Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 1171: The demon emperor decides the descendants of Qiongqi

The demon emperor stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the majestic palace and looking up at the sky!

It's a pity that it is too far away from where Bi Luo is. He is only a superpower in the Creation Realm, and he doesn't have the ability to see everything in the Primordial Realm!

So after that blue light flashed, he could no longer see any scene related to the blue sky!

Even if it wasn't for his profound knowledge and his own senses, he would probably be the same as an ordinary fairy, thinking that the blue light might be a star bursting in the void, or a powerful and powerful person in a certain world fighting!

After all, let’s not talk about ordinary immortals. Even the powerhouses who have achieved immortality and eternity cannot see everything clearly at this moment. They don’t have the ability to cast their eyes to the void and ten thousand worlds and peep the entire star field.

At this time, the demon emperor frowned slightly, pondering silently.

But he quickly smoothed the frown.

As an emperor of a realm, he must keep his joy and anger out of sight, otherwise if his subordinates see him, he might speculate what he is thinking and cause some trouble.

At this moment, he needs to be more calm, otherwise, once he is in a mess, he might make some decisions that are not in the interests of the demon clan.

If something goes wrong and Bi Luo takes advantage of it, the loss is not a little bit!

But for some reason, even though he managed to calm himself down, the deep between his brows couldn't help but jump, and an ominous premonition came to his heart: "Could it be that... Bi Luo really has the ability to defeat me and the Four Realms Alliance army?"

"No way!"

Behind him, the Great Sage of Splitting Heaven pouted, revealing his mouth full of fangs, exuding a cold light, and his ferocious appearance even more vividly expresses the word ferocity!

He said with disdain: "We know Bi Luo's strength, not to mention that the old witch in the wizarding world once reported to His Majesty, and Fei Xiao also talked about it in detail last time he returned.

With Bi Luo's current strength, even with the addition of the Dragon and Phoenix clans, it is impossible to win the army of our Four Realms Alliance, let alone defeat it and return to the original star field in such a short period of time! "

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the old fox beside him, with a somewhat complacent expression on his face, very proud of himself for being able to say such a reasonable thing.

"With your brain, it's really not easy to think of this!"

The nine-tailed old fox's seemingly complimenting words almost made the sky-shattering holy spirit go into a rage.

He is the descendant of Qiongqi, one of the four ancient beasts, and he is extremely powerful in combat. In terms of strength alone, he is far superior to the husband fox in front of him.

Regardless of the demon clan or the other races in the world, they can't get rid of the fact that they respect power, otherwise they will not be dominated by the powerhouses in the realm of creation, so the status of the great sage in the demon world is actually even higher. Over the Nine Tails!

It's just that this old fox relied on being favored in front of the demon emperor, and often ignored him, so that the Great Sage of Splitting Heaven was so angry that he could not wait to tear it into pieces and eat him one by one!

But this is not the time for them to quarrel. Even if the Great Sage Splitting Heaven's temperament is bursting, he knows that the return of Biluo Great World to the original star field is no trivial matter.

So he forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and said angrily: "Then tell me why Bi Luo returned at this time, if you can't say a reason, let's see if I don't tear off a few of your fox tails, so that you will become nothing from now on. tail fox"

"Then I'm afraid you won't have a chance!"

The Nine-Tailed Great Sage stroked the sparse white whiskers under his jaw and said, "Biluo has been in that star field for tens of thousands of years, why can't we join forces with other big worlds to surround our expedition army?

With Bi Luo's understanding of us, coupled with the strength of one star field, it is definitely not something that our expedition army can compete with, and of course it may be directly defeated! "


The Great Sage Splitting the Sky said angrily, "Didn't the Witch King of the Nightmare in the Wizarding World say that Bi Luo is at war with many worlds in that star field, how could it be possible to get the help of those worlds?"

"Nothing is impossible, everything is possible.

Besides, who can guarantee that the wizarding world will not stand with Bi Luo, what if they deliberately send the Nightmare Witch King to seduce our four worlds to send a coalition expedition to help Bi Luo consume our strength and facilitate Bi Luo's return in the future? "

The nine-tailed old fox said slowly: "In addition to interests, sometimes fear can also make all parties join forces. If Bi Luo informs the power of the original star field and exaggerates the harm of the four realms, it is very likely to arouse all circles in the star field. The strong people panic in their hearts, so they are used by Bi Luo!

Of course, there are other possibilities beyond that! "

"Is there any other possibility?"

The Great Sage of Splitting Heaven was stunned to hear it!

"Of course there is!"

The nine-tailed old fox said: "Based on the old guess, the biggest possibility is that Bi Luo did not fight the expedition army sent by our four worlds at all, and returned directly to the original star field!

Only in this way can we explain why they were able to return so quickly.

Otherwise, even if Bi Luo can join forces with the major worlds in the star field to besiege our expedition army, with the ability of the Lord of the Gods, as long as they occupy a realm and form a formation, they will not be directly defeated in a short time anyway!

After all, not all powerhouses are willing to follow Bi Luo to fight, and not all masters of creation are not afraid of death!

On our side, whether it is the great saints of my demon clan or the demon masters of the demon world, they are all powerful people, and their methods are changeable. In terms of combat power alone, they are definitely better than that. The ordinary creation of Fang Xingyu!

Not to mention that there are also powerful and powerful warriors like the Lord of the Gods sitting in the town. As long as they deal heavy damage to the powerhouses in the star field and cause them to suffer casualties, they will definitely be able to last for a long time! "

"Well, that makes sense!"

The demon emperor nodded slightly: "Old Hu really deserves to be a wise man of my demon clan. He could see through the door at a glance. Listening to the old man's words really made this emperor feel a lot more relaxed!"

"But why would they do this?"

The Great Sage Splitting the Sky is puzzled: "Bi Luo, who was in his heyday, was not our opponent. According to the information of the Nightmare Witch King and the Great Sage Feishu, Bi Luo now has only nine good fortunes, and one of them is a junior who has made a breakthrough.

Returning to the original star field can certainly allow them to escape the threat of the expedition army, but it is not impossible for our four worlds to recruit people to attack. With such a little strength, how can they compete against us!

Furthermore, if the Lord of the Gods and the Great Sage Mitian didn't find that Bi Luo was no longer in the star field, they would definitely return as soon as possible. If they didn't have to face the siege of our four worlds, it would be better to stay in the star field and survive, at least a few. Divide the power of self-preservation! "

"You also said that the information about the Nightmare Witch King and the others is from the past. What if Bi Luo has a few more creations over the years, and do you think they have the strength to fight against us?"

"Impossible, how can the realm of creation be achieved at will?"

"That's not good!"

The nine-tailed old fox said quietly: "Bi Luo's battles in that star field over the years must have made up for the source of the world's wear and tear, and maybe it will increase, otherwise they will not return easily.

Since the source has recovered, it is normal for the overall strength to improve. Maybe if you accumulate a lot, you will be able to create a few more good things!

What's more, even if their strength has not increased, since they dare to return to the original star field, they have enough to rely on! "

"On what basis?"

The Great Sage of Splitting Heaven was full of doubts.


The nine-tailed old fox glanced at the fierce-looking and powerful demon saint in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh, very anxious for the other's IQ.

However, at the same time, he also had the pleasure of crushing the opponent in terms of IQ.

What if the strength is tyrannical? Whenever the battle is not about to charge forward, the old man can come up with ideas from the back. Dangerous things are not my turn at all!

Seeing that the Great Sage Splitting Heaven had a tendency to be violent, he quickly coughed and said, "Didn't the Dragon and Phoenix clans send an army to that Fangxingyu to help Bi Luo?"

"So what!"

"You haven't thought about the meaning behind this matter?"

The old fox was a little helpless: "Why did the dragon and the phoenix suddenly help Biluo? This shows that they and the Biluo people must have reached some agreement!

Since they can help across the star field, after Bi Luo returns, will the Dragon and Phoenix clans still sit back and watch Bi Luo be captured by us? "

The Great Sage Splitting Heaven suddenly realized: "You mean... the dragon and phoenix clans will intervene in our war!"


The nine-tailed old fox nodded with satisfaction: "You finally guessed it right once!"


The Great Sage Splitting Heaven had itchy teeth. He really wanted to tear his husband's fox's mouth open, then pulled out his tongue, circled Qingqiu Mountain three times, and then tied a dead knot to see if he would dare to be like this in the future. Talk to yourself!

The Demon Emperor didn't pay any attention to the rhetoric between them, nor did he care about the annoyed look of the Great Sage Splitting the Sky, but after the old fox's words, his heart gradually came to a conclusion!

"In this way, Bi Luo is relying on the dragon and the phoenix, so that we can be sure to return to the original star field and not let us break the world!

That's right, with the help of the dragon and the phoenix, it's really not easy to win.

"Your Majesty, it's not without a chance!"

The nine-tailed old fox said: "Now that Bi Luo has just returned to this star field, we can catch them by surprise and attack before the two worlds of Long and Phoenix react!"


The Demon Emperor is also a resolute person, and immediately made up his mind: "Immediately send a message to the Heavenly Demon Realm, the Netherworld Realm, and the Heavenly God Realm, dispatch all the powerhouses that can be dispatched, dispatch all the troops that can be dispatched, and attack while Bi Luo's foothold is not stable!

If they can completely defeat Bi Luo in one battle, even if the dragon and the phoenix have reached an agreement with Bi Luo before, they will not interfere in this matter.

After all, they can't risk it again for a world that has already been breached!

Even if this battle fails to win, the battle situation has fallen into a stalemate. The big deal is that we will go back and talk about other things after the expedition coalition forces come back!

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

Anyway, Bi's implementation is not strong enough to counterattack our four worlds!

I want to come to the dragon and phoenix, and they are not willing to make their relationship with us to the point of irreparable. There are many things in the major worlds fighting, killing, dividing and combining, and there may not be a turning point in the future to differentiate their relationship with Bi Luo The big ethnic group is pulled into the camp of my demon clan! "

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

The nine-tailed old fox immediately bowed: "The old minister will give orders to go on, and I will live up to your majesty's request!"

"Well, let's go!"

The demon emperor waved his hand: "Everything has worked and the fox is getting old!"

"This is the matter of the old minister!"

The old fox bowed and stepped back.

"Humph, flatterer!"

The Great Sage Splitting Heaven looked at the respectful appearance of the Great Sage Nine Tails, and pouted his lips in disdain. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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