Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 844: Who ambush who

The strong demon has a keen sense of smell, and immediately smelled an unusual smell after sniffing the nose.

It stands to reason that the deserted land is full of bones, and there are countless dead creatures. It should be full of a strong rancid smell, but in fact there is no!

Not to mention the rancid smell, I didn't even feel the dead air.

There are two reasons for this. One is that after the death of the creatures in the Abandoned Land, they will soon be swallowed by all the flesh and blood of other creatures, and they will even knock the bones and **** the marrow.

Some of the more ferocious bones and scum will not be left, and they will be swallowed directly, of course, they will not produce much odor.

Even if there are some guys when they are about to die of old age, they will find a hidden place to bury themselves deep in layers of bones, but it is difficult to hide those wanderers who have a keen sense of smell.

Once some clues are discovered, these wanderers will not mind whether the opponent is dead or killed. Anyway, the body of the strong is full of spiritual power. Before the spiritual power is completely dissipated, they will contain powerful energy. Of course, they will eat it. Lose.

Even if it is not discovered by other creatures, it is useless to sleep underground, because this deserted land is an inanimate land. There are strong suctions in the sky and underground to absorb all spiritual power, and any unowned spiritual power can't stay here for long.

Those who are strong after death, the body is no longer dominated by consciousness, of course, the power in the body is regarded as an unowned thing, and it will dissipate in a relatively short period of time.

Even if some strong bodies should not rot for thousands of years after their death, they can't hold up this kind of suction power. Without the support of spiritual power, their bodies will soon become withered bones.

Coupled with the extremely fast passing of time here, no matter how unpleasant the smell is, there is not much left over countless years.

Therefore, at this time, a taste different from this world of white bones suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of the demons.

He twitched his nose, patrolled left and right for a while, and then slowly approached the bones of a strange beast that he didn't know was a powerful animal, circled around its leg bones that looked like a huge pillar, and finally moved his nose off the ground. A place two or three feet high, lie on it and sniff carefully.

Then, his face became ugly, and he suddenly raised his head back, revealing a bit of annoyance on his face.


He was originally in the Demon Realm with noble blood and extraordinary status, has he ever had such an experience?

Therefore, the original light blue scales on his face were blue with anger.

But soon, he swallowed the words he was about to export, otherwise he really wanted to tell the truth, I'm afraid that a few other guys would see a joke.

"what happened?"

The tauren asked strangely: "Is there a strong person laying a trap here?"

The Mozu shook his head and said nothing.

He was still thinking about how to organize the language to round off the matter, and then find the guy who was peeing indiscriminately and beat him up.

Hey, no, the strength to enter the deserted land is not weak, otherwise you will not even have the qualifications to enter here. As a strong person, you can already control your physical functions. Under normal circumstances, where would you release water anywhere?

Isn't this clearly revealing his whereabouts?

Could it be...

Here is a monster that has just entered the abandoned land from the outside world. The previous habits have not been changed. You still want to enclose the occupied land here to declare that the site is not successful?

Well, it's very possible!

Thinking of this, the blue-faced demons suddenly became excited.

Because under normal circumstances, these newcomers are better to deal with.

They have just arrived, they don't understand the rules of the Abandoned Land, and they don't know how to save their body strength during the battle. As long as the opponent's strength is exhausted, it can only become their food!

The blue-faced demons were excited and were about to announce their guesses to the other members of the small team. Suddenly, they found that the tauren was curiously approaching the place where he had smelled the smell before, and he was lying on it with a huge bull nose and amputating his legs there. Sniff on the bones.

Seeing this scene, the Blue Faced Demon Race was stunned, and was about to stop it. Suddenly thinking of something, half of the outstretched palm was taken back.

"Bah, baah, where's the smell of urine?"

The tauren backed away unluckyly, stretched out his hand and wiped a few on his nose, annoyed that he waved the thick totem pole at the leg bone.

Although the leg bones without any spiritual power are still hard, how can they be compared with the strange power of the tauren, so he blew up on the spot with a bang.


Seeing this, the Blue Faced Demon couldn't help laughing a few times.

"You guy, didn't you deliberately not tell me to make a fool of me?"

Ngau Tau was annoyed and talked about the totem pole going to the Demon Race.

"Okay, okay, this is a deserted place, you should save a little effort!"

The eagle-shaped monster next to him exhorted him.

He was originally a strong man soaring in the sky, but unfortunately he can only hover at low altitude, making him the weakest one in this team.

Fortunately, he has a fairly clever mind. At this moment, seeing the two companions arguing, he quickly dissuaded him.

If you are in the Demon Realm, this sentence is of course useless, but this is a deserted place, every bit of power is extremely precious, and there is room for them to waste it.

After listening to the harpy's persuasion, the tauren barely suppressed his anger, and two hot white air spewed from his nostrils, turning the bull's head and no longer looking at the blue-faced demon.

"what happened?"

The Cyclops looked over with wide bright yellow eyes.

"I found a monster, it should be a monster that has recently arrived in the deserted land!"

As soon as the words of the blue-faced demon came out, they immediately attracted the attention of the other guys, and even the tauren, who was a little angry at him, turned his head.

"Warcraft? Where is it?"

"It should be near here!"

The blue-faced demon said: "Judging from the traces of the monster that left on this bone, it is still very fresh, and the time must not have passed long.

Generally speaking, only those newcomers who don't know the rules will use this idiomatic way to enclose the land!

We looked around, and if nothing else, we would definitely be able to find each other's lair! "

"it is good!"

The tauren laughed in excitement, stretched out his broad and thick palms and slapped the blue-faced demon's slightly thin shoulders, "I'll just say, how can there be such a place where the bird does not shit?" The big smell of urine turned out to be a good thing the new Warcraft had done.

Haha, the blue face, or the spirit of your nose, you can smell this smell from such a long distance.

But in the future, if you have this kind of thing, tell me in advance, otherwise if you let me smell the piss, I will pee you! "

There was a click under the blue face demon's feet, and several bones under his feet were crushed by the tauren's slap.

He dodges quickly to avoid the tauren’s excitement and want to continue to take a few more shots, too lazy to care about this cruel and black old bull, and said: "The one-eyed boss stay here and don't move, you are too strong. Strong, don't be sensed by the opponent in advance, it's not good if the opponent is scared away.

Let's go and search around first to see how powerful the monster is.

If we are of equal strength, we can take action to fight with each other first, and then the one-eyed boss will suddenly appear when our fight is fierce, so as to prevent the opponent from escaping! "

"it is good!"

The cyclops nodded.

He is the strongest, and he is not afraid of losing the benefits, nor is he worried that these guys dare to eat alone without him.

Otherwise, he doesn't mind eating them first!

At the moment, the blue-faced demons separated from the tauren and the harpy, and walked towards different areas, searching for traces of the new monsters.


Hellhounds patrolled around the skeleton where Qin Feng was meditating.

In the past few days, it has no idea how many laps it has circled nearby, even if it hasn't encountered any other creatures except the bones, it will never get tired of it.

It doesn't matter if the cunning old tortoise snatches the position of the first licking dog, if even the position of the first faithful dog is taken away by the other spirit beasts, then it will be a failure.

So the Hellhound behaves very positively. It patrols around every day. For it, it doesn't take much effort. It can also move around by running around.

It's just that today it ran and stopped suddenly.

Because it smelled a strange smell in the air.

This smell is different from other bones, it seems to have just passed by here, it belongs to a living thing!

With this discovery, the Hellhound suddenly became nervous.

It is not afraid of fighting, and even particularly eager for the kind of hearty fighting.

But with the scoring situation, the owner is now practicing to restore his strength. Its responsibility is not to fight, but to protect the owner from being disturbed.

Therefore, it was not at all excited because it found the opponent, but rather nervous. The three noses exhausted the direction of the smell, and the six dogs looked around.

Finally, he suddenly raised the dog's head and looked at the harpy who was patrolling at a low altitude thousands of feet away.

The hellhound doesn’t care how the other party came here, nor does he care about the other party’s swaying around, as if looking for something. It converges its momentum, then makes a few vertical leaps, and suddenly rushes to the eagle from the bottom up. The person approached, opened three blood basins and bit at the harpy with three big mouths.


After all, the hellhound is not a monster suitable for sneak attacks. Although the dog that bites people does not bark, the hellhound attacked him without making a sound, but the breath of this big dog is too cruel, so the harpy was early He discovered the hellhound's intentions.

So there was a scream from his mouth, not only to show his momentum during the battle, but also to remind those companions, to signal that he had discovered here, and greet the tauren and them to come quickly.

However, the Harpy was still a bit mumbled about the strength of the Hellhound after all.

Of course, when you choose to fight with the Hellhound, it is equivalent to giving up the opportunity to spread your wings and fly away.

In close combat, its speed advantage is limited. How could it be the opponent of such brutal monsters as Hellhound!

What's more, the Hellhound also has three heads, and three canine-toothed blood basins bite at different parts of its body at the same time, which quickly injured the harpy.

It was so frightened that it was like a frightened bird, struggling to escape, fighting its wings and being torn down by the hellhound, regardless. UU reading www.

After all, this guy is a race that is good at speed. Although his wings were injured and he flew crookedly, he still got rid of the hellhound's mouth temporarily.

And its companions also came very quickly. After hearing its chirping, the tauren who was not too far away quickly rushed over with the totem pole, leaping into the sky, and hitting the hellhound with a stick. go!

The Hellhound roared wildly, and suddenly pounced on the tauren in front of him, only to find that in terms of strength, he was not even better than the tauren.

Especially when the opponent is blessed by the totem pole, the tauren full of totem tattoos all twisted, exuding a dark light, and the opponent's strength doubled and skyrocketed.

So the Hellhound was quickly smashed out by the tauren with a totem pole. Although its body was strong and not injured, it was also dizzy.

At this time, the blue-faced demon on the other side had also arrived, raised his hand and drew a magic sword and attacked the Hellhound.

Knowing that he could not defeat the attack of the three strong opponents, the hellhound barked a few times, cast a series of spells to force the opponent back, turned and ran!

"Haha, it really is a monster that doesn't understand the rules!"

Several guys couldn't help being overjoyed when they saw this. Although they didn't know why the three-headed hellhound was different from the hellhounds they had seen before, they still chased after him excitedly.

"Don't let it run, consume more of its strength, and when its strength is almost consumed, we will be able to catch it alive!"

"Hey, don't worry, it won't run with me!"

Although the Harpy was injured, speed is still his strength.

But they didn't chase for too long, and found that the Hellhound did not continue to escape, and couldn't help but rejoice: "This guy knows he has no hope of escape.

Everyone is working hard to get alive, I don't want much, just share a dog's head! "

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