Bai Ze reluctantly stood up and secretly swore that even if he starved to death or died outside, he would never eat a bite of snail if he jumped from here.


"La la la~"

In a joyful atmosphere, they finally found a suitable hunting target.

<Elro Dinosaur Monster: LV8>

<Elro Dinosaur Monster: LV7>

<Elro Dinosaur Monster: LV7>

Three purple Tyrannosaurus rex appeared in front of them.

The next moment, Bai Zhi and Bai Ze's eyes flashed with light.


The two looked at each other and rushed towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

A shocking battle begins!


The three-headed Tyrannosaurus looked up to the sky and roared, the roar deafening.

Unfortunately, in front of the two hungry spiders who are about to lose their minds, they are destined to be miserable.

Bai Ze dared to assert.

At this moment, even if the earth dragon Araba appeared in front of the two of them, both of them would dare to go up and bite a piece of meat.

"Bang bang——"


Boulders were flying and dust was flying.

The two spiders were as fast as lightning.

Spider silk entanglements, snake-like movements, sudden advances, poisonous fangs...

A quick and flowing combo of moves directly kills the opponent instantly.

[Satisfaction is achieved and the title "Poison Master" is obtained]

[Based on the title effect, obtain skills<Poison Synthesis Lv1><Poison Magic Lv1>】

[Proficiency achieved, \u003cFang Lv7→Lv8\u003e]

Chapter 16 Appraisal upgrade, upgrade rush rush

After a hearty meal, the two spiders lay down leisurely on their backs, stretching comfortably.

Bai Zhi touched her pregnant belly and suddenly asked, "Shirasawa-chan, did we acquire new skills just now?"

"Yeah." Bai Ze responded, "But..."

"but what?"

Bai Ze pursed his lips and said, "Poison magic cannot be used temporarily, but poison synthesis is a good skill."

"Speaking of which, we also acquired some heretical magic before. It seems that none of the skills related to magic can be used."

Bai Zhi was confused, "Do you have a solution?"

"It just lacks the two skills of \u003cMagic Perception\u003e and \u003cMagic Control\u003e to act as a medium. It can be learned after evolving twice."

"Hmm..." Bai Zhi pondered, "Is that so?"

Bai Ze shrugged, "That's it, but poison synthesis can combine level 8 spider poison. The lethal toxin secreted by spiders is very powerful."

"Tsk, tsk." Bai Zhi rubbed his paws excitedly, imagining the scene of a large amount of spider poison being sprayed out.

Although poison magic and heretic magic cannot be used, the spider poison synthesized from poison is also very powerful.

"Bai Ze, where should we go next?"

Bai Zhi got up and shook his body, looking eager to try.

"Anyway, continue to upgrade, and then look for the entrance to the middle level."

"Okay!" Bai Zhi raised his right paw in agreement, "gogogo!"

The two spiders continued on the road, constantly killing monsters and improving their skill proficiency.

As time goes by, their strength becomes more and more terrifying.

[Proficiency achieved, skill \u003cAppraisal Lv6→Lv7\u003e]

Hearing the notification tone, Bai Ze showed a hint of joy on his face.


[Monster]: Small spider monster

[Level]: Lv6

【Ability value】

【HP】:41/ 41


【SP】: 35/41 (41/41)

[Average attack power]: 20

[Average defense ability]: 20

[Average magic power]: 20

[Average resistance]: 20

【Average speed capability】: 368

[Skills]: \u003cHP Automatic Recovery Lv2\u003e \u003cPoison Fang Lv8\u003e \u003cPoison Synthesis Lv1\u003e \u003cSpider Silk Lv8\u003e \u003cSilk Manipulation Lv5\u003e \u003cThrowing Lv1\u003e \u003cConcentration Lv1\u003e \u003cHit Lv1\u003e \u003cIdentification Lv7\u003e \u003cDetection Lv3\u003e <Stealth Lv5><Heretic Magic Lv2><Shadow Magic Lv1><Poison Magic Lv1><Overeating Lv3><Night Vision Lv10><Visual Area Expansion Lv1><Poison Resistance Lv7><Paralysis Resistance Lv3><Petrified Resistance Sex Lv2><Acid Resistance Lv3><Corrosion Resistance Lv3><Fear Resistance Lv5><Pain Invalid><Pain Reduction Lv5><Strong Lv2><Strong Lv2><Wei Tiantian Lv2><Taboo Lv2>

[Unique Skills]: <N%1=W> <Coexistence·**>

"This kind of identification ability is just right."

Bai Ze was very satisfied after reading the attributes, "Then what happens next..."

He clicked on the details of these skills and checked the specific effects one by one.

[Overeating: You can eat more than your limit, and you can store the extra physical energy]

[N%1=W: Unable to identify]

[Taboo: Skills acquired by those who commit taboos must not be upgraded]

[Poison synthesis: Toxins can be produced by consuming MP. The toxins that can be synthesized will vary depending on the level. Additional skills: Weak poison Lv1]

[Detection: A skill that combines various perception skills. Including: magic perception, spell perception, material perception, breath perception, crisis perception, dynamic object perception, heat source perception, reaction perception, space perception...]

[Corrosion Resistance: The attribute that resists death and collapse]


"It's interesting..." Bai Ze curled his lips.

He finally knew the effects of his own unique skills.

[Coexistence·**: Within the system, all values ​​are shared with individual:**. Note, it is everything~]

Bai Ze raised his eyebrows, "If I die, will Xiao Bai also die with me?"

"After all, life must be shared, otherwise how would the skill be called coexistence?"

"Well~ As long as it doesn't have any weird abilities, I'm not worried about the rest."

Bai Ze muttered and breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he seems to have underestimated the meaning of "everything" that Sister Appraisal said...

The two looked at their current skills and studied their future combat ideas.

Then he continued on his journey to find the middle level of the maze.

<Elro Beetlemon Lv8>

A huge armadillo-like rat appeared in front of the two of them. It had a low ability value and a suitable target.


The spider web shoots out, Elro Beetlemon, die!

It's that simple, the spider silk is smeared with the poison produced by the synthesis of poisons, and it will die immediately when faced with monsters with similar combat power.

Ever since, a massacre feast began.

[The conditions are met and the title is obtained: <Silk Magician>】

[Due to the title effect, I acquired the skill \u003cSilk Manipulation\u003e \u003cSilk Cutting\u003e]

[Skill integration, \u003cSilk manipulation Lv5→Lv6\u003e]

<Giant Armored Scorpion Level 9>


[Experience points to reach full value, individual: small spider monster, Lv6→Lv7]

[Basic ability values ​​increase]

[Proficiency reaches a certain level, <Concentration Lv1→Lv2><Hit Lv1→Lv2><Throwing Lv1→Lv2>】

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