Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1142: The alliance under the helpless city of the devil

The latest website: "After receiving the rescue from the Yin Demon Lords, we immediately dispatched, but you are not surprised, why did I only come here, and did not think about where the other abyss fortune lords went?

As soon as the old demon powerhouse said these words, he immediately surprised the great powers present!

Ghost Ancestor slowly stopped and looked at the old demon coldly: "You mean, the rest of the abyss lords went to Biluo and Natural God Realm?"

"Guess what?"

The turbid eyes of the old demon lord revealed endless evil, and there was a hint of gloomy sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Guess they all went to Biluo or the Natural God Realm, or went to different worlds, including the wizarding alliances. Do you think there are any abyss powerhouses going to the higher world?"

As soon as these words came out, all creations could not help but slow down their attacks.

Of course, the lords of creation in the natural **** realm know how strong they are in the realm. If all the old guys in the abyss who have not been born for a long time go to attack the natural **** realm, it is really possible that the natural **** realm will be eaten by a big deficit!

Therefore, the flame lord with the most explosive temper couldn't wait any longer: "Return to the mother **** immediately, and gather the army to return to the natural **** realm!"

When he thinks about it, the heart of **** has been taken away anyway. Like the wizarding world, **** has descended from the level of the big world. Even with the huge resources and spiritual veins in the world, it can still maintain the level of the high world, but lost The higher worlds of many great monarchs are not taken seriously by the natural gods.

Although you can plunder countless resources by staying in hell, but with the background of the natural **** world, even without these resources, you can live very well, and it is just the icing on the cake. Anyway, the most important heart of **** has been carved up by the two worlds. , there is no need to put the natural world in danger for other resources!

Even if this kind of danger is only possible, if the abyss is divided into two, and the strong men dispatched to attack the blue sky and the natural gods, they will never let the abyss strong men easily enter.

But don't be afraid of 10,000 in everything, just be afraid of what happens!

If something goes wrong, then...

Just when the masters of creation in the natural **** realm were restless, Ghost Ancestor sneered: "As the master of creation in the abyss, your Excellency, as the master of creation in the abyss, even learned the trick of **** devils and threatened me with words?

It's a pity that you are not a **** devil after all, so you should use this set less to fool people!

There are many big worlds who want to attack Bi Luo over the years, but none of them have really entered. Now what if there is one more abyss? "

As he spoke, Ghost Ancestor waved his hand: "No need to hold back, kill that yin demon lord for me, the most cruel thing in my life is to fool me with words, but anyone who dares to fool me with this seat should be damned! "

As he spoke, Ghost Ancestor's body was full of aura, and the ghostly aura filled the air.


The old demon was shocked and angry, but he didn't expect to encounter such an unreasonable existence as Gui Zu.

While blocking the ghost ancestors' various ghostly supernatural powers, he shouted: "I know that you are tyrannical in the Biluo Boundary, and there is an existence in the realm of the supreme powerhouse to protect the world, but do you think that there is no supreme powerhouse in my abyss?

There is also the Natural God Realm. Do you think that under the attack of the supreme powerhouse and a group of abyss powerhouses, the Natural God Realm can really persevere and not be afraid of being treated like hell? "

Ghost Ancestor sneered, but he was also a little uneasy in his heart. He just forced himself to remain calm and did not want to be timid in front of this abyss powerhouse, otherwise I was afraid that the other party would really get what he wanted!

When Ghost Ancestor wants to come, anyway, the abyss powerhouse has been dispatched, and it is useless to be anxious at this time. It is better to kill these guys first, and even if you want to fight the abyss in the future, you can reduce a few powerful enemies.

The big deal will tell Taixuan ancestors later, the speed of Taixuan ancestors traversing the starry sky will soon be able to rush back, even if the abyss powerhouses all go to Biluo, they will not appear after Taixuan ancestors return. What an accident!

However, although Ghost Ancestor felt that he was safe, the masters of creation in the natural world were different.

They don't have enough confidence in the defense of the natural gods!

After all, in the God Realm, there is no such powerhouse as the Spring and Autumn Ancestor who is in harmony with the sky. Those who stay behind are definitely not the opponents of the abyss and the great lords. The opponent broke the boundary wall.

So they showed a little hesitation.

Even, the Lord of Flames has hurriedly passed the news to the **** world, telling the earth mother goddess who is still deep underground with Taixuan ancestors and the others to carve up the heart of hell!

Seeing the reaction of the natural gods, the old demon suddenly felt relieved.

He is really afraid that these lords of good fortune in the natural world are as strong as Bi Luo's almighty, otherwise, let's not talk about rescuing these lords of good fortune today, I'm afraid that even he himself will go in!

"And you!"

The old demon turned his attention to the good-fortune masters of the original wizarding alliance: "Now quitting, I can let go of the past, otherwise if I don't know what to do, even if there is no abyss master to attack your world, I will personally lead the demon army in the future. Take over the world of you!"

At the same time as these words, the faces of those good-fortune masters who were already worried in the distance became even more ugly. Although they had not stepped back due to their face, they had already stopped fighting and stopped fighting.

However, the withdrawal of the masters of good fortune in these high-level worlds does not affect the overall situation, because the real main force is still the powerhouses of Biluo and the natural gods.

In particular, Bi Luo did not hold back after hearing Gui Zu's words, but instead stepped up the offensive.

Relatively speaking, Bi Luo's almighty is more united, and he can roughly understand the meaning of Ghost Ancestor. Even if he really has the idea of ​​​​strike, he will not show it, but he has to act like he doesn't care to fight. , to bring enough pressure to the other party, it is much better to negotiate after gaining the upper hand than to be pinched by the other party!

Sure enough, the old abyss demon lord felt helpless when he saw this scene. The powerhouses of Bi Luo were too different, and he really didn't know how to deal with it.

Moreover, when there was a roar in the world, Qin Feng and Zhantian ancestors, who were besieging the eighth monarch of hell, rushed out along the incomplete part of the boundary wall, went straight to the old demon lord, and killed him together with the ghost ancestor Cang Sang. At that time, this guy couldn't bear it anymore.

After all, Ghost Ancestor is not weaker than him, and the strength of the three fortune-telling zombies is even better. At this moment, with the tyrannical martial arts ancestor Zhantian, and Qin Feng, who is a fellow practitioner with countless supernatural abilities, he immediately made him feel enormous pressure.

If it goes on like this, he is afraid that he will really consider the possibility of breaking through and escaping, otherwise he will definitely be surrounded and killed by these blue-blue powerhouses!

"Do you have to forge a deadly feud with me in the abyss?"

The old demon lord shouted loudly: "I know that your Biluo's mortal enemy is coming, as long as you stop here, I can guarantee that the abyss will never be in chaos when the powerful enemies of your original star field are fighting.

If we don't stop, do we have to force us to join forces with the powerful world of Primitive Star Field to attack Biluo? "

The old devil was also a little bit furious.

But after all, he still did not lose his mind. He really didn't want to mix with the big worlds such as the demons in the original star field. Otherwise, once Bi Luo was defeated, who could guarantee that the demon powerhouses in the original star field would not be tempted by this star field?

Therefore, it is only reasonable to let Bi Luo and the expedition army of the original star field die. It is best to hurt both sides and let them take advantage of the abyss. Take advantage.

Of course, this is the most ideal state. As for the situation, it depends on the development of the situation.

Hearing the words of the old demon lord, Ghost Ancestor's offensive slowed down a little, and said: "A truce is ok, but I lack trust in your dark camp powerhouses, so I need to sign a contract, make an oath, and promise. The abyss can't make trouble for us at that time!"


When the old demon heard this, how could he not know what Ghost Ancestor had planned before, these guys in Bi Luo had already thought of stopping, but they wanted to take advantage of it, so they deliberately made a desperate appearance.

I also blame myself for not being able to hold my breath, otherwise if I persist, why would I be forced to sign such a contract with the Biluo Alliance.

And after making an oath, if other abyss lords can't hold back and secretly shoot at Bi Luo, wouldn't this avenue of backlash fall on him?

Just when the old demon was hesitating, he didn't expect that the request of the powerhouse Bi Luo was not finished yet.

He heard Qin Feng say: "Hell has been broken by us, the two great monarchs must not let them go, they must be killed, otherwise they will hold grudges and will definitely be detrimental to us in the future.

Instead of trying to prevent their sneak attacks in the future, it is better to solve it directly to avoid future troubles! "

"Yes, fellow Daoist Qin is thoughtful, so let's do it like this!"

Ghost Ancestor laughed, then looked at the old demon who was hesitant in his heart: "Why, what are you still hesitating about? Just now, the abyss you promised is not embarrassing me, Bi Luo, UU Kanshu Is this still false? Can't it?"

"Dare to lie to me and wait, then there is only one way to die!"

Ancestor Zhantian threw a punch, extremely violent: "Kill kill kill, kill this devil, and enter the abyss.

Since the abyss powerhouses go out in large numbers, their internal strength is definitely empty. Anyway, they can't break through Biluo's defense. If we directly kill the abyss and break the world, I want to see if the abyss can be restored to its original state! "

As soon as these words came out, the old demon lord felt even more bitter in his heart.

Why are all Bi Luo such a tough guy to deal with?

If you really want to be attacked into the abyss by so many masters of creation, then the trouble will be big!

If nothing else, as long as the worlds dominated by them are smashed and broken, their Dao Law will be affected!

So he was forced to have no choice but to say: "Sign the contract, I will sign the contract with you!"

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