Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 783: The First World of Gold

Even if the two small worlds are not far away from the Canglan Realm, they are not far away but they are relatively speaking!

In fact, even if the two worlds are closer together, they are at least hundreds of millions of miles apart.

After all, the world is different from ordinary stars, if the distance is too close, it is easy for the creatures in the world to be affected in various ways!

The ancestors of Chaotian needed to stay in the mountain to establish a large space teleportation formation, and opened a spatial channel directly to the mountain gate of Chaotian Palace in Biluo Great World, so he did not **** the expedition army with the cave world.

Fortunately, all factions have been prepared, and they have prepared many large-scale flying magic weapons long before the expedition.

These items were originally prepared to carry the disciples of their respective sects, so that they could arrive at various battlefields in time during the war!

Then there is the intention to transport the captured resources.

As a result, because of the alliance with Canglan Realm, those large-scale space magic weapons were left idle. There was neither war nor the opportunity to plunder resources. I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time!

Various factions have contributed to the magic weapon of flying escape. In addition to riding the disciples of each faction, there are also an army of plants!

Of course, the plant army of Canglan Realm also has the ability to fly.

Under the cooperation of those gods, and under the guidance of many extraordinary vegetation creatures who have understood the power of the law, many ordinary plant creature warriors who can't fly into the void can unite their powers and can use their strength to fly in the void.

This is also the strategy used by the previous **** king when he led his subordinates on an expedition!

Although the large-scale flying magic weapons of the monks of various factions can transport many plant creatures, they cannot hold back the large number of plant army sent by the king in one breath. After all the flying magic weapons are filled, each team is followed by hundreds. Ten thousand huge army.

Obviously, the king of God had the mind to train his troops in those two small worlds, and he tried to hone his combat power while dealing with the creatures of the small world, so as not to be able to follow the Biluo expedition to other higher worlds because he could not keep up with the rhythm of the battlefield. Can not adapt to the cruelty of the war and suffered heavy losses!

This has led to millions of monks in each expeditionary army, but the plant army is several times as many as theirs.

Of course the monks would not have the slightest objection to this, on the contrary, they are still a little bit happy.

Since the Plant Legion is so eager to fight, let these guys fight and fight.

Moreover, at this stage, the plant creatures who have received the help of various gods and the improved strength of the spirit pill are just when their confidence is inflated. If they are not allowed to fight, they will be displeased.

So all factions consciously gave up the position of the vanguard!

March in the Void is different from the realm.

Due to various laws and air restrictions in the world, the flight speed will be limited invisibly.

But the void outside the realm is nothingness. As long as it’s not close to the stars or meteors, there will be neither legal restrictions nor any air resistance along the way, so the speed is many times faster than that in the realm, allowing the monks to control the large-scale flight. The magic weapon flies for millions of miles in a day, but in more than a month it is close to the two small worlds!

This expedition was undoubtedly very smooth.

The strength of the monks alone was enough to defeat the salute of those two small worlds, not to mention the help of millions of plant legions.

Therefore, the war came extremely swift and violent. The first battle was fought very violently, but it took a relatively short time.

No way, when the army of millions of plants rushed out aggressively, this in itself was not weaker than the number of troops temporarily drawn out in the small world, plus the monks followed closely, regardless of whether the fairy gods or the army below were fighting, Quickly defeated the opponent.

The rest depends on when they can completely eliminate the resistance of the creatures in the world and completely occupy these two worlds.

But I think it should be faster than the two armies dispatched from the previous cultivator army, after all, there are too many of them!

Not only are there many, but the number of high-level immortals and gods is equally astonishing, enough to make them catch up with or even surpass the speed of the previous two worlds.

No way, the cultivator army that had captured the water and earth were only a few hundred thousand each, not even a fraction of the immortal and **** coalition army.

When the number reaches a certain level, they will be able to forcefully capture the two worlds with a crushed lineup, causing the two small worlds to be unable to show even decent resistance. The native gods in the world can only lead a few elite to hide. Sneak attacks in the dark to delay the army's occupation of the world!

But this is not a long-term solution after all. If there are no accidents, the fall of the world is a foregone conclusion.

However, there are still some changes, that is, there are a few wizards in one of the worlds.

But these were all within the expectations of both sides of the coalition forces. After all, the former **** king of the Canglan Realm was the wizard he encountered during the expedition.

So long before the expedition, the two ancestors and the **** king had anticipated this situation and made corresponding arrangements.

They don't worry about the truth wizard in the small world here.

If there is really a strong presence in the Immortal Realm, they have already teamed up to defeat the gods occupying Canglan and even the surrounding small worlds, how will it be delayed until the arrival of the army of cultivators in Biluo!

Since there is not, it means that the wizards here are of average strength, and one or two sixth-level great wizards are sitting in town.

In fact, as expected by the two ancestors, there is indeed a sixth-level great wizard in the golden world where the golden rules are the most prosperous.

That guy also showed up when the expeditionary army invaded the world, and wanted to hide when he realized that something was wrong.

It's a pity that from the moment he showed up, he was stared at by several profound immortals and high-ranking gods. Even if that guy was so witchcraft weird, he couldn't escape after being locked in by the monk!

Even though this chase lasted for several days, Qin Feng still followed enthusiastically at first, but after a long time, he felt a little boring and gave up on chasing.

Anyway, the task of hunting down the sixth-level wizard does not belong to him.

If this task is really going to fall on Qin Feng's head, where does this make the Xuanxian face?

Qin Feng stopped, and instead of chasing after him, he let a few Xuanxians breathe a sigh of relief.

They looked at each other and couldn't help but shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

The Fire Master couldn’t help but screamed: "This kid...cough, the little Daoist Qin Feng of the Royal Beast Sect has just been promoted to the Heavenly Immortal, and his escape speed is not weaker than me. I really don’t know how he cultivated. Are all sons so strong?"

After all, his Blazing Fire Sect is the vassal sect of the Royal Beast Sect. Qin Feng hasn't grown up before and just call it casually. Now Qin Feng has been promoted to the Celestial Immortal.

The Lord of the Blazing Fire is only a rude temperament, and he is not stupid. If he is really a fool, he will not cultivate to the peak of the Profound Immortal, and he will not link his own path and the future destiny of the Fire Sect to the Royal Beast Sect!

He knew what his flaws were, so after the ancestors of the tortoise spirit proved immortal, he consulted the ancestors of the tortoise spirit for some things, and then he simply became the most loyal fan of the Royal Beast Sect.

The ancestor of the tortoise spirit was indeed quite satisfied with his choice, and he did not hesitate to retreat to the possibility of preaching for him in the future, and even pointed out the direction for him!

The ancestor of the tortoise spirit has never been afraid that the master of the fire will abandon the royal beast sect after enlightenment, because the ancestor of the tortoise knows the temperament of the master of the fire and also knows his defects. Judge what you are not good at!

On the contrary, the ancestors of the tortoise spirits are also looking forward to the Blazing Fire Master to be promoted to the Golden Immortal. If the Blazing Fire Sect is raised to the level of the Great Sect, the Royal Beast Sect will have an extra iron ally.

After all, letting him fight alone with the temperament of the Blazing Sect Master would definitely not work, and forming an alliance with a large sect like the Royal Beast Sect is his best choice!

"I heard that Li Miaozhen, another lucky son of the Royal Beast Sect, is not weaker than Qin Feng. If Li Miaozhen's strength also reaches this level, the future potential of the Royal Beast Sect is really terrifying!"

The person who was talking was a Xuanxian from the vassal sect of Chaotian Palace, the real person named Yuyang!

This true man of Yuyang had been instructed by the ancestors of the Chaotian in his early years, so there is a bit of the shadow of the "Chaotian Yiqi Da Sun Shen Jue" in his practice, and he created the "Yuyang Zhenjing", so he is called Yuyang, which is why he The reason for being willing to become a vassal sect of Chaotian Palace!

After all, to some extent, the real person of Yuyang can be regarded as the named disciple of the ancestor Chaotian!

"Haha, Daoist Yuyang used improper words!"

The Fire Lord laughed and said: "Now that the four major sects have joined together on an expedition, they have the momentum to form an alliance. Now that Biluo is expedition to the void, the time for cooperation in the future is still long. Everyone is allies. Why is it terrible?

In my opinion, fellow Daoists should be fortunate. After all, the stronger the ally, the greater the benefits I will receive in the future! "

"Yes, right, right, I've missed my tongue for a while!"

The real person Yuyang stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, and he also laughed: "Now the Royal Beast Sect has risen strongly, as long as a few more golden immortals have great powers, it is possible to become a super sect in the future!

It is really fortunate for me to be able to join forces with such a sect on an expedition! "

Their words surprised the several high-ranking gods in the Canglan Realm who followed.

After all, they don't know much about Biluo's internal affairs. After listening to a few Xuanxian conversations, they know that the human messenger who had previously traveled to the sacred mountain actually has another identity.

This caused a strong feeling of envy in the hearts of several plant gods. The son of luck in the big world of Biluo, how noble and rare this is, I did not expect that it was the young man who had been on the sacred mountain before, let alone the imperial The beast sect has more than one outstanding young man like this!

Thinking of this, the minds of several high-ranking gods immediately raised the status of the Royal Beast Sect by a large margin!

All the immortals are those with high levels of Taoism. They manipulated the law to perform escape techniques extremely fast, and within a few seconds, they disappeared in an instant. Of course, Qin Feng, who had stopped, did not hear their words, and did not know how many. The envy of the plant gods.

He stood on the top of a steep peak and looked around.

This is a big mountain, but the mountain is peculiar. There are strange peaks standing like swords and spears everywhere. I don’t know how it was formed. From these peaks that seem to be able to pierce the sky, you can vaguely see a little golden light. , And even some peaks are directly formed by the aggregation of various gold and iron minerals.

This made Qin Feng's eyes gleam, and his interest greatly increased.

His first magical power, and his strongest natal magical power is Ruyi Golden Light!

Back then, he created a unique method of chewing iron with the ability of the Ruyi Golden Snake to bite gold and chew iron, and even in these years, I have not forgotten to eat a few pieces of divine iron when I have free time to enhance the power of my life's magical powers.

Therefore, he has an extraordinary interest in Jinxing spirits!

At this moment, seeing that there are many peaks in this mountain and river that contain spiritual gold-iron ore veins, my eyes suddenly shined with golden light!

He used the law of gold to perform magical powers, observing the distribution of gold and iron veins around him.

This world is called the golden world!

As its name suggests, the golden rule within the world is tyrannical, which has resulted in an imbalance of several other original laws, so the vegetation is not thriving, the fire and water are not abundant, the species is scarce, and there are desert quicksand!

It's just that the deserts of other worlds are full of sand, and the deserts of the world of flowing gold are filled with metal gravel, and because of this, it is called the world of flowing gold!

Although there are not many types of creatures in the world, all of them are powerful.

Because most of the creatures in this realm are made of gold and iron, with a strong body, not only are they strong in combat, but they also have a variety of magical powers!

To tell the truth, there are too many plant legions in the Canglan Realm, and they can win with more. Otherwise, even if the previous **** kings invaded and returned without encountering wizards, they might not be able to take advantage of these gold and iron creatures!

Qin Feng is looking at the situation in the mountains, trying to find out if there are particularly good mineral veins.

There are millions of spirit beasts in the demon refining pot. Even though most of them are not suitable for mining, they are spiritual creatures who know how to practice. They are still very quick to work. If there are really high-quality mineral veins. , Qin Feng didn't mind releasing his subordinate spirit beasts to collect mineral veins for him to make some windfall.

Just as he looked carefully with golden light in his eyes, he suddenly moved in his heart and turned his head to look into the distance.

He just faintly felt a strange aura rising from the edge of the mountain thousands of miles away.

After looking at it for a while, nothing was unusual!

Qin Feng blinked, and soon the golden glow in his eyes converged and turned into black and white!

At the critical moment, the ghost eyes of Yin and Yang can see farther, and can see more clearly!

Upon seeing it, Qin Feng frowned slightly.

Because the unique life breath of countless creatures outside the mountain surfaced, and the number could not be less than two or three million.

Qin Feng knew that these must be a joint army formed by various factions of monks and plant creatures, and should be an army sent out to attack in this direction!

But, UU reading www. Qin Feng wants to see it is not them!

It was because it was not an army of monks that caused him to notice earlier.

He gradually regained his gaze and looked carefully among the countless towering peaks.

After a while, Qin Feng saw what he wanted to see, but couldn't help being taken aback!

Because he saw twelve tall golden men!

These golden men melted their bodies into the golden iron mountain peak, so he had not been able to see through before.

It's just that the yin and yang ghost eyes are very special. They see the yin and yang of life and death, and they can see through the vitality of life and soul.

Even if the twelve golden men are not ordinary creatures, they can't hide from Qin Feng's eyes with their souls!

But what surprised Qin Feng was that these twelve powerful golden men actually blended their bodies into the mountain peaks, obviously preparing to attack the passing army!

Sneak attack is nothing, the Liujin Realm is relatively inferior to the coalition formed by the monks and the Canglan Realm. Only a sneak attack can have a chance of winning.

But these golden men were able to escape into the mountain invisibly, and even the breath of life merged with the mountain, which surprised Qin Feng a little.

These methods are not what the powerhouses of the ordinary small world possess. Just like the plant creatures of the Canglan Realm, although they are proficient in a variety of wood-based magical powers, they do not use Mu Dun, let alone integrate their bodies into it. The same in other plants.

But these twelve golden men violated physical normality, violated the principle of life, and even possessed the talent skills similar to the integration of other golden irons in the spiritual world. How to not surprise Qin Feng.

You must know that even he is only using the golden aura to use the golden escape, at most he can walk through the gold and iron, but can not achieve the point of integration.

These twelve golden men turned out to be better than him in this respect, and they immediately attracted Qin Feng's attention!

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