Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1122: Cause and Effect Road Truth Crutches

As the first descendant of the ancestor of Yuanfeng, Xihuang, the second phoenix of the ancient primordial ancestors, has survived many catastrophes without dying, so how proud of his disposition!

At the beginning, the Phoenix clan dominated the sky for a great amount of calamity, competing with the dragon clan and unicorns for hegemony.

It’s just that after the First Tribulation of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the dragon, phoenix, and kylin tribes, who nearly broke the prehistoric world, lost their position as the protagonist of the world and withdrew from the camp for hegemony. The rise of the prehistoric parties.

After getting rid of the mentality of being obsessed with the authorities, and seeing the world from the perspective of a bystander many times, the vision is naturally different, and the once proud Xihuang has become calm. When the ancestor of Yuanfeng retreats and meditates At that time, Xihuang is generally in charge of the Heavenly Phoenix Realm instead of Yuan Feng.

It's just that no matter how calm his heart is, he can't suppress his proud nature. At this moment, seeing the Nightmare Witch King who had originally thought to have fallen in his hands unexpectedly reappeared again, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable on his face, and a little bit of anger was born in his heart.

So he directly sent the Heavenly Phoenix Mirror, and wanted to rely on this infinite treasure to completely refine the Nightmare Witch King.

The Heavenly Phoenix Realm is one of the treasures of the Phoenix clan to suppress clan luck. It is not only powerful, but also has infinite magical uses. It is naturally not what the Nightmare Witch King can contend with Xi Phoenix's Taoism cultivation.

However, this witch king is a strong good fortune after all, but it is not easy to be killed. He resisted for a while, and then Xi Huang used his anger to forcibly refine the opponent.

I thought that the old witch should be dead at this time, but I didn't expect that not far away, a truth nightmare wizard who was participating in the besieging Taixuan ancestor suddenly screamed, and then her body changed, and she turned into the nightmare witch king!

"Jie Jie Jie..."

The Nightmare Witch King’s mouth was filled with weird smiles, waved his hand to sprinkle all the weird nightmare scenes, twisted the laws, not only tried to confuse the minds of several good fortune ancestors, but also for the immortal golden immortals and eternal greatness who followed several good fortune ancestors. Can cast spells continuously!

She knew that she was in poor condition at this time, and it was difficult to take advantage of these ancestors of good fortune. What's more, even if she was resurrected with the help of the nightmare wizard under her command, it made her already seriously injured, and her condition was far worse than before. Plan to entangle these good fortune ancestors at the same time, as far as possible to kill some immortality and eternity.

Even if it can't bring heavy damage to Bi Luo, they will suffer some losses!

It's just that besides making Xi Phoenix even more irritated, it also made Xi Phoenix aware of her resurrection methods.

I thought that the old witch used a method that he didn't know before to escape from his flames. Now the Nightmare Witch King is resurrecting in front of him. If there is no clue, then Xi Huang also pretended to be the pinnacle powerhouse of the Phoenix clan!

"Huh, born with the weight of the body, could it be that all the wizards under your door would be unsuccessful by spreading the seeds of the avenue?"

Xi Huang sneered: "It's enough to use these magical methods quietly, and even dare to use them in front of me grandiosely. Do you really think I can't deal with you?"

Before the words fell, the light of the Heavenly Phoenix Mirror in Xihuang's hand circulated, turning into colorful lights.

While performing a tyrannical attack, he prepared to severely inflict the Nightmare Witch King, and at the same time, with the opportunity to severely inflict it, he prepared to completely penetrate the mirror light into the soul source of the Nightmare Lord.

Once successful, the mirror light of the Heavenly Phoenix Realm will always be lurking in the soul source of the Nightmare Witch King from now on. Every time it is resurrected, it will be killed by the mirror light. The mirror light is immortal, and the Nightmare Witch King will never be able to resurrect. .

Even Xihuang can sense the whereabouts of the soul source of the Nightmare Sorcerer through the Heavenly Phoenix Realm at any time. If his original aura is suppressed and imprisoned, and then the Nightmare Sorcerer element is completely destroyed, then the Nightmare Sorcerer will completely lose the chance of resurrection. Up.


Amitabha Buddha stepped on a lotus step by step, and walked over here against the backdrop of the endless Buddha light.

He glanced at the Nightmare Witch King who was still barely supporting him, and couldn't help but sighed: "Relying on the seeds of his own Dao to cultivate nightmare wizards, these magic methods are implemented in the world, and they can still form a series of themselves. From this point of view Coming to the wizarding world is not really a lawful camp!

Humph, if you let you go on like this, even if we don't break the wizarding world this time, you will sooner or later play Beng!

This approach is simply to turn the younger generations of the clan into your nourishment and become puppets manipulated by you. Even if you can let them grow on their own, they will not be able to truly grow because of your stigma. Grow up.

Although this will give you the chance to continue to resurrect, it is at the cost of cutting off the cultivation path of the younger generations. The stronger the power of your nightmare wizards, the weaker the potential of the wizards will be. When other wizard kings will find this too The benefits of this method are to learn how to create similar witchcraft, and the wizarding world is completely over. "

Amitabha Buddha was obviously quite disdainful of such magic methods.

In the Primitive Star Territory, the various demonic ways of the Heavenly Demon Great World had already played tricks with various magic ways. Methods like the Nightmare Witch King seemed to be powerful, and it could be considered the strongest means of life-saving in this star region, but Putting it in the big world of the demon is just one of the directions of the demon way.

There are some powerful methods in the heavenly devil world that are far more evil than this!

As long as the world of the Primitive Star Territory, they would not avoid dealing with the Demon Dao.

And Buddhism, even more so called the deadly enemy of the Demon Dao!

Because these two families have always been opposed to each other, even the cultivation methods are in completely opposite directions.

If the Demon Dao is constantly looking for the weaknesses of the monks, and then constantly targeting the monks, then the Dharma is simply born to specifically restrain the Demon Dao, and it will often save several Demon Dao powerhouses to become Buddhist guardians!

Because Xihuang had fought against the demons of the Heavenly Demon Realm, he was not unfamiliar with the method of the Nightmare Witch King's resurrection, nor was he unable to find a way to deal with her.

However, Amitabha Buddha, as the strongest person in Biluo Buddhism, possesses a method that can directly restrain these methods.

So Buddha Amitabha came to the front and folded his hands together: "Friend Xi Phoenix, it is better to leave this Nightmare Witch King to me to deal with!"

Phoenix Xi glanced at Buddha Amitabha, hesitated for a moment, but knew that the other party was indeed better than himself in this respect, so he took the Heavenly Phoenix Realm into one: "So, there is Buddha!"

"Friends of Taoism are polite!"

Buddha Amitabha's body was filled with tens of thousands of Buddha lights, shining the entire space with dazzling dazzling eyes, and the nightmare witchcraft displayed by the Nightmare Witch King disappeared after being exposed to the Buddha's light.

Although she hadn't completely disappeared under the support of her powerful laws, she was obviously not supported.

When Buddha Amitabha spoke to chant the Buddhist scriptures, the hearts of the immortals who had been entangled with nightmare witchcraft immediately became clear, and they were completely free from the influence of nightmare witchcraft.

This is not over yet, Buddha Amitabha waved his hand, and the five-finger sacred mountain with the strongest suppression of the forty-eight supernatural powers of the Buddhism immediately displayed and suppressed the nightmare witch king.

The Nightmare Witch King screamed, his figure shook, and endless nightmares appeared outside his body. At the same time, a strange and terrifying nightmare lord suddenly appeared, trying to break through the five-finger mountain.


The illusory nightmare lord failed to hold on for a moment at all, and was directly exploded by the five-finger sacred mountain, causing the nightmare witch king below to appear.

After that, Amitabha Buddha continued his efforts, but in a moment he burst the body of the Nightmare Witch King again.

It's not that Amitabha Buddha is so much stronger than the Nightmare Witch King, but the Nightmare Witch King suffered successive injuries. It is impossible to restore the power to its peak state every time it is resurrected. On the contrary, it will damage the original source due to rebirth, and he will be born again. The original owner's lack of physical strength will also limit her strength after resurrection, and she must be cultivated for a period of time to truly recover. In this case, she is naturally not an opponent.

Just when the Nightmare Witch King was planning to repeat the old tricks and continue to regenerate, he suddenly felt a crisis in his heart.

Immediately, a huge force of cause and effect struck along the induction, entangled her original aura, making it impossible for her to escape.

Even the ray of original aura hidden in the nightmare avenue and the nightmare seeds in all nightmare wizards are entangled by the thread of cause and effect, forming an invisible web that relies on the wizarding world, making her inevitable. !

Whether she wants to be reborn with the help of the strong nightmare wizard in the heart of the world, or with the help of a large number of nightmare wizards outside, it is impossible, because no matter where her original aura escapes, she can't get rid of Amitabha's Cause and effect thread!

What's more, Buddha Amitabha also took the lead in destroying all the nightmare seeds with the karma silk thread. Although he did not kill all the nightmare wizards, it also caused those nightmare wizards to lose their foundation, and their power declined directly, and their strength was not a single one!

In the end, when all the nightmare seeds in the nightmare wizards are transformed by Amitabha Buddha's supreme Dharma, the Nightmare Witch King will only end up in death!

This is also to blame for her being too arrogant, only knowing that her resurrection method is tyrannical, and she dared to use it in front of the strong in the Biluo camp to directly expose her biggest hole card. Isn't this looking for death and what is it?

Just when Amitabha Buddha completely refined the Nightmare Witch King, the other side Tai Xuan ancestor also forced the Wisdom Witch King to a desperate situation!

When Biluo's many powerful men arrive, there will naturally be a large number of golden immortals and eternal siege of those wizards, so that the ancestor Taixuan does not have to deal with the siege of hundreds of truth wizards, but only needs to deal with the wisdom wizard king.

Even if the Wisdom Witch King holds the Truth Staff, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com But no matter how tyrannical this magic weapon is, it is impossible to compete with Taixuan ancestor with this thing alone!

So this Wisdom Witch King was eventually beaten and killed by Taixuan ancestors on the spot.

The Staff of Truth lost control, and immediately broke through the void and was about to flee.

There is not a powerful enough wizard to control it at the scene. After sensing the danger here, the Staff of Truth does not fall into the hands of the enemy, and naturally instinctively will run away.

"Want to run?"

With a wave of Taixuan ancestor's hand, the inexhaustible dust and threads were entangled on the rod of truth.

The Staff of Truth broke free again and again, but couldn't resist the boundless power of Taixuan Ancestor, and was continuously pulled closer to Taixuan Ancestor.

But after all, this is the number one magic weapon in the wizarding world, and it is enough to treat it as a treasure in the spiritual world, but it is not an existence that can be easily surrendered.

I saw that the Staff of Truth suddenly swelled up and turned into hundreds of feet in thickness, tens of thousands of feet, and then quickly shrunk, just like a normal witch rod. After going back and forth several times, it just broke free when the dust revealed a little gap. .

It's just that the ancestor Taixuan knew its tricks as early as when it changed. In terms of wisdom, how can a mere witchcraft compare with ancestor Taixuan, who has survived countless years!

So when the Staff of Truth thought that I was free, I suddenly discovered that I had suddenly broken into a strange world. In this world, yin and yang flowed, and two fishes, one black and one white, were constantly spinning around it...

"Good baby!"

The ancestor Taixuan stretched out his hand and took the rod of truth banned by the Yin-Yang diagram in his hand. After looking at it carefully, he couldn't help but smile: "My teacher has a pole as a crutch. There has never been a suitable treasure, and now this rod of truth has fallen into my hand, just right to be a crutch!"

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