Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1121: Nightmare Chapter

Taixuan ancestor stepped forward and walked down first.

Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen followed closely, as if stepping into the water, following the passage made by Taixuan ancestor's spell all the way down, and soon came to the depths of the earth.

With the profound cultivation of Taixuan ancestor, at the moment when the original source fluctuation was discovered, the divine sense had already locked the independent space where the heart of the world was located along the aura!

So I took the two of them to break through the layers of space and came to the unique barrier, flicking the dust a few times, seemingly random, but the spatial barrier became transparent after his dust, and gradually appeared. A portal for three people to enter!

Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen looked at each other, and their admiration for this ancestor was beyond words.

Even though one of Qin Feng's own nine avenues is the law of space, he couldn't easily break through the barrier in front of him like Taixuan ancestor.


The three of them walked in one after another along the space portal, before they had waited to look at the scene carefully, hundreds of powerful witchcraft bombarded them directly!

Around the Heart of the World, there is a group of powerful wizards surrounding the Quartet, each with a heavy face and sad expression, but they are constantly using powerful witchcraft to launch a bombardment on the Heart of the World.

Whenever someone bombarded enough of the original fragment from above, he would immediately pick it up and turn around and leave.

They not only leave here, but also leave the wizarding world. It is best to find a safe place to hide temporarily, and wait for future summons, or the wizarding world will completely calm down before returning!

For these original fragments bombarded from the Heart of the World, no wizard powerhouse stepped forward to **** them.

Because they are not bandits who come to plunder the origin of their own world, nor do they want to consume the heart of the world to enhance their own strength.

For wizards, only knowledge gained through various experiments is the way to increase their strength. All other means are sidetracks. Even if the blessing of the will of the world is regarded as an external force, how can they have such a mindset? To seize the heart of your own world to enhance your strength?

Now I just had to prepare to disperse and send away the original foundation, intending to preserve a part of the foundation for the wizarding world.

Because of the tight time, we all know that there will be a strong blue sky to find here at any time, so these wizards did not hesitate, but whenever a certain size of the original fragment is blasted from the heart of the world, the truth wizard or the eternal wizard will immediately be taken and left. .

They don't expect all the powerful wizards to escape, but they intend to take away some of the original power as much as possible, hoping to preserve a little bit of heritage for the wizarding world.

However, the speed at which the blue powerhouse found this place exceeded their expectations, and before they had left for how many wizards they had left, they were knocked on the door by the blue sky powerhouse.

Moreover, it turned out that the ancestor Taixuan with the highest level of Biluo cultivation, and a master of Biluo creation who can resist the curse of the witch king, the supreme curse of the great witchcraft, immediately made the hearts of many powerful wizards frightened and angry. .

Shocked that the speed at which the strong Biluo found them was too fast, and the angry Biluo persecuted them too much, it was simply trying to kill them all!


The Wisdom Witch King, who was always guarding the side and did not take action, waved the Truth Staff from the Guardian Witch King who was turned into a stone statue not long ago, and exerted incomparable power.

And because he did not attack the heart of the world, he has become the only Lord of Creation who is still recognized by the will of the world. He not only has the blessing of the will of the world, but also has the Staff of Elements in his hand, which immediately allows him to play A tyrannical force that far exceeds the previous several times.

Let the wise witch king, who was originally ranked at the end of the wizard kings, experience the powerful combat power that can only be possessed by the top master of good fortune!

At the same time he shouted in his mouth: "Separate half of the wizards, follow me to block the strong enemy, the Nightmare Witch King, you guys hurry up, we won't be able to hold on for long!"

As soon as the Wisdom Witch King’s voice fell, two or three hundred truth wizards with a mortal heart turned back and used the most powerful witchcraft at all costs. The moment Taixuan ancestors came in. He blasted the past, wanting to drown these blue powers in their witchcraft.

There is no eternal wizard to participate in the attack, because they feel that the power of the eternal wizard is stronger, and they have more possibilities to escape when they take the original fragments to get rid of the blue power to chase and kill.

So the eternal wizards continue to bombard the heart of the world behind these wizards.

Along with those eternal wizards is the Nightmare Witch King!

Although this old witch was wounded by the ghost ancestor Cangshan and the seventh lord of **** when the wizarding world was robbed last time, she was later severely injured and killed by the Qingluan ancestor, and experienced the previous battle. She had been beaten and disappeared, but she was not dead!

It's not that the nightmare witch king is stronger than the other witch kings, but the old witch's nightmare law is too unique, and she has the strongest life-saving ability.

Compared with her, Qin Feng's enviable nine-headed ghost fire flame dragon and death puppet were nothing at all.

Because the Nightmare Witch King hasn’t known how many nightmare wizards he has cultivated for countless years, every nightmare wizard will silently plant a nightmare seed in her body when she becomes a wizard apprentice. Only the nightmare seed blooms and sprouts. Only those apprentice wizards can truly become nightmare wizards.

Even at the beginning, she planted those nightmare seeds, not because she wanted to cultivate a nightmare wizard, but she simply wanted to use the nightmare wizard as a tool for her to provide energy and insight, and to be able to directly capture everything at the critical moment. .

It's just that afterwards, there is no need for the demonstrating good fortune. This is the way to create the nightmare wizard system magnanimously, and no longer start with those nightmare wizards.

But the arrangement in the early years has been successful, and as long as there is a nightmare wizard, she can directly resurrect with the help of the nightmare seed.

Even if the Nightmare Wizard family is completely destroyed, as long as the creatures of the wizarding world will have nightmares, after the nightmare accumulates to a certain amount, she may gradually condense a little wisdom, and then gradually recover through this!

Therefore, the Nightmare Witch King is the hardest existence in the entire wizarding world to kill!

Unless the wizarding world is completely destroyed and the nightmare law is completely broken, even if these existences have been killed for a million years, they will still be able to recover in the future.

This is also the reason why the Elemental Witch King and the others chose to let the Nightmare Witch King venture to the original star domain. Other Witch Kings may really die if they die in other star domains, but the Nightmare Witch King will not.

At this moment, the Nightmare Witch King is leading the few remaining wizard powerhouses desperately to attack the heart of the world.

She didn't want to fight the Taixuan Ancestor with the Wisdom Witch King, but the heart of the world was too strong, even if there were cracks in the way that was bombarded by the Ghost Ancestor and a group of powerful people last time, this was only the surface.

If it weren't for her, the wizard king of good fortune, to rely on the truth wizard and the eternal wizard, before being attacked and killed by the strong blue, it would really not be able to blast down many original fragments!

Facing the reckless attack of the Wisdom Witch King and the two or three hundred truth wizards holding the Truth Scepter, the ancestor Tai Xuan frowned.

Although the truth wizard and him are far apart, the two are not on the same level at all. If he is willing, he can solve a truth wizard with a few random clicks.

But after all, this is a strong man who has already stepped out of his own avenue. When the number is large, even he can't ignore it.

What's more, in front of these hundreds of truth wizards, there is also a wise wizard king holding a rod of truth.

The Wisdom Witch King is not good at fighting, but he is also a Witch King of Good Fortune Realm after all. You can't take it lightly. What's more, the opponent is still holding the first magic weapon in the wizarding world-the Staff of Truth!

Under the support of the Truth Staff, any powerful wizard can exert a fighting power far beyond its own. At this moment, the Wisdom Witch King is even more offensive and undefended. Of witchcraft.

Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen, who were following the ancestor Taixuan, changed their expressions slightly in the face of the overwhelming violent witchcraft.

But out of trust in Taixuan ancestor, they didn't make any moves.

Sure enough, Tai Xuan ancestor raised the Great Avenue Kowloon Bell, and as the bell shook, it directly shattered a lot of witchcraft attacks, and then his hand sank and floated, and the dust tail seemed to be swinging on the surface of the water. Out of the layers of vortex, most of the witchcraft are involved.

However, when the Wisdom Witch King holding the Rod of Truth did everything he could to perform tyrannical witchcraft, the ancestor Taixuan also felt a bit tricky, so with a wave of his sleeves, the innate treasure of Yin and Yang flew out of his sleeves. Unfold directly, isolate the yin and yang, seal the two worlds, and incorporate all the witchcraft into the yin and yang world. With the rotation of the yin and yang fish, these powerful witchcraft will be wiped out in an instant!

Immediately after the ancestor Taixuan stretched out his hand, a black and white yin and yang fish jumped from the picture, turning into a torrent of yin and yang and rushing forward.

The ancestor Taixuan is the most powerful person in the realm of good fortune after all. Get serious, just two or three hundred truth wizards are not enough to see. If the wisdom witch king is not blocking in front, there is a powerful magic weapon of truth. Blessing, how can I stop the power of Taixuan ancestor!

Qin Feng and Li Miaozhen stood behind and watched with surging emotions. They used their own power to contend with a good fortune witch king and two or three hundred immortal truth wizards at the same time. What a tyrannical method!

It happened that the ancestor Taixuan was able to suppress his opponents, and such a profound Taoism cultivation made the two of them amazed.

Then, they can only watch it there. UU reading

It's not that I don't want to intervene, but I can't intervene at all.

It would be okay if Qin Feng was not injured, but he was cursed at this moment, not only was his origin damaged, his body and soul were not in the state, and his combat strength dropped by at least 50% to 60%. Strong action players might even aggravate his damage, so Don't dare to easily participate in a melee of this scale.

Although Li Miaozhen is not injured, she is only the pinnacle of eternity after all. Even if she barely reaches the half-step realm of good fortune with her tyrannical combat power, she cannot intervene in the battle of the ancestor Taixuan!

Although the ancestor Taixuan was able to suppress those truth wizards by virtue of his profound Taoism cultivation and tyrannical innate spirit treasures, with the insistence of the Wisdom Witch King, he was unable to do anything to the opponent in a short time, and the battle was stalemate for a while. Up.

However, there was no stalemate for too long.

Because in the rear, there were strong Biluo people who followed the original fluctuations one after another.

"A group of defeated generals still dare to be strong here!"

The ancestor Zhantian had an arrogant tone. He saw this scene after he forced a blast through the barrier from the other side. He snorted coldly and blasted a punch, directly blasting the body of a wizard of truth, splitting it to pieces. , Flesh and blood!

There was a dragon chant on the other side, and the ancestor Ao Ji appeared in shape, spouting a huge dragon ball, and flew several eternal wizards who were constantly bombarding the heart of the world!

Fengming shook the sky, Xihuang offered sacrifices to the Heavenly Phoenix Realm, and a golden mirror light shone directly on the Nightmare Witch King!

Previously, he exploded the Nightmare Witch King’s body. At that time, Xihuang thought he had completely killed the Witch King. However, he did not expect that the old witch had some means to flee directly by feigning death. Now he sees it in the heart of the world. , How can this make the arrogant Xi Huang bear it!

So Xihuang immediately sacrificed the innate treasure of the Phoenix family, the Heavenly Phoenix Mirror, and wanted to completely refine this nightmare witch king!

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