Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1143: Benefits

Latest website: Under the persecution of Qin Feng and Guizu, the old demon lord had to sign a contract and make a great vow.

Even though he was full of resentment, he was very reluctant, but the situation was better than others, and now he was under the siege of the other party, and it was difficult to escape, so he had to sign the alliance under the city.

And what a shrewd existence the ghost ancestor is, not only blocked all the retreats of this abyss demon lord in terms of contracts and oaths, but the consequences of the oath and contract backlash made this old demon tremble.

He secretly decided in his heart that after returning, he must be optimistic about the lords of good fortune in the abyss, and he must not let them secretly mess up, otherwise he will be the unlucky one!

After signing the contract, Ghost Ancestor nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, since the contract has been completed, please send a message quickly and let those abyss powerhouses stop!"

"Then you have to evacuate from **** immediately!"

The old demon took a look at it with regret, and put forward his request to the **** that was evolving in the direction he least wanted to see, and various natural and man-made disasters were still breaking out.

Even if the Biluo Alliance is withdrawn now, there is no way to restore the fact that **** has been taken away from the origin and broke the rank, and it has fallen from the level of the big world to the higher world, so that the three worlds of the dark camp have become two from now on!

But **** still has the size and resources of the big world. If it is cultivated well, it can still play a great role in the dark camp, at least it is much stronger than the ordinary high world.

But if Bi Luo and the Natural God Realm continue to plunder, and the treasures in the realm are wiped out, then there will really be only a broken world left, and the devil family will also decline, and it will be difficult to turn over again.

When the ghost ancestor Cang Suan heard the words, he did not speak, but instead glanced at Qin Feng.

Seeing this, Qin Feng understood and said, "No, we can't withdraw yet!"

I have just conquered **** now. Although it is said that the most important heart of **** has been taken away, I am afraid that the powerhouses of all parties have not yet walked around hell, and all kinds of precious resources and treasures containing laws have not been searched. How much, where can go now.

It's just that Ghost Ancestor is a powerhouse in the late stage of creation after all, and he maintains his identity. Some words are not easy to say. Since Qin Feng's younger generation is present, these words are of course more suitable for him!


The old demon said angrily: "Now that the contract has been concluded, and both you and I have sworn an oath, do you still want to go back on your word?"

"That's a bad word!"

Qin Feng talked eloquently: "Just now, when we signed the contract, we agreed that you will no longer care about the life and death of the two great monarchs in hell. Now that they are not dead, the war has not ended. At this time, you must not interfere with me! "


The old demon powerhouse was secretly angry, how could they be exploited by these guys.

However, he glanced at the fifth and seventh monarchs of **** who were not lightly injured, and his heart was slightly relieved.

Although these two great monarchs had absorbed a lot of hell-origin magic energy before, and thus relieved their injuries to a great extent, as powerhouses in the realm of creation, their ordinary injuries were nothing, as long as they were willing to consume a little of the energy of creation, Even if the body is damaged, it can be rebuilt.

So what can really make them unable to heal themselves is the injury of the Dao.

This kind of injury cannot be cured in a short time, even if there is an innate source of magic energy, and after a series of battles and pursuits, their state at this time seems to be even worse, so the old demon powerhouse secretly breathed a sigh of relief. , You can see from their appearance that they will never be able to support them for long under the siege of these powerhouses.

Even if the Master of Fortune in the Natural God Realm and the other Masters of Fortune in the original Wizarding Alliance did not intervene at all, they could be killed by the three people in front of them, including Cang Sang, Zhantian Old Ancestor, and Qin Feng.

Thinking of this, the old demon forcibly held back his anger and looked at Qin Feng: "Then why don't you hurry up!"


Qin Feng couldn't help chuckling when he heard the words, and was urged by the abyss powerhouse of the dark camp to kill the monarch of hell. This was the first time in history!

However, he was not in a hurry, but said solemnly: "In this case, please restrain several abyss lords to avoid any further accidents.

In addition, I also ask Your Excellency to call other lords as soon as possible to stop immediately, otherwise they will break the boundary wall of which world and cause any damage, but it will be detrimental to you and me. Go in an unpredictable direction! "

Qin Feng was arguing with the old demon lord on this side. On the other side, the expressions of the two demon lords who were abandoned by the dark camp changed and changed.

Of course, they heard the words of the old demon lord, and they opened their mouths to say something, but in the end they didn't open their mouths to plead for the old demon lord.

The powerhouses of the dark camp, wouldn't they know the thoughts of the demon powerhouses? Since the other party has already made such a decision, and has signed a contract with Bi Luo and made a vow, then the two of them have already made such a decision. Completely alone, there will be no stronger people to help them.

Even if they get closer to the past, maybe they will be attacked by several abyss lords.

After all, those guys very much hope that the Biluo Alliance army who is still in **** will quickly withdraw, so that **** can save some vitality.

As for whether these abyss powerhouses will take advantage of the fire and plunder a batch of resources in the end, there is no way to know.

The fifth and seventh monarchs of **** looked at each other, and then looked at a few thousand miles away from the blue sky and the fortune-telling powerhouses of the natural gods. Suddenly, the power of the battle was full, and the most powerful **** magic was used to join forces with Gongsun. attacked.

They can only attack Gongsun wrong, otherwise, whether it is the two gods of the natural gods who are close to each other, or the powerful Xihuang, it will become an insurmountable obstacle for them.

Relatively speaking, although Gongsun Cuo's Confucianism and Taoism were advanced, the time to achieve fortune was too short. Compared to those masters of fortune who had been promoted for a long time, it seemed to be a bit lacking, so it became their goal to break through.

However, Gongsun's mistake is not easy to provoke. When he saw two **** monarchs killing him, he couldn't help chuckling: "Want to leave? How can it be so easy!"

As he spoke, an endless aura rose from his body, and then he unfolded the bamboo slips in his hands, and suddenly countless ancient and mysterious seal characters emerged, turned into splendid articles, interpreting the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and the fire of Taoist civilization rose. in purgatory.

When the two **** monarchs saw this, their hearts sank, and when they felt the power of literal purgatory, their hearts were even more ashes!

Such tyrannical Confucian and Taoist magical powers, where can they be broken in an instant?

Even a little careless, don't say that the text purgatory is broken, or it is very likely that Gongsun will use the text purgatory to refine them.

After all, their current state is really not very good!

Even if Gongsun Cuo failed to deal with them in the end, after they broke through the literal purgatory, they would fall into the siege of other powerhouses, where would there be any chance to escape?

However, just when they felt bitter in their hearts and felt that they were going to die now, they were about to explode before they died, trying to pull Gongsun Cuo together, when they were suddenly stunned.

Because they discovered that Gongsun Cuo, a seemingly infinitely powerful Confucian and Taoist magical power, has suddenly weakened by most of the power. The two great monarchs were just trying to attack the magic, but the Gongsun Cuo was beaten back in a panic, and the magic that attacked the purgatory of words was even more sudden. Breaking countless mystical seal scripts.

Such anomalies immediately surprised them!

But now is not the time to be stunned, so the two great monarchs immediately merged and escaped from the text purgatory directly along the passage they had punched before, and then left and right, escaping in different directions!

"Not good...cough..."

Gongsun rubbed his chest by mistake, and coughed twice with a pale face: "These two **** monarchs are still hiding such tyrannical means, and they can actually break my magical powers and hurt my body!"

Qin Feng flew over with a face full of 'shocked' and 'worried': "How is Gongsun Shanchang's injury?"

"Fortunately, the source has not been injured. After returning, it only needs to retreat for thousands of years to recover. It's just that I'm afraid it will be harder for me to contribute in this battle!"

"It's fine if it's not a big problem, it's good if it's not a big problem!"

Qin Feng reassured: "Since Gongsun Shanchang is injured, he will have a good rest. As for the pursuit of the two **** monarchs, leave it to us!"

While speaking, he took the lead in chasing in the direction where the seventh monarch of **** fled, and before leaving, he did not forget to explain to the ghost ancestor: "I'll go to hunt down those two **** monarchs, and the ghost ancestor is optimistic about the abyss powerhouse. , don't forget to let them quickly summon other good fortune lords!"

"Don't worry!"

Ghost Ancestor smiled and looked at the old demon lord: "I hope Your Excellency will keep your promise, don't forget the agreement between you and me!"


The old demon lord looked at their flawed performance and couldn't help snorting, knowing that these guys were unwilling to leave, it seemed that it was impossible to preserve the current resources of hell!

However, under the gaze of Ghost Ancestor, there was no attack in the end, and the message came out honestly!

It's just that the depression in my heart can't be added, and I even have the intention to lead several other good fortune lords to hunt down the fifth and seventh monarchs of **** in person, so that Bi Luo's party has no excuse for delaying.

It's a pity that he couldn't leave, so he could only watch Qin Feng and others chasing and killing the two wounded **** monarchs into the depths of the starry sky.

It wasn't until a few days later that more than a dozen demon lords of the abyss with tyrannical and demonic aura arrived. Qin Feng and others knew that they could not delay, so they did not hold back and directly killed the two dying monarchs of hell.

Of course, it is impossible for so many masters of creation to be all abyss lords. Some of them are masters of creation in other high-level worlds of the dark camp, but they were summoned by the abyss powerhouses, and they are all powerful together!

Otherwise, if you count the fortune lords left behind in the abyss, the number of their lords will be outrageous!

Qin Feng and others returned to the front with the corpses of the two **** lords, looking at the abyss lords of good fortune and couldn't help but change their eyes!

I have to say that these lords of good fortune who have spent countless years in the abyss, and who do not show up easily, are all powerful and powerful, especially the giant existence with a powerful and terrifying aura, which makes many good fortunes of the Biluo Alliance change their color. .

It is indeed the presence of the imposing manner is too powerful!

Although Taixuan Patriarch and the Earth Goddess are both supreme powers, their auras are restrained and they rarely show their aura.

But this supreme powerhouse in the abyss is different, not only exposing his aura, but also directly deterring the powerhouses of the Biluo Alliance.

It wasn't until two equally unfathomable and tyrannical breaths rose in the **** world that the abyss supreme powerhouse put away his unbridled eyes and looked cautiously at the Taixuan ancestor and the earth who flew out of the **** world. Mother God!

"You two, the benefits are already enough, why don't you give up?"

The tyrannical words came from the mouth of the abyss to the powerhouse, like thunder shaking the void, and the immortal and eternal ears that flew out from behind were buzzing.

"It turns out that the Lord of the Abyss came in person!"

Taixuan's ancestor bowed his head slightly: "It's rude to me that the poor Daoist has never been far away!"

The Mother Earth also nodded slightly: "Lord of the Abyss, you haven't seen each other for so many years, your temper is still so irritable!"

After all, they are powerhouses of the same level, and the strength of this abyss powerhouse is stronger than that of Satan, the Lord of the Demon Realm and the first monarch of hell, so they will not be easily neglected and gave this abyss powerhouse. enough respect.


The lord of the abyss snorted coldly: "Not only has **** been broken by you, but even the rank of the great world has been lost, making my dark camp into two great worlds. Do you want me to talk to you calmly?"

"Hey, UU reading I did it as a last resort!"

The Earth Goddess shook her head in distress: "If those wizard kings hadn't killed them, they had to attract the powerhouses of the Primitive Star Territory, completely angering the masters of Bi Luo, how could the world be broken?

The wizarding world has been broken, and you know the nature of your dark camp. If I don't take this opportunity to capture hell, the entire lawful camp will probably become the hunting ground of your dark camp in the future! "

Hearing what the Mother Earth said, the Lord of the Abyss barely suppressed his anger, took a deep breath, glanced at Taixuan Patriarch, and said, "It's useless to talk about it now, and now it's useless. I have arrived, and the two of you have not ordered your subordinates to leave the hell, do you have to completely destroy the **** and plunder all the resources?"

"Haha, the Lord of the Abyss is joking, after all, **** has the foundation of the big world, how can the resources be hollowed out in such a few days!"

Ancestor Taixuan chuckled, but he did not continue to provoke the other party's emotions. He waved his hand and said, "Since the Lord of the Abyss has come, of course we have to sell your face, and we will withdraw!"

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