Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 897: Take the Immortal Chapter

The 897th chapter captures the immortal air and emerges the eye of good fortune

Qin Feng instantly showed his tyrannical strength, and he killed a super strong with extremely strong force, and the audience was shocked!

Although he shot at the critical moment when the opponent was fighting the Immortal Realm Great Power, he was quite suspected of sneak attack, but being able to kill the super power in an instant still surprised everyone who saw this scene.

The superpowers of the original abandoned land did not pay too much attention to his words. Everyone is superpower, and they have their own hole cards. They have not had a fight, and no one thinks they are weaker than others!

But now Qin Feng is making a strong move, and the words he just said do make some sense, so even if some strong people from the chaotic world, even those with violent temperament and incomparable temperament, did not choose to treat the Burning Sky at this moment. The powerful shot of that side.

Otherwise, even if they possess the ability to compete with Qin Feng, they will definitely not be able to win the battle with Da Neng with his entanglement.

What's more, Qin Feng's words are reasonable, instead of provoke both sides and eventually provoke dissatisfaction with the powers of the two eternal realms, it is very likely that they will be the first to destroy these disruptors.

In that case, they won't be able to get anything, and they will bury their lives here, which is not worthwhile!

Henghou chuckled and nodded first: "According to your words, let's focus on the immortality of the opposing faction!"

After all, bypassing the divine king who had been precarious under their siege before, rushed towards the edge of the battlefield, and launched an offensive towards the vacant powers of the opposing camp from a distance.

Archangel Diga felt that as an ally with Qin Feng and the others for tens of thousands of years, he should stand up and respond at this time.

So he immediately made a decision: "Qin Feng's words are reasonable. I am waiting to survive. You must not act to offend the two eternal realms to death. Otherwise, I might be implicated. Wait, when the time comes, we can say that we can't join forces to kill the spoiler!"

After that, ten wings spread out behind him, and his figure instantly turned into a white glow, following Henghou to kill the immortal statue.

Henghou's strength is obvious to all, and he has more possibilities to win together with him, so the actions of the Archangel Diga are very simple and neat!

Two super powers successively responded to Qin Feng's words, and the other super powers were not fools, and they killed them one after another.

Even if there are three or five superpowers who are almost going to be abandoned and driven mad, they have suppressed the fierceness in their hearts at this moment, and have spotted their opponents.

Anyway, they are all powerful. Killing is all killing. There is no need to provoke the anger at this time, otherwise they will definitely not be able to capture the immortality.

Qin Feng glanced around, and saw that more than a hundred super powers and a larger number of Half-Step Immortal Realm's existences had selected their opponents.

And the great power of Fen Tian Majesty's side also very tacitly forced the opponent away, and took the initiative to retreat to the back to give way to the battlefield, so there was no presence in the field to attack the strong Fen Tian camp, so he was relieved. .

To do this, at least it will not cause the same hatred of the two sides, and the possibility of leaving alive after the war will be greater.

"Senior Sister, let's do it too!"

Qin Feng greeted.

Liu Xuanling responded softly and flew up to Qin Feng.

Compared with Qin Feng's huge body, which was nearly ten thousand feet tall at this time, her figure was insignificant.

In addition, she is a monk, good at restraining her breath, and the law of lunar yin she majored in is relatively restrained, like the moon rises into the sky, and the quiet shines on the world, not like the hot sun, better than the screaming wind, not like the thick earth, different from the ruthless water and fire, cold and clear A cloud of moonlight makes it easy for people to ignore her threat.

However, when she followed Qin Feng to the battlefield and joined the battle to take a shot at one of the great powers, she suddenly revealed an extremely astonishing combat power!

This is the power of a four-winged bird with its head on its back. The feathers on its head resemble a crown, revealing a luxurious atmosphere. Its claws are like hooks, its eyes are like electricity, its eyes are sharp, and its tyranny is amazing. There is endless thunderous response to every gesture. In the wave of his hand, there were countless lightning strikes and kills, and several powerful men who fought against him were beaten back again and again.

It's not that this great power is super strong, but only one super strong was besieged against him. Except for a half-step immortal, the rest are all strong in the peak realm of the upper gods.

That's right, it is the pinnacle of the upper gods, the subordinates brought to the powerhouse of the half-step immortal realm.

He knew that his strength was not strong, so he wanted to rely on a residual siege from these men, trying to fight for some immortality.

In addition to this side of the entire battlefield, there are actually quite a few high-ranking pinnacle gods participating in the battle.

Of course, these gods in the upper peak realm are not fools. If they really don't want to participate in the war, they can escape, but they chose to participate in the war. Obviously, they are fishing in troubled waters and want to win some immortality in the battle!

Throughout the ages, whenever similar wars have been encountered, this kind of thing has happened. It is true that the upper peak gods have won the benefits, but more of them have been killed on the spot by those powerful.

The difference in strength is too great. Besides playing a harassing role, it is impossible for them to cause much trouble to the powerful, but they are also easy to encounter danger!

However, when Qin Feng arrived, the threat to these guys was reduced by half in an instant!

Qin Feng's previous move to kill a super powerhouse forcefully not only saw many powerhouses in the Abandoned Lands, but these immortal realm powers were also clearly seen.

So with the arrival of Qin Feng, this great power immediately relaxed its attack on other strong men, and turned more attention to Qin Feng.

After all, even their immortal realm's powers could not easily kill the super-powerful. Qin Feng possessed this level of combat power, and although he took a trick, it also made them vigilant.

It's just that because he paid too much attention to Qin Feng, he not only relaxed his attack on other strong men, but also ignored Liu Xuanling, who seemed to be a humble human woman.

However, when this mighty power cast a spell to fight Qin Feng, Liu Xuanling took the opportunity to make a move.

The Moon Golden Wheel was silent, but it slashed towards this mighty power with a sharp and sharp edge, and even took advantage of the moment when the defensive spell outside the opponent's body was blasted by Qin Feng and the other two strong men. The half wing behind him!


This mighty power immediately shot all over his body with thunder and rage.

It would be fine if it was injured in Qin Feng's hands. After all, he had known Qin Feng's fighting strength before, but he didn't expect to be chopped by this woman first, and the wound was still the most important wing to him.

In the rage, Da Neng suddenly turned his head, and reached out his hand to grab a sledgehammer that flashed with endless thunder, and with a bang, he blasted at Liu Xuanling with an extremely violent thunder.

It was just that before the thunderbolt reached Liu Xuanling's body, the thunder was defeated by the magical powers in Qin Feng's hand.

He has many laws and supernatural powers, and some of them are methods to deal with Thunder. Knowing that the senior sister is a little weaker, of course he will not allow the opponent to launch a strong attack on Liu Xuanling!

After blocking the blow, Qin Feng waved his hand and the dark flames gushing out from the sky, and the raging soul-burning fire rushed towards this great power, forcing this great power to deal with his attack first.

Liu Xuanling took the opportunity to hook the moon gold wheel, and took the half of the wings back, and took it in the envious eyes of several other strong men.

If they hadn't seen that Qin Feng and Liu Xuanling were in the same group, they would have already snatched it. After all, there was a lot of immortality in this half of the wing!

Liu Xuanling ignored the envy and jealousy eyes, and immediately flew up after putting away the spoils.

Now that she has exposed her strength to attract the attention of this mighty power, she no longer does anything to hide, and with a squeak in her mouth, she transforms into the strongest fighting form of a human snake's tail. Shenguang, the moon gold wheel revolves around her figure, extremely agile, delicate and beautiful.

But no one dared to look down upon this beautiful crescent moon, because it was just this precious wheel that exuded gentle moonlight that cut off half of an immortal mighty wing!

Boom boom boom...

As the strong of the deserted land joined the battle, the intensity of the war increased several steps in an instant!

Although the battles between these immortal realm powers were strong, various powerful spells and supernatural powers were successively displayed, and the collision between various avenues rules was amazing, but they have always reserved.

After fighting for so long, not to mention that there was a powerful war dead, not even one who was severely injured and unable to fight again.

At most, it is just a few who have received a few minor injuries. If you want to divide the victory between them, in addition to the fact that the victory or defeat between the army below will have a great impact on them, it will take a long time to fight. .

Among them is that they have known the general ability of the other party in the battle all the year round, and it has a lot to do with Gu Xi's own life. As a powerful and powerful person who lives with the world, he is not willing to risk his own life unless it is necessary. superior!

However, when the strong of the deserted land joined the battle, this situation was suddenly broken.

They are not willing to take risks, but the powerhouses of Abandoned Land will all put their lives and deaths out of the question!

Not to mention the super powers, even the half-step immortal, and even those powers of the upper gods peak realm who dared to participate in the war, are all crazy, trying their best to attack the powers.

Even most of the strong in the Abandoned Lands are offensive and undefended. In order to seize the immortal energy from the opponent, they have no fear of damage.

In such a frenzied battle, the immortal powers of those abandoned land powerhouses besieged are shocked and angry, and some have even given birth to the mind to retreat!

It was really crazy. In just a few moments of the battle, there was a great power that was bombarded and killed by five or six superpowers including Henghou and Diga Archangel, robbing him of all his flesh and blood!

In addition, there are several great powers who are also scarred. They are beaten back by those crazy super powers. They use all their power for defense, and they can't get out of their hands to attack.

Of course, these are the powers of the Immortal Realm after all. There are strengths and weaknesses. Some face a large number of super powers and suffer, but some powers face a small number of super powers, or even only two. A strong man in the half-step immortal realm led his subordinates to besiege.

Under this circumstance, even if the powerhouses of Abandoned Land show extreme madness, they are not likely to be their opponents. Therefore, they still have a long time to prove the Dao, and they have accumulated incomparable vigor. In this life-and-death struggle At that time, it immediately showed a strong side, killing many strong people in the Abandoned Lands.

However, the strong in Abandoned Land were used to life and death, and didn't care about the death of their companions.

There was even a dead soul who was beaten with only one head left, still flying around in the air, opening his mouth and biting towards the opponent!

These mighty abilities are shocked, angry, and somewhat helpless. It seems that their existence in this realm, no matter where they are placed in any world of the cosmic void, is a superior powerhouse. I did not expect to fall to this level today and be affected by these power realms. Not as good as their fellows as prey for plundering flesh and blood?

Such a frantic battle scene made the immortality of the Great Venerable Burning Sky also startled.

Immediately, they secretly rejoiced in their hearts. Fortunately, their great sage was smart, and the self-esteem guy who did not learn from Junara refused to refuse the advice of the strong man in Abandoned Land, otherwise they might be attacked by these lunatics now.

But then they got excited.

The mighty powers of the Junaro side have been entangled by dozens of strong men in the Abandoned Lands, and at the same time they have freed up dozens of immortal mighty powers on their side.

So these guys turned around to join the battle between other powers, two-on-one or even three-on-one, ready to besie their opponents, instantly making the fight between them several times more intense than before, although not as good as the strong in the Abandoned Lands That's crazy, but if you continue to fight, there will be great casualties.

Qin Feng ignored the other battlefields and concentrated on dealing with the enemy in front of him.

Perhaps this immortal might not take too long to prove the Dao, and at a glance, it is known that it is a high-ranking existence for many years, so the combat experience is far inferior to the powerhouses in the deserted land where they fight for many years.

The other side relied on the cultivation base of that immortal realm, and the suppression of them by the law of the Great Dao.

In addition, it is just a strong but inexperienced strong man.

However, the super power can offset the suppression of the Dao Law to a certain extent, and Qin Feng has not only reached the point where his own combat power has reached the point where he can contend with the challenge of great power and leapfrogging, if it is coupled with the battle brought by the "Heaven and Earth Conquest of Yin and Yang Great Compassion" With the power bonus, he can even suppress the opponent for a short time.

What's more, he is not alone with the opponent, besides the senior sister Liu Xuanling, there is another super powerhouse and a half-step immortal realm powerhouse beside him as a helper.

So it didn't take long for them to hit this strong man with a lot of injuries.


In addition, the super powerhouse blasted a tyrannical attack, and the majestic body was unstable and retreated one after another.

There was a sense of trepidation in this great power. He came from a noble background. Even if you fight against other great powers, it is often you and me attacking each other. I really haven’t faced such a crazy battle before, so his heart rises. Retire.

Otherwise, in the fight, I'm afraid he really has the might of fall.

It's just that it's too late!

He didn't have enough combat experience, and he didn't know how keenly Qin Feng, the powerhouses in the deserted land, grasped the aura. When Qin Feng found that his fighting spirit had dissipated, he knew that this mighty power was ready to flee.

So he first displayed a series of violent supernatural powers to divert the opponent's attention, and then relied on the tyrannical body to choose to entangle close, but secretly manipulated the nine-headed ghost dragon to madly tear and bite the opponent's limbs and wings, tightly restraining him. The opponent, and he himself displayed a violent attack.

In addition to using both hands and feet, punches and kicks, the divine light from his eyes almost blinded the opponent's eyes, and the powerful Ruyi Hualing golden wind from his mouth went straight to the opponent's heavenly spirit, placing this great power in Ruyi Hualing. Under the sharp attack of Jinfeng, he immediately rushed into the body along the pores of his body.

The rest of the powerhouses, including Liu Xuanling, all rushed on frantically, all kinds of tyrannical methods should not be used as if they were costly, and the immortal realm mighty power was divided on the spot.

Although the original aura on the opponent escaped, they didn't care.

Because what they seized was the immortal aura from the opponent, the aura of origin was mainly connected with the origin of the other side's avenue. Although the amount of immortal aura was quite large, it was not worthy of them to give up that flesh and blood to chase down the aura of the origin.

In an instant, those powerful men all rushed forward to Qin Feng and competed with him for this mighty body.

Although Qin Feng was extremely tyrannical, no one cared at this time.

They even dared to kill the immortal power, how could they be afraid of Qin Feng!

Although Qin Feng was very greedy, UU reading wanted to take all of this immortal corpse, but he also knew that it was impossible. If he chose to eat alone at this time, he would inevitably be confronted by several other strong men. The attacker's offense may cause other powerful players to take the opportunity to attack him!

Therefore, he let the powers compete, but the nine-headed ghost dragons behind him worked together, biting this mighty limbs and wings, and violently tugging, using the slashing movements of the other powers to divide it into pieces. Duan, then quickly put these limbs into the bag, let him and the strong to **** the remaining remains, and turned around with the senior sister who had helped him withstand several strong attacks.

Although he has captured these limbs, he is not sure how much immortal energy can be extracted from them. In case the immortal energy extracted from these flesh and blood bones is not enough for him and the senior sister to escape, he will not wait for such a chance. Knowing that it will be tens of thousands of years.

So Qin Feng turned around and went with Liu Xuanling to kill the mighty powers in other battles.

He wants to take advantage of this chaotic moment to collect as much Immortal Qi as possible to ensure that they can safely escape from the abandoned land.

What's more, the aura of immortality is not only a treasure used to offset time, but also the foundation of the great power of immortality. This thing is the better for anyone who thinks of the great power of immortality. Given this good opportunity, he will of course not give up easily.

As the war escalated, the incomparably **** and cruel battle continued. I don't know how long it took. The powerhouses of the Abandoned Land beheaded many powerful powerhouses, and the Burning Sky side also besieged some of them.

So many powerful deaths obviously touched the bottom line of the great fortune behind the two big worlds.

So I don't know when, two majestic eyes suddenly appeared above the battlefield, passing through the layers of time barriers in the Abandoned Land, and looking over!

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