The old man was buried in the grave.

Dawn City has signed a contract with the vampires. As long as the vampires can keep posing no threat to Dawn City for a hundred years, they can enter Dawn City after a hundred years.

If they violate the contract, Dawn City will have the right to impose judgment on the threatening vampires, and the vampires will never be allowed to enter Dawn City in the future.

However, now in Dawn City, there is a vampire who is using the vampire factor to create vampires privately.

She is very good at hiding her breath, which is why she can invade Dawn City for so long without being discovered by the guardian.

Dolores wants to get rid of the vampire before the guardian commits a big crime.

So the question is, why did the vampires sign this contract that seems to have no benefits?

As the second party who signed the contract, what can they get?

Qianmo also asked Dolores the same question, but Dolores was like a riddle man, saying that they had their reasons for doing so.

As for why Dolores asked Qianmo for help...

"Among the Dawn Guardians, there is someone who looks very similar to you."

Qianmo opened the file of 9527, and wrote "God's Envoy Suya" in the prototype column.

"That person, wouldn't it be... Suya?"

"That's right! Aren't you curious about what kind of person your prototype is? Don't you want to see it with your own eyes?"

It's impossible to say that you are not curious, but it's weird to let her, a clone, meet the other party!

And now she is half a vampire. If she appears in front of the other party, the other party will probably show her off!

"You better tell me first, how do you want me to help you?"

"It's very simple, you first enter Dawn City, and then find Suya--"

"Reject! Let's not talk about my identity as Suya's clone, with my current vampire body, can I really get in?"

"It's really difficult, but the rules are dead, people are alive, as long as you step into Dawn City, Suya will come to you as soon as possible, and she is actually a very kind and gentle child"

Although she will be rewarded by Suya with a shot of purifying holy light every time she enters Dawn City, this does not prevent her from praising Suya in front of Qianmo!

Qianmo was silent for a moment and asked the question she cared about most.

"Then what is my reward?"

"What kind of reward do you want?"

"...I don't know what I want either"

The original Qianmo just wanted to gain power and then escape from the research institute.

But now that she has escaped, she doesn't know what she wants to do, let alone what she wants.

It is because she doesn't know what to do that she agreed to Doles' request.

As for the reward, isn't it normal to get a reward after completing the task?

"You can give whatever you want, money or anything else..."


*Qianmo's stomach began to protest to Qianmo

Dolesi: "..."

Qianmo: "... Let's talk about the plan first"

*Qianmo ignored the protest of his stomach


Although it is said that as long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed, but Duoleisi's laughter still made Qianmo's cheeks slightly red.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at your stomach, but because you ignored the roar of your stomach and pretended to be serious, it was really cute"

Qianmo was a little shy when a girl praised her for being cute for the first time.

She covered her face with one hand because she knew her face was probably red now.

"Let's go" Duoleisi stood up.

"Where are we going?"

"Let's go eat. Just consider it as my advance payment to you."

"So my payment is eating?"

"Almost. After you complete the task, I will be your backer. I will take care of your food, clothing, housing and transportation."

At this moment, Qianmo seemed to see the holy light on the vampire in front of him.

"Can I get another advance payment?"

"Well? What do you want to advance?"

"I want a set of clothes that are not skirts, okay?"

"Small problem, leave it to me!"

After walking for a while, the two came to the restaurant.

After entering, a maid came over, and Qianmo noticed that the maid's knees were puppet joints.

"Is this maid a puppet?"

"Well, in this castle, besides me and my pet, the rest are these puppets."

At this time, the maid puppet spoke.

"Miss, are you ready to eat?"

Whether it is the way of speaking or the actions, it is just like an ordinary person.

"Well, prepare two servings for me"

"Okay, please wait, I have contacted the kitchen to cook"

After speaking, the maid returned to the corner just now.

"Let's sit down and chat for a while"

"Okay, okay"

After the two sat down, they chatted for a while.

Dolores: "Do you have anything to ask me? For example, information about Suya, or information about vampires"

Qianmo: "Tell me first how to find the vampire, and how to deal with her after finding her"

Dolores: "You don't need to solve the vampire, you just need to help Suya find the vampire, and the method is to use the bond resonance between the blood clan"

"Her hiding ability is very strong, even Suya, as a messenger of God, may not be able to find her"

"I should have helped to solve the vampire, but my hiding ability is too poor, basically As long as you get close to Dawn City, you will be discovered."

"But you are different. You haven't completely turned into a vampire. You can be no different from ordinary people with just a little trick."

Qianmo: "Oh, after saying so much, you still haven't told me who that vampire is and what her name is?"

Doraes: "She, like you, is a man-made vampire. No one knows her name. I only know that she is an undisciplined lawless lunatic. She can ignore the rules of the blood clan unscrupulously because she is wild!"

Doraes said, and she broke the corner of the table.

Qianmo: "..."

Three seconds of silence for the table. By the way, are all vampires so strong?

Qianmo; "What about Suya? What kind of person is she?"

Dolores: "Suya is a messenger of God, you know that too."

"She is very strong, especially in magic, she is ridiculously strong! She can easily cast a city-destroying magic!"

"And she has a ridiculous number of blessings, half of which are due to the bonus to magic alone."

"Generally speaking, a person should have one to three blessings, but she has more than ten. Anyway, we have figured out how many blessings she has so far."

Qianmo was not too surprised, after all, the other party is a messenger of God.

According to the plot of the novel, people like Suya are usually the protagonists.

And as a clone of Suya, she is obviously destined to be a villain or cannon fodder.

So, even if they can't be friends, they can't be enemies!

As for hugging thighs, it's better to leave it to those characters with tough luck.

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