Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 868: The calculation of the eternal death of the sheep

The situation in the field suddenly changed, a big hand that covered the sky suddenly appeared, and directly grabbed the immortal artifact Nether Disk of the Lord of the Nether Goat!

  After seeing the big hand, the strong men who watched the game suddenly changed their colors!

   Because the direction of that big hand is the old castle that is the head of the four forces!

   And the Henghou in the old castle, it is said that many creatures in the place where Megatron has gathered for millions of years, is a real super power!

At the core of the other three formations, there are strong competitions. Over the past million years, the strong have repeatedly replaced, including the Lord of the Sheep, who seized the opportunity tens of thousands of years ago to challenge the power of the gods of the gods, relying on the immortal artifact Nether. The power of the pan seized the temple of innateness and suppressed one party.

   Now, the Henghou, who often may not show up for tens of thousands of years, not only shot at this critical moment, but when he showed up, he was about to take the Nether Disk!

   For this immortal artifact, many powerhouses in the gathering place have been heartbroken, and they are even considering jointly besieging and killing the Lord of the Sheep and seizing this artifact.

   But now Henghou is making a move, how can they still dare to pay attention to the disc of Netherworld?

The lord of    Dark Sheep Palace dominates the gathering place for the shortest time and the oldest, so there are many strong people who dare to challenge him.

   But in the face of Henghou’s repressive gathering place for millions of years, no one has been able to challenge his status. No strong man on the scene dared to think of shooting him!

   Qin Feng also looked at that big hand with a weird expression!

   It seems that the attractiveness of the immortal artifact is absolutely huge. Even if this immortal artifact cannot be a treasure across the long river of time, it certainly has many benefits for the real top powerhouse!

   Otherwise, Henghou, a strong man who doesn't bother to show up on weekdays, wouldn't care about the changes of the other three powers!

   But now Henghou shot, he was relieved at the same time, he was a little nervous.

   Now the two powerhouses have appeared one after another. Although he temporarily relieved the crisis, he did not feel that he was out of danger!

   Regardless of whether the Lord of the Dark Sheep can compete with Henghou, as long as he survives, he will never let him go!

   He would not be afraid if he had lost the Immortal Sacred Tool, but if Henghou wanted to intervene and grab the treasure from him, he would really be in great danger.

   All kinds of thoughts in Qin Feng's mind turned quickly, before he could make up his mind, the big hand in midair had already caught the disc of Netherworld!

   "Don't dare? What am I afraid of?"

   Henghou’s vigorous voice came from deep underground: "I don’t usually bother to pay attention to the three of you. I really thought I was listed as one of the four powers, so I can sit on an equal footing with me?

   Mingyang, you are just an old waste. If you don't rely on this broken and immortal artifact, you are also worthy of sitting in the Temple of Innate Nature?

I was too lazy to pay attention to you before, thinking about waiting for your old age to collect the nether plate, but you did not honestly wait for death, if you want to cause trouble, then I will kill you first to save you from ruining my good deeds. ! "


  The Lord of the Nether Sheep Palace roared again and again, while manipulating the disc of the underworld, struggling desperately, trying to break free from Henghou's palm, while casting various amazing spells to attack that big hand.

   even cast spells to attack the old castle where Henghou was, trying to attack Henghou's body, forcing Henghou to stop!

   Although this Nether Disk is somewhat incomplete, and its laws are damaged, it is an immortal artifact, and it is extremely important to him!

   Nether Sheep Hall Lord would rather give up the natural temple, abandon all the current forces, than lose the Nether Disk!

   He can still rob him without a territory, and he can continue to conquer other strong people to serve him without power.

But if he loses his greatest support, he will be knocked down to the bottom and become one of many top gods. At best, he will be stronger and more horizontal than the ordinary top gods, but it is absolutely impossible to continue to suppress the Quartet. Live in a central place!

Although this artifact was incomplete and it was barely repaired by him, Henghou was able to suppress the disc of the Nether by just extending a palm, and it still made him feel extremely shocked. Only then did he know that he and Henghou are strong The gap between the two is so huge!

   He immediately made up his mind, as long as he regained the Nether Disk, he would immediately escape from this gathering place, and then he was waiting for an opportunity to attack Qin Feng and seize the magical medicine for life extension from him, and then go to other gathering places to look for opportunities.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that he was simply competing with this big hand before. Although Henghou’s palm was far more powerful than he had imagined, relying on his deep foundation accumulated over the years and the power of the Nether Disk, he did not break free. Possible.

   But when he attacked in the direction of the old castle, trying to attack Henghou's body and forcing the opponent to let go, he turned out to anger Henghou!

   With a loud bang, a giant thousands of feet high suddenly stood up from the castle. The whole person was like a huge mountain standing forever, and the whole body was filled with a thick yellow light.

   Henghou's body lightly flashed with a yellow light, and the spell cast by the Master of the Dark Goat hit him, only to make the light tremble slightly, and it didn't play any role anymore!


   Desolate, dull, low roar like thunder came from Henghou's mouth, shaking the ears of countless creatures in the entire gathering place!

   There were two yellow rays of light in his eyes, although he quickly converged back, but the power in it was terrifying!

   "Things that do not live or die!"

   Henghou's huge face showed a slight look of disdain: "With you, you actually want to fight with me?

   It’s not okay to let me take the Nether Disk honestly, I have to look for death, in that case, you are perfect! "

   The words fell, Henghou's body's strong yellow light that couldn't be removed, unexpectedly separated a ball, followed his other big hand and patted the Lord of the Dark Sheep!

  The Lord of the Dark Sheep Palace's face changed wildly!

   He had already tried his best to compete with the opponent's hand before. Now that the opponent showed his body, he knew that Henghou was really competing with him just now.

   At this time, he regretted it!

   Henghou hasn’t seen him for many years. Even when he occupied the Tiansheng Temple and tried to visit him, Henghou ignored him and sent someone to send him out.

   originally thought that Henghou was in a state of declining old age just like him.

   I only know now that people really didn't put him in their eyes, and they didn't bother to pay attention to it!


Even though the Lord of the Dark Sheep has tried his best, apart from splitting a part of his mind to maintain the operation of the Nether Disk, trying to break free from the other hand of Henghou, he has already demonstrated his strongest combat power and waved his hands to gather. With extremely violent power, he slammed the opponent's palm.

   Then, his figure flew away!

   With a bang, he directly smashed the alien food hall behind, and then traversed more than a dozen buildings, which barely stabilized his figure.

   And this, it's not over yet!

   Henghou's palm turned slightly, and he grabbed his body again!


   The master of the Hall of the Nether Goat roared, and his body suddenly changed, turning into a giant goat with a height of several hundred feet!

   It's just that this goat is different from the common sheep demon. Not only is it covered with dark blue scales, but the eyes are sprayed with cold underworld, and the sharp fangs in the mouth can tear tigers and bite soldiers!

   With a rumbling, this huge, four-legged sheep stomped on the ground fiercely, and immediately saw that the ground and surrounding buildings were all sunken dozens of feet deep by the owner of the palace of the sheep!

After avoiding the palm of Henghou’s slap, Mingyang raised the horns above his head high, and the endless flames of the underworld filled his body, as if he wanted to break through the sky, carrying an extremely violent aura and slammed into it. Henghou's body shape resembling the Optimus Pillar!


Henghou snorted coldly, and the palms that had been shot from far away suddenly retracted at an unclear speed, and then swiped in front of him, and suddenly there was a thick yellow light across him and Mingyang. Between the hall masters.

   With a bang, the yellow shield was hit and destroyed by the Lord of the Dark Sheep.

   But that's all!

  Before waiting for the Lord of the Sheep Palace to attack again, he suddenly felt an extremely violent attack, and immediately slapped him to the ground!

   Then, he felt an even more violent force, and Henghou stepped on his stomach with a big foot, almost squeezing his internal organs along the two passages!

   "Die me!"

Henghou suddenly gave up the Nether Disk, released his palms and let the Nether Disk break free, and then grabbed the head of the Lord of the Nether Sheep with both palms, and grabbed Nether Sheep’s hind legs with one hand, with his big feet still stepping on it. On the other's stomach, both arms violently tore, and the Lord of the Dark Sheep screamed, and Henghou directly tore his body into several pieces!

Such a brutal scene directly stunned the strong people who were still thinking about it. Many of them have quietly retreated, and they dare not stand upright and watch the game, lest they accidentally hinder Henghou’s eyes and be favored by him. Slap to death!


   In the blood spraying, the Lord of the Dark Sheep is not dead yet.

Although his goat head was held in Henghou's hand, at this moment, an extremely powerful force exploded. Suddenly, a large mouth full of fangs spouted a cyan fire and burned on Henghou's palm, and then he fought hard. earn.

   found that he could not break free from Henghou's palm. On the goat's head, a crack suddenly appeared between the two eyes braving the flames, and then a group of dark astral power wrapped the godhead and wanted to escape.

The Lord of the Dark Sheep was horrified. He has not lived enough. With his current realm, as long as he leaves the abandoned place and returns to the outside world, it is possible to prove immortality. Once he succeeds, he can survive forever, so where he is willing to die Here!

   So even if his body is destroyed, he has to flee. As long as he finds a chance to occupy the bodies of other creatures, he may not be unable to recover his strength!

   The Nether Disk that had lost his **** was flying towards his soul. As long as he merged with the Nether Disk, he still had a high chance of fleeing at the speed of the Nether Disk.

   Just, now, where will Henghou give him a chance to survive?

   I saw endless yellow light appearing on this great sky giant, and it directly turned into a barrier to envelop the entire gathering place, blocking the way of escape for the Lord of the Nether Goat.

Then he patted the spirit and godhead of the Lord of the Nether Goat in the palm of his hand like a mosquito. The two hands grind back and forth like a grinding plate in a row, forcibly giving the spirit of the Lord of the Nether Goat even the god. Crush into pieces!

   This scene was seen by countless powerful people, and the entire gathering place suddenly became silent. Even the leaders of the other two major forces, at this moment, shrank in the resident honestly and did not dare to move!

  Unexpectedly, the gap between the top gods and the top powers, who are also one of the four powers, is so huge!

   They can be sure Henghou definitely hasn't been promoted to immortality!

   is not only because the Abandoned Land cannot be promoted at all, but also because if there are strong immortal realms in the Abandoned Land, once the news comes out, it will definitely cause countless powerhouses in the entire Abandoned Land to be besieged!

   Because there is no easier way to get immortal aura than from a strong immortal realm!

   Although the strength of the immortal realm powerhouse is tyrannical, it is absolutely unable to resist the siege of thousands of high-ranking gods!

Henghou ignored the horrified gazes of the many creatures in the gathering place, so he reached out his hand and took the Nether Disk into his hands, played with it, and with a flick of his finger, he put the nether disk on the plate that was repaired by the Lord of the Sheep. The piece of material flew out.

   Obviously, he didn't look down on the treasures that were made up later.

   Then, Henghou looked at Qin Feng unexpectedly.

   This made Qin Feng's heart tensed, thinking that this strong man also fell in love with his treasure.

   Just when he was about to summon an army of thousands of spirit beasts under his command to prepare for the battle formation of thousands of beasts and condense the real body of the ancient monster gods, he saw Henghou nodded slightly: "Human monk, don't be nervous, this seat will not be against you!"

   Qin Feng was startled slightly, he didn't expect Henghou to say these words.

   But he reacted very quickly, and hurriedly paid a salute: "Senior Henghou knows that I am a human monk?"

   There are many human beings in the heavens and worlds, but the name monk belongs exclusively to the human race of the ancestral family. This is their own practice system!

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