Reigning Supreme With Pets

Chapter 898: Mo Dao Shiren's 1 eye provokes the long rivers of time

Qin Feng and his senior sister Liu Xuanling continued to fought on various battlefields together. They were extremely fast, and they focused on those who were less powerful, or who were in a bad situation under the siege of many super powers.

Although there is a suspicion of picking up the bargain, it has to be said that with the joining of the two of them, the chances of those battle groups winning greatly increased, and the speed of severely injuring or even beheading the opponent increased several times.

Therefore, although the two men robbed a lot of limbs or flesh and bones from Mighty's body after the incident, and were separated a lot of immortality, other super powers did not pay too much attention to these.

In fact, they don't care about these anymore.

At present, everything is dominated by capturing Immortal Qi at the fastest speed. What's more, the battle is not over yet. After they have captured the flesh and blood from Da Neng, they can go to other battles.

As more and more super powers have gained something and join other battlefields, the speed of the powers' fall suddenly rises again, making all the powers of the Gunaro camp shocked.

The Kunaro in the Eternal Realm is even more furious. Although he was assigned to deal with the immortality of the strong in the Abandoned Lands, most of them are the strong in the attached world, but the death of these guys will affect them greatly. The **** of the world.

What's more, in addition to the powerhouses attached to the world, there are more than a dozen powers of their world, and now, these powers have been nearly half dead, and the rest are also in danger and are in danger of death at any time.

As the number of powerful abilities killed by one's side increases, the number of super powers drawn from the abandoned land is also increased, which makes those powers need to face more super powers.

In this case, even if there are a few preaching for a very long time, the extraordinarily tyrannical might have killed some superpowers in the Abandoned Lands, and it will not help the overall situation. On the contrary, as more and more The besieged by the super powers put those powers of superior combat power into crisis.

Gunnaruo roared again and again, trying to get rid of the entanglement of the Great Lord Burning several times, and turned around here to kill the powerhouses of these deserted land first to reverse the battle. However, Great Lord Burning didn't give him this opportunity at all.

The two big worlds have been hostile for hundreds of thousands of years, and they will fight a battle from time to time. At this time, they finally get the opportunity to win this super-large-scale war. Of course, the Great Lord Burning Heaven will not miss this greatly weakening the other side's world. A great opportunity for strength!

When Qin Feng once again participated in the battle and joined forces with a group of powerful men to besieged and killed a fish-headed snake with two eagle claws on its chest, he just squeezed away by relying on his huge size to cast the magic of heaven and earth. The former two powerhouses unceremoniously collected the flesh and blood of that mighty body.

Although the two powerhouses were angry, they did not attack him. After all, Qin Feng was not only tyrannical himself, but also Liu Xuanling standing beside Qin Feng staring at them. They were unwilling to waste time on fighting, so they changed quickly. A direction to join the looting team.

After several wars, Qin Feng cooperated with his senior sister tacitly. Sometimes he would keep other strong people out to buy time for Liu Xuanling to seize more treasures from the immortal power. When he took it personally, Liu Xuanling did it. He skimmed the formation to guard against a sneak attack on him.

After all, on the entire battlefield, the two of them seized the most body and flesh and blood, and the immortal energy that can be refined is absolutely huge. They even seized the opportunity to seize two immortal artifacts. Such gains have already caused other strong people to jealous. Just because everyone is still fighting, no one will choose infighting at this time.

But they had to guard against it, otherwise they would be hit by a sneak attack by weird means, and they would also be hit hard, which would be quite detrimental to their next actions.

Just as Qin Feng grabbed it with a big hand, and abruptly put the big fish head left behind after the death of the mighty into his pocket, and when he was about to attack other parts, he suddenly felt a horror, and then there was a huge and incomparable coercion and awe. Coming here, let all the powerhouses present to wrap up those powers in the distance are all shocked!


An anger that didn't know whether it was a sound or a divine mind came from outside the remote endless space.

Although the sound was blurred as if passing through layers of water, the anger contained in it was clearly felt by all the strong.


Almost all the strong and powerful all slowed down their fight and suddenly looked up to the sky.

Then I saw two eyes appearing in the sky at some point.

These two eyes do not belong to the same strong person. Not only do they think they are too far apart, but the two eyes are as dark as ink and red as fire, exuding different auras.

Obviously, the two great powers displayed their supreme magical powers at almost the same time, and their eyes penetrated the layers of time barriers.

This is the great power of the two great worlds. Such a large-scale war broke out. It is impossible for them, the real powers of the world, who are in charge of the world, to ignore this, and even the two of them themselves are in the endless void. At war.

Although I was aware that the huge battlefield had triggered bizarre time and space fluctuations in the battle, both sides were trapped in a unique space.

But they didn't care about it. It wasn't that they didn't care about the safety of the powerful under their command and the huge number of legions, but because they knew that the place where they fell into was deserted.

As the ancient existence of advanced good fortune, these two powerhouses are all old antiques that have not known that they have survived for thousands of years. Although they have not been to the Abandoned Land, they also know where it is, so they did not care too much about this. There is no spiritual realm.

For them, where the two legions fought, it was the same, and it was said that there were so many powerful ones to look after, and later they would be able to lead their subordinates to break through the layers of time and space barriers that enveloped the deserted land and return to the Great Thousand.

Even if they can't, they can also break through time and space to rescue.

Therefore, the two powerful masters of the good fortune realm did not stop fighting, they were still fighting in the depths of the endless starry sky!

But soon, their faces changed.

Especially the strong man with dark eyes like a bottomless vortex, he almost thought that he had induced a mistake.

He unexpectedly sensed the aura of twenty or thirty of his own power completely disappeared in a short period of time!


How can it be?

That is the immortal power of proving the Dao, not the Chinese cabbage, nor the ordinary creatures that can be wiped out at will, even if he exists in the good fortune realm, it is impossible to wipe out the powerhouse who controls a great road at will!

Could it be said that the Abandoned Land is not just the extremity of ordinary gods, as it is spread by the outside world, and it also hides the tyrannical existence above the good fortune realm?

Otherwise, who can kill so many powers in such a short period of time?

Therefore, he hurriedly backed away and stopped fighting with his opponents. After retreating hundreds of thousands of miles, he turned his eyes to the direction of the battlefield along the induction penetrating layers of time and space. He was ready to see what happened.

If there really is an extremely powerful and dangerous danger, he must go to rescue in the past, otherwise, once all these powers are damaged, it will be an unacceptable loss for their world.

Even though half of them are immortal realm powerhouses attached to the world, they are all belonging to their side of the camp. Once the loss is too large, it might be directly at a disadvantage in the next war.

In case the opposing big world seizes the opportunity and chooses to break out a big decisive battle, even if it can keep the world without losing, it will be difficult to make a comeback again!

The Great Fortune Realm on the opposite side saw him retreat and didn't entangle him.

They are old opponents. They know how strong the opponent is, and the strength of the two sides is not much different. Unless there is a deadly battle, it will be difficult to really tell the winner!

What's more, he was also curious about what happened in the Abandoned Land that would make this old opponent so angry?

When the two great powers of the good fortune realm cast their gazes, they immediately saw the situation on the battlefield. Then they saw that a group of brutal guys who didn’t know where they came from were besieging the immortality, how is their wisdom? Can't guess what happened!

Therefore, the great power of good fortune with dark eyes suddenly became very angry. I never expected that these gods in the abandoned land, who had already lost their way to advancement, would dare to attack their immortal realm with great power, and they could even kill them. so much!

At the same time, he also knew where there was another problem!

This is a deserted place, and the time lapse of the deserted place is different from the outside world, especially at this stage, it is in a period of riots in the long river of time, otherwise the battle between the two sides will not trigger the unique space-time force so easily. Both factions are involved in the desert!

It is precisely because the time in Abandoned Land at this time is tens of thousands of times faster than the speed of the outside world, so he feels that so many powerful people will fall in that short moment, because this moment of time is placed in Abandoned The earth has passed for several days!

This made the great good fortune grateful. Fortunately, he found out that something was wrong in time and withdrew from the battle and stopped fighting with his old opponents. Otherwise, if he delays, I am afraid that more immortality will be damaged!

In the rage, the eyes of the Great Fortune Realm Da Neng suddenly shot endless black light, shooting at the strong men in the deserted land, preparing to obliterate these guys who dared to ruin his good deeds.


Suddenly, the Great Fen Tian shot and threw a volcanic artifact.

This artifact turned into a large mountain of flames in mid-air, blocking the divine light from the eyes of the great fortune realm.

After all, the Great Lord Burning Heaven is a great power in the eternal realm. Although he is not an opponent of the good fortune realm, it is not difficult for him to block the divine light in the opponent's eyes through endless time and space.

"Fentian, do you dare to stop me?"

The Great Fortune Realm was extremely angry, and shouted angrily: "Why, do you want to fight with me?"

"Ha ha…"

Great Lord Fen Tian chuckled: "Utuo Li Da Tian Wang joked, Your Excellency is so powerful that I can resist it, so I dare not compete with U Tu Li Da Tian Wang.

However, I have previously promised the gods of these deserted land that as long as they help me kill the enemy, I will protect them from the power of higher realms, so please don't embarrass me! "


Udali the Great Heavenly King was extremely angry: "Is it necessary to let the Heavenly King watch his subordinates be surrounded and killed by these ordinary gods?"

"They will be besieged by ordinary gods, that can only show that they are not strong enough, they are not strong, and they will die if they die. Why should Uda Li the Great Heavenly King be so angry!"

Great Lord Burning Heaven is not afraid at all: "Although I am not the opponent of Great Heaven King Utoli, but there is Great Heaven Burning Sky, where will you be allowed to do it with me?"

On the other hand, the Great Fortune Realm, whose eyes are like burning stars, has already figured out what is the opportunity for his side to usher in a big victory through these simple words, and he burst out laughing when he heard the words: "Fen Tian did it. Yes, don’t worry, I’m here, and Uda won’t be chaotic!"

"Huh! Can you stop me if I have to come?"

Uda snorted coldly, and suddenly slammed forward, trying to break through the layers of time and space, forcibly coming down.

"Hey, old friend, the fight between the juniors, you are so anxious to intervene, and you are not afraid to make people laugh when you spread it out!"

While talking, the Great Heavenly Venerable Burning Air suddenly stopped, and the wave of his hand smoothed out those temporal and spatial fluctuations and prevented You Tuoli from breaking through the sky!

"Burning air, do you have to force me to fight you out of life or death?"

Udari roared, and didn't know what tyrannical spell was cast in the outside world, which caused the endless time and space above the entire abandoned place to tremble, and the violent fluctuations spread, making all the creatures below feel shocked.

Moreover, with the fierce battle between the two powerhouses, not only did they fight to the depths of time and space, but also did not know how many time and space barriers were broken, but also vaguely let many powerhouses hear the sound of rushing waves.

That was the long river of time, because the power of these two great fortune realms was too strong, and the time and space outside the abandoned land they fought was shattered, causing the long river of time to appear directly above.

At this moment, the countless powerhouses above the battle were all horrified, especially the many powerhouses in the Abandoned Lands.

With such a powerful force, if the strong fortune realm breaks through the barrier and really comes down, I am afraid that they can be wiped out on the spot easily.

Although they can leapfrog the challenge of immortality, for the strong in the realm of good fortune, the strong without proof is also a member of the ordinary gods, and there is no existence of the blessing of Dao law, in them It's not worth mentioning in front of you, and it can be destroyed at hand!

"No, run away!"

At this moment, the power of the two camps is fine. They don’t have to worry that Udori will attack them, but one of the strongest in the Abandoned Land is counted as one, and they all have the mind to flee immediately, otherwise even if they don’t need each other. It really comes, and you will be able to shoot them to death after a while through the void!

Just, can you escape?

Although their speed is fast, what is it in the eyes of the strong in the good fortune realm?

Qin Feng also had a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

He also wanted to escape, but he was also full of doubts in his heart. Looking at the two powerful figures, I am afraid that they will break through time and space and come in an instant. Where can they escape to the deserted land?

As for desperation, it is even more ridiculous!

It's just that he is not worthy to work hard with the Great Fortune Realm.

But it seems that you may not be able to escape like this!

Just when he was anxious, he suddenly heard a roar not far away!

Then came a strange wave.


Qin Feng was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly turned his head, and saw that the one-eyed stone man became extremely tall at this time, like a giant holding the sky.

However, he released a shocking force and a unique breath of law, and the divine light flashed in his forehead's one-eyed eye, and he released all the huge power he has accumulated for millions of years in an instant!

Then, under the one-eyed control of his forehead, this enormous force and law caused the river of time that had been stirred up to swell the sky, and suddenly set off a boundless wave that spread across the void above, bringing the two immortal mighty bodies. Shape is involved in the long river of time.

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