the past, but now it is different. Biluo invaded and killed the powerful wizards in the world like rain. The law of heaven is always fluctuating, and the heart of the world will inevitably expose flaws.

In addition, the powerful men of the wizard clan had already started the idea of ​​the heart of the world, and were trying to get rid of the original power of the heart of the world.

After all, the will of the world does not possess complete wisdom. It is just that these wizards are also robbing the heart of the world, and immediately they are put into the ranks of traitors, which arouses the anger that is far superior to the previous one!

While the sky and the earth are furious, it will inevitably make the fluctuation of the source of power become more intense, so the immortals don't worry about not being able to find it, it's just a matter of time.


Suddenly, a fierce impact sounded tens of thousands of miles away, and blood was spilled from the mouth of a human golden immortal, and his body flew upside down.

The defensive shield outside his body shattered into countless pieces, and his robe was punched with a big hole, blood constantly flowing from his chest, but there was no fear on his face. On the contrary, UU看书 Excited: "Here, here, I found them..."

This cheer immediately attracted the attention of all the cultivators and immortals within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, and then one after another used their escape light to fly over there, and at the same time they used various means to pass the news out.

Immediately afterwards, the ancestor Taixuan arrived first with Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen!

This ancestor's Taoism is too profound, he can traverse the starry sky in the endless void, and in this big world, he can travel anywhere at will!

Although the laws of the world were suppressed and the suppression of the will of the world made him less casual than in the void, it was not difficult for the ancestor Taixuan to take Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen to turn the space directly after he noticed the movement here. Here!

At this time, more than a dozen powerful wizards were fleeing, desperately getting rid of the entanglement of dozens of immortals, flying towards the sky, obviously intending to escape into the depths of the starry sky, temporarily taking refuge, and waiting for the creation of the natural gods. When the masters arrive, look at the situation before making plans!

Neither Taixuan ancestor nor Qin Feng or Li Miaozhen cared about the dozen or so powerful wizards who fled.

Not to mention that they have been entangled by a larger number of immortal powers, whether they can escape, even if they are really run away, how can they be? There are a dozen truth wizards and eternal wizards, it is impossible to treat Biluo. create a threat!

What's more, there are more immortals and strong men of the dragon and phoenix races in the distance. There are even immortals who are going straight to the sky from a distance, preparing to come from a high place to wait for the rabbit, even these dozens of powerful wizards. If you can really get rid of your opponent, you will also face the interception of other strong players!

The ancestor Taixuan looked down at the area where the origin of his debut path was fluctuating. With a flick of the dust in his hand, he saw that the earth below suddenly changed, as if it had turned into yellow and Mongolian earth elemental energy.

"Let's go, let me go and take a look!"

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