They only had Bai Zhi as their enemy in their eyes, and had no time to care about the surrounding environment. They rushed towards the depths of the cave, as if they wanted to tear her to pieces and eat her.

However, in the eyes of Bai Ze and Bai Zhi, these guys are just experience packages delivered to their doorsteps.

Inside the grotto.

Huge falling rocks kept falling, killing monkeys one after another.

There were a lot of ground thorn traps all over the ground, giving them a foot massage.

Hair-thin \u003cSlashing Silk\u003e covered the entire passage. The army of monkeys who were desperately charging were cut into pieces. The blood gathered into a river and dyed the rock wall red.

"Ouch~" Bai Zhi jumped happily.

Such a battle is so exciting!

Bai Zhi's heart was filled with passion and excitement.

This was a feeling she had never experienced since she was reincarnated as a spider. It was as if a cheat had been turned on, and she was so happy.

It didn't take long for their experience points to reach full value again.

[The experience value has reached full value, individual: small spider monster, Lv8 → Lv9]

[Basic ability values ​​increase]

[Proficiency reaches a certain level, \u003cPain reduction Lv5 → Lv6\u003e \u003cConcealment Lv5 → Lv6\u003e \u003cVisual field expansion Lv1 → Lv2\u003e]


Chapter 18 The Arrogant Dominator

[Conditions fulfilled, obtain the title \u003cRuthless\u003e]

[Based on the title effect, obtain skills \u003cHeretic Magic Lv1\u003e \u003cHeretic Resistance Lv1\u003e]

[\u003cHeretic Magic Lv1\u003e is integrated into \u003cHeretic Magic Lv2\u003e]

[Conditions fulfilled, obtain the title \u003cMonster Slayer\u003e]

[Based on the title effect, obtain skills<Strength Lv1><Strongness Lv1>】

[<Strength Lv3> is integrated into <Strength Lv1>】

[<Strong Lv3> is integrated into <Strong Lv1>】

The two little spiders, who had no sympathy for each other, looked forward with evil expressions on their faces, and the monkey army came one after another to die, and the corners of their mouths curled up in joy.

The system appropriately gave the two the titles of "Ruthless" and "Monster Slayer".

I have to say, these two titles are indeed very appropriate!

"Let's go, it's time to make the next step."

Bai Ze showed a sinister smile, pulled Bai Zhi's spider legs and quietly disappeared into the darkness.

These traps are only the first half of the entire passage. Although they can block the monkey army, as the traps continue to be triggered, sooner or later they will break through.

The number of tens of thousands is just Bai Ze's own estimate, and he cannot guarantee the exact number.

So he was ready for N-hands.

Moreover, Bai Ze's ambitions don't stop there.

He will take advantage of this golden opportunity to evolve into the Death Scythe or even the Shadow of Death in one go.

But once the level reaches the upper limit, the experience points gained will be wasted.

He made a lot of preparations for this.

[The experience value has reached full value, individual: small spider monster, Lv9→Lv10]

[Basic ability values ​​increase]

[Proficiency reaches a certain level, \u003cLife Lv1 → Lv2\u003e \u003cPoison Synthesis Lv3 → Lv4\u003e \u003cOutbreak Lv1 → Lv2\u003e...]

[If the conditions are met, the individual can evolve, please choose the direction of evolution]

[Spider Monster Small Poisonous Spider Monster]

Bai Ze is very clear about their evolutionary path. The end of the former is the Queen Spider, the most powerful monster in the maze, their mother.

The latter is a female spider who can advance into a half-human, half-spider.

There is no need to hesitate at all.

"Are you ready?" Bai Ze asked in a low voice.

"Yeah!" Bai Zhi nodded seriously.

"Evolve!" Bai Ze ordered without hesitation.

[Small poisonous spider monster begins to evolve]

A strong sense of lethargy came over, and Bai Ze, with quick eyes and quick hands, spit out a large amount of spider silk and wrapped the two people into cocoons.

The white cocoon is then hung on the top of the grotto.

After doing this, he hugged the little spider and fell asleep.


In the long and narrow passage, the monkey army was still charging and killing relentlessly.

Falling rocks, ground thorns, spider silk and other traps were paved with the flesh and blood of their own people.

One monkey after another fell in a pool of blood, the corpses piled up like a mountain, and the scarlet blood gurgled, making the first half of the grotto dirty.

Is it worth risking the lives of the entire family in order to avenge a monkey?

Well~ after all, these monkeys don't look very smart, so it doesn't matter.


When the monkey army finally broke through the trap area, they were filled with joy and ready to make their enemies pay with blood, but they sadly discovered that what awaited them was an even more cruel level.

"Zhizhi~" A monkey looked up to the sky and howled wildly, the sound shaking the whole world.

The other monkeys couldn't help but scream in terror when they saw this.

what to do?

Still want to rush?

The second half of the grotto is a sea of ​​​​worms built by countless corrosive insects.

They were so densely packed that there was no end as far as the eye could see. Their corpses were hung all over the grotto, and their bodies had been cut with countless small holes.

The green corrosive juice kept falling down like raindrops, making a corrosive sound and sputtering out countless potholes.

The scene was downright terrifying.

Teacher Tianluo once again made outstanding contributions to the growth of the two little spiders.

This sentence came to the monkeys' heads.

Please be a human being!

Is this something a spider can do?

Who have we provoked? !


A little monkey took the lead in howling angrily, and then the other monkeys also roared angrily, charging towards the sea of ​​corrosive bugs with determination to die.

No matter what, killing the marked ones is their only belief.

Even if you sacrifice your own life for it.


Amidst a strange sound, the monkey army charged in waves, gradually reducing in number.

Their bodies were gradually eroded away, turning into mutilated corpses.

Of course, in order to prevent them from dying too quickly, there was no experience pack available when Bai Ze and the two of them completed their evolution.

Bai Ze carefully controlled the density of the corrosive liquid, trying to delay the opponent's death as quickly as possible.

In the eyes of the monkeys, this guy is simply a devil!

I just want to die happily. Is it so difficult?

However, they have no choice.

I do not know how long it has been.

At the end of the passage, a huge white cocoon hangs quietly in the sky.

Below is a poison pool formed by poison synthesis.

Yes, for the sake of caution, Bai Ze also left several backup plans.

Even if the monkey army can break through the blockage of the insect sea, what awaits them is not the final victory.

It is a more exaggerated poisonous pond ocean.

Once the spider silk not far away is broken, the poisonous pond will pour down, taking advantage of the slope, directly drowning the monkey army in the poison.

Although this will result in a loss of a lot of experience, it can ensure the safe evolution of the two of them.

After all, life is the first guarantee, and this will never change.

Bai Ze opened his eyes, stretched his limbs, and groaned comfortably, "Well... the evolution is finally completed."

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