He reached out and pointed at the frog monster. When Ruoye heard this, he immediately jumped up and bit the frog monster's neck fiercely.


"I still want to spit and dream!"

Seeing this, Bai Ze turned his back and raised his butt.


A large amount of white threads splashed out, sealing the frog monster's mouth.

Ruoye felt happy and let out a sweet shout.


The sharp fangs pierced directly into the frog monster's throat, and smelly green juice flowed out of the fangs, instantly staining its entire face.

The frog monster howled in pain, and its huge body shook violently. Ruoye bit it tightly, with no intention of letting it go.

In the end, the other party fell to the ground, twitched a few times and then stopped moving.

"Yeah~~~Kill it~~"

Ruoye jumped up happily, and Bai Ze smiled heartily when he saw this.

I hope my presence can make her suffer less.

Thinking like this, he looked at the venom all around him and grabbed it without hesitation and smeared it on his body.

"Hey, you're crazy!"

Ruoye was startled and quickly stopped him.


The thick venom immediately corroded the skin on his body, and he couldn't help but twitch.

[When the conditions are met, \u003cPoison Resistance Lv1\u003e will be raised to \u003cPoison Resistance Lv2\u003e]

Bai Ze grinned, revealing his fangs.

"Hehehe... Sure enough, the training method invented by Xiaobai is feasible."


Ruoye's heart trembled when she saw his change, and suddenly felt that this guy was terrifying.

Definitely a wolf killer!

"Don't be stunned. Come over and paint some to upgrade your skills."

Bai Ze waved his hand, Ruoye hesitated for a moment and then came over.

From Bai Ze's crazy behavior just now, she already understood the meaning of what the other party did.

She didn't make any pretense about it.

Everything is to become stronger and survive strong.

That's all.

"You...be gentle."

Bai Ze was smearing venom on his face when he suddenly heard Ruoye muttering softly. He turned around and saw that she had her eyes closed and her brows were slightly frowned, obviously enduring some kind of pain.

"Just be patient and you'll be fine soon."

He patted Ruoye's head comfortingly and said softly.


Holding up a small amount of venom, Bai Ze gave Ruoye a full body spa.

Although it was a little painful to apply a little bit, it was much better than the previous pain, and Ruoye gradually began to adapt.

[When the conditions are met, \u003cPoison Resistance Lv2\u003e will be raised to \u003cPoison Resistance Lv3\u003e]

The two of them simultaneously upgraded the inferior inferior spider's own \u003cPoison Resistance Lv1\u003e to level 3.

After that, Bai Ze stopped Bai's training method.

It wasn't that he didn't want to continue, but the weakness in his body told him that he would die if he continued like this.

In other words, the invisible health bar is about to bottom out.

But it doesn't matter, there's a ready-made Gitrog here to restore their health.

"I'm starting!"


The two cheered at the same time and rushed towards the frog monster.

"Amu Amu... ugh——"

"Why are frogs so unpalatable? The spicy hot pot frogs in the previous life were so delicious."

Ruoye lay on the ground and kept vomiting, completely ignoring Bai Ze who was complaining next to him.

In the end, the two of them managed to eat up the frog.

Although the process is not very pleasant, fortunately my blood volume has rebounded and my endurance SP has also recovered a lot, which is enough.

The two of them were sitting on the ground to rest, and Bai Ze suddenly remembered something:

"Hey, Ruoye, did you trust me so much just now? I asked you to rush up and bite it, just in case..."

Ruoye was startled when he heard this, and then hummed softly, "It's just a conditioned reflex on my part, it has nothing to do with you."

"That's it..."

"Let's go, let's go home and sleep!"

Ruoye stood up and took his arm and left.

Bai Ze touched his nose and followed.

"Does this count as us living together?"

"You are very annoying..."


Bai Ze curled his lips.

Anyway, I have raised you for more than a month, but you are so indifferent to me as the owner. It’s really...

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth curved into a happy arc.

Chapter 8 Upgrade, Dragon Egg

In the spider web.

Two scarred little spiders slept in each other's arms.

Although HP automatically returns to full value, the wounds on the body will not recover.

That night, the two of them did not sleep soundly, feeling a dull pain all over their bodies.

The next morning...

Well, they didn't know if it was early morning, after all, it was dark in the big maze and they couldn't see the sun at all.

If it weren't for the race's own "Night Vision" skill, they might not even be able to see.

Bai Ze woke up early and glanced at the little spider beside him. Seeing that she was still sleeping soundly, he quietly left the room.

"It seems like another prey has taken the bait."

Feeling the shock coming from the spider silk in the distance, Bai Ze crawled straight towards the target.

Sure enough, a big blue frog was bound by a spider web and was struggling.

With yesterday's battle experience, a cold and murderous smile appeared on his lips.

"Jie Jie Jie, little frog, please be our breakfast."

Say it.

The spider silk spewed out, sealing the opponent's mouth to prevent it from spewing venom, then walked around behind him and pierced the frog's body with a set of venomous fangs.

The frog shook its head and tail desperately, but its mouth was entangled in the spider web, and it couldn't escape no matter how hard it struggled.


The venom invaded its body and quickly spread throughout its body, and it soon lost consciousness.

[When proficiency is satisfied, \u003cFang Lv1\u003e will be upgraded to \u003cFang Lv2\u003e]

[The accumulated experience points have met the conditions, individual: small secondary spider monster, increased from Lv1 to Lv2]

[Get skill proficiency upgrade reward: <Poison Resistance Lv3→Lv4><Spider Silk Lv3→Lv4>】

[Skill points gained: 100]


With the sound of an eggshell breaking, Bai Ze shed a layer of his body, revealing smooth texture and fine hair, looking as if he was reborn.

"Finally upgraded, it's not easy."

"Thank you Teacher Frog for your contribution, I hope there will be no pain in heaven."

He murmured, then picked up the body of the frog monster and returned to the spider web nest.

"Ruoye, wake up, let's eat~"

Ruoye rubbed her sleepy eyes and slowly opened her eyes.

When he saw Bai Ze in front of him, he was a little surprised.

"Ah, how come your body has returned to normal?"

Bai Ze threw the frog monster body aside with a smile, "You can recover as before by raising your level, and won't you also recover?"

Ruoye blinked and looked down.

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