Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 845: Catch live

In the excited roar of these guys from the devil world, they unconsciously speeded up their pace and quickly rushed towards the hellhound.

It's just that they didn't expect an accident halfway through!

Because this deserted land devours spirits, every fraction of energy is very precious. The creatures who enter the deserted land, except for a few strong people with other chances, will not easily use their bodies. Energy, save critical moments for emergencies.

Therefore, the Blue Face Demon Race and the Tauren chose to fight close to the Hellhound.

But before they rushed to the Hellhound, they were still halfway there when they suddenly felt a few faint fluctuations in the space in front of them.

The fastest harpy screamed and turned abruptly.

Even so, dozens of feathers were chopped off by an invisible spatial fluctuation, and the waist and abdomen were dripping with blood, almost being chopped directly in the middle.

The blue-faced demons are not only cunning, but they are also the most cautious, so when they scream in the eagle-body population, they are also aware of it.

His waist was folded, his back was about to press on the ground, and he escaped a sneak attack by a space blade!

Feeling the flash of sharp aura above the nose, the blue-faced demon's heart jumped wildly, and with a kick on the ground, his figure instantly slid back hundreds of feet, avoiding the remaining void slashes that followed!

The tauren is not good at speed. Fortunately, he was left behind by his two companions, so he witnessed the attack on the two companions first, so that he had enough time to resist the attack.

Seeing this majestic bull-headed population roared in a moo and moo, both hands propped up the totem pole and thrust it into the ground, directly inserting the totem pole into the bone ground below.

In an instant, a circle of blood-colored halos lit up on the totem pole, firmly guarding the tauren below, allowing several spatial blades to slash on the halo outside the totem pole, although several blood rings were broken. , But it didn't hurt the tauren at all!

"Be careful, that hellhound still has a helper!"

"Damn it, it's not a deserted place to enter alone!"

The eyes of the blue-faced demons swept around in an instant, and first saw a fist-sized little toad in the direction from the space blade. Of course, he saw that it was not far behind the Sky-Swallowing Toad, still sitting cross-legged and refining spiritual energy recovery. Qin Feng of strength.

Then, from another direction, I saw a three-legged crow standing on a monster rib!

If you add the Hellhound, these are the four powerhouses.

Seeing this scene, the blue-faced demon clan's heart stunned, and the secret path is not good!

He believes that these guys are definitely not the newcomers who came to the deserted place, but the veterans who pretended to be newcomers to fish, and deliberately let the hellhound lead them here.

He thought he was in the opponent's strategy, worried about the other party's strange combination, he hurriedly greeted the harpy and the tauren, and he was ready to step back, and waited to analyze the opponent's strength before saying whether to fight with the other party. !

If they are of equal strength, of course they don't have to fight for both losses, just retreat.

This is very common among the strong wandering around!

Otherwise, you can't fight the other side and hurt both sides. If there is no benefit, it is very likely that others will be cheaper. Maybe they will be attacked and picked up by the weaker wanderers when they are seriously injured and weak!

The blue-faced demons calculated in their hearts that if they find that the opponent's strength is weak, then the plan will not change, but fortunately there are a few more guys that can be swallowed.

It's just that when they get here, they still want to retreat, it's too late!

The Hellhound had no choice but to draw these demons here, but now that he had two companions, he had the opportunity to fight the opponent alone, and naturally there was no need to worry about being besieged by the opponent.

It roared wildly first, and rushed towards the blue-faced demon who slipped away first.

Although the strength of the tauren may not be stronger than it, but the tauren has a totem pole in hand, and the power is doubled. The Hellhound does not have much confidence in defeating the opponent for a time, so it chooses a demon that is sure to deal with it. .

As for the brutal tauren, let the other two guys who are good at using spells to deal with the enemy!

Regardless of the Sky Swallowing Toad or the three-legged death crow, there should be a way to deal with such a brute force!


Tian Swallowing Toad still guarded Qin Feng and did not leave.

It first used space defense spells to set up a barrier with a radius of one hundred feet outside Qin Feng's body.

After confirming that the owner would not be affected by the aftermath of the fighting between them, a dense number of space blades appeared outside, and they slashed at the two guys, the tauren and the harpy.

Although the Hellhound considers himself to be the first loyal dog under Qin Feng's command, but in terms of loyalty, he has stayed with Qin Feng since he was a child. How can the Sky Swallowing Toad who has accompanied Qin Feng's master all the way to the present be weaker than other spirits? beast?

That's why it doesn't care how many enemies there are in front of it, even if the opponent is attacking close, it will not let go of the place to expose the body of the owner to the opponent's attack unless it is absolutely necessary.

With its series of space blade attacks, even if it was unable to kill the two powerful demons, it still made the tauren and the harpy fight on their own, and they could not even attack the other side for a while.

The attack speed of Space Blade is really too fast, which makes them a little busy to deal with it.

The Harpy is because of his weakest strength, plus he was bitten by the Hellhound before, and after being attacked by the Sky-Swallowing Toad, he was even more frantic when his strength was damaged.

Fortunately, he was extremely fast, and at this time he didn't care about retaining the energy in his body. He waved his eagle claws to catch a stubborn claw shadow with the space blade. At the same time, he waved his wings to retreat and tried to escape.

The Harpy has never been the main attacker in the team. He is good at throwing javelins and attacking from a distance.

So he decided to fight and retreat. After the one-eyed boss comes over, he will continue to hide in the distance and sneak attacks!

The tauren on the other side was brave and brave, waving huge totem poles with both hands, banging and smashing, forcibly smashing thousands of space blades, mooing and screaming in his mouth, against the spell of Sky-Swallowing Toad. Just kill it towards it.


Suddenly, a few hoarse crows came into my ears.

Looking up, I saw the three-legged crow hovering above his head for some time!

The tauren frowned, originally didn't want to pay attention to the crow, and planned to rush forward!

The result soon found something bad!

Because following the crow's cry, not only did he feel an impetuous feeling in his heart, but also all kinds of ominous auras descended from the sky and fell on him.

Although the totem pole in his hand raised a circle of **** halo, which offset a lot of ominous aura, the magic of the totem pole could not completely offset all the curses of the three-legged death crow!

The three-legged death crow is inherently supernatural, cursing magical powers, even if it does not burn its feathers to cast the supreme curse magical powers at this time, but the ordinary curses continue to fall down, and it is enough for a tauren to drink a pot.

So soon, the tauren found that the effect of the buffing spell he got from the totem pole was rapidly diminishing, and even with the passage of time, not only did the buffing spell of the totem pole not have the desired effect, but even his own power was in Continue to decline.

At the same time, all kinds of negative energy breed from his body, making him dizzy, upset, weak in his hands and feet, and unable to concentrate on fighting the enemy!

However, the sky-swallowing toad space spells on the opposite side attacked so fast, and the three-legged death crow, in addition to casting curses, also cast a lot of offensive spells, which made him a little tired of coping!

Although the three-legged death crow rarely fights head-on with opponents, it does not mean that it is not proficient in these fighting methods. In fact, it has a lot of magical powers for fighting, but it is generally not necessary to play in person.

At this moment, the other spirit beasts are not there, and the raven army under its command has not been summoned, so after releasing a lot of small curses, it personally casts spells to restrain the tauren from a distance, and it finds itself a target for practice. NS.

So soon, I saw all kinds of powerful magical powers being displayed by the three-legged death crow, or the strange burning fire, or the two wings fanning out the wind, or the three-legged sky-splitting claws to grab the road claws. Shadow, or shooting golden light in the eyes, trying to blind the tauren's eyes!

This series of spell attacks was dazzling, making the tauren whose strength has fallen drastically to cope with it.

Even Swallowing Sky Toad didn't put all his energy on the harpy. From time to time, he would use space spells to launch sneak attacks on him. Not long after, scars appeared on the tauren.

He didn't care about the retreat of the Harpy's Sky-Swallowing Toad. Its duty was to protect its master from being affected. Even if these guys all ran away, it would not chase it out!

At most, these guys would just find a few more companions to kill them.

Not to mention that there are not a few living creatures in this place where the birds do not shit, even if they are found, can there be a huge number of spirit beasts under the master's command?

So the Sky-Swallowing Toad lay there calmly, only attacking from a distance with spells.

However, the further and farther the harpy retreats, the situation of the tauren is not so good.

Although this guy's combat power is many times more powerful than the Harpy, the gain of the totem pole is now offset by the curse of the three-legged death crow, and even his own strength can be used up to 70% to 80%, but the opposite two spirits The beasts also have their own magical powers.

Sky-swallowing toad’s various spatial spells are continuous and fast. Although the three-legged death crow is using the tauren as a target for training, it is precisely because of this that the various spells of this alien crow are endless, and some powerful magical powers are released. The tauren who hit him immediately after he came out was embarrassed, and his injuries continued to emerge!

Fortunately, the one-eyed giant was not too far from here, and rushed towards this side after hearing the movement.

The Cyclops originally wanted to bypass the rear to stop the prey from fleeing, but when he went nearby, it was his companion who wanted to flee!

And there is no way to escape, so I can only do my best to delay time!

Seeing that the tauren was in the most dangerous situation, the Cyclops swung a copper hammer with both hands and slammed into the center with a dull sound, smashing the space with a few split marks.

And this dull sound passed to the ears of the Sky-Swallowing Toad and the Three-legged Death Crow, but it shook their minds slightly.

The Sky-Swallowing Toad is better. There is a space barrier outside of it, which distorts the sonic attack.

But the three-legged death crow didn't have the defense of the Sky-Swallowing Toad, so the original casting speed suddenly stopped, and the rhythm was disrupted by the cyclops, giving the tauren a little respite.

"One-eyed old man and big heart, these two monsters are very difficult to deal with, especially the three-legged crow, who knows how to cast a curse. I am not an opponent!"

The tauren got a respite, and hurriedly greeted the cyclops to come and help!

Cyclops is self-sufficient and powerful, and it is the existence of the upper gods in the early stage. Where can they put the two middle and lower gods in their eyes.

"Useless things!"

He glanced at the blue-faced demon and the harpy, then glared at the tauren, snorted in his mouth, and lifted the copper hammer into the air. The huge copper hammer smashed directly at the three-legged death crow.

Obviously, he wanted to kill this cursed crow first, otherwise it would be too dangerous to keep such a guy with mysterious means.

Just give the other party time, maybe they will be hit by the other party's mysterious curse, and their strength will be greatly reduced!


The three-legged death crow hurriedly spouted a fire of burning luck, flapped its wings, and blasted a violent wind towards the Cyclops. At the same time, a weird whirlpool flashed in its eyes, and a faintly fleeting rune appeared. It comes out.

It's just that the Cyclops is tyrannical, and a violent aura emerges outside his body. The ordinary curse is wiped out when it falls on him, and there is little effect.

Just when the three-legged death crow was about to burn its precious feathers, and wanted to use the supreme curse supernatural powers to deal with this cyclops, suddenly he heard a rant from behind: "Bold!"

Turning his head to see, it was the Bemun who followed the Cyclops who did not know when it jumped up, and directly rushed towards Qin Feng who was sitting cross-legged.

The Behemoth was originally a strong man in melee combat. This behemoth does not understand spells and does not cultivate magical powers. It blesses all its energy on the flesh. Although it has powerful flaws, it is the most powerful in this deserted place. A behemoth that can adapt to this kind of place.

So even though this behemoth is not small and full of energy, the Cyclops who caught this behemoth did not eat it, but instead took it and brought it with him, mainly because of the behemoth here. Able to exert all their combat power.

After these years of training, this Bimeng behemoth not only has not been suppressed by the Abandoned Lands, but has also improved a lot, and its combat power is stronger than before.

At this moment, the Behemoth beast waved its huge claws, directly breaking the sky-swallowing toad's previously arranged space shield outside Qin Feng's body, and slew towards Qin Feng!

Obviously, this giant beast also discovered that Qin Feng's existence was a bit strange. It was definitely a very important person to be guarded by these monsters.

However, since he can't move now, of course he has to take advantage of his illness to kill him, and first kill this seemingly badly injured human race.

Sky-Swallowing Toad was about to stop this Bimon, but he was hit by the tauren with a stick swinging the totem pole, and the angle was so special that he could not dodge it, so he could only carry it hard, otherwise the energy on the tauren totem pole would go to the rear. Qin Feng fought.

It was at this moment that Qin Feng opened his eyes and coldly looked at the Behemoth Behemoth who had killed him and yelled!

He just sits and practices to absorb energy. Has he fallen into a coma? Of course he knows what's going on in the field.

Because the Sky Swallowing Toads were able to cope, Qin Feng didn't bother to bother about it.

But now this behemoth behemoth has hit its own mind, of course, it can't be ignored!

He screamed in his mouth, and his figure also stood up, raising his hand to greet the giant claws that the behemoth smashed down.

A touch of sarcasm flashed in the eyes of the Behemoth!

It is a Bimon who has advanced to the realm of gods, with a height of several tens of feet, and its wide and thick claws that are several feet in size. With the sharp claws on it, even a small mountain will be blown by it.

As for Qin Feng, the body of a human race is not as big as a finger on its claws. Facing his own attack, he doesn't use magical defense, but instead uses his fist to compete with it for strength. What is this not for death?

However, before the thought in its heart fell, Qin Feng's original small figure quickly became larger, almost instantly, from a humble little insignificant to a behemoth than it was. To be a huge giant.

And the fist that had greeted him lightly turned into an extremely domineering iron fist, with a dark golden luster on it.

There was a dull sound, and the moment the Behemoth was touching the opponent's fist, he felt a boundless force emanating from the opponent's body, directly blasting it back again and again.

"Huh, with this strength, you want to fight against me?"

Qin Feng sneered and waved his hand to summon all the spirit beasts in the demon fairy realm.

As soon as these guys appeared, they surrounded these guys from all sides, and hit them without saying anything!

The Behemoth beast was shaking Qin Feng with its supernatural power, and as a result, it was surrounded by several spider demon gods, and a series of spider silks were entangled, and it just had no temper!

It is a behemoth in the realm of gods, but it only has the power of melee combat, and it has a headache when facing a few spider demon gods who are fighting with it.

The key is that there is no helper, the Cyclops did not speak, and did not dare to escape. It could only fight against the scalp. As you can imagine, this giant beast was **** by many spider silks before it could play its due hand-to-hand combat power. It's sturdy.

If you fight alone, any spider demon will definitely not be able to beat this Bimon, but under the command of the ghost face spider, with the help of the other spider demon gods, it is not easy to deal with its stupidity!

The harpy suddenly saw Qin Feng transforming into a giant and punched the giant beast, and he was shocked.

As a result, before he let go of his surprise, he saw Qin Feng wave his hand and summoned a dozen powerful monsters, and each of these monsters was not weaker than him, and even more powerful than him.

Seeing this harpy, wherever he dared to stay to fight, he turned around and fleeed.

But before he could fly far away, he heard a clear Fengming rushing behind him.

There was a fiery flame that came with Fengming!

The blue-faced demons also screamed in fright, and an extremely cold aura appeared on their body. A powerful ice slash forced the **** dog back and turned and ran.

While running, I secretly said in my heart: I knew there was an ambush here, otherwise where did these monsters come from?

As for Qin Feng summoned from another world, he had never thought of this idea.

This is a deserted place. If Qin Feng is really capable of summoning monsters from the Great Thousand Universe through the barriers of layers of void and the long river of time, it means that he is also capable of leaving this piece of Jedi. Where can he stay here for a long time, and it is even impossible to keep them small The little demon is in the eye!

The blue-faced demons determined that Qin Feng and these monsters set traps here, and pretended to be Xinnen to lure them into the bait!

I just didn't expect so many opponents to ambush them?

Under normal circumstances, the Wanderer squad of five or six strong is no longer considered to be less, and if there are more, they won't have enough points even if they grab resources!

Unexpectedly, I encountered a team of more than a dozen strong players here, and I did not complain this time!

Unfortunately, before he could run far away, he heard a burst of sound from behind him.

Then he felt a strange wave falling into the area near him, because this wave was not aimed at him, nor did he have the ability to hurt him, so he didn't care about it at the beginning.

But it was soon discovered that it was not good, because his movements became sluggish under this wave of fluctuations, and his speed was greatly reduced.

"No, this is the law of time!"

The Blue Face Demon came to realize instantly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

It's a pity that it's too late, because a petite cicada has come to the front like lightning, and his back trembles his wings and chopped off his head!

On the other hand, since the three-legged death crow was entangled by the Cyclops, the tauren immediately used the energy in his body to hit the curse on his body, and at the same time, he exerted the totem pole in his hand to the extreme, and soon broke the little curse on his body.

Then this guy wielded the totem pole to show his strongest power, ready to kill the little toad with a stick!

As a result, there was a flower in front of him. The totem pole did not fall on the Sky-Swallowing Toad, but on the back of a huge tortoise.

With a loud bang, the tauren's arms were numb by the huge force.

Then something stunned him. The huge tortoise didn't even move under his violent blow, as if his totem pole hit the opponent's back, just tickling the opponent. Similar.

"What kind of tortoise is this, so awkward?"

A hint of doubt flashed in the tauren's heart.

But before his thoughts completely fell, he saw the old tortoise stepping on all fours and banging towards him with a bang like a hill, forcibly knocking this self-righteous tauren into the air!

With a bang, the tauren was directly knocked into the air for hundreds of miles, and smashed to the ground fiercely. The totem pole in his hand also got out of his hand, and he didn't know how many dead bones had been broken by his body, and then he rolled and stopped!

At this time, the tauren only felt pain everywhere on his body, as if 10,000 heifers galloped over him, and the whole body bones that had trampled him would be completely broken!

"Don't kill them all, grab a few live and ask questions!"

Qin Feng's voice came out faintly.

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