Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 870: Bird face broken soul silk

"No, he wants to escape!"

"Hurry up, don't let him run away!"

"This... isn't it? That kid was with Lord Henghou just now. In case he has something to do with Henghou, wouldn't we offend Henghou if we just catch him and kill him?"

"Idiot, do you think this is the outside world? How many strong people who live here can touch the same world?

Not to mention that the kid is just a newcomer who has only entered the Abandoned Land in recent years, it is impossible for Henghou to come from the same world.

Even if we really got into Henghou's eyes for some reason, the big deal would be to leave Henghou's gathering place after robbing him, and avoid Henghou far away.

Would Henghou abandon the nest in this gathering place and go after us personally? "

"Even if he really has anything to do with Henghou, he can't care about it. If this kid really has a small world that works independently, as long as he takes his treasure, where can we go to practice!"

"Yes, with resources, we can guarantee our cultivation base even if we stay in the wilderness. When we become stronger in the future, we will go to other gathering places to seize the core area of ​​a gathering place to prepare for leaving the abandoned place in the future. !"

In an instant, because Qin Feng suddenly turned into an escape light to fly away from the gathering place, it attracted the attention of countless strong people.

Almost immediately, there were many strong people who chose to catch up with them either overtly or secretly.

And some other strong men who were greedy for Qin Feng’s treasures, but because they were afraid of Heng Hou, did not dare to follow up immediately. Seeing that there was no movement at all in the old castle where Heng Hou was located, he was relieved immediately. They are all dispatched one after another.

As a strong man, his ability to act is very fast, almost in a short period of time, and most of the masters in the entire gathering place have left most of them directly.

Some even directly led all the forces under his command to pursue and kill Qin Feng on a large scale!

Among these chasers, there are even many powerhouses under the command of the other two top powers.

Although the other two powerhouses occupying the core of the formation did not dare to dispatch themselves, they all dispatched their subordinate powerhouses to participate in this pursuit.

After all, once Qin Feng was beheaded, the harvest was too great, and they couldn't help but not be tempted!

In addition to the major forces, there are many scattered and powerful people behind these forces secretly, if they have the opportunity, they definitely don't mind picking up a bargain!

Even if it doesn't, they will come back again. Anyway, they also have self-knowledge, knowing that it is impossible to win Qin Feng by their own strength, not to mention that it is impossible to win Qin Feng, even if they can, they cannot pass the level of other forces.

However, if the melee broke out, they might not have the opportunity to get rid of the fire.

For a time, the creatures of all races in the entire gathering place watched the strong team constantly passing by, and sometimes there will be strong men acting alone sneakily following behind.

But no matter which force it was, or the strong man acting alone, they were all extremely fast and disappeared in a short time.

With Qin Feng's departure, the number of strong people in the entire gathering place was reduced by nearly half in a short period of time.

Although the number of these powerhouses only accounts for a small part of the entire gathering place, the loss of these powerhouses means that the overall strength of the entire gathering place will decline for a long time in the future.

However, no matter whether those strong men who chased Qin Feng will come back again, there will be many powerful wandering strong men who will find that there are not many masters in this gathering place, so they will definitely have the idea of ​​choosing to form a new force here. !


Qin Feng drove the light outside, swiftly moving forward along the way, sometimes changing direction, making a big turn to try to get rid of the strong behind.

It won't work if you don't do this!

Because the number of strong men chasing him is too much.

Even if there were many strong people who hadn't thought of chasing them out, or the guys who didn't have any thoughts about him, because they saw others chasing them out, out of herd mentality, they all chased them together.

There are so many powerful people, Qin Feng can't bear it!

So he can only run away first.

Although Henghou meant to let him experience more tempering, even Qin Feng himself was unwilling to practice step by step. The reason why he left the gathering place to travel around was his own mindset in it.

However, there are too many powerful people who have chased them, and they are really going to be blocked. Then it is not tempering, but hardship!

It may even be crushed to death!

If Qin Feng summoned his subordinate spirit beast army to lay out a ten thousand beast battle formation, although he could kill a large number of powerful men with the real body of the ancient demon god, he would definitely not be able to kill all the chasers in one go.

After all, those guys are very clever. They have spent a lot of time in the deserted land, and they know how to escape if they lose.

After all, there is only one demon god's true body, and it is powerful to fight alone, and it can be an enemy, but it is impossible to chase and kill the opponent in thousands.

And those who fled from the powerhouse, afterwards, will certainly spread out not only the fact that he has an independent small world, but also the fact that he has tens of millions of demon soldiers under his command.

Once this happens, no matter where he goes to any gathering place in the future, he will face endless battles. Until he has the strength of Henghou, he will truly shock the Quartet and let all the strong know that he has treasures and dare not dare. snatch.

Qin Feng's escape technique was very fast, but even so, he couldn't get rid of all his opponents!

The Abandoned Land is too special, here is the gathering of the world's powerhouses of hundreds of millions of heavens, and it is inevitable that there will be many existences with peculiar abilities, so it is normal that a few are faster than Qin Feng in terms of speed.

Even Qin Feng often turned big when flying away, in fact, to avoid those extremely fast guys.

Otherwise, if he is flying in a straight line, he is afraid that he has already been overtaken by several strong men!

Even so, he could not completely escape, and after only a short period of time, Qin Feng had to stop his figure.

Because those powerful men with superb speed surrounded and intercepted several times, forcing him to give up and continue to flee.

"Hey...Don't run away?"

One of the bizarre existences with four wings on the back of the bird face stood in front of Qin Feng.

He gently **** the four wings behind him, and surrounds this invisible atmosphere around him. Obviously, this is a strong man who is good at manipulating kamikaze.

On the other side, a guy with a curvaceous figure and exposed clothes, but with a fox head on his chest, waved his hand lightly and inadvertently laid silk threads around Qin Feng, trying to confine the void and prevent him from escaping. go out.

This is a broken soul thread. It is a treasure accidentally obtained by this god. It is powerful and has strange attack methods. It can hurt the soul through the body!

There is also a big-headed baby-like guy, but his face is covered with folds, not caused by old age, but by the nature of the race!

Although this guy has a big head, his body is very small, only one-third the size of his head. With such a small body with such a big head, it looks both funny and ridiculous.

But Qin Feng couldn't laugh.

Because this guy is extremely fast, and that pair of small hands can even launch attacks directly through the void and grab his body!

If it wasn't for Qin Feng himself who was proficient in the laws of space, he could keenly sense the fluctuations in the surrounding space and avoid them in time, I'm afraid he would really understand the way of this guy.


Qin Feng could not help but sneer when he heard the bird-faced human spirit sneer: "You bird god, don't you think I didn't escape because of you?

Then you are too high on yourself!

With just a few pieces of your materials, are you worthy of letting me escape?

If it weren't for the number of strong men who are catching up from behind, I would have killed you lingering fellows a long time ago! "

Upon hearing the words, Niaomian Shen's expression suddenly changed, his momentum rose, and the four wings behind his back stirred, and suddenly the endless gust of wind swept towards Qin Feng!


Facing the violent wind that the bird face was waving its wings, Qin Feng did not evade, and directly opened his mouth to blow out a golden wind!

He wants to use the wind to break the wind and use his own tyrannical strength to tell these guys that you are really not qualified to fight with him!

With a huff, two gusts of wind slammed together, and then the golden wind swept through, even blowing away the gust of Niaomian Shen directly, and slammed the other side's wind towards Niaomian Shen.


Niaomian God was shocked when he saw this!

Although he is better than speed, when it comes to offensive and defensive skills, he is really far worse, so this is so vulnerable!


Next to him, the ugly creature with a big head suddenly opened its mouth and let out a loud cry.

The cries turned into billowing waves, and directly attacked Qin Feng.

This move was not to resolve the crisis of the Bird Face God, but simply to seize the opportunity to severely inflict Qin Feng!

They belonged to different forces, so they didn't bother to care about the life and death of the bird face god, as long as they dragged Qin Feng to prevent him from fleeing, they would have completed the task.

And if they could kill Qin Feng, these guys would definitely not mind grabbing Qin Feng's treasure and fleeing directly.

After all, at their speed, if they escape, there are really few strong people who can catch up.


Faced with the sound wave attack of the big-headed doll-like strong man, Qin Feng didn't even look at it. An evil dragon head appeared directly behind him, and he opened his mouth and let out a loud dragon chant.

The dragon yin rolled, not only shook the opponent's sound waves, but the powerful power also shook the opponent's body, and the huge head was bounced with blue veins, and it took a long time to return to normal.

"No, this guy's combat power is really terrifying, we are not opponents!"

The big head doll exclaimed and walked away intentionally.

After all, he is not good at fighting, especially in close combat!

It is also because of this that he will take the initiative to seek refuge with the forces behind him!

But now, Qin Feng has shown great strength, UU reading really wants to rush to him, I am afraid that a slap can smash his head!

Fortunately, the woman with the fox head waved the silk thread in her hand and fell towards Qin Feng's body, blocking his next movement.

However, these silk threads couldn't restrain Qin Feng at all. He raised his hand and grabbed nearly half of it directly. Then, regardless of the unique attack of the cutting spirit from the silk thread, he slammed hard.

Even if the fox girl let go faster, she was still almost dragged to Qin Feng by the violent power in it.

Then without waiting for her to scream to escape, nine evil dragon heads suddenly appeared behind her, and with a click, she bit her body into pieces!

The other two extremely fast powerhouses were all shocked, only then did they know how strong Qin Feng was, and where he dared to fight him head-on, and they evaded and wanted to entangle in the distance.

Even if Qin Feng's combat power was far better than them, he couldn't be killed in a short time at this time.

At this time, there were already three or two powerful and powerful men in the rear chasing after him!

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