Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 822: Warm and hospitable treasures

Remember in one second【】

"Come on, little friends, let's see if these treasures are suitable for you!"

Venerable Huijue smiled and waved his hand, and the little novices immediately sent the treasure they were holding in front of Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked down, and saw that there were six treasures in front of him, exuding a soft light and full of holy breath, as if they were the purest things in the world.

The first thing that caught his eye was a heart-shaped energy crystal, but it was different from the treasure of a complete energy body, there seemed to be something different on it!

I heard Venerable Huijue say: "This is the heart of an angel, obtained from the body of the seraph, which is equivalent to the existence of the lower god.

Oh, there is a slightly larger one here, left over by the eight-winged angel after his death!

These angels are not easy to deal with, each of them is not only powerful, but also not afraid of death. What is more important is that their souls will be taken away after the battle. It is said that they can return to the reincarnation pool to reconsolidate their bodies and emerge from them!

We didn’t pay attention to it at the beginning of the battle, but later discovered something was wrong. In order to save the souls of those angels, I spent a lot of effort. Only then did I save half of the souls and let them return to dust and dirt. Earth, use the Buddha's light to wash one's body of killing sins, and you can't do evil in the world!

It is also because of this that the angel legions were so jealous that they retreated early and stopped fighting with us! "

Although Venerable Huijue's tone was calm, Qin Feng could hear a bit of arrogance that could not be concealed from his words.

It’s also right. It’s able to win a battle, and let the angels retreat with fear and reluctance to fight with them. This not only brings out the majesty of the blue sky, but also allows the angel protoss to find out the details of the blue sky in the future. Before he can deal with Biluo, there shouldn't be any conflicts with Biluo.

The previous war between the Great Guangming Temple and the Angel Protoss, whether it was a coincidence or a temptation for the Guangming Great World, really couldn't tell.

But what is certain is that the Great Guangming Temple has won a lot of time for Bi Luo. If nothing else, at least in the next thousand years or even longer, it will not be targeted by the Guangming Great World.

Of course, in the future, I will not be tempted by other big worlds again, so let's talk about it.

Moreover, not all expedition forces have the power of the Great Guangming Temple. If you suffer one or two losses, although it may not directly break out a war between the great worlds, if you can’t fight back with a strong counterattack and return to the 820 Chapter Two Warm and Hospitality Lots of Treasures (1/5)

To go, it will definitely give birth to small hearts in other big worlds, and then they will start from the worlds occupied by Biluo, and gradually cannibalize Biluo's forces and squeeze Biluo's living space!

This is very common among large worlds in the same star field. After all, although a star field is vast, the number of worlds has its limit. If they want to occupy more worlds and get more resources, they can only suppress it. Other larger worlds are slightly weaker, so as to obtain more world resources.

With this change, the gap between the big world will become more and more obvious after countless years. When the strength reaches a certain level, you can try to attack the other big world.

After all, there are countless benefits in the big world, far from what the small and medium world can compare!

This is also the most common way of contesting between the big world.

As for the siege of Biluo by several big worlds like the Great Tribulation of the Ancients, it is still relatively rare.

At that time, the sky demon and other big worlds should be afraid of the development and growth of the human race too much, worrying that the human race will develop to the summit and take them at the top, just like the ancient human race occupying the wilderness and becoming the protagonist of the world, squeezing the living space of other races.

That's why they teamed up to try to cut off the tentacles extended by the prehistoric human race.

They felt that the prehistoric human race was already powerful enough to occupy the prehistoric world. If they were given another big world to develop, they really didn't know how strong they would become in the future.

If Biluo becomes stronger, and is antagonistic to the prehistoric world, and join forces to fight that ancient star field, where can they still have room for survival?

Because of fear and unwarranted speculation, they went to war against Biluo.

Now that the big world of Biluo is fighting the starry sky in this star field, sooner or later it will be tested by several other big worlds to explore the details of Biluo.

But these are all things that the big guys above need to consider. Qin Feng hasn't even achieved Jinxian, and it's useless to consider these, so he quickly retracted his thoughts and flattered a few words.

Since Venerable Huijue was proud of the last battle with the Angel Protoss, then say a few more good things to praise, at least it doesn't hurt!

Sure enough, Venerable Huijue's flattery to Qin Feng was still very useful, and the emotions expressed in his words became more and more enthusiastic.

This old monk is not a person who likes to listen to other people’s praises and slap horses. It’s just that Qin Feng’s identity is different. His strong luck is almost certain that he will be promoted to immortality in the future. Coupled with Qin Feng’s amazing cultivation speed, When it's not good, it will preach.

This is normal, after all, Qin Feng is Bi Luo's son of luck.

Chapter 822: Warm and Hospitality Lots of Treasures (2/5)

But what about his Venerable Huijue?

He was a venerable person as early as the ancient catastrophe period. In the years after the catastrophe, although the Dharma became more advanced and the Buddha power became stronger, he had toiled for tens of thousands of years, but he could not go further and was stuck in front of the threshold. It will not be able to achieve the bodhisattva status.

Although now in the world of great controversy, Biluo’s expedition to the void gives him the opportunity to find outside opportunities, but he really doesn’t have it.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Confidence advanced to immortality earlier than Qin Feng.

Originally, Buddhism was not as convenient as Dao Sect Xuanxian because of its special technique, which made them use the original divine object to advance. Besides, the opportunity suitable for him to advance to Venerable Huijue was not so easy to find.

Even if Elder Kongkong hadn’t informed the news of the Rainbow Bridge in the Nordic God Realm, Elder Kongkong would still have to continue to squander, and eventually he would have to rely on many years of battle to increase his own vision and knowledge, and he would naturally understand more deeply. Only the laws of space can prove the truth.

Therefore, the old monk Huijue was touted by Qin Feng, the son of the destiny who will surely be able to become the golden immortal in the future, and immediately felt very useful!

This made him feel that it was worthwhile for him to bring so many treasures to Jialou's protector.

So he continued to introduce Qin Feng with a smile: "This is a luminous jade, a treasure produced in the Great World of Brightness. It even contains a ray of light, although it is thin, but it is extremely pure.

This treasure is extremely rare and extremely precious even in the Great World of Brightness, and it is used by some high angels and gods as treasures for promotion.

We have not captured much of this treasure, there are only seven or eight in total, most of which have been taken by the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas to study, and now there is only one left in the treasure house, so I will bring it for you! "

"This... Your temple is so enthusiastic."

Qin Feng hurriedly handed over his hands: "The younger generation comes to visit, and the younger generation is already content if they can exchange some treasures of the Light Element. How can they collect such precious things?"

"Hey, the little friend is a guest from afar, now that I have come to my Daguangming Temple, how can I let the little friend come back empty-handed!"

Venerable Huijue laughed and said: "What's more, the treasures that the little friends brought out are also very valuable. Naturally, my temple will not take advantage of the little friends. It is reasonable to bring out some real treasures. Otherwise, wouldn't it be possible for people to tell me about me? Daguangming Temple is stingy!"

Qin Feng shook his head and sighed, "If this is still stingy, there will be no generous people in the world!"


The old monk burst into laughter when he heard the words, then pointed to the treasure below and said: "The thing in this jade bottle is called Mingguang Chapter 822. There are many treasures of hospitality and hospitality (3/5)

The marrow is said to be a treasure extracted from a kind of sacred stone, which is very useful for the cultivation of the light type creatures.

The treasure in the golden bucket next to it is called bright sand. According to what we learned from the captured angel, this bright sand was fished out from the reincarnation pool. It is not real gravel, but pure light power precipitated. Gravel-like energy crystals formed later.

This thing can be used to refine the energy to improve the cultivation base, and it can also be used to refine treasures. "

With the introduction of the old monk, Qin Feng also learned about these treasures.

Although he had been in contact with angels, he had also been involved in the Shining God Sect for a period of time and became the son of light of others.

But the angels and the Light God Sect he came into contact with were too low-end, and they couldn't touch the existence of higher realms at all. Of course, he had never seen such treasures that were rare even in the Great World of Light.

Except for the two angelic hearts of the gods realm and the bright divine jade are separate existences, both the bright light marrow and the bright sand are numerous, and there is a large bottle of bright light marrow, which can weigh thousands of catties.

As for the golden bucket, it was equipped with bright sand the size of a house, not to mention that there was a long horn on the back that was full of crystals and jade.

This treasure is called an angel horn by Venerable Huijue.

When the angel army attacked, it was with this horn as an order. With the trumpets, the army of millions of angels responded in unison.

Moreover, this treasure can not only command the Angel Legion, but also has some buffs of light magic in it, which is very suitable for large-scale Light Legion use.

Buddhism doesn't lack the Buddhism of enrichment, and the Great Guangming Temple doesn't need such treasures, just research it and throw it into the treasure house.

This time it was given to Qin Feng as a bonus because these monks knew that Qin Feng had a large number of spirit beasts. Since they were unwilling to give up the dragon of light, then in the future, there might be an army of beasts of light. This treasure was given to him.

Of course, even if Qin Feng doesn't use it, it doesn't matter, it's good to use it for Bailong's refining.

Among other things, the material of this bright horn alone is very valuable. It is said to be made using the horns of an extremely powerful bright holy beast in the Great World of Bright, and there is not only the bright magic core of the bright holy beast. , Was also decorated with a lot of dazzling bright jade.

Although these ordinary bright jade is not comparable to the bright divine jade, they also contain a lot of energy, and coupled with the magic core of the bright holy beast, it is enough to increase the strength of the bright dragon.

Qin Feng was immediately overjoyed when he saw these treasures. Originally, Chapter 822 was warm and hospitable and there were so many treasures (4/5)

I was still worried about the lack of resources of the light class, and it would be difficult to cultivate the dragon of light.

With these treasures, why worry that White Dragon can't be promoted to Dragon God?

"Thank you, thank you, Venerable Huijue!"

Qin Feng had learned a lot consciously, and he could clearly see from the value of these treasures that it far surpassed the treasures he had given him, so he repeatedly thanked him!

He didn't reject the other party's kindness. Since the other party was willing to sell him a small favor, then he went on. After all, he didn't give the other party the treasure, but the other party gave him more.

And he made the matter clear as soon as he came, asking for treasures of the light system for his subordinates

^0^Remember in one second【】

The spirit beast's increase in strength is not to increase its own cultivation base, in this case the other party is still willing to do so, it is just simply selling it.

In this case, Qin Feng is no longer polite, anyway, it is not a big favor. If you encounter a monk from the Great Guangming Temple in the future, you can help the other party to pay back the favor.

In many cases, the relationship is established in this kind of relationship between you and me. Since people have already released goodwill, there is no need for him to extrapolate. Instead, it is easy for the senior officials of the Daguangming Temple to think that he is not easy to get along with and does not know how to promote, even in the future. He will not have much intersection with him if he is promoted to Jinxian.

"Hehe... Little friends don't need to be like that."

Venerable Huijue waved his hand: "Little friends are my sons of Biluo's destiny, and the future is limitless. We are all thinking about the future of Biluo, and we should help each other!"

"What the Venerable said is quite true!"

Qin Feng nodded: "The younger generation has already accepted the affection. With these treasures, I will definitely be able to train the dragon of light as soon as possible. Forget about one of my wishes!"

"If the little friend is not in a hurry to go back, you might as well live in Guangmingding temporarily and let the old monk do his best as a landlord!"

Venerable Huijue smiled and said: "The Western Regions are different from the Southern Regions. There are many things that little friends have never seen before. There are also many Buddhist holy places with all kinds of magic. If you want to, the old monk can show you around!"

Chapter 822: Warm and Hospitality Lots of Treasures (5/5)

I was still worried about the lack of resources of the light class, and it would be difficult to cultivate the dragon of light.

With these treasures, why worry that White Dragon can't be promoted to Dragon God?

"Thank you, thank you, Venerable Huijue!"

Qin Feng had learned a lot consciously, and he could clearly see from the value of these treasures that it far surpassed the treasures he had given him, so he repeatedly thanked him!

He didn't reject the other party's kindness. Since the other party was willing to sell him a small favor, then he went on. After all, he didn't give the other party the treasure, but the other party gave him more.

Moreover, he made the matter clear as soon as he came, asking for treasures of the Light Element was to improve the strength of the spirit beasts under his command, not to enhance his own cultivation base. In this case, the other party is still willing to do so, it is just pure. Sell ​​it well.

In this case, Qin Feng is no longer polite, anyway, it is not a big favor. If you encounter a monk from the Great Guangming Temple in the future, you can help the other party to pay back the favor.

In many cases, the relationship is established in this kind of relationship between you and me. Since people have already released goodwill, there is no need for him to extrapolate. Instead, it is easy for the senior officials of the Daguangming Temple to think that he is not easy to get along with and does not know how to promote, even in the future. He will not have much intersection with him if he is promoted to Jinxian.

"Hehe... Little friends don't need to be like that."

Venerable Huijue waved his hand: "Little friends are my sons of Biluo's destiny, and the future is limitless. We are all thinking about the future of Biluo, and we should help each other!"

"What the Venerable said is quite true!"

Qin Feng nodded: "The younger generation has already accepted the affection. With these treasures, I will definitely be able to train the dragon of light as soon as possible. Forget about one of my wishes!"

"If the little friend is not in a hurry to go back, you might as well live in Guangmingding temporarily and let the old monk do his best as a landlord!"

Venerable Huijue smiled and said: "The Western Regions are different from the Southern Regions. There are many things that little friends have never seen before. There are also many Buddhist holy places with all kinds of magic. If you want to, the old monk can show you around!"

Chapter 822: Warm and hospitable treasures (6/5)

I was still worried about the lack of resources of the light class, and it would be difficult to cultivate the dragon of light.

With these treasures, why worry that White Dragon can't be promoted to Dragon God?

"Thank you, thank you, Venerable Huijue!"

Qin Feng had learned a lot consciously, and he could clearly see from the value of these treasures that it far surpassed the treasures he had given him, so he repeatedly thanked him!

He didn't reject the other party's kindness. Since the other party was willing to sell him a small favor, then he went on. After all, he didn't give the other party the treasure, but the other party gave him more.

Moreover, he made the matter clear as soon as he came, asking for treasures of the Light Element was to improve the strength of the spirit beasts under his command, not to enhance his own cultivation base. In this case, the other party is still willing to do so, it is just pure. Sell ​​it well.

In this case, Qin Feng is no longer polite, anyway, it is not a big favor. If you encounter a monk from the Great Guangming Temple in the future, you can help the other party to pay back the favor.

In many cases, the relationship is established in this kind of relationship between you and me. Since people have already released goodwill, there is no need for him to extrapolate. Instead, it is easy for the senior officials of the Daguangming Temple to think that he is not easy to get along with and does not know how to promote, even in the future. He will not have much intersection with him if he is promoted to Jinxian.

"Hehe... Little friends don't need to be like that."

Venerable Huijue waved his hand: "Little friends are my sons of Biluo's destiny, and the future is boundless. We are all thinking about the future of Biluo, and we should help each other!"

"What the Venerable said is quite true!"

Qin Feng nodded: "The younger generation has already accepted the affection. With these treasures, I will definitely be able to train the dragon of light as soon as possible. Forget about one of my wishes!"

"If the little friend is not in a hurry to go back, you might as well live in Guangmingding temporarily and let the old monk do his best as a landlord!"

Venerable Huijue smiled and said, "The Western Regions and the Southern Regions

^0^Remember in one second【】

The difference is that there are many things that little friends have never seen before, and there are also many Buddhist holy places with all kinds of magic. If the little friends are willing, the old monk can show you around! "

Chapter 822: Warm and Hospitality Lots of Treasures (7/5)

I was still worried about the lack of resources of the light class, and it would be difficult to cultivate the dragon of light.

With these treasures, why worry that White Dragon can't be promoted to Dragon God?

"Thank you, thank you, Venerable Huijue!"

Qin Feng had learned a lot consciously, and he could clearly see from the value of these treasures that it far surpassed the treasures he had given him, so he repeatedly thanked him!

He didn't reject the other party's kindness. Since the other party was willing to sell him a small favor, then he went on. After all, he didn't give the other party the treasure, but the other party gave him more.

Moreover, he made the matter clear as soon as he came, asking for treasures of the Light Element was to improve the strength of the spirit beasts under his command, not to enhance his own cultivation base. In this case, the other party is still willing to do so, it is just pure. Sell ​​it well.

In this case, Qin Feng is no longer polite, anyway, it is not a big favor. If you encounter a monk from the Great Guangming Temple in the future, you can help the other party to pay back the favor.

In many cases, the relationship is established in this kind of relationship between you and me. Since people have already released goodwill, there is no need for him to extrapolate. Instead, it is easy for the senior officials of the Daguangming Temple to think that he is not easy to get along with and does not know how to promote, even in the future. He will not have much intersection with him if he is promoted to Jinxian.

"Hehe... Little friends don't need to be like that."

Venerable Huijue waved his hand: "Little friends are my sons of Biluo's destiny, and the future is boundless. We are all thinking about the future of Biluo, and we should help each other!"

"What the Venerable said is quite true!"

Qin Feng nodded: "The younger generation has already accepted the affection. With these treasures, I will definitely be able to train the dragon of light as soon as possible. Forget about one of my wishes!"

"If the little friend is not in a hurry to go back, you might as well live in Guangmingding temporarily and let the old monk do his best as a landlord!"

Venerable Huijue smiled and said: "The Western Regions are different from the Southern Regions. There are many things that little friends have never seen before. There are also many Buddhist holy places with all kinds of magic. If you want to, the old monk can show you around!"

Chapter 822: Warm and Hospitality Lots of Treasures (8/5)

I was still worried about the lack of resources of the light class, and it would be difficult to cultivate the dragon of light.

With these treasures, why worry that White Dragon can't be promoted to Dragon God?

"Thank you, thank you, Venerable Huijue!"

Qin Feng had learned a lot consciously, and he could clearly see from the value of these treasures that it far surpassed the treasures he had given him, so he repeatedly thanked him!

He didn't reject the other party's kindness. Since the other party was willing to sell him a small favor, then he went on. After all, he didn't give the other party the treasure, but the other party gave him more.

Moreover, he made the matter clear as soon as he came, asking for treasures of the Light Element was to improve the strength of the spirit beasts under his command, not to enhance his own cultivation base. In this case, the other party is still willing to do so, it is just pure. Sell ​​it well.

In this case, Qin Feng is no longer polite, anyway, it is not a big favor. If you encounter a monk from the Great Guangming Temple in the future, you can help the other party to pay back the favor.

In many cases, the relationship is established in this kind of relationship between you and me. Since people have already released goodwill, there is no need for him to extrapolate. Instead, it is easy for the senior officials of the Daguangming Temple to think that he is not easy to get along with and does not know how to promote, even in the future. He will not have much intersection with him if he is promoted to Jinxian.

"Hehe... Little friends don't need to be like that."

Venerable Huijue waved his hand: "Little friends are my destined sons of future is limitless. I am all thinking about the future of Biluo. We should help each other out!"

"What the Venerable said is quite true!"

Qin Feng nodded: "The younger generation has already accepted the affection. With these treasures, I will definitely be able to train the dragon of light as soon as possible. Forget about one of my wishes!"

"If the little friend is not in a hurry to go back, you might as well live in Guangmingding temporarily and let the old monk do his best as a landlord!"

Venerable Huijue smiled and said: "The Western Regions are different from the Southern Regions. There are many things that little friends have never seen before. There are also many Buddhist holy places with all kinds of magic. If you want to, the old monk can show you around!"

Chapter 822: Warm and Hospitality Lots of Treasures (9/5)

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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