In the end, Qianmo really didn't know how to wear the dress, so she had to let Duoleisi help her wear it.

Why is a dress so complicated? Qianmo roared silently in her heart.

Qianmo stood in front of the floor-length mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. This was the first time she looked at herself so carefully.

Smart cat ears, long white hair, ruby-like eyes, so cute!

Hiss-wait a minute, ruby-like eyes?

Qianmo found that her originally blue eyes turned red.

She confirmed again and again that she did not use the life blood ring, but her eyes did turn red.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Seeing Qianmo looking at himself in the mirror in panic, Duo Leisi asked worriedly.

"My eyes were originally blue, but now they have turned red"

"Oh, this is normal. You have the blood family gene, and it is normal for your eyes to turn red"

"Look at my eyes, they are also red"

Duo Leisi pointed to her own eyes and said.

The system once said that it had hidden the blood family factor, but now her eyes have turned red, does that mean...

Qianmo: "Dolesi, is my current condition a sign of becoming a vampire?"

Dolesi: "Yes, if you are injected with the blood family factor, you will either die or become a vampire"

"But you are quite amazing. As a sub-human, you can still survive after being injected with the blood family factor. This is really a miracle"

"Maybe, you will become the first sub-human blood family in the world, hahaha"

Qianmo came out after putting on her skirt. Because Dolesi's clothes were more complicated, it would take some time.

Qianmo stood in front of the window, and while waiting for Dolesi, he asked the system some questions.

'Dog system, didn't you hide the blood family factor in me? Why am I becoming a vampire now? ’

[Answer: The blood family factor erodes the body very quickly, even the system cannot stop it. The previous concealment can only delay vampirization, and the latent will become explicit sooner or later]

‘Hmph, it seems that you are just like this, won’t I still become a vampire in the end? ’

‘You should have turned me into a vampire directly at the beginning, so that I could suffer less’

[I’m sorry, host, the system is newly developed, so there are still many shortcomings. For unknown dangers, only the lowest risk and highest safety measures can be taken]

‘Hehe, the highest safety means saving me only when I am on the verge of death? Your understanding of life extension is really harsh’

[I’m sorry, host]

‘Forget it, you are just a system, why should I compete with you’

‘By the way, vampires are undead. If I become a vampire, then do I not have to worry about that disease? ’

[Answer: Theoretically, it is correct]

[Note: This method has never been recorded, so it cannot be confirmed at present, so the system cannot list it as a treatment method. Please forgive the host]

‘If I really solve the problem of Xuwumiao, then your life extension function will become a decoration? You know, the blood race is the undead race, and the undead race is bound to the life extension system’

‘Ha, it’s funny, you are directly useless! ’

It’s a rare opportunity to play yin and yang with this dog system, so Qianmo must whip it well.

[If the host is no longer in danger of life, then the system will change the mode]


What does it mean?

[If the above conditions are met, the system will provide the host with combat power training in the next mode according to the host’s wishes]

‘…You’d better do what you say’

Click——The sound of the door opening came from behind.

Duo Leisi changed her clothes, opened the door and came out of the dressing room.

“Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time”

“Not long” Qianmo shook his head.

"By the way, these are the shoes for you"

Dolesi handed a pair of high heels to Qianmo.

"Um, I'm not used to wearing shoes, so why don't you just forget it?"

"But didn't you just say you wanted to wear a pair of shoes?"

"Gu... Well, actually I don't know how to wear this kind of shoes"

"So that's the case, I didn't think it through, but I only have high heels, and flat shoes are basically what I wore when I was a child, I guess you can't wear them either"

"It's okay, it's good to be barefoot, you don't have to worry about falling when you walk barefoot"

"Then let's go to the living room first, by the way, where's the wolf? Why can't I see it?

? "

Dolece looked around, but did not see Yue Ling.

"Look, there it is"

Qianmo pointed out the window, where Yue Ling was playing with a two-headed dog on the lawn.

"Just now, it rushed out after seeing the two-headed dog. Is that your dog?"

"That two-headed dog is not my dog. It is my neighbor. It occasionally comes to my house for free meals."

"Free meals? I thought vampires only sucked blood."

"Of course vampires can also eat, but they are more efficient in sucking blood."

The two walked and talked, and soon they came to the living room.

After the two sat down, a set of tea sets automatically floated over and landed in front of Qianmo to pour tea.

"It's so magical, is this magic or something else? "

Qianmo looked at the floating teacup in front of him with some curiosity.

"This is a magic prop. As long as you set the action in advance, it can automatically pour tea. For example, I set it to pour tea after sitting down."

"Although I didn't make the tea, I personally selected the tea leaves. Please try it."

Qianmo picked up the teacup and took a sip.

When the tea enters the mouth, it first has a hint of bitterness, and then the mouth is full of sweetness, just like the taste of life, bitter and sweet.

Uh... How can I drink the truth when drinking tea?

Maybe I have some expectations in my heart.

"Qianmo, how do you think humans view vampires?"

Qianmo thought for a moment and replied:

"Vampires feed on blood. In the eyes of humans, they are also on the vampire menu, so it's strange that the two can still be friends."

"What about you? You are not a vampire now, so how do you view vampires? ”

“Even if I’m not a vampire, I’m not a human. I’m just a subhuman…”

“It seems like you have some misunderstandings about subhumans. I have to explain it to you.”

“Subhumans are a subspecies of humans. You can understand it just from the name, right? So subhumans are humans, and they are different from vampires, which have nothing to do with humans in their names.”

“So that’s how it is…”

Qianmo thought that those people in the institute didn’t treat her as a human because she was a subhuman.

Now she understands completely that those guys in white coats are not human!

Next time I see them, I must tear them into pieces! Especially that old man!

Dolores found that Qianmo’s expression was gradually gloomy.

“Are you okay? Did you remember something unhappy?”

“It’s okay, I just remembered some unlucky guys”

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