Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 782: The monks are pours over the Canglan realm

In addition to their own natural skills, ordinary plant creatures also have the ability to fight melee at best, and this refers to those with tyrannical bodies, most of which are the guys who have grown into essence from ancient trees.

As for those plant creatures whose flowers, grasses and even moss and mushrooms become refined, they are not good at close combat.

But now, whether it is a tall tree monster, or plant creatures such as flowers, vines and vines, many of them are armed with magic weapons, and their attack power is far stronger than before.

Not to mention the magical power of the magic weapon itself, the attack power that these plant creatures can exert by injecting their body power into the magic weapon is much sharper than before!

Even the softest and weakest mushroom man now dares to slash against other plant creatures with the Yan Ling knife!

Anyway, with the magic weapon in hand, you only need to keep a distance from the opponent, and you can use the power of the magic weapon to slash and make a fierce attack. Many mushroom people who can only cast illusion and poisonous excitement scream. Running around the mountains, looking for opponents to try their swords everywhere!

There is also a coquettish flower demon holding a sharp short sword, hiding the sword under the leaf, and coming to a hidden sword at the bottom of the leaf!

There was a vine demon with a slender body, but he was juggling with a heavy warhammer in his hand, and then the arm made of vines suddenly became longer, making the warhammer look like a meteor hammer, quite powerful!

There are even more tall tree monsters holding various halberds and spears, opening and closing between their hands. From time to time, there are sparks flashing from the halberd spear blade, and thunder is splashing!

The plant creatures who have obtained the magic weapon are very excited, and now it has become the dream of all the plant creatures on the mountain to start with a magic weapon.

The monks are not too dark-hearted. They finally know that the plant creatures are the vassals of the Biluo camp. In the future battles of the sect, these plants and creatures will be required to contribute. Therefore, they did not sell things at sky-high prices, and did not sell anything indiscriminately. , But according to the different races of plant creatures, we recommend corresponding **** soldiers and other treasures to them.

Even so, there are many plant creatures because they are anxious not to find their favorite things in the market, or they are worried that they will be robbed by other plant creatures, so many guys can't wait to rob the gods and various elixirs. Regardless of the suitability of those magic weapons, whether the pill is suitable for them to take.

Anyway, for them, they can only exchange for some energy-containing gems, gold, iron and other things, plant roots, fruits, and even branches and leaves, but these things are the least valuable in the eyes of plant life!

It’s nothing more than gems that contain energy. There are many plants and creatures that can be absorbed and refined, but various gold and iron veins are of no use to them. They can’t be eaten or absorbed. Now they can actually get some ore. Of course they are willing to exchange for the weapon of the magic weapon.

The most important thing is that whether energy gems or gold and iron ore, they are all unowned, let them get them at will.

This is equivalent to picking up rocks from the ground for magic weapons, of course they are happy!

Anyway, up to now, the plant creatures have no idea about these resources, which makes the monks of various factions take a lot of advantage.

There are even many plants and creatures running around the mountains, taking root underground to search for mineral veins, and then forcibly collecting them with roots, and when they have accumulated enough, they will go to the market for treasures.

Even if some plant creatures already have magic weapons, they still want spirit pills, they have spirit pills, and they want magic charms, even if they have a set of everything, seeing their companions makes them feel novel and even envious. Baby, just want more.

As a result, the entire sacred mountain was scraped by these guys. If the **** king found something wrong and stopped it in time, I am afraid these guys would dare to turn the sacred mountain upside down.

Once all the mineral veins are excavated, it will definitely cause damage to the spiritual veins, causing problems with the energy supply of Linghu and the Palace of Gods!

The **** king is also a little helpless.

The Canglan Realm is so big, how can these guys under his command toss the sacred mountain?

I want to find something to exchange with the monk for treasures, go outside and look for it!

In such a big world, even if you look for it for thousands of years, it is impossible to turn the world over.

But in any case, the king of God is still satisfied with the increase in the combat power of his army of plants.

In particular, some monks couldn't understand the unruly fighting appearances of the plant creatures. After consulting the Supreme Elder of the sect, they sold some simple martial arts methods at a high price.

It's really easy!

In addition to all kinds of bells and whistles, it is how to let the energy in the body cooperate with the magical soldiers to better display these moves.

Even, many of them were created temporarily by the monks.

As a result, as soon as these methods came out, they were sought after by many plant creatures. There were even high-priced plants and creatures who specially asked monks to tailor various moves for them.

The last two ancestors nodded and allowed each faction to come up with several simple and improved versions of battle formations suitable for plant creatures. They placed these battle formations in Biluo which were only suitable for ordinary soldiers in formation and sold them to the gods. The gods can rely on these battle formations to train their subordinates.

As soon as this happened, not only the plant creatures were overjoyed, but even the **** king nodded secretly, thinking that Bi Luo's monk was really interesting, and in a short period of time, it increased the strength of its army by 30%.

If all the plant creatures of Canglan were re-income under his command, and all of them increased so much strength, it would be enough to increase the luck of the entire Canglan realm, a lot stronger than before, so that the **** king would also benefit from it. endless!

Ordinary plant creatures get so many benefits, and the gods under the gods are relatively more valued by all factions.

After all, the resources these guys can produce are much more than ordinary plant creatures, and the quality is even worse.

So that the immortals of all factions were very excited when they saw what they took out. Those sects who had refining magic weapons and various one-time items of life-saving and killing enemies all ordered to step up time and rush to produce a batch.

After obtaining fairy weapons and other treasures from various factions, the gods also changed their shotguns. A few particularly wealthy were covered with equipment. They looked like a nouveau riche. The combat capability is indeed much stronger than before.

This is just the direct line of the king of God.

As more and more plant gods entered the sacred mountain and chose to surrender to the **** king during this period, these gods could not help but be tempted to also come to the monk's workshop in a few days, looking for various sects to customize the corresponding treasures.

And not just their own needs, but also their immediate tribes.

They already knew that the **** king was going to send his subordinates to expedition to the two small worlds with the monks. The war was right in front of them, so they didn't want to let go of the opportunity to increase their combat power.

Otherwise, in case the King of God sends them to lead the army to be the vanguard and head-on with those two small world armies, I don't know how many deaths and injuries will be caused by the army. Since there is an opportunity to improve the overall combat power of the army, of course it must be grasped.

After seeing the sacred mountain plant army holding all kinds of magic weapons, how could they not want to equip their subordinates with various treasures produced by monks.

As for resources, are they lacking?

Over the years, they have dominated one party, and they want resources!

Even if it doesn't, if you mobilize your subordinates to explore the territory, there will be!

As more and more plant gods and plant creatures came to the door, the monks of the various factions in the square city were filled with happy smiles on their faces, but they were also overwhelmed.

These plant creatures are really too enthusiastic, and every day they send all kinds of treasures and resources that make their hearts excited, so that many monks of each faction sell the things they don’t use on them, and they make a lot of money. The result is still in short supply.

In the cave of Chaotian Palace, the monks who were proficient in various skills who stayed behind to process them day and night were far from being able to satisfy the various treasures needed by the plant creatures.

No way, whether it's refining magic weapons or refining pills, or other charms, artifacts, etc., in addition to various materials, it will take a long time.

After all, these are all time-consuming and labor-intensive industries. No matter what is refined, it cannot be accomplished overnight. Even the most common pill, it takes at least a few days from the selection of the elixir to be refined.

The simplest magic weapon and spirit weapon can't be built in a day or two.

Of course, high-level alchemy, refining masters or grandmasters can do it, and even some great alchemy masters can refine tens of thousands of ordinary spirit pills in one furnace.

But the great masters of either alchemy or refining are disdainful of refining ordinary spirit pills, and disdain to build ordinary magic weapon spirit tools. This is too low for them, and they have higher goals to pursue.

Not only because the elixir and magic weapon customized by the plant gods make more money, but also because the refining of higher-level pill and magic weapon can improve their Taoism.

Refining these things is their path of cultivation, and it is impossible to know which one is more important because of a little benefit.

The high-level leaders of all factions are also somewhat helpless now.

What used to be a good expedition has now turned into a livelihood.

The key is that they didn't plan to have any business dealings with Canglan Realm in advance!

Although the strategy was temporarily changed, the monks of all factions who followed the expedition and were good at various skills were still in the minority. The more numerous were disciples who were good at, so now they are in short supply. There are countless resources and treasures delivered to the door, but they don't have much goods to sell, which makes the various factions a little uncomfortable.

So the elders of the various factions went to the Supreme Elder to complain, and the Supreme Elders together, they should quickly go to the two ancestors to ask for a solution.

There is no way, the easiest and most direct way is to establish a space transmission channel as soon as possible, and then from the big world of the blue sky, the materials needed by various plants and creatures can be continuously transported.

It doesn’t matter even if the various factions don’t supply it. They can collect it from the various cities in the spiritual realm, and they can also order it from various sects. Even if doing so will divide part of the benefits, they still make a lot of money. It can also drive sales in the various markets in the spiritual world, benefiting countless monks, so why not do it?

The only difficulty is that it is not easy to build the gate of space. Even if the ancestor of the sky, the former formation genius, takes a shot in person, it will take a lot of time to do it.

Even though the ancestor Chaotian is now far better than Daoxing, he has been fascinated by his own Dao law over the past few years, and has long ceased to study the formation method, let alone this kind of crossing the distant void and connecting the two worlds. Cross-border teleportation formation!

The Taoist ancestor Chaotian is much stronger than the original elder Kongkong, but he does not only practice the law of space like the elder Kongkong, so he is not as good as the elder Kongkong in this respect, so that he waits for the monks from all schools to gather in the mountain. After the army of plants embarked on the journey, they have not yet been completely completed.

At this time, the two small worlds where the power of the Five Elements originated from the gold and fire elements had already ushered in a huge expedition army!

Under the leadership of several profound immortals and high-level gods, millions of troops attacked the two worlds forcefully, and launched a grand battle!

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