"Ah~ Whatever, I'm so tired."

Ruoye lay lazily in the knitted net bag, with his feet in the air, too tired to move.

"Ruoye, you should have received the title and skills just now, right?"

Bai Ze also lay with his legs in the air, lying on the side, stretching his limbs comfortably, and then asked the little spider beside him.

"Ah, it seems so."

Ruoye closed his eyes and replied lazily, "You can obtain skills without skill points. This is very similar to the games I played before, which is good news."

"I just don't know what the conditions are for getting the title, it's a bit painful."

Hearing this sentence, Bai Ze's expression became strange, and it took him a long time to hold back a few words.

"You...have no balls to hurt..."

Ruoye looked confused, and it took him a while to react.

"Stop making jokes like this at times like this, okay?"


Bai Ze laughed indifferently, causing Ruoye to roll his eyes countless times.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

He sat up and said seriously: "The conditions for this title are actually not difficult. You can see the skill library after the appraisal level is improved."

"I see... By the way, how do you know this?"

Ruoye blinked.

Bai Ze shrugged, "Everyone knows this kind of common sense, okay?"


She suddenly lost interest, "Forget it, go to bed, I'm too tired today, so sleepy."


Bai Ze glanced at the little spider that had been smashed to pieces, and muttered to himself, chatting to death, I don't even know how to continue.

Should I tell her about the effect of \u003cTaboo\u003e?

Forget it, it's not that important anyway, let's talk about it later.

I also sleep.

So Bai Ze and Ruoye fell asleep, one on the left and the other on the right.

With the cobwebs there, it can serve as an early warning, so you don't have to worry too much about being attacked by monsters.

Moreover, this is the upper level of the maze, and the monsters are generally weak, so there is not much of a problem.

When I woke up, it was already late at night.

Bai Ze opened his eyes and found that Little Spider had woken up at some point and was looking around with a wary expression.

"What's wrong, Ruoye?"

He asked curiously, but saw Ruoye pointing somewhere.

Following Ruoye's gaze, Bai Ze noticed commotion coming from one side of the spider web.

"Is there something approaching?"

"It seems like a monster has been captured."

He was stunned for a moment, and then his face lit up with joy as if he remembered something.

"It's Mr. Frog."

"What Mr. Frog?"

Ruoye tilted his head in confusion, not knowing why.

"Well, just follow me and you'll find out."

Bai Ze scratched his head, not knowing how to explain it, so he had no choice but to lead Ruoye in the direction of the noise.


A big blue frog was trapped in place by the spider web, struggling constantly and neighing unwillingly.

【Monster】: Elro Girog

[Level]: Lv1

【Ability value】


【MP】:45/ 45

[SP]: 55/55 (55/55) (can be understood as endurance or physical strength, will die directly after being cleared, and can be replenished through food)

[Average attack power]: 35

[Average defense ability]: 35

[Average magic power]: 28

[Average resistance]: 28

[Average speed ability]: 30

[Skills]: "Poison Synthesis LV1" "Acid Attack LV1" "Ejection Lv1" "Night Vision LV6"

[Passive]: "Poison Resistance LV1" "Acid Resistance LV1"

[Description]:: Danger level E, colorful frog, about one foot in length

Chapter 7 Bai’s training method is online

Although the identification skills of the two people cannot detect the specific information of the big guy in front of them, it does not prevent the author from knowing.

If the author knows, the readers will know.

"Are you ready for the first battle in another world?"

Bai Ze asked softly, with excitement in his tone.

"Humph, of course, do you think I would be afraid of it?"

Ruoye sneered, climbed out of the net bag, and took a stance.

"Be careful with this guy's venom, he's on it!"

Bai Ze roared, and the eight spider legs swung rapidly, rushing towards the frog monster at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing this, Ruoye showed no sign of weakness and rushed forward.

"It's strange that our speeds are almost the same. Could it be that my inherent skill is also \u003cWei Tuotian\u003e?"

Bai Ze couldn't help but murmur secretly.

The reincarnated person is born with two inherent skills, one is \u003cn%l=W\u003e, which automatically fills the health, mana and state when upgrading. The non-combat mode can slowly restore the blood volume, but consumes SP, and can also self-regulate the different world. Language features.

It can be said that this ability is a necessary auxiliary ability for reincarnators.

It is the bridge to communicate with this other world system.

Of course, skills also have other functions. After death, the soul returns to the big world and is not subject to reincarnation in other worlds. Of course, this is a story for another day.

Another unique skill is different from person to person. It is a skill specially given by Evil God D to the reincarnated person to survive in another world.

Ruoye's unique starting skill is "Wei Tuotian". The growth rate in the speed field is ten times that of ordinary people, which can be called the ceiling of speed growth skills.

It was also relying on this skill that allowed her to survive in dangerous situations in the large maze filled with monsters.

As for Bai Ze's own inherent skills, he still doesn't know yet.

After all, the Appraisal Master is at Level 1 and can't detect anything. You have to be at least Level 6 or above to know.

However, judging from his current speed, it seems to be a speed skill similar to that of \u003cWei Tuotian\u003e.

Of course, this is just speculation at the moment, and we will know what the details are over time.


While Bai Ze was thinking, he was distracted and did not pay attention to the thick phlegm spitted out by the frog monster.

The pitch-black venom ball had acid properties and hit Bai Ze's thin body directly.


Bai Ze quickly dodged to the side, but a piece of flesh and blood was still corroded away. The pain made him exclaim, "It hurts, it hurts..."

"White Pond!"

When Ruoye saw this, his anger suddenly surged, he quickened his pace and rushed towards the frog monster quickly.

Seeing this, the frog monster immediately spat out a mouthful of venom.

She had no choice but to dodge sideways, but the splashed venom still corroded a piece of skin.


The severe pain made Ruoye take a breath.

[Proficiency has been achieved, acquired skill \u003cAcid Resistance Lv1\u003e]

The system prompts sounded in their minds at the same time.

The pain of corrosion immediately eased.

"It hurts..."

Bai Ze endured the severe pain, his scarlet eyes glowing fiercely.

"Damn it, you dare to challenge me just for lunch!"

He gritted his teeth and growled, "Unforgivable!"

"Ruoye, bite it!"

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