Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 823: Buddhism

In the end, Qin Feng did not choose to leave directly.

Since he was kindly invited, he didn’t have anything to worry about. After thinking about it, he decided to stay for a while to see the grand occasion of Buddhism, see and see the magical powers of Buddhism, and by the way, he could also ask these masters of Buddhism about "Fudo Mingwang" The practice method of the Heart Sutra.

   Regarding Qin Feng's willingness to ask them about Buddhism practice, Venerable Huijue and others were surprised at first, but were somewhat pleased at random.

   It seems that this son of destiny still has some fate with Buddhism!

   Although they did not dare to bring Qin style into Buddhism, it would be good to be able to let a future golden immortal be able to get close to Buddhism.

Although Qin Feng quickly stated that he was not cultivating himself, but to inquire about the spirit beasts under his command, Venerable Huijue and others did not care much, and even asked Qin Feng to summon the spirit beast to teach them directly. Maybe there will be More benefits.

   Buddhism is different from the Taoist broom in the inheritance of the practice. Buddhism has opened a wide range of convenient doors and is willing to spread Buddhism throughout the world and let the world practice it at will.

   This is not because Buddhism is more generous than Taoism, but for another reason.

   Taoist masters attach great importance to the inheritance of their own techniques. After all, these techniques have their years of hard work and insights, but they are unwilling to teach them to be inhumane, and they are unwilling to teach a murderer who has caused misfortune.

   Otherwise, even if the Taoist school is far less concerned about cause and effect than Buddhism does, the master will be implicated in various ways because the disciple is evil.

   Therefore, Dao Sect has always been very cautious in accepting disciples. First, fate is the most important thing, and secondly, xinxing is rooted in nature. After various investigations, it will be admitted to the sect.

   This is still the practice of ordinary small sects and casual repairs.

But all the sects of some powers are more clear about the origins of the disciples of the disciples, and then before they worship the inner door, they have undergone many tests at the outer door. After the xinxing and loyalty to the sect have all passed, these disciples Only then have the opportunity to participate in the outer gate competition and pass the assessment to enter the inner gate.

   Even large sects such as Royal Beast Sect, even when entering the inner door, they will still go through various open and secret tests to avoid some evil characters or spies who conceal their identity.

   And after entering the inner gate, whether it can be accepted by the inner gate elder, or just hang the title of inner gate disciple to be taught uniformly by the elder of the Faith Hall, it depends on their chance.

Once accepted by a certain elder, it will become a more intimate relationship between teacher and apprentice than father and son. Master will teach his disciples and train them into talents. If he can teach an immortal who can achieve the Great Way of Longevity, he will have a special face. A sense of accomplishment.

   Although this method of inheritance has many rules, it is a consistent style of Taoism from ancient times to the present, and it can also avoid misleading children to the greatest extent!

Taoism accepts disciples strictly because the Taoist exercises are easier to practice. Step by step, each stage is clearly delineated, each realm is clearly distinguished, and at which realm you can cultivate yourself, you can have a bottom line. Under the inheritance of various magical techniques, this has allowed countless geniuses to emerge from each generation of Dao Sect!

   But Buddhism is different.

   Buddhism practice first re-enlightenment!

Even before practising the formal Buddhist techniques, they must first recite the Buddhist scriptures and comprehend a magical power from the Buddhist scriptures before they can formally practice the Buddhist techniques. Otherwise, they can only practice the techniques other than Buddhism first, and after they have achieved certain success. Transfer to repair again.

   But after all, those who are converted are not Buddhism disciples who are rooted in Zhengmiaohong, and the foundation has been set, the future potential is definitely not as good as Buddhism disciples who have truly cultivated from the bottom, so it is not the right way!

   Only those with a pure and intelligent mind, who have a heart to the Buddha, can understand the true meaning of Buddhism early and step into practice!

   There are only mediocre people in the world. After all, only a small part of the people who are born to be extraordinarily intelligent, so only a few volumes of Buddhist scriptures seem to be very difficult for people to understand the true meaning of Buddhism.

   If you are enlightened, although you can't say that you have reached the sky in one step, you can still be regarded as truly entering the Dharma cultivation system.

   But if you don’t get it through, then even if you have a lifetime of green lanterns and ancient Buddhas, you won’t be able to achieve anything through cultivation, and you can only turn into a handful of loess, and your soul will return to the netherworld!

If the heart toward the Buddha is firm enough, after decades of hard practice, a little bit of Buddhist supernatural power has been cultivated, but it is only because of the old age that there is no longer any achievement in this life. A ray of Buddha's light protects their souls and reincarnates through the pagoda, resurrects their lives, and continues to practice hard.

   There are many Buddhist monks who have undergone reincarnations and re-cultivation time and time again. Only then can they accumulate in a certain life, comprehend the true meaning of Buddhism in one fell swoop, become a great monk, and even directly cultivate into a golden body is not impossible!

  It is because the Dharma is too difficult to comprehend, so the Buddhist school will open the door to convenience, allowing the Buddhist techniques to be spread outside, and even they themselves will take the initiative to spread it out, in order to attract more people to practice.

   Even if you do not enter the temple and build a Buddhist hall at home to recite Buddhist scriptures, as long as you have cultivated the Buddhist supernatural powers, these people are considered Buddhist disciples.

The practice of Buddhism has always been related to the heart toward the Buddha. After experiencing the sweetness, if you want to continue to study, you can only continue to study the Buddhist scriptures and gradually sink into it. It is difficult to extricate yourself and eventually become a member of Buddhism. !

   Buddhism opens the door to convenience, and attracts people from all directions.

   Not even the existence of human beings can be accepted!

  For example, those monster races, if they have the heart to the Buddha, they can also enter the eight Dharma Protector Tianlong to practice the Buddhist supernatural powers!

   is so different from Taoism. Another reason is that Buddhism has only one supreme existence: Amitabha!

   Although there are countless Buddhists, and Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have their own followers, the ultimate spiritual belief is Amitabha!

   So no matter how many temples the Buddhism is scattered out, how many Bodhisattva and Buddha’s dojos, in the end they are like a diverging palm. When they are scattered, their five fingers spread out in different directions, but when they are closed, they can condense into a powerful fist.

   The Taoism is different. Although everyone is chanting the Immeasurable Tianzun in their mouths, there is more than one Tianzun in the Taoism!

   If you trace the roots, many Taoist sects inherited the exercises from different ancestors.

   In addition to those few Lijiao Tianzun, there are countless great abilities, ancestors, and even immortals from all walks of life.

   This is also the reason why Taoism has three thousand side sects and eight hundred left in addition to those orthodox inheritances!

   is not like Buddhism, at most it is divided into Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism.

   But from another point of view, this also illustrates the power of Daomen!

   is because it is too strong, it leads to such a disorganized, so that the door can never be integrated into a rope.

   But they don’t have to twist them into a single strand, they can twist into many strands, otherwise the rope may not be easy to use if it is too thick!

  Venerable Huijue is an orthodox Buddhist practice, so he doesn't mind that outsiders want to practice the Dharma, as long as it doesn't steal the core heritage of their Daguangming Temple, then there is no problem.

   So he was not only willing to explain Buddhism to Qin Feng, he even took the initiative to ask Qin Feng to summon the dragon of light to listen to him, which would be good for this dragon to practice in the future.

  Since others have already said that, Qin Feng would be polite and summoned the white dragon directly.

   The white dragon turned into a human form, and after paying respects to Venerable Huijue and other Buddhist masters, did he carefully sit behind Qin Feng.

   If you are not careful, it is only a semi-divine state, and which one of the existence in the temple is not stronger than it?

   Even among the few little novice monks waiting outside the temple, two of them are not weaker than it. How can they dare to play sideways here?

   So he condensed Longwei from her body early and turned into a tall and pure woman, sitting cross-legged in the manner of Qin Feng with a cunning and respectful face.

   After some explanation, Bai Long really benefited a lot.

   "Fudo Mingwang Heart Sutra" can be regarded as the top inheritance even in the various Buddhist traditions. If you devote yourself to it, you may still have the opportunity to cultivate to the realm of Bodhisattva in the future.

   It's only a pity that Bailong has a bright talent and has already cultivated to the semi-god state. In addition, Qin Feng still needs it to understand the more advanced laws of light, and of course it is not allowed to completely convert to Buddhism.

   is also because of the part-time cultivation, and it is part-time cultivation of the Fudo King's heart and fire supernatural powers, so Bailong does not need to have a thorough understanding of the Dharma.

   Otherwise, it would be too hard for it to let it be a giant dragon from another world to comprehend the profound meanings of Buddhism that many monks have difficulty comprehending.

   Now it is relatively easy to learn from the Buddhist practice of "Fudo Mingwang Heart Sutra" and integrate one of its magical powers.

Under the narration of Venerable Huijue and Qin Feng’s explanation of the mind-to-speech art through the dragging spell, the two-pronged approach quickly made Bailong comprehend the essence of it, and learned how to cultivate the immortal king’s heart, fire and supernatural powers. Know-how.

   According to the narration of Venerable Huijue, a bit of enlightenment slowly rose in his heart, and his body unconsciously operated according to the method of Fudo Mingwang's heart, fire and supernatural power.

   Then there was a soft sound, and a wave of vigorous heat radiated from it.

It was originally a dragon of light, with a very powerful body of light magic, and coupled with several evolutions of the sacred flame of the life, it is already quite powerful. At this moment, it operates with the magical power of the immortal king's heart and fire, and it immediately makes the body cleansing sacred flame appear. It has changed a bit.

The Purifying World Sacred Flame, which was able to burn all the unclean things in the world, is still pure and domineering at this moment and cannot tolerate any other elements, but it is completely different from the past. It not only becomes more hot, but also becomes violent. The whole person seems to be It has become a volcano that may erupt at any time!

   Qin Feng, who was sitting in front of the white dragon, felt the most about this. He only felt that the flame on the white dragon suddenly became emotional, full of endless anger, and wanted to burn everything in the world!

   In order not to affect Bai Long's perception, he did not use his defensive powers to resist the hot flames on Bai Long's body.

   He twisted the space with the power of the law of space. Although his figure remained unchanged, the distance between the two was instantaneously separated by thousands of miles. Unless the flames can break through the space, it would not burn him at all!

   Qin Feng turned his head and glanced, and saw that the whole body of the woman Bai Long transformed was covered with holy flames, setting her off like a holy goddess.

   Although she is not yet a, but the gap is not far away. After the angel's heart is refined, it will be enough for her to be promoted to the Dragon God!

   Besides, besides the angel's heart, there are other resources. As long as this white dragon no longer sleeps and sleeps as long as it did in the early years, I believe it will soon be able to catch up with the other spirit beasts.

Venerable Huijue's mouth also did not stop, except that he did not explain the method of "Fudo Mingwang Heart Sutra". Instead, he recited a Buddhist scripture. The voice was not high or low, but it passed to Bailong's heart and gradually calmed down. The anger in its heart gradually calmed down the flames on its body!

   The flame on Bailong's body converged, and his eyes were still closed, digesting the gains!

   Through the connection of mind and spirit, Qin Feng realized that it might not wake up for a while, so he ignored it, and instead discussed with Venerable Huijue and others about the difference between the magical powers of Buddhism and Taoism.

   A few people talked about it, and by the way, they also brought out the Confucian exercises and magic methods. The more they talked, the further and further, the last few Buddhist monks actually pulled in the Guangming Protoss they encountered in the previous battle.

   They also saw Bailong again, remembering the methods of those powerful in the light world, so by the way, they analyzed the strength comparison between the power of the light element and the cultivation world.

   While talking, the old monk Huijue talked about the inevitable battle against the Guangming Great World in the future. I was afraid that we would have to make preparations sooner in the future.

When Qin Feng heard this, he immediately remembered something, and said with a smile: "Several masters don't need to worry. It is said that the younger generation has seen a deadly enemy of the Angel Protoss a few years ago. If they can win over, maybe they can become my Biluo. Great help!"

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