Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 843: Spectroscopic Shadow Wandering Demons

Qin Feng used Jin Chan's magical power to escape from the attack by several monsters, and then turned into a dim golden light, clinging to the bones of the ground and fleeing away.

Although the mighty Thousand-Eyed Centipede soon found his trail, but Qin Feng's retreat was so fast that ordinary gods could not chase him.

Even if the dwarf repaired the mechanical puppet with supernatural power, its mechanical puppet was still far from catching up with Qin Feng.

As for the other violent ape, although at this time it has transformed into a huge figure several hundred meters high, it is not only powerful and mighty, but also very fast. A light step with two long legs is a distance of several thousand meters. .

But this violent ape looks mighty, but helplessly, he looks hungry for thousands of years.

This guy barely raised his spirit to maintain such a tyrannical state, but for a moment, he couldn't hold back the exhaustion of his body's strength, and his huge body shrank rapidly, and eventually became the original ten feet high, becoming weakened again, and even looked like A bit thinner than before.

This is because the strength in its body is really insufficient, and as a last resort, it has to consume the little flesh and blood left in its body and turn it into energy to support the fight.

I don’t know what species of this violent ape is. The cultivation method is so weird. As long as there is enough food, the power can be raised to the extreme in a very short time. But if there is no food, it can only be done by consuming the body. The flesh and blood are maintained.

This kind of cultivation method is very unique, and the initial promotion speed is far faster than other cultivation methods. Unfortunately, the restrictions are also very huge. When it comes to this deserted land, where can there be enough food for it to enjoy?

As a result, the violent ape has been relying on squeezing the flesh and blood energy to maintain it over the years. From the original huge body that had just entered the abandoned land hundreds of meters high, it is now only more than ten meters in size.

On the contrary, the spherical monster was still chasing after him.

When this guy was flying in the void, he was like a balloon, light and light as if he didn't have a half weight, and he flew extremely fast, no less than the old octopus monster of the upper god.

The old octopus also chose to hover in the void for several meters to chase after him. Under his generous robes, the eight huge tentacles leaped back and forth like a windmill, and the speed was surprisingly fast.

Not far from it, is the big centipede with thousand eyes.

This centipede travels from the air, winding like a dragon. Not only does it have weird eyes behind it, but it also has an extremely powerful attack. It also flies extremely fast. It will not take a long time to leave the dwarf and the violent ape behind, and then again after a while. Beyond the octopus monster.

However, just wanting to catch up with Qin Feng is not enough!

Qin Feng is proficient in a variety of escape methods. Even if the immortal power in his body is consumed by most now, it is far from the heyday, but now he is not fighting those monsters, and using his power purely to escape, there is no shortage of power.

He saw that Jin Dun's magical powers couldn't get rid of the guys behind him, and even the mighty Thousand-Eyed Centipede was getting closer and closer, and Qin Feng quickly changed other methods of escape.

Feng Dun, Huo Dun, and Void Dun have all been performed. Although the centipede has not been completely shaken off, it has also widened a lot of distance.

That is to say, there is no water source here, and no land can be seen, otherwise Qin Feng would never use the five elements to escape.

Then when he passed a mountain of bones, Qin Feng flashed a ray of fire outside his body, and the whole person turned into a shadowy shadow, clinging to the white bones and walking along the bones of all sizes.

There is no sun and moon, no stars, and there are gray areas everywhere between the sky and the earth. Although there are no obvious shadows, the shadow escape method is not very eye-catching. If you are not paying attention, you may lose his body. shape.

The centipede monster had too many eyes and was extremely sensitive to spiritual power, so it followed a wave of fluctuations in front of him.

Even after discovering that Qin Feng's escape speed was getting faster and faster, and his escape method became more and more weird, those scarlet evil eyes were still beginning to cast red light, and they would not hesitate to expend energy to attack Qin Feng remotely.

Obviously, this big centipede was also worried that Qin Feng would completely slip away.

It's a pity that it's the only one who has kept up and can contain Qin Feng. The old octopus doesn't know if it is because of old age and physical weakness, or there are other calculations. Anyway, it has been left behind.

At the very least, the old octopus looks too old on the surface, and after less than an hour of chasing it, he became panting, and his face was trembling with his tiny tentacles, unlike he still had the power to attack Qin Feng. Look like.

As for the ball monster, although the speed is not slow, it is much weaker than the thousand-eyed centipede.

Moreover, the thousand-eyed magical power behind the big centipede restrained its defense, so instinctively, he didn't dare to get too close to the centipede essence, just following the octopus monster.

In this way, the real threat to Qin Feng was the Thousand-Eyed Centipede.

But now it can do nothing except that the red light cast in its pupils can interfere with Qin Feng a little.

Qin Feng turned into a looming shadow, dodging from left to right, avoiding the evil red glow cast by the big centipede.

In the end, I was really upset by the Thousand-Eyed Centipede, so the figure flashed, and it turned into hundreds of phantoms and flew in different directions.

And his real body also turned into a shadow mixed with it, making it difficult to distinguish between the true and the false, and it is difficult to tell which is him and which is false!

This is a spell splitting shadow, it is an illusion, which can confuse people's eyeballs when it acts on some spells. It looks quite cool. In fact, this spell itself has no power and does not have the ability to injure the enemy.

But at this time, Qin Feng used this method of light-shading and transforming shadows on the shadow escape, and directly differentiated hundreds of shadows, each of which looked exactly the same as when he used the shadow escape method.

At this moment, the big centipede who was chasing him at the back was a little dumbfounded.

Although it has many eyes, its attack power is also very powerful, and its sense of energy is extremely sensitive, but it does not have the ability to see through the reality, so it was immediately deceived by Qin Feng's trick.

Thousands of small scarlet eyes behind the big centipede stared randomly. Some dozens of eyes stared at a phantom and it was a red glow, and some eyes stared at a phantom, and they felt that what they saw was what they saw. Qin Feng's true body wanted to chase in the direction he saw.

As a result, this big centipede was thrown upside down with thousands of pairs of sword feet, and then lost control of its body. It fell from a place several feet above the ground and twisted on the ground for a long time before returning to normal.

The thousand-eyed centipede is actually very powerful. Not only is its vitality tenacious, but each section of the body also contains a part of its spiritual energy.

In this case, even if the body is cut into dozens of segments, it can manipulate the severed body to escape in different directions, and then gather together again.

Even if most of the body is destroyed, as long as part of the body escapes, it can be restored to its original state again through cultivation.

It's a pity that this kind of heterogeneous and refined guy will always have some weaknesses. This ability of the big centipede greatly increases its life-saving ability when encountering danger, but it becomes a kind of interference at this moment.

After detecting something wrong, it simply closed its back thousand eyes, and only looked at the way with the two eyes on the head.

But when it flies up again, look forward, where is Qin Feng's figure?

Taking advantage of the moment it fell to the ground, Qin Feng had run away long ago.

In fact, Qin Feng is not in the right state, otherwise, he really wants to return to beat the dog in the water, taking advantage of the rush of Thousand Eye Centipede, he will definitely be able to gain the upper hand, maybe he will be hit hard!

Behind, the octopus monster's dim old eyes stared at the thousand-eyed centipede for a moment, and the eight big tentacles were a little about to move.

However, the Thousand-Eyed Centipede soon returned to normal, and the octopus monster also retracted his gaze, and his loose eyelids drooped down, concealing the greed in his eyes.

A few of them just happened to gather in this area, and it didn't mean that they had any friendship with each other.

In fact, in the Abandoned Land, what needs to be considered every day is how to fight against the opponent and obtain the opponent's flesh and blood energy to nourish oneself. Where can there be so much idle time to get involved with other creatures?

Even if there is such an existence, it is either too stupid or has another plan. In all likelihood, you want to wait for the other party to relax their vigilance and take the opportunity to sneak attack, so as to plunder everything from the other party and maintain your own vitality!

The octopus boss is too old, and has not been able to receive energy supplement and nourishment for many years. In addition, the time law of the Abandoned Land is different from the outside world, and often has to face some natural and man-made disasters, life and death, so the speed of old age Very fast, greatly reducing the original longevity.

Just now, if the big centipede's chaotic state of thousands of feet and thousands of feet each continue for a while, maybe it will really be unable to restrain its greed in its heart.

If it can swallow this big centipede, let it get enough flesh and blood energy to replenish its body's strength, restore its peak state, and repair its internal injuries, maybe it will be able to extend its life span for decades!

It's a pity that the centipede recovered too quickly, and the octopus monster was extremely jealous of the thousand-eyed centipede, and some worried that the other party was acting to lure him into the bait, so this missed the opportunity!

After all, just like it covets the flesh and blood essence of the other party, the thousand-eyed centipede also has the energy in its body. If there is a chance, it will never let it go, and it also wants to swallow it to maintain its own strength.


After Qin Feng used the art of splitting and transforming shadows to get rid of the monsters from behind, he fleeed all the way to the depths of the deserted land, and went deep into it for hundreds of thousands of miles. Then, he stopped to hide and stood on a bone mountain and looked around.

It was a long sigh of relief to make sure that he had completely shaken off his opponent and that there were no other creatures hiding on the left and right.

His figure flashed, and he flew to the wreckage of an unknown monster not far away, and sat cross-legged on top of its huge skull.

Then he summoned the Hellhound, the Sky-Swallowing Toad, and the three-legged death crow, and let these three guys help him protect the law, and he began to meditate and practice, absorbing the spiritual energy to restore the immortal power!

When these three spirit beasts came out, they couldn't help being surprised when they saw that they were in such a Jedi.

The Hellhound was originally a monster born in the kingdom of death, and was used to seeing all kinds of dead things, but the scene of endless bones that you can see now makes it a little surprised.

It curiously went around Qin Feng’s training ground for a few times, and then found the bones of a huge monster that looked very intact, and bit it down. With the sound of clicking, the hard bones were under its sharp fangs. Become bone scum.

But soon, all three of this guy's heads spit out the bone scum from his mouth.

While vomiting, he cursed in a low voice: "What kind of a ghost place is this? Why is there no energy in the body of such a powerful monster after death?"

It originally wanted to use the principle of not wasting, to use its inherent talent for gnawing bones, to digest these bones with the law of swallowing, and to accumulate more energy for itself to make plans for future advancement.

As a result, the monster bones have the same taste as chewing wax, without the slightest taste, and there is no half of the energy. This thing can't even be eaten by the belly, and there is no benefit at all except being pulled out by it!


The three-legged death crow let out a few mocking calls, and the void hovered in a circle.

Instinctively, it did not dare to fly high, and soon fell on a tall monster rib not far from Qin Feng and stood still, with a pair of weird eyes that looked like a bottomless vortex and scanned left and right. After confirming that there was no aura of creatures around, he stood quietly on the ribs and stopped moving.

Tian Swallowing Toad also groaned twice when he saw the appearance of a **** dog. Instead of devouring the bones of the monster like a **** dog, he lay down in front of Qin Feng a few feet away and held his body. The shape shrank to the size of a fist.

Outside it is enveloped by the laws of space, so that the whole body has not leaked half of the demon energy, plus there is only a small mass, it is difficult to find its existence unless you look closely.

In this way, the three of them loyally helped Qin Feng protect the law.

Except for the Hellhound who often wandered east and west, urinating in all directions, the other two spirit beasts did not move at all.

Although I don't know if this world full of bones can touch other living creatures, the Hellhound still habitually uses enclosures to warn all outsiders not to invade its territory.

In the end, it didn't know that if it didn't do this, it would be fine, but because of its behavior, it attracted the coveting of other monsters.


In the distance, a few savage or cruel looking guys walked in groups.

One of these guys was born with seven or eight sharp horns, and his mouth was densely covered with fangs. His body was covered with light blue scales. It turned out to be a demon!

There is also a tauren covered with meat, carrying a thick totem pole on his shoulders, and his body is covered with dark cyan rune tattoos, looking fierce and fierce.

A eagle-headed guy soars low in the sky, his body feathers like iron, his claws gleaming with cold light.

There is also a Cyclops with a behemoth behind him.

This giant is the most powerful, holding a huge copper hammer in his hand, and his ferocious aura looks more ferocious than the previous demon.

Behind the behemoth beast honestly followed behind, and walked slowly. Although some impatient giants walked slowly, they did not dare to surpass it in the slightest!

These guys are all wanderers who withdrew from some fiercely competitive gathering places, wandering around this deserted place that is unknown how big it is, looking for the wanderers who are alone and the existence that is not as strong as them, and they are obtained by fighting and fighting. Food and energy.

Of course, if you encounter something stronger than them, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

There are many wanderers like this all day long in the abandoned land. After all, too many creatures can't adapt to the cruel competition in the gathering place, so they chose to withdraw.

What's more, wandering around in the deserted land is not without other opportunities. If they happen to encounter a group of outside creatures coming in, they will not only have the opportunity to have a meal, maybe there is also the possibility of escape!

Although the chance is slim, it may not be impossible.

It is said that there was such a lucky man a long time ago!

Although I don't know how long ago that story is, since it can be passed down in the deserted land, it is obvious that this matter is likely to be true.

At this moment, the demon with light blue scales suddenly sniffed his nose, and said in surprise: "How can such a smell be so weird?"

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