Practice snake moves...

[When your proficiency reaches a certain level, you will gain the skill \u003cDodge Lv1\u003e]

Practice spider silk manipulation...

[Proficiency reaches a certain level, \u003cSpider Silk Lv9\u003e \u003cSlash Silk Lv4\u003e]

Strength Training……

[Proficiency reaches a certain level, <Strong Lv1→Lv2>, Obtain skills <Burst Lv1><Persistent Lv1>】

As their practice continued, their strength increased explosively.

The smooth leveling process lasted for several days. I thought it could continue smoothly like this, but I never thought.

"Baize Baize, look at the new monster I killed. This guy's meat may be more delicious than other monsters. Come and try it."

Bai Ze, who was resting with his eyes closed in the temporary shelter, was suddenly disturbed by Bai Zhi's call.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a pink-white spider dragging a brown-haired ape in front of him with its web.

"Holy shit, Revenge Horse Monkey!"

Bai Zhi was startled by Bai Ze's exclamation, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and quickly threw away the prey in his hand.

"Xiao Bai, your Brother Ze is going on a long journey these two days, so please do it yourself."


"You, are you going to leave me alone?"


Chapter 17 Monkey Army, Crazy Upgrade

Bai Zhi's heart skipped a beat, and he felt an inexplicable chill on his back, as if something bad was about to happen.

[Proficiency achieved, \u003cFear Resistance Lv5→Lv6\u003e]

"Don't give me such a reminder at this time..." Bai Zhi twitched the corners of his mouth, with black lines on his face.

She swallowed, "Well, Bai, Bai Ze, is there anything special about this monster?"

"There's nothing special about it, has a special ability..."

Bai Ze narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly.

"The giant mouth ape will cry out before it dies, passing the message of death to the group and leaving a mark on you."

"This ethnic group has no other ability than being iron-headed. Anyone who is marked will go to any corner of the world to kill the marked person with all their might."

"There are probably only tens of thousands of them in the Elro Labyrinth." Bai Ze sighed, "Unless they are exterminated, otherwise... tut tut."

Bai Zhi: (⊙o⊙)?

She blinked a few times and finally confirmed that Bai Ze was serious.

"...Then let's run away!" Without saying a word, Bai Zhi picked up Bai Ze and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute." Bai Ze stretched out his hand to stop the other party and said with a smile, "As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. Maybe this big wave of experience packages can allow you and me to advance to a very high level?"

Bai Zhi rolled his eyes, "Are you crazy?"

"Where am I crazy?" Bai Ze shrugged and spread his hands, "Don't you want to become stronger?"

Bai Zhi suddenly got stuck.

Yes, the two of them struggled in the Elro Labyrinth for so long, wasn't it just to become stronger and get out of trouble?

"Do you have any idea?" Bai Zhi asked suspiciously.

Bai Ze grinned, "We are monsters with human thinking and despicable foreigners. Why must we be tough?"

Bai Zhi was stunned.

Yes, they can obviously be outsmarted, and they are not stupid, so why do they have to fight head-on?

Bai Ze's smile became even brighter, "And we are spiders. Setting traps is our innate talent. You think so, Xiao Bai~"

"Hehehe, it's clear...hehehehe..."

"Huh huh huh...hahahaha..."

In the cave, the two men's strange and sinister laughter echoed.

The voice gradually became wilder and wilder, and finally turned into a hearty laugh.



The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and the pair of glowing eyes shone with a bloodthirsty ferocity in the dark cave, which was horrifying.

"Here we come!" Bai Ze stood up excitedly and said to Bai Zhi, "Act as planned."

"Yeah." Bai Zhi nodded obediently and stared at the end of the grotto with a serious face.

They did not choose to fight in the open area. This narrow and long space was easier to deploy.

So what if the other party has tens of thousands, they still have to be sent one by one, just like the gourd baby saving grandpa, one by one will die.

Soon, the figures of those giant-mouthed apes gradually appeared in the field of vision.

The two of them were unusually calm, waiting for their prey to enter the trap.

This time, they have prepared countless traps. Once they fall into them, there is no chance of survival.

Bai Ze and Bai Zhi have begun to imagine each other's miserable appearance, but...

The other party actually bypassed all their traps! ! !

The two spiders' sixteen eyes widened, as if they were struck by lightning.

Damn it! This is so unscientific! ! !

I saw countless falling rocks suddenly appearing above the grotto, hitting the monkey army.

But the three strong white apes in the lead easily escaped. One white ape even caught the falling boulder and threw it forward, destroying other traps arranged in the passage.


There was silence for a while, and Bai Zhi's expression became a little stiff. He looked at Bai Ze beside him and asked weakly, "I feel that my human intelligence has been insulted. What should I do?"

Bai Ze shook his head, his eyes serious but not panicked at all.

All fear comes from insufficient firepower.

This time, their firepower was definitely enough.

"These three are the crocodile-mouthed apes, an evolved species of the macrosaurus. They already have good IQs, so these early traps will naturally be ineffective against them."

"Capture the thief first, capture the king first, kill these three guys first!" Bai Ze took a deep breath and made a decision.

Bai Zhi nodded, "It's up to you."

The two of them rushed out from the hiding place at the same time, attacking the three crocodile-billed apes from the left and right.

The attack methods of these three crocodile-billed apes are very simple and crude, just like ordinary apes, they raise their fists and slam into the opponent's head.

While Bai Zhi was moving and dodging, he took the opportunity to throw out the spider silk, entangled one of the crocodile-mouthed apes, pulled hard, and instantly subdued the opponent.

Bai Ze on the other side also subdued a crocodile-mouthed ape almost at the same time, and took the time to pour a large mouthful of venom into the opponent's mouth.

Dalang, it's time to take medicine.

The two looked at each other, understanding each other without the need for words.

Almost at the same time, they rushed towards the last crocodile-mouthed ape.

"Roar -" the crocodile-mouthed ape roared angrily, waving his arms and slapping the two of them.

However, this palm failed to touch them at all, and they avoided it nimbly.

Immediately afterwards, a small piece of spider silk wrapped around the waist of the crocodile-billed ape, contracted, and firmly fixed the crocodile-billed ape.

"Let's go!"

A ball of thick purple-black venom spurted out and hit the crocodile-mouthed ape's mouth.


The crocodile-billed ape howled in pain, trembling violently all over, and soon became silent.

"Mission accomplished, retreat!"

The two quickly exited the battlefield.

[The experience value has reached full value, individual: small spider monster, Lv7 → Lv8]

[Basic ability values ​​increase]

[Proficiency reaches a certain level, <Silk manipulation Lv6→Lv><Overeating Lv3→Lv4><Dodge Lv1→Lv2>】

[Reach a certain level of proficiency and acquire skills \u003cLife Lv1\u003e \u003cMagic Lv1\u003e]


A pleasant beep sounded, and the two gave a high-five of victory.

"Continue!" Bai Ze said with a smile.


Without the command of the leader, the army of monkeys behind started a suicidal charge without any plan.

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