The truth is that the ... Probably because Qianmo cooperated very well from beginning to end, he was not treated roughly.

The Knights locked Qianmo in the confinement room of the Silver Wing Knights headquarters. After all, Qianmo can only be regarded as an illegal intruder now... No wonder!

He clearly entered through the gate legally and openly!

So Qianmo is now locked in the confinement room as a suspect.

Ke Wei is now checking Qianmo's carry-on luggage. The things in the storage bag are very common, just some clothes and money. Oh, and there is also an adventure certificate.

"I didn't expect that he actually used the adventure certificate to get in. It seems that the guards are still too lax. I have to teach them a lesson later."

*Knock knock knock*

The one knocking on the door is a woman in a white coat with a red cross printed on her clothes.

Ke Wei: "What's the matter?"

Fana: "The forensic team did some tests on Qianmo and found that she is not a vampire, but an infected person with blood python fever."

"What? Not a vampire?"

Ke Wei was a little bit unbelievable. After all, Qianmo looked very normal and did not fall into madness like other infected people.

So after all this time, they just caught a victim persecuted by the vampires?

Ke Wei's heart was a little complicated at this time, with mixed emotions such as guilt and doubt.

On the other side, Qianmo, who was in the confinement room, was hungry.

"I'm so hungry. Although I won't die of hunger, it's still very uncomfortable to be hungry."


Ke Wei pushed open the door of the confinement room, holding a box in his hand, and there was a fragrance coming out of it. It was obviously a lunch box.

"Are you hungry?"

Qianmo nodded.

Ke Wei put the lunch box on the table in the middle of the confinement room and pushed it towards Qianmo.

"Is this for me?"

"Yes," Ke Wei nodded.

Qianmo didn't hesitate to open the lunch box and started eating.

"Well, Miss Qianmo, I'm very sorry. We mistakenly thought you were a vampire and arrested you," Ke Wei said apologetically.

"Well... can I leave now?" Qianmo asked after swallowing the food.

"Sorry, since you are now infected with blood python fever, we still can't let you go."

"Hmm? Blood python fever... what is that?"

Qianmo didn't know what blood python fever was.

"It's the symptoms after being bitten by a vampire," Ke Wei explained.

"But, I wasn't bitten by a vampire."

"Not bitten by a vampire... Could it be that the blood clan factor was injected?"

"It should be like this..."

*Bang! *

"Where did you get the blood clan factor from!"

Ke Wei slapped his hands on the table and asked loudly.

Qianmo was startled by his sudden change of mood.

"How would I know where that thing came from? I was just forced to fuse the blood clan factor by a group of people in white coats."

After hearing Qianmo's explanation, Ke Wei quickly calmed down.

He had a preconceived notion again, as before and now. There was no direct evidence to prove that it was done by the blood clan, but he always thought it was done by the blood clan.

His prejudice against the blood clan made him always suspect the blood clan first. His colleagues had clearly told him that the blood python fever might be caused by the injection of blood clan factors.

Ke Wei sighed and was speechless about himself.

"Sorry, I scared you."

"Uh, um..."

"Can you tell me where those who injected the blood clan factor into you are?"

"I don't remember it either. When I escaped, I was only concerned with escaping and didn't go out of my way to recognize the way."

"Really... Then I'll leave first. Have a good rest tonight."

After looking at Qianmo's face for a while, Ke Wei left the confinement room without saying anything.

Qianmo touched the hat on his head and confirmed that

After making sure that his face was not seen clearly by the other party, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The first night in the City of Dawn was spent in the Knights' confinement room, sad~

Qianmo's mission is to help Suya catch the wild vampire and then destroy the other party, but this is based on the premise that the wild vampire has not been discovered.

If the wild vampire is discovered, then Qianmo's mission becomes to prove that the wild vampire has no relationship with the blood clan.

This is like trying to prove that the human is not a human. Qianmo needs to collect evidence to prove that the wild vampire was injected with the blood clan factor by himself or others to become a vampire.

At least Qianmo knows one thing, that is, the first-generation vampires who can bite humans into vampires, and the ones who are bitten and injected with blood clan factors are the second-generation vampires, and the second generation does not have the ability to bite humans into vampires.

Compared to collecting evidence to prove that wild vampires have nothing to do with blood clans, Qianmo still thinks it is easier to directly destroy the other party.

"Hey, when will Suya come?"


Dawn City Clock Tower

Suya leaned on the guardrail and looked at the Dawn City at night.

"The scenery here is really never boring, and you and Mumu are a perfect match"

Regis walked to Suya and leaned on the guardrail and said.

When Suya heard Regis's address to her, she felt a chill and ignored his words.

Regis was used to it.

"I heard that you caught a vampire today?"

"Is your news delayed? Didn't the forensic team say that she was infected with blood python fever?"

"Ahahaha, it's almost the same. Anyway, she will become a vampire sooner or later"

Regis said jokingly.

"Hasn't the Royal Research Institute developed the serum for blood python fever yet?"


"Is it impossible to develop it, or did they not develop it at all?"

Regis was silent for a moment.

"Guess why I called you here tonight?"


Change the subject again, this guy...

Seeing that Suya didn't say anything, Regis continued to talk to himself.

"The dark team found several more infected people with blood python fever, and several people who have become vampires"

"More and more people are infected. Today, one has been exposed to the public. If this continues, it will be impossible to hide it"

Suya turned her head and looked at Regis and said, "Okay, don't beat around the bush, just tell me what you want to do"

Regis: "I heard that the vampires can sense each other. I was planning to use those infected people to find the culprit before, but those infected people were all unconscious"

"Originally, I planned to use *blood search* to find it, but today you caught a conscious infected person, which makes things much simpler"

When hearing *blood search*, Suya frowned, because the way to use that thing is very inhumane.

"Okay, I understand what you mean. I'll go back first. You can find a way to send her to me."

Su Ya waved her hand and left the bell tower.

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