The first time was a big event, but the news was not released.

Silver Wing Knights Headquarters

Today the Knights are busier than ever because two incidents occurred today.

The first was a violent incident in the northern district of Dawn City, with a total of 4 people slightly injured and 1 seriously injured, and no suspects are available.

The second was the appearance of an infected person with *blood python fever*, that is, a person who is about to become a vampire. Due to the seriousness of the incident, if it is spread out, it will inevitably cause panic, so the Knights concealed the news.

The cadres of the Knights are discussing what happened today in the meeting room.

"It's already very clear! Besides the vampires, what other races can infect people with blood python fever?"

"That's hard to say. In addition to being bitten by a vampire, can't you also inject bloodline factors? This can also cause blood python fever. In my opinion, the infected person injected bloodline factors into himself in order to gain power."

"What do you mean by this? Are you trying to exonerate the vampires?" Knight Ke Wei said in a somewhat unfriendly tone.

"You have not figured out the cause of the incident and you have made a rash conclusion to convict others! Are you trying to provoke a dispute between the two races?" Knight Ivis said not to be outdone.

"Calm down, both of you. This is not the place for you to quarrel!"

Reges's majesty as the head of the Knights is unquestionable. The two knights who almost quarreled quickly shut up.

"Fass, come and explain what happened today."


Fass stood up and opened the file in his hand.

"The infected person of Blood Python Fever was found in the West District. According to eyewitnesses, when the infected person was found, the other party had already attacked. Fortunately, there were no casualties at the time. The infected person has been detained by the Knights."

"However, within three hours after the incident, a violent incident occurred in the North District, with a total of four people slightly injured and one seriously injured. According to the patrol knight, the seriously injured man fell from the sky."

"There is no magic power left at the scene, so it is very likely that enhanced magic was used. At the same time, it is not ruled out that it was caused by a completely vampire."

"The above is the information collected so far."

After Fas finished speaking, he sat back.

"Did anyone else find anything unusual today?"

"No, there was nothing unusual in the East District where our team patrolled today."

"Captain, there was a robbery in our South District today. Is this considered unusual?"

"Robbery? It sounds normal. Doesn't it happen frequently in the North District? It seems that the perpetrators are always the same few people. They have been arrested so many times but never learned their lesson."

"Hey, the victims of the violence are not the robbers, right?"

After hearing this, Fass quickly reopened the file.

"It's really them!"

"Oh! This is called evil pays off, right? I think they were beaten this time because they hit a wall with their robbery."

When they heard that the victims were the habitual criminals, everyone present showed a relieved expression.

As members of the Knights, they must abide by the law and cannot convict people arbitrarily. Those habitual criminals often cause trouble for the Knights.

However, the amount of money they robbed each time was small, and the Knights could not impose too serious a crime, so they could not do anything to them. Over time, those guys became more and more rampant.

Ivis: "Captain, should we tell the Guardians about the Blood Python Fever Infected?"

Ke Wei: "I don't think so. This matter has not yet reached the point where it cannot be controlled. If we have to find the Guardians for everything, why didn't we just recruit them into the Knights?"

"I asked the Captain, not you"

"Huh? Isn't this obvious?"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Regis clapped his hands a few times.

"Okay, let's stop today's meeting!"

"Fass, help me contact Mu Mu"

"Okay, Captain"

After the meeting, everyone returned to their posts.

Vlades Academy

The magic class classroom was quiet, with only the teacher's lecture and the sound of the pen rubbing on the paper. The students were all taking notes seriously... right?

This textbook-like scene is of course impossible to be real!

In fact, some students have already left their souls and flew to who knows where, some students are thinking about what to eat after class, and some students are sending messages by carrier pigeons, which is the real meaning of sending messages by carrier pigeons!

Every time the teacher turns around, the students will return to the textbook state.


Of course he knew what his classmates were doing, but he didn't intend to expose them.

As long as their grades and moral character were acceptable, classroom discipline didn't matter, at least they would still give the teacher face on the surface.

Suya was listening to the class attentively at this time, not affected by others at all. Of course, the classmates would not disturb this academic god, after all, their grades still depended on her.

* Refers to peeking at Suya's answers during the exam

Liya - As Suya's deskmate and best friend, she was the person most influenced by Suya. She used to be a bad student, but now she is a top student. The academic god is so scary!

"Susu, look at the window, the owl is here again"

Liya gently poked Suya's arm.

Suya looked in the direction Liya pointed.

Outside the window, there was a white owl sticking to the window.

"Well, I know, let's talk after class"

Then, the owl stuck to the window and waited for Suya to finish class.

"That's all for today's class, goodbye, students"

"Goodbye, teacher!"*N

After class, Suya came to the grove of the academy.

A white owl was standing on a boulder waiting for Suya.

When Suya came, it turned around and said mysteriously: "Cuckoo--"

Suya: "Did you forget to turn on the translation again?"

The owl shook for a moment, then patted the collar on its neck.

"Ahem, hello, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, hurry up and tell me what's going on, I still have to go to dinner with my friends"

"Oh oh oh... See you tonight, at the bell tower!"

After saying that, he flew away.

Suya sighed helplessly, turned around and left the woods.

Most people only know that Suya is a powerful businessman, and don't know that Suya is also one of the guardians of Dawn City.

Few people know Suya's identity, and Liya is one of them.

"Susu, do you have a job again?" Liya asked worriedly.

"Yes, I guess I may have to take another leave," Suya said with a tired face.

"It feels so hard, why don't you quit?"

"Hahaha, this is a stable job, why quit?" Suya said with a smile.

"But when I graduate, I should be able to relax a little bit"

"How many credits do you still need?"

"Well, let me think, it should be enough after this exam is over"

"Wow, then I congratulate you in advance, the earliest student to graduate in the history of Vlades"

"Hehe~ Praise me as much as you can!"

Suya put her hands on her hips, looking proud.

"Look at you like this, if it were someone else, I would definitely say a few bad words"

"So, my words are all compliments?"


"Huh? What is not compliments?" Suya tilted her head.

"Hehe~ I won't tell you!" Liya turned around and ran away.

"Hey↗What are you thinking about when you stop talking halfway!"

Looking at Liya's back, Suya did not chase after her, but looked behind her meaningfully.

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