Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 869: Conquer 3 gods in the land of nourishing gu

Although Qin Feng was already in the same realm as Henghou after he was promoted to Xuanxian, he did not call Henghou a fellow Daoist, but a predecessor!

This is not only because Henghou has existed for too long, it is much longer than the ancestor of his Royal Beast Sect, and told the seniors not to suffer.

More importantly, Henghou's strength is too strong!

It has even been tyrannical to the limit that can be reached by a strong man in this realm, almost to the point where it can compete with a strong in the immortal realm.

Although Qin Feng didn't know how much the battle power gap between the opponent and the Immortal Realm might be, he just blasted the opponent's tyrannical combat power to kill the Lord of the Nether Goat. It's scary, I'm afraid it has already reached the point where it can be promoted to immortality!

It's just that it is difficult to advance because of being in a deserted place.

If Henghou is to escape the shackles of the deserted land and return to the Great Thousand Universe, I am afraid that I can be promoted to immortality directly, and there is no need for all kinds of opportunities and insights like other strong people!

This Henghou is the real powerhouse who can leapfrog!

Unlike Qin Feng Zhenxian and Xuanxian, Henghou was able to fight against the immortal realm at the peak of the gods, and the difficulty was increased too much.

Although ninety-nine percent of them will still lose, after all, the power that has been proven to be able to suppress all those who have not proven to be strong with the Dao, but Henghou's strength has accumulated to the point where it can contend with the Dao, and the degree of vigor is really terrible!

It is precisely because of this that Qin Feng's tone is so humble.

Because even if he summoned all the demon soldiers under his command and condensed the real body of the ancient demon god, he was not sure that he would be able to withstand Henghou's attack.

What's more, Henghou has the largest number of strong followers in the entire gathering place. The name of the first power in the gathering place of gluttons has been occupied by Henghou's subordinates since millions of years ago, and it has never been shaken!

When faced with a super power and need to see the wind, Qin Feng will also change his attitude very foresight, unlike the previous time when he faced the Lord of the Dark Sheep!

"Ha ha…"

Facing Qin Feng's question, Henghou chuckled.

It's just that his voice was like thunder, shaking the square space humming and trembling, the creatures in the entire gathering place, but the existence of less powerful people felt their ears rumbling, it was difficult to hear what he was saying in detail!

"In the early years, when I first entered the deserted land, I was fortunate enough to meet an immortal!

At that time, my strength was still weak, not as good as you are now, but the strong saw the treasure on my body and wanted to **** it.

At the critical moment, the immortal came to help, beheaded the strong man who wanted to take my treasure, and also gave me some guidance, so that I could avoid many detours! "

As he spoke, Henghou's figure gradually shrank, and finally turned into a human form, straddling the void during his steps, and arrived in front of Qin Feng!

"You may still have some hidden methods, so you shouldn't be afraid of the Master of the Dark Sheep, but I see you with some hesitation in your expression, and then you kill the Dark Sheep, lest you be embarrassed!"

"Thank you senior for helping!"

Qin Feng said bluntly: "The juniors do have some means, but once they use them, they will face a lot of trouble. The timing of the seniors' actions is just right, and the juniors are committed!"

"No need to be so!"

After transforming into a human form, Henghou is still tall, with wide shoulders and thick backs, and a simple appearance. Although his momentum is as restrained as possible, he still looks like a mountain that lasts forever, giving people a feeling of unattainable!

"I killed Mingyang not only to repay the love that the immortal helped me with back then, but also because of the ancient rules handed down in the Abandoned Land!"


Qin Feng was stunned for a moment: "Although the juniors have not been in the abandoned land for a long time, they have been in the gathering place for decades. Why haven't you heard of such a rule?"

If there are such rules, if the strong bully the weak, the boss of the gathering place will help, and the entire abandoned place will not be so chaotic!

Henghou shook his head: "The rules I said are not rules among the weak.

The creatures living in the deserted land are killing each other. This is the basis for countless creatures to survive in this extremity. Of course, this seat will not break these rules, and will not randomly intervene in the struggle between ordinary creatures.

The reason why this zodiac kills the Nether Goat is not only because you are a member of the Immortal Dao, but also because I see the potential and hope from you!

It should be known that although there are rumors of strong people breaking the shackles and escaping from the deserted places in various gathering places, even the fairy senior who I saw with your own eyes did this step.

However, this is not something that any strong person can do! "

While speaking, Henghou turned his head and glanced at the powerhouses at the peak of the upper gods in the gathering place.

Regardless of whether these powerhouses are still standing in midair and looking over here, or facing Henghou with a timid heart, those existences who have returned to their lairs are all seen by Henghou through heavy barriers.

The countless buildings and formation restrictions, etc., can't hinder Henghou's gaze!

In the face of Henghou's visit, all the strong were tight in their hearts and stiff, as if they had become a weak and feeble little lamb, being stared at by a fierce and terrifying tiger!

Fortunately, Henghou quickly shook his head, retracted his gaze, and turned his eyes to Qin Feng again, which made the strong men secretly relieved.

As long as Henghou didn't want to attack them, the scene where the opponent beheaded the Hallmaster of the Nether Goat was so shocking that it made the strong from all parties fearful!

"In various gathering places, there is indeed the possibility of being able to leave the abandoned land and return to the outside world, but there are many difficulties in it, and it is by no means as easy as those idiots thought."

A flash of disdain flashed from the corner of Henghou's mouth: "If it is as they thought, as long as they occupy the key positions of the gathering places, they can leave this place in a special period, then it would be too simple.

If this is the case, I am afraid that for countless years, I have not known how many strong people have escaped. How can the rumors of the outside world about the abandoned land remain in a word?

It's not because there are too few strong people who have escaped from the deserted land!

Hmph, the guys in the gathering place now have the strongest strength as the idiot of Mingyang, and they want to escape, which is ridiculous! "


Qin Feng was stunned when he heard this, and hurriedly asked, "Senior means that not only the Master of the Dark Sheep, but also the other strong ones can hardly escape with the formation of the gathering place?"

"It's not that it's difficult, but it's definitely impossible to escape!"

Henghou squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at Qin Feng with a smile: "Although the formation of the gathering place is powerful, it only serves as an auxiliary.

When the opportunity comes, you will know that what you can really rely on is your own strength, as well as strong people of the same level with my strength to help each other, only then can you be able to return to the great universe!

And the guys at the pinnacle of the upper gods in the gathering place, although they are considered geniuses in their respective worlds, they are only stronger than their ordinary counterparts, and their strength is limited!

With such strength, you are also worthy to work with me?

The reason why this seat allows those wastes to occupy the core of the other three formations is only to use them to continue their strength for the formation.

Otherwise, if the core of the four formations are all dependent on me, it will not only take a lot of effort, but also make the strong below not see hope. Even the strong with potential will choose to leave here to find hope in other gathering places. This gathering place has lost its vitality!

Only by allowing other strong players to compete for the core of the three formations, as it is now, can they continuously attract other strong players to compete here! "

Qin Feng understood. To put it nicely is competition. If it is straightforward, it is to raise Gu!

Using the entire gathering place as a place to raise Gu, let many powerful people compete and kill on their own, and finally grow up!

How many souls have to die in order to cultivate a strong man in the realm of Houhou?

He swallowed his saliva, and said dryly, "A strong man like the predecessor, there are not many deserted places. You want to gather four such strong men to join hands to start the formation, I am afraid it is not easy! "

"It's not only difficult, I'm looking forward to it!

Mingyang and the others thought that they were not far from the next time tide, and wanted to seize that opportunity to escape, so now the powerhouses in the entire gathering place are all about to move.

But I have never thought about it, because they are too weak to be my help! "

Henghou sighed: "Ordinary strong people have limited potential. Even if they are given enough resources, it is impossible to cultivate to my level.

Only a truly talented and supreme genius who can overwhelm the same level or even leapfrog the existence, can there be any hope!

It's a pity that such geniuses can't be counted in the heavens and worlds, and there are even rarer ones who can fall into the deserted land!

Therefore, although the real powerhouses gathered everywhere did not set the rules, for any such genius, they would give some help at critical moments.

I hope that they can grow up in the future and reach our level, and then they can join hands with each other to try to get away from it!

And you are such a genius! "

Henghou stared directly at Qin Feng with piercing eyes. Although his tone didn't fluctuate much, his tone also fluctuated a little, which was obviously a little joyful.

"Although your strength is still weak, you are far from the point where you can join hands with me, but you let me see hope from you.

Otherwise, even if you are an immortal cultivator, it is not worth my action to kill the dark sheep for you!

So, kid, practice hard!

While I still have enough lifespan, I quickly cultivate to the true peak, so you and I may have the opportunity to join forces in the future!

The Abandoned Land under the influence of the long river of time, time passed by too fast, even if it was as powerful as me, it could not resist the washing of time before the proving.

Even I can feel my lifespan at every moment, and it is passing quickly under the influence of the power of time. The speed of this passing is too far from matching my own realm of strength.

So you must grow up as soon as possible, and don't wait until our group of strong people die of old age to cultivate to this step!

Otherwise, when the time comes, it will not be me waiting for the next strong to join forces, but it is your turn to feel a headache for this! "

The impact of Henghou's words was so great that Qin Feng was a little surprised for a while.

He pondered for a while before digesting the news contained in Henghou's words.

It turned out that the other party saw his own potential, and then shot the Nether Goat, not because of that nether disk.

At least it's not all for the treasure, otherwise Henghou could kill the Nether Goat at any time for so many years, so why wait until today!

He pondered for a while, and finally replied: "I have taken the sentiment from the predecessors, but I don't have the thought of staying in this gathering place for a long time.

Not only because there are a lot of powerful people from all sides nowadays, but also because I want to travel around and meet more powerful people! "

" doesn't matter!"

Henghou waved his big hand and said indifferently: "Even if you want to stay here, I won't agree!

The real powerhouse can't be achieved by cultivating hard in one place!

In the early years, I also traveled to many gathering places and competed with countless strong people, and finally I had the strength that I am now!

You are still young and the time to enter the deserted land is short. Of course you need to move around! "

He smiled faintly: "Don't worry about leaving, this seat will not covet your treasures. Whether it is a small world or a spatial treasure, it is of little use to this seat.

I can say that I have this kind of things myself, even if I don't, when I am in my current state, I won't be too tempted by them.

Nowadays, the only thing that needs to be considered for our existence is to get rid of the abandoned land.

Otherwise, if it is for some dispensable treasures to break the future path of a monk with unlimited potential, it will not be any good for me to leave the deserted land. Maybe I will miss it and escape this extremity. Chance! "

Hearing Henghou's words, Qin Feng was completely relieved.

It is true that when you reach the realm of Henghou, you will only make escape from the deserted place as the most important goal.

Otherwise, what's the use of giving him more baby?

If you can't return to the outside world, you can't be promoted to immortality. When your life is exhausted, you will eventually become a dead bone. As for the treasure, you don't know which guy will be cheaper!

So Henghou will not only covet his treasures, even Qin Feng feels that if he speaks, maybe the other party will give him some training resources!

Of course, he is not as shameless as this!

Over the years, he has done business in the Ten Thousand Demon Pavilion, but he has earned a lot of benefits from the gathering place.

Although the several warehouses dedicated to holding treasures in the refining pot are not piled up like a mountain, they are also quite impressive, why bother to ask others for it?

What's more, there is no need for him to continue to owe Henghou's favor!

Qin Feng felt that what he needed to consider now was how to leave this gathering place safely without exposing the army of spirit beasts under his command.

Although Henghou said that he would not hinder his footsteps, he even hoped that he would walk more in the deserted land, experience more hardships, and grow up as soon as possible.

But the other powerhouses in the gathering place won't just watch him leave!

Qin Feng would not underestimate the wisdom of the other strong people in the gathering place!

Those simple-minded powerhouses may only think that he has the treasures he has accumulated over the years of doing business in the Myriad Demon Pavilion, and he has the magic medicine for life extension!

However, a person with truly superb wisdom is absolutely able to guess that there may be a world of caves in him, just like the Lord of the Dark Sheep!

Even suspicion is enough to make them take a risk!

There was Henghou suppression in the gathering place, and they did not dare to directly attack Qin Feng.

But outside of the gathering place, you can launch sneak attacks and siege on him everywhere in the endless wilderness!

Even Qin Feng could guess that not only would Henghou not hinder this, he might even help him secretly, sending his subordinates to publicize how many good things he had, which would cause more powerful men to pursue him.

Because of this, he can experience more hardships!

As for whether Qin Feng would really be killed by those strong, Henghou didn't care too much at all.

When the Lord of the Dark Goat revealed the immortal artifact before, Qin Feng dared to be tough, how could he be afraid of other strong people?

If Qin Feng is really incompetent, he can't even carry out the pursuit of ordinary strong men, and beheaded by the strength of all parties in the gathering place to **** treasures, then it can only be said that his Henghou vision is not good. I hope it will be well placed on Qin Feng!

"Don't make me wait too long, I hope you can grow up as soon as possible!"

Henghou finally left such a sentence, so he stopped staying and turned and left.

Watching Henghou stay away until the other party was completely gone, Qin Feng slowly let out a sigh of relief, completely relaxing his tight spirit.

Although Henghou did not use his aura to oppress him, the strength of this strong man is too tyrannical. Even if the two talked normally, he unconsciously raised his mind to the extreme!

At this moment Henghou had already left, Qin Feng's eyes turned, and the three of Mo Yu who were not far away suddenly grinned!

"...No, let's go!"

It was only at this moment that the three major leaders under the Master of Mingyang Palace realized that they would even dare to fight Qin Feng before turning around and fleeing.

The previous situation changed too quickly. Originally, the Master of the Palace of Dark Sheep appeared on the stage. They thought that their Patriarch would definitely be able to kill Qin Feng, but they did not expect to be crushed to death by Henghou three or two times!

Then they didn't want to flee, but when Henghou came here, no creatures dared to move in the vast area nearby by the huge aura.

Qin Feng didn't feel the majesty of Henghou, that was because Henghou had never thought of shocking him, so as not to leave a shadow in his heart!

But other creatures, this strong man doesn't care much!

Therefore, Mo Yu and the others did not calm down until Henghou left.

It's just that they didn't leave before, so it's too late if they want to leave now!

With Qin Feng's soft drink, UU read www.uukanshu. The phantom of the ancient monsters and gods condensed by the many monsters and gods behind com rushed forward, directly locking their figures.

Unless they can defeat the phantom of the demon god, where else can they go?

The other forces in the gathering place, including the Tiansheng Temple, originally belonged to the Lord of the Dark Sheep, because of the majesty of being photographed by Henghou, at this moment, no strong person dared to show up to stop Qin Feng.

Although they didn't know what Henghou had talked with Qin Feng, they didn't dare to attack Qin Feng as soon as Henghou left!

Therefore, under the gaze of all the forces, Qin Feng led the monsters under his command to set up the battlefield and directly suppressed the three leaders of Mo Yu, Chi Yan, and Han Ling!

The powerhouses on all sides didn't know what Qin Feng had done to suppress Mo Mei and them, but just watched Qin Feng take Mo Mei and them back to the Ten Thousand Demon Pavilion.

Then, Qin Feng directly lifted the Ten Thousand Demon Pavilion small building from the ground, put it directly in his sleeve robe, turned and turned into a light, flew away from the gathering place!

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