Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1170: The return of blue sky

The universe is vast and infinite!

In the endless star sea, there are countless star fields, large and small, and there are countless worlds in each star field!

Among these countless star fields, the original star field is the most powerful one in the legend!

And this kind of legend is only circulated among the top powerhouses of the very few big worlds.

Because only Shou Yuan has survived for a long time, and is powerful enough to face any danger, the master of creation, will have the ability to cross the Star Sea to travel to other star regions.

Otherwise, even if the ordinary immortal and the eternal travel the starry sky, they will generally only travel within the star field they belong to, and they will not dare to cross the chaotic star sea.

As for ordinary creatures, they can only survive in a corner of the land, and they can't even leave the world, let alone understand the star field.

Therefore, the legends about the original star field have always been circulated only in the circle of the top-level master of creation, and even if the existence of the lower realm is understood, it is useless, so no one is bored to tell the following gods.

But how tyrannical the Primordial Star Territory is, few strong people know too clearly.

Just like the Mother Earth Goddess of the Natural God Realm, she also traveled to the Primordial Star Territory after she achieved the realm of good fortune in her early years.

As a result, I didn't dare to go deep for a long time, and I subconsciously returned early after encountering danger, so I only knew some things about the original star field from hearsay.

But the things she experienced and hearsay alone are enough to make this goddess arouse great awe of the original star field, so that now she has become the supreme power of the natural gods, and she has not gone to the original again. The idea of ​​star travel.

Especially after the ravages of the big world of Biluo, the whole star field was messed up, the two big worlds of the wizard world and **** were directly knocked down, and the light **** realm and the devil realm were also captured a lot of their original power. The strength of the entire Star Territory has been weakened a lot, and the deterrent force against the strong outside the Territory has been greatly reduced.

Now she only hopes that she will not attract the attention of the powerhouses outside the domain. How can she dare to leave the world and travel to the dangerous primitive star domain?

Just one blue sky has already caused heavy losses to his own star field. If he accidentally provokes other powerhouses from the original star field, he will not know how to end it.

The Primordial Star Territory is mysterious and dangerous to the Mother Earth, and it is also the same for the powerhouses of the vast majority of the Star Territory in the Great Thousand Universe.

With the exception of a very small number of powerhouses who truly understand the Primordial Star Territory, the Primordial Star Territory has always been covered with a mysterious veil in the minds of the vast majority of the masters of creation.

But today, this mysterious star field for the powerhouses in the outer field has caused a lot of movement!

In the depths of the empty starry sky, there were suddenly ripples!

Then I saw a huge world from scratch, gradually emerging from the depths of the void!


The world smashed through the void with an incomparably majestic power. Among the countless broken space cracks, the bottom-sinking moved out from the depths of the void and suspended in this bright starry sky.

As Biluo Great World was connected to the surrounding star field magnetic field and slowly rotated, a burst of light that was brighter than the bright moon suddenly radiated, making the surrounding starry sky pale for a while.

The whole world seems to be born in this starry sky, and it fits the surrounding magnetic field incomparably. At this moment, it is like a child who has not returned home for a long time. The light emitted by the whole body directly shakes the void and spreads all over the sky.


In a place with misty clouds and mist, in the quaint palace, the old Taoist who was concocting alchemy in front of the gossip furnace opened his eyes and looked up at the endless void!

In his vicissitudes of life, a world as bright as a jade plate was reflected.

Looking at the vigorous atmosphere of the world, Lao Dao nodded slightly!

In the endless sea, a huge island sits on it. In the depths of the towering palace, the middle-aged Taoist who was preaching to his disciples suddenly stopped speaking, and the golden flower of the void dissipated, and the sound of the Tao was empty!

"Master, what happened?"

In the hall, a beautiful Taoist nun raised her head in surprise and asked.

But before she could fully ask her words, she instinctively glanced outside, and immediately saw the dazzling blue light!

Although it is fleeting, it is very eye-catching!

In the depths of the dark sea of ​​blood, the blue light did not shine in through the thick and heavy.

However, it still shocked one of the strong men.

It was an old man in black robe sitting on a red lotus of karma. The old man had an ancient appearance, and he could see a bit of charity from his face. Just looking at his appearance, I was afraid that no one would be able to associate this existence with the sea of ​​blood in the nether world. !

However, when this old ancestor frowned slightly, his eyes suddenly turned dark red, he looked at the starry sky through layers of space, and after seeing the world exuding bright blue light, he couldn't help but muttered. : "It's weird, it's just that Bi Luo returned to her place, why does it still make me feel something?

Could it be that there is something else in the Biluo world that has something to do with me? "

In another beautiful palace, a graceful and noble woman was walking slowly, and when she saw the green light in the starry sky, she couldn't help but show a bit of surprise on her face: "It's a good thing that Bi Luo can return. , but why is there another involvement with me out of thin air.

Ok? Is it..."

She turned her gaze to the palace behind.

On the jade table in the hall, a delicate pot body the size of a palm is being placed there at will. Although the hall has its own dust-removal prohibition, and there are maids sweeping it on weekdays, but looking at the random placement, I don't know how many. It has not been moved in thousands of years.

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"Hehe, the current junior is really..."

She shook her and said nothing, staring at the world in the depths of the void for a while with interest, and then continued her leisurely walk.

However, unlike the understatement of these existences, the powerhouses of other big worlds are another scene!

"Bi Luo's return?"

A huge being smiled and said, "What a big scene, is this afraid that the world will not know?"

Heavenly Demon Realm, Demon Palace!

The Demon Emperor stood with his hands behind his back, his face was calm, but there was an inexplicable look in the depths of his eyes!

"His Majesty!"

An old man with white beard and white hair bowed and said: "I have not waited for the Four Realms Alliance to expedition for less than two hundred years, and Bi Luo suddenly returned, and he made such a big move. Could it be that Bi Luo can defeat the four of us in such a short period of time? The expedition army of the big world?"


Before the Demon Emperor could speak, not far away, a demon saint with a violent aura and a ferocious appearance said angrily: "Nine-tailed old man, don't let other people's ambition grow and destroy your own prestige!

Even in their heyday, Bi Luo might not be able to defeat me and the Four Realms Alliance army, not to mention that they have just experienced a major defeat for tens of thousands of years. How could they have such strength? "

"Then why do you think Bi Luo suddenly returned?"

" do I know?"

"Shut up if you don't know anything!"

The Nine-Tailed Great Sage glanced at each other and snorted coldly.

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