The only way to save the life is to go to the city.

Dolores had told Qianmo before that Suya would come to find her as long as Qianmo entered Dawn City.

But this was only possible after Qianmo's vampire magic was exposed.

Unless Qianmo really couldn't find Suya, this method would never be used, otherwise it would not just be Suya who would come to find her.

The best way was for Qianmo to find Suya himself, which was not an easy task.

As Qianmo had just arrived in Dawn City, if he asked others about Suya directly, it would be very likely to arouse suspicion.

Fortunately, Suya was a student, so he just needed to know where her school was.

After a period of hard work, Qianmo finally arrived at the Virendes College.

"Finally found it! The address of this broken school is really outrageous, it's actually in the royal city," Qianmo complained.

The area of ​​Dawn City is divided into the outer area and the inner area.

The outer area consists of four areas: east, west, south and north, while the inner area consists of the imperial city and the royal city.

There is no need to explain the imperial city, everyone knows it.

The royal city is full of dignitaries, either nobles with prominent family backgrounds or wealthy merchants, and it is very difficult to get in.

Question: How did Qianmo get in?

Answer: I got in by swiping Suya's face.

"I can only say that Suya is really awesome. Just relying on her face, she can get the guard to let me in."

Qianmo sat on a chair outside the coffee shop to rest. A waiter saw Qianmo and walked over.

"Hello, Miss Suya, what can I order?"

"... Do you have latte?"

"Yes, please wait a moment"

Qianmo looked at the waiter and fell silent, then put on the hat he had taken off just now to pass the guard.

Qianmo glanced and noticed the magazines on the shelf next to him. One of the covers was Suya.

"No way, I was wondering why even the waiter knew Suya, so it was because of this thing?"

Qianmo took the magazine and wrote "Wangcheng Magazine" in the corner of the cover.

No wonder only people in Wangcheng knew Suya, it turned out that these magazines were only available in Wangcheng.

But it's true, people in the outer districts are working hard for life, how could they have spare money to buy magazines.

Qianmo looked around, the environment of Wangcheng was very different from that of the outer districts, and the modern decoration style could be vaguely seen.

The town that Duolei took Qianmo to before was called "Liping Town", and the architectural style there was modern.

The common point of these two places is that Suya has been there, and it is basically certain who influenced this architectural style.

"If Suya is really a time traveler, I should be very envious of her"

"But if Suya is an aboriginal, and can achieve this level, then it is really amazing..."

Qianmo looked at the face that looked like her in the magazine.

"If all this is the result of her own efforts, then I should admire her very much"

After drinking coffee, Qianmo came to a tall building.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the farther you can see.

Soon, Qianmo found the Viraids College.

"It's so far, it would be nice if I could take a taxi..."

Qianmo had an absurd idea in his heart. Maybe because of Suya's influence, she now thinks that there must be a service similar to Bibi Taxi here.

Very happy, there is no taxi service here.

"Hahaha! There is always something that Suya didn't do! Wuhu!" Qianmo raised his hands happily.

Suddenly, a UFO flew over her head.

Qianmo stared at the flying horse in amazement.

"It's a magical world, it seems I'm not completely used to it yet"

After a period of running around, Qianmo finally arrived at the gate of Weilaides College.

Here, Qianmo couldn't use face recognition to pass through, after all, Suya herself was inside.

Qianmo had to check around the school.

Fortunately, Qianmo was lucky and saw Suya just passing by the school woods.

Qianmo looked at Suya with wide eyes. There was a fence between her and Suya.

"How should I remind her to look here? Just call loudly? No, it will attract other eyes"

Just as Qianmo was thinking, Suya had turned around and walked into the teaching building.

Seeing this, Qianmo couldn't help but panic.

This may be the only chance, and I can't wait any longer!

Qianmo lifted his sleeves to reveal his white arm, which had a magic inscription on it. This

It was the magic carved by Doraise for Qian Mo to hide the magic power of the vampires.

Qian Mo felt cruel and scratched the skin on his arm, destroying the magic inscriptions on it.

In an instant, the blue eyes turned back to blood color again.

Doris was very foresight, and she carved more than one hidden magic for Qian Mo. Therefore, the magic of the vampires was not completely exposed, but only a little bit, and this was just enough for Suya to perceive.

Suya, who was about to catch up with Liya, stopped after sensing the magic power of the vampires, and looked back behind her.

A white-haired girl wearing black casual clothes and a black beret was standing outside the fence looking at her.

"Eh? Human?"

Liya ran and found that Suya was not following her.

Qian Mo's face was slightly red, because this was her first time...

This is her first time holding hands with a girl!

So excited!

Su Ya held Qian Mo's hand and walked quickly to a hidden alley, then opened a door in the alley and walked in with Qian Mo.

Click - Su Ya closed the door.

Su Ya pressed Qian Mo on the chair, then picked up a bundle of chains, glanced at Qian Mo and threw it away decisively, then rummaged through the box and found a bundle of ropes.

"I'm going to tie you up."

Before she kidnapped someone, she said something special, "She really did. I cried to death."

In the end, Qian Mo was tied to a chair by Wu Huada.

Qian Mo could feel that the magic power in her body was restricted, and she couldn't even use the life blood ring, although she only knew the life blood ring.

No, Qian Mo can also sense other people's emotions. This is a special passive ability, which he learned from Yue Ling.

As for how he learned it, Qian Mo really didn't know how to explain it. He just played with Yue Ling and then learned it.

Although Su Ya tied Qian Mo to the chair, Qian Mo didn't resist at all and just looked at Su Ya with a smile.

She could feel that Su Ya was not hostile to her, and when she tied her up, her movements were very gentle. Although it was not clear why she tied herself up, there must be some reason.

Su Ya has a magical affinity, which is why Doris never complained about Su Ya after being beaten so many times by Su Ya.

Suddenly, Su Ya gently opened Qian Mo's thighs, then raised her feet and stepped on the chair between Qian Mo's thighs, looking at Qian Mo condescendingly.

Qian Mo was a little confused, especially when her thighs were opened just now. She thought what Su Ya was going to do.

"You were sent here by Dolores, right?"

Su Ya leaned into Qian Mo's ear and whispered.

Qian Mo nodded quickly.

Bang - the door was kicked open.

Several people in white uniforms broke in.

When Ke Wei came in, he saw the strange postures of the two people.

"Miss Suya, what are you doing?"

"Can't you see? I'm reviewing this intruder."

"But you didn't even knock on the door, you just kicked it open. I didn't lock the door." Su Ya's tone was a little unkind.

"I'm very sorry, Miss Su Ya, we were just worried about what might happen to you when you were alone with the vampires, so..." Ke Wei explained nervously.

"Heh, are you saying that as a guardian, I will be hurt by a vampire?"

"Am I too weak to make you think this way, or... do you think I will betray the City of Dawn and collude with the vampires?"

Although Suya's body looks a bit petite, her pressure at this time can suppress the knights from standing upright and they can only look up at her.

"Miss Suya, we never meant this! We are very sorry! Please forgive us for our unreasonable behavior just now!"

After Ke Wei apologized, Su Ya put away the pressure.

"Okay, forget it this time, let's take her to the Knights first."


Ke Wei was sweating and panting as he replied.

Is this the strength of the Guardian? Even more powerful than the leader.

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