Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 170: ask

After Ye Qi left for about five minutes, a team of five people appeared. Without exception, the five people in this team were shocked by the sights in front of them. It is a common practice for them to be accustomed to them. But, so many together, even if it is taken for granted, the heart is still not fit; after all, these bodies are not livestock, but people, as the same kind of inevitable rabbits will die.

And the feeling of such a dead fox sorrow makes them finally understand the weird feelings seen from the other side when they saw the colleagues who cleaned up the scene last night. They are very sure, they are definitely at the moment, and those who see you this morning. The colleague is the same

"Is this the Shack's Dragon? It's cruel!"

A young man with a camera, holding a camera, sighed in a low voice while taking pictures; however, such a sigh was quickly interrupted by another player beside him, this is a man who has entered middle age, two The cockroaches have already been stained with a trace of white, but his eyes are very sharp, just like the eagle eye scans the whole 硍ww. 昵岫 弊 弊 晕 晕 母 母 母 母 母 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹 摹


Unceremoniously, the middle-aged man came to the front of the young team and was slap in the face of the young team members who did not respond. The middle-aged man was cold in the look of the other person’s ignorance and incomprehension. Said: "The kindness to the enemy is cruel to oneself; if even such things are not divided, I doubt whether your ability can continue to stay in the special service team!"

After that, the middle-aged man did not pay attention to the young man. When he turned around, he looked down at the burning traces of the film that was obviously a large-scale burning. For anyone with a certain ability. They are all very attractive. After all, the flames of the flames are very common, but they can completely melt the steel, especially after the magic of the engraved steel melt, which is really a very bad means, except for the hunter of the demon slayer, There are very few things that Roland can do.

In particular, these flames do not cause any damage to the ground, and they are still ordinary soil. There are also those residual water spots and crushed ice. Obviously, the running dogs of these Holy Sees want to use the method of water and fire to save them. However, obviously, this flame is very special, even water and ice can be ignored.

Faced with such a strange but powerful ability, this middle-aged man who is also a flame-powered man will certainly not let go. If it is not too much disappointment, he will not care about it after all, he is just The length of a leading team. After that, it is not possible for him to intervene, once he is taken over. It would not be easy to look at it again; but the sigh of his hand made him feel angry.

If it wasn't for the special service team that was really difficult now, the words that had just been made let him throw the guy who had no hair in his hair back to the original place.

It will be sympathetic to the enemy, and this enemy is still a powerful one to make your own battles!

This situation has caused the middle-aged man to remove the inexhaustible anger, which is endless self-deprecation; so that in the next ten minutes of observation, he is absent-minded.

Until the follow-up of the special service team came, he found that he was scattered by some 'small things' and distracted his attention; once again glanced at the trace of the burning, the middle-aged man stood up sighingly. The special team that rushed to meet the rushed up, regardless of the level of responsibility, or the responsibilities he bears, he has the obligation and responsibility to report.

"Three hundred priests who are similar to the Holy Knights, annihilated by the Shack's Dragon, took less than ten minutes..."

The middle-aged man looked at the boss in front of the wheelchair and said everything he knew completely; the latter, twisted the strong upper body, frowned and listened to the report, obviously Some troublesome things for Kasd, of course, he has an upset reason; whether it is the dereliction of duty of the intelligence department, causing the current turmoil, or the temptation of the Holy See once again, it is enough to make him frown.

As the original activist, even after 'retirement', it is still the set of activists to practice. It is impossible for him to play some powers and minds, but he has to rely on the top of the highest government. These can survive, and let more people who should survive, continue to survive.

When he thinks about everything he wants to face, he can't help but think of his old friend Moretti. Although the other party is also an activist, living in Dude all the year round obviously makes the other person more suitable for the way of living within the highest government. If the other party is there, it will definitely be a lot simpler, but he has also reported the battles in the city of Dude, and most of them are what he saw with his own eyes.

Moretti, you guy, the most crucial moment is actually giving me such a hand!

Involuntarily reminiscent of his friends joining the battle, Kasd’s heart followed a burst of boiling, but the paper order and the few 'special agents' sent him to death, so that he could not move. Not only him, but also his and Moretti's men, are unable to move, can only look at it like that, and then continue to send a copy of the report.

For the speaker's choice, Kasd understood, but would not accept, even issued a burst of sneer, the Shak's dragon, in the sense of yesterday, in the sense that it helped the top government a big deal, this morning The highest government also wants the identity of the other party, and reached a certain agreement with the top of the demon hunter headquarters, but then stood by and watched after the other party had trouble; although it has not reached the point of crossing the river, it made Kasd very uncomfortable. .

Subconsciously, Kasd’s gaze looked at a few ‘specialists’ who stood near him and were scared by the scene in front of him. The contemptuous road: “Waste!”

Kasd’s voice was not deliberately depressed, and there was no cover. The people around him could hear it clearly; but all the people did not hear it, what to do. Everything is as usual; and the few 'special agents' want to come and plead with this ‘disability’. but. A few of them moved. A team of secret agents carrying the bodies passed by them. The body of the stretcher was covered with white cloth. The white cloth was suddenly blown up by a wind, and it was broken into two bodies, **** intestines. The colorful internal organs were immediately printed in the eyes of these 'special agents'.


This direct confrontation of the stimulus. So that several 'special commissioners' couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately climbed to the side and spit it up; and this kind of behavior undoubtedly made the members of the special service team watched their eyes more and more scorned. And Kasd shook his head directly, and commented: "It's waste!"

After that, Kasd only waved his hand and gestured to the adjutant who had been paying attention to other movements.

"The chief of staff was temporarily taken to the residence of a guest in the suburbs by the companion of the Lord of the Shack, and the surrounding area was very tight. We could not get close without knowing it!" After hesitating. Looking up at the face that his sergeant couldn't understand at all, the adjutant went straight and said: "And. In which we found some former wanted criminals..."

Although it was already half-hearted, but the look of the face of Kasd, the adjutant always involuntarily falsified, so the voice is getting smaller and smaller as a civil servant, the adjutant can enter the highest level of the special service team. Command: Combat drill room; its ability is unquestionable, and loyalty can be guaranteed, but after contacting some of the Secret Service members, I understand that there is no self in the dark world that exists in this world. The adjutant of the ability to protect is always not confident enough or in some sense timid.

As for the pistol at the waist?

After seeing many Secret Service members easily evading bullets, and some people even took the bullets with empty hands, the adjutant would have no confidence in the weapon at the waist, then he would never enter the combat drill room. .

"There are no wanted criminals, nor any criminals. They are the companions of Lord Shack's Dragon. They are helping us to resist foreign enemies. Do you understand?" After the adjutant at the side finally had no voice, Kasde Just said loudly.

"Yes, sir!"

The adjutant immediately saluted and then ran to the back and there was a radio that could cover the whole of Germany. Since his chief issued an order, he must have done it.

It seems that at the glance, the adjutant who is using the radio to issue orders, Kasd’s originally calmed heart, once again anger, but he did not say anything, just sneered a few times for the most mysterious in the highest government. In the research department, he is not very cold. He spends a lot of money every year, but he can't produce any useful results. Even if it is useful, there are only a few items.

Moreover, the dereliction of duty of the intelligence department is, in some respects, also the dereliction of duty of the research department; after all, the source is on the communication tools they provide, and the four radios that are considered to be the most rigorous and secure, there are actually three Tracking eavesdropping, Kasd couldn’t forget the fact that the Speaker and Mr. Desa, after knowing such a thing, the expression that appeared on his face, especially the Desa member who had a bad temper, picked up the ashtray on the spot. The head of the research department was smashed, and Kasd believes that if it is not in the public, the number is large, and countless people block it, the Desa member will definitely put the head of the research department on the spot. .

Although 'retired', but for the sensitivity of murderous, Kasd thinks that he will not perceive the mistakes and watched the Desa senator assault the head of the research department, who is usually not in the eyes of others. When you are very happy, you are also thinking about the strategy of coping. After all, the highest government is still a whole. As a deputy of the combat drill room, you must contribute.

Just the current situation...

Looking back at the situation I received before, Kasd was so indifferent to the man whose legs were cut off. At this moment, he felt the pain of the temple.

"President, let you go back to the capital building, there is an emergency meeting!"

The look of the adjutant is even more so that the pain of Kasde’s temples is getting more and more painful.


When Ye Qi arrived at the place agreed with the chameleon, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon because of this sudden battle, plus yesterday's commotion. The entire city of Dude has been caught in a tense atmosphere of wind, cranes and grass. A team of military police. Every two intersections will arrange a two-person post, and every other block will arrange a whole team as a reserve team to deal with emergencies.

Unlike the usual use of batons as a weapon, the military police at the moment have a holster at each waist; and of course, this holster cannot be empty, and the black and metallic light makes the surrounding want to make trouble. People can't help but shrink their heads, and the panicked people have a sigh of relief, so they have found the main heart, especially when some guys want to rob. After being shot by a mess of guns, those who were panicked were completely relieved. Even if they saw the blood on the ground, they were still frowning, but there was a smile on the corner of their mouth.

However, many places are still in chaos, especially in the block where two battles broke out and the nearby neighborhoods. The level of chaos is enough to make any savvy government officials feel headaches and lost their families in the chaos. There are injuries in the chaos because of running; as for the loss of money and property, etc., it is even more numerous. And in the civilian consciousness of Dude, this happened. Naturally, we should ask for the help of the highest government, especially after the emergence of many military and policemen in front of us; but these are the military and police in this moment to maintain order, but it is very difficult to solve the trouble in the chaotic crowd.

In such a situation, chaos is naturally inevitable. However, with the deterrent of the waist weapon, the riots did not happen, but the crowd is inevitable, and Ye Qi had to go around several times in succession. After the congestion situation, in the end, it was only a choice of a remote place to jump up and take the advantage of high altitude to hurry.

"The grown up is back!"

After the disguised rocket, a group of people was patrolling nearby. When he saw Ye Qi from far and near, he immediately shouted loudly, and then let the person beside him to send a letter, he greeted him: "Adult Please come with me!"

"What happened around?"

After Ye Qi nodded, then, after scanning a circle of defensive circles that were obviously arranged according to the wartime, and then looked around the Minggang whistle, could not help but ask at this moment to sweep through, seeing the arrangement, has made Ye Qi The number of people under the chameleon was amazed; in the [blind bucket perception], the dense fluctuations made Ye Qi unable to smile in the bottom of his heart. He can be sure that such a number of forces are exposed to Dude. The style of government action, it is absolutely impossible to stay, and it is necessary to move far.

And Ye Qi did not even think about it, he could understand that the goal of the chameleon's move is that there will be no second place except for the Langfang Fort where his bar is located.

However, Ye Qi also understands that the character of chameleon, even if it has a little selfishness, is based on 'business affairs'; the kind of act of "righteousness by power" is not the way that this smart woman will choose, and this is also the way He and the other side are more and more happy to share the foundation.

As an ally, he certainly can't ignore such things.

"Some of the dark mercenaries who didn't have long eyes wanted to be robbed by fire. We were cleaned up. However, in order to prevent the trouble, the boss directly opened the battle and detered those who were unwilling; otherwise, the troubles were bothered by those guys!"

For Ye Qi in front, the Rockets have no hidden concealment. After telling the cause and effect, they will also follow up with some troubles. One by one: "There were several top government spies who have been here before. Frightened and ran, there should be no trouble in a short time; however, it may not be possible afterwards; of course, if there are adults, they will not dare to put one, a bunch of bags, others will pull their urine on their heads. I don’t know if I can still install it. I really admire the death of tmd!"

The rockets of the dark mercenaries may not have the so-called gentleman style, except for the convergence in front of the boss and the wife, most of the time are exported to dirty; and Ye Qi is naturally in the previous category, but sometimes When I said that it was smooth, I couldn’t help it. When the rocket was finished, I found myself wrong. I immediately looked at Ye Qi nervously and found that Ye Qi had no change, and this made a sigh of relief.

However, after that, I didn’t dare to talk. I always brought Ye Qi to the room where the boss was. After respecting the door, I returned to his patrol again, although the boss told him. Really good, but the pressure in front of the boss, but the rocket is unbearable, especially now that there is an additional Ye Qi, it is even more difficult for the Rockets to breathe; it is not as good as the outside wind and rain The sun is so happy, let's say, isn't he just such a duty? What is so picky!

I changed back to the chameleon of Bernard-Taylor's attire. After re-closing the door, I slowly walked back to the table in the room, carefully exiting a plate placed under the table. In addition to the city's wide range, some facilities are quite advanced, for example, the incubator under the table in front of them.

"Grilled fish and stewed potatoes!"

After uncovering the lid, the chameleon said.

“Very delicious!”

No tasting, but just smelling the scent, Ye Qi is sincerely appreciating; however, the delicious food currently, Ye Qi did not forget more important things, after sitting down at the table, Ye Qi picked up the knife Fork, I asked at the same time: "How is the situation now?"

Ps first more ~ ​​~ timing ~ ~ to be continued...

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