Ruoye glared at Bai Ze unhappily, with an expression of 'I'm not easy to mess with'.

Bai Ze shrugged, "I admit that it was wrong of me to kiss you at that time, but who made you acquiesce?"

Ruoye: "..."

I'm obviously just afraid of society and don't want to speak. What does acquiescence mean?


Bai Ze suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

Ruoye, who was still ready to say something, stepped forward curiously and asked.

"Human footprints."


Ruoye stretched his neck and observed carefully, and sure enough, there were two rows of messy footprints on the ground.

"Really, that means there are humans in this world, great!"

"Looks like he just left a while ago."

"I am a friendly and brave cute spider baby. You will definitely get along with me!"

She cheered and Sayazi ran in the direction of the footprints.

Bai Ze looked at the back blankly and shook his head helplessly.

“From a human perspective, we don’t come with a cute filter.”

He whispered and walked forward slowly.


A horrified scream came from the front. Bai Ze had guessed that the other party had seen the cruel truth and was frightened.

"Hey, are you okay?"

He chased after him helplessly, and after seeing the scene in front of him, he secretly thought that it was indeed the case.

In front of him, a medium-sized spider fell in a pool of blood, with a pair of frightened eyes wide open, obviously unwilling to rest in peace.

His body was covered with scars from being slashed with swords, dripping with blood, so cruel.

Ruoye froze in place with a look of horror on his face, "..."

"So, once we are discovered by humans, we will definitely end up being brutally killed. Accept your fate, Wakaba-san."

Bai Ze patted the opponent's back with his spider's forefoot as if to comfort him.

"This is not good. If we continue wandering around and encounter humans..."

"Well, just survive the early stage. Human beings are our high-quality experience package."

Ruoye didn't understand why this guy could say such horrific words so lightly, "Don't you think it's cruel?"

"It's not us who's wrong, it's the world."

Bai Ze shook his head, "Human beings are not good men and women, and neither are we."

Ruoye fell silent after hearing this. For a moment, she raised her head and said, "That makes sense!"

Bai Ze was stunned for a moment. Did he accept the reality so quickly?

As expected of Spider Zi, my future wife has a very good nature.

"Okay, okay, don't think about this anymore. It's dinner time now. Look, I'll treat you to the free dinner!"


Ruoye was speechless.

"This spider seems to be our brother and sister. Is it really okay to eat the same kind of spider?"

"Okay, okay, it's better than starving to death, and we will die once our SP value is cleared. Everything is just to survive."

He waved his hand, walked to the body with a relaxed expression, and took a bite.


Juice splashed everywhere, accompanied by the sound of chewing, but Bai Ze's face suddenly solidified.


"It tastes so bad...and so bitter..."


[If the conditions are met, you will get the title \u003cThe Relative Eater\u003e]

[Due to the influence of the title, acquired skills \u003cTaboo Lv1\u003e \u003cHeretic Magic Lv1\u003e]


Chapter 6 Elro Giroga

Seeing Bai Ze vomiting while eating, Ruoye beside him turned his head away unbearably.

"Hey, are you okay?"


Bai Ze took a few breaths, trying to suppress the stomach acid, then stretched out his claws with difficulty, tore off a large piece of spider meat and handed it to Ruoye.

"You eat too, you can't just let me suffer."

Ruoye hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to eat the unappetizing piece of spider meat.

Suddenly, an indescribable bitter taste filled the entire taste buds.



Bai Ze sighed, tore off another piece of meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

This is the beginning of hell. In order to survive, you have to swallow it no matter how unpleasant it is, because if you don't eat it, you will die.

I really envy those guys who are reincarnated as princes, enjoying a happy life, opening a harem, and flirting with gay friends until the end.


This world is not worth it.

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

Ruoye struggled to spit it out, but was eventually forced to swallow it.

Her mentality has begun to change and she is gradually accepting the facts.

Isn't it just a bit unpalatable? You'll get used to it if you endure it.

She comforted herself like this, but the tears still flowed down.

"Uuuuuuuuah, it tastes really bad... vomit... Amu Amu... vomit... Amu Amu..."

Bai Ze looked at such a strong little spider and felt a little complicated.

Such a tough spider cannot be justified even if it is not a god.

"Is it okay? Ruoye."

A gentle voice sounded, causing her to look up.

"Don't underestimate me, it's not bitter at all."

Ruoye puffed up his chest and put on a posture that was nothing more than this.

But her red eyes betrayed her true thoughts.

"Then I'll leave the remaining half to you."

After Bai Ze finished speaking, he turned around and left, leaving little spider behind who looked confused.


She quickly stopped him, "No, do you want to eat them all?!"

Bai Ze hesitated, turned around and smiled at her, "What else? Do you plan to keep it for a midnight snack?"


She curled her lips and continued to work on her meal.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. She doesn't want to suffer the same crime twice.

Bai Ze didn't go far, looking at the surrounding environment, frowning and thinking.

"This place is connected in all directions and is the only way for monsters to pass through. Let's stay here."

After saying that, he raised his spider butt and started spinning silk around him.

Not long after, Ruoye finished the remaining dinner and came over.

When I saw Bai Ze twisting his butt and spinning silk in a funny way, what should I death often comes so suddenly.

"Don't just stand there, come and help."


"Okay, it's just the spider spinning silk, don't make a fuss!"

She comforted herself.

Although she felt a little ashamed for no reason, Ruoye quickly gave up her resistance and followed him to learn.



Soon, a huge net bag appeared in front of them.

"Okay, this will be our new home from now on."

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