Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 824: Tree of Fallen Feather Venerable


  Venerable Huijue was shocked when he heard the words, and then he became curious: "The Guangming God Realm is domineering and has fought in the void for many years. He must have made countless enemies. It is normal to have hatred for them, but there are not many forces that can be regarded as enemies!

  The little friend hurriedly talked about, which force actually dared to confront the Guangming Protoss, and could make the Guangming Protoss so jealous? "

   "This incident is also a coincidence. When I became immortal not long ago, when I was proud of my heart, it happened that several seniors were calculated by the flame demon and were accidentally teleported to the abyss!"

   Listening to Qin Feng's words, the old monk Huijue didn't notice that the corners of his mouth twitched, and the other arhats and King Kong were also helpless!

   This is what I said, I really think you have been a fairy for a long time now?

   It has only been more than ten years since you became an immortal. How can you be embarrassed to be a veteran immortal?

   More than ten years, in the world of spiritual practice, in the eyes of those who have attained longevity, it is just a flash of a finger, and the time of a little retreat may be longer than this.

   Even some immortals have spent more than ten years in retreat in order to repair the dao body damaged by the heavens after crossing the catastrophe, or to consolidate the cultivation base of the fairy queen!

   It turns out that you are doing well. After such a little time has passed, you regard becoming a fairy a long time ago. Could it be said that in your eyes, only when you have just become a fairy but only a few months ago is the new tender period?

Not to mention that Venerable Huijue is the most senior, the oldest, and has lived for seven to eighty thousand years. Even the youngest guardian Vajra behind him has experienced more than a dozen reincarnations before and after, and has practiced for thousands of years. , And only then has the current Buddhist cultivation base.

  If Qin Feng is already a veteran immortal, then what kind of monks are they who have lived for at least several thousand years?

   Qin Feng hadn't noticed yet, a word he inadvertently said hurt the hearts of these Buddhist masters in front of him.

Just listen to him continue to say: "Back then, I was young and energetic, with strong energy and blood. I thought I was good at strength. In addition to the urgent time, I didn't invite the several elders who were sitting in the Chiyan Demon Realm to go with me. I directly sent to the abyss. On the sixty-sixth floor, I plan to rescue a few brothers and sisters by my own efforts!

There was nothing at first, after all, I was just new to immortality at that time. Several seniors were still in the realm of Fa Xiang and Yuanshen, and they were not bad among ordinary cultivators, but they weren’t really strong in the dangerous world like the Abyss. , Will not alarm the existence of too tyrannical strength.

It’s just that I didn’t expect it to happen. In addition to us, the Demon Spider Army on the 66th floor of the Abyss also opened up battlefields in several other places, besieging the strong who broke into the abyss, and there are several extremely powerful ones among them. , It affects a large number of magic spiders.

   And I suddenly appeared at this time, leading the monsters under my command to kill the Quartet, and naturally I quickly attracted attention.

   also caused the resistance on the way back to become stronger and stronger, and finally had to form a temporary alliance with another group of strong men who had also fallen into the abyss, and jointly resist the army of magic spiders, trying to make a way out! "

   At this point, Qin Feng sighed faintly: "Because the demon races were scattered and opened up multiple battlefields, their powers were not able to gather together. With the strength of our two sides, the demon spiders that were besieging us have suffered heavy losses.

   originally wanted to retreat, but I didn't expect that those demon spiders died of a few demon gods one after another, and the world was full of anger when they asked for help, and finally directly alarmed the abyss lord at that level, the spider queen Rose! "

   "Abyss Lord?"

  Venerable Huijue and others' expressions also changed when they heard this.

   Obviously they all know the horror of the abyss, and they know that they can become the lord of the abyss, and that there is no easy generation to occupy a layer of the abyss world. They are all brutal and fierce, and the most important thing is that their strength is absolutely tyrannical!

   Otherwise, even if you occupy an abyss, it is impossible to sit securely!

   Qin Feng nodded slightly, but did not continue to focus on the abyss lord, but said: "The strong men who joined me at the time are the fallen angels of the devil!"

   "Huh? Fallen Angel?"

  Venerable Huijue and the others were surprised again after hearing this, but then a flash of joy flashed across their faces.

   "It turned out to be a fallen angel who rebelled against the Light God Realm? Haha, this is an unexpected gain!"

   These Buddhist masters obviously also know the hatred between angels and fallen angels.

  Biluo has been dormant for so many years, and has been preparing for a long time to fight the void.

   In addition to drawing star maps, you will also inquire about various news, especially about the grievances between the major worlds, so the senior leaders of the major sects of Biluo know all these things.

   What's more, Daguangming Temple had previously fought with a large army of the Guangming Protoss, and took advantage of the first battle to defeat the opponent and fell into chaos. It also arrested some angels, so I also know more about the things between the bright angels and the dark fallen angels.

Hearing Qin Feng’s words at this moment, they suddenly expressed joy: “Given the level of hatred of the fallen angel leader Lucifer against the bright angels, if they can really establish a relationship with them and reach an agreement, they can really bring these fallen angels into action. assistant!"

   "It's a good thing for me, Bi Luo, if I don't think that my little friend still has this chance!"


   An Luohan hurriedly coughed, and secretly informed Venerable Huijue of Liu Xuanling's loss in that battle, and asked him to pay attention to his words when speaking, so as not to disturb Qin Feng's heart!

  Venerable Huijue has a higher status after all. Although you can hear the news of these children of luck on weekdays, he doesn't know the details, so he doesn't know the details.

   Now that I heard the voice of the Arhat, I learned that Qin Feng’s senior sister had an accident, and quickly apologized, saying: "Don’t blame the little friend, the old monk didn’t know about your senior sister before, so..."

   "It's okay!"

   Qin Feng shook his head: "The matter is over, and there is nothing to mention. Besides, the senior sister's breath has not dissipated, there is still a ray of life after all!"

   "Liu's benefactor, a lucky person, it must be okay!"

  Venerable Huijue said an auspicious remark, and then he continued the topic that he had just said: "The little friend had a friendship with the fallen angel at the beginning, but did you have a token?"


Qin Feng smiled, stretched out his hand and took out a pitch-black fallen angel feather from the storage magic treasure, and said: "This is the feather that the fallen angel left me before he left. He said that he has a chance to go to the Demon World in the future. Find him.

By the way, I also left him a magic talisman at the beginning, but my Biluo is too far away from the demon world. Of course, the magic talisman can't pass through the layers of space to send messages, and I can't use this feather to contact the fallen angel. , So it has been left untouched all these years! "

   This incident, in fact, he had also talked to Master at the beginning.

   It's just that Ning Wuxu didn't hear Qin Feng's later words in his heart because of the heartbreaking apprentice who fell into the abyss of pain at the time.

   Of course, even if I hear it, I can’t do anything. After all, Ning Wuxu is only in the realm of immortality.

   So Qin Feng didn't talk to the other Taishang elders about this matter afterwards, but only reported it once to the Juetian ancestor.

   The ancestor of Juetian was more interested in this matter, and instinctively grasped the key points. After knowing this matter, there is a lot to do, maybe because of this, he can have a relationship with the fallen angel family, or even the entire Demon Realm.

   If Bi Luo really starts a battle with the Bright God Realm in the future, it would be best if it can pull the Devil Realm into the water. Even if it doesn’t work, the Fallen Angels will definitely not let go of the opportunity. As long as the battle between the two sides is deadlocked, the Fallen Angels will participate in it sooner or later.

   It's just that although the ancestors of Juetian are powerful and fierce enough, they are slightly inadequate in strategy.

   Or it was not bad at first, but it was the strong man who brought the Royal Beast Sect with him at the end of the Great Tribulation of the Ancients.

It’s just that the ancestor of the tortoise spirit helped to plan, so he put most of his experience on the road of enlightenment, in order to advance to eternity as soon as possible. No decision was made.

In addition, Juetian Ancestor thinks that it is too early to start a war with the Bright God Realm. You can wait for the Turtle Spirit Ancestor and Chunqiu Academy to finish the Nordic God Realm and return to the sect. Discuss this matter with him in detail.

   Therefore, the great ancestor asked Qin Feng to keep the fallen angel feather, and after the ancestor of the turtle spirit returns to the sect, he will tell the ancestor of the turtle in detail, and see how the turtle will plan the matter at that time!

   So Qin Feng put away the fallen angel feathers, anyway, they didn't use it for the time being, and he didn't think of it in the ordinary days.

   just talked about the topic with Venerable Huijue and others, only then did he remember this matter, so he brought it up.

He didn't care whether the Royal Beast Sect contacted the Fallen Angels or the Great Guangming Temple contacted the other party, because the Fallen Angels were definitely a tyrannical force. No matter which Biluo contacted them, they could only talk about cooperation, without subordination. .

   Even when they talk about cooperation, the target of the negotiations of the Fallen Angels is the entire Biluo, not the family.

   After all, no sect can have the strength to stand alone against the Bright God Realm.

   Even if you have the Shifang ghost city with the testimony of the ghost ancestor, even if there is the Da Leiyin Temple where the Amitabha Buddha is seated, it is not enough to contend with the big world on your own!

   Because of this, Qin Feng directly took out the token that the fallen angel gave him. If Da Guangming Temple was willing to take over this matter, he would be more relaxed.

   Anyway, the fallen angels are now living in the extremely dangerous demon world. Who knows if their xinxing has changed in the past so many years?

Even if the Fallen Angels still abide by the rules, they still have a bottom line, but the demons on all sides of the Demon World are all brutal, and it is definitely dangerous to have more contact with the Demon World. Since there are other forces willing to take over, it is better to let the Royal Beast Sect go face to face. It's much better.

   The most important thing is that no matter which one of UU Reading finally negotiates with Lucifer, as long as the agreement is reached, he will have a share of credit in it!


  Venerable Huijue and the others looked at the fallen angel Lingyu in Qin Feng's hands, and their eyes lit up one by one.

   "The little friend sits for a while, the old monk goes to the first person to report the matter!"

  Venerable Huijue stood up suddenly, his old body seemed to be extremely tall at this moment, containing unparalleled power, stepped out of the hall, and disappeared outside!

   Qin Feng didn't expect this old monk to be so impatient, he couldn't help being dumb.

   Even if they can get involved with the Fallen Angels, and even bring them to the battlefield to deal with the Bright Protoss, wouldn’t they be so excited?

   Could it be that there are other reasons that I don't know about this matter?

   Qin Feng muttered to himself, otherwise this old monk, who has been in painstaking practice for tens of thousands of years, was so excited that he didn't even explain the scene, so he turned and left!

   Fortunately, there are a few other King Kong and Arhats to accompany each other, and it will not be cold.

   After a short while, Venerable Huijue and another middle-aged monk who was powerful and mighty returned to the temple.

   "This is Venerable Baoshu, the big disciple under the seat of Mingguang Bodhisattva."

   Venerable Huijue pointed to the middle-aged monk beside him and introduced Qin Feng.

   Venerable Baoshu is tall, powerful, and has a strong voice, but his tone is calm, and he puts his hands together eleven to Qin Feng: "On the order of the Bodhisattva, come and invite the donor to go over."

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