Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 171: response

"Not good, very bad!"

After taking out the kettle and the teacup, and pouring fresh milk into the kettle, the chameleon said that although the kind of gentle stirring and the appearance of various spices, ordinary people can also see that the chameleon's technique is top. However, Ye Qi pays more attention to the dignity that appears in the chameleon's expression at the moment. He slightly put down the knife and fork and listened to the next description of the chameleon.

"Although the Speaker of the Supreme Government has already made up for it, but the time is not enough to make him perfect, including Dude, Xia Lin District will have a big riot in a week!" After the last sugar was put into the fresh milk, the chameleon said again, she took the milk tea that had just been brewed, poured it into the cup and placed it in front of Ye Qi, and continued: "According to my intelligence, The families of the highest government began to evacuate as early as the morning; their evacuation not only took away a lot of Kimpton, but also various supplies and technicians!"

"What level will this big riot have?"

After picking up the teacup that the chameleon handed over, Ye Qi frowned and asked about the big riot that the chameleon said. Ye Qi did not doubt that when a city person found money and could not buy food, then any Things can happen; and the practice of those families will only be more thorough, not only food but also all necessities of life, salt, medicines, etc. must be the materials that must be transported away.

Now, the only thing that needs to be concerned is how much material the speaker has intercepted at the moment!

As for the determination of the high-level family and the highest government to break?

From the sneaky transport, such determination is obvious; after all, no one will sit still. Especially the existence of those who have high weights. Even more so when some people shouted a commandment. They are lack of money and power, and when they have money and power, although they have already shouted a commandment, the target of this title is definitely not their own.

Therefore, the privilege that wants to deprive them of the hard-to-get access is in some ways their life. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will not give up; even. Ye Qi can imagine that many of the families behind the more than a dozen members are sneering at the top of the government's 'changing days' for the speaker, Desa, who are ready and replaced. .

There are both the lure of interest, the danger of life, and the danger of life. It is natural that there is nothing wrong with it; and in this 'word of one', the influence of these top-ranking high-ranking families on Xia Lin District, Ye Qi is Anyone who can't be underestimated can take a nap. But definitely can't take a break from Kimpton; this is a famous businessman's famous saying, and at some point it is very one-sided. But at some point it is a well-known saying, especially when it comes to the ‘people-oriented’ power of the highest government.

"Sweeping through the entire Xia Lin area and then spreading across the entire Lorante!"

After thinking about it, the chameleon gave such an amazing answer; and after a brief surprise, Ye Qi immediately thought of another trouble. He immediately asked: "Is it because of the family of the demon?"

"Well, those families of the demon hunters are already ready to go, now it is just a chance!"

Nodded, the chameleon took a piece of paper from the cuff and laid it on the table. It was a simple message in front of Ye Qi, but the content above made Yake tightly wrinkled. A brow.

“In the Qiulin area, there were traces of large-scale military movements toward the Four Seasons Fortress in Chunlin District; several families still hidden in the Hailin District also began to send outposts to the Bay Area; the junction of Xialin District and Tallinn District The town of Tikat was blocked by unknown armed people, and the forest-free area, including the mechanical town, had completely lost news six hours ago..."

Ye Qimo read the information on the note, but his heart was bursting. He expected that there would be a bad situation, but he did not expect it to be so bad. It was the outpost of Chunlin District to Qiulin District. The fortress, which has been monitoring and defending the fortress fortress of the Qiulin District since the sacred age, has faced the joint counterattack of the families several times, and the Four Seasons Fortress has played an irreplaceable role.

After entering the era of freedom, because the Shark in the Chunlin District became the headquarters of the demon hunter, the fortress of the Four Seasons Fortress, which has become a logical place, has also been stationed by the Demon Hunter. In fact, in the Four Seasons Fortress, there is a reorganization throughout the year. The squadron's rangers, and the apostle-level hunters of not less than 50 people; such armed forces far exceed the surrounding family powers, naturally enough in the usual, but really face the family in the Qiulin District When they were united, they were dwarfed; especially when the old families in the depths of the Qiulin District followed suit, then the Four Seasons Fortress was at stake.

Even without the so-called coalition forces, as long as the ancient families in the depths of the Qiulin District, the attack on the Four Seasons Fort is just a matter of time; after all, according to the rumors of the ancient families in the depths of the Qiulin District, each It’s not the same as the existence of the Northder family, and it’s different from the continuously suppressed Northder family, except that at the end of the sacred time they came together to overthrow the Holy See. For nearly two hundred and eighty years, they did not suffer. To any attack, it has been in a state of rest and recuperation. In this state, the growth of its power can be understood as long as it is slightly thought.

Fortunately, unlike other families in the Qiulin District, these ancient families in the depths of the Qiulin District acted as the victorious party of the time, and also signed the "Final Armistice Agreement" and abide by the terms. Enjoy the benefits brought by it, of course, and the power of the demon, the Holy See and the highest government. At the very least, according to Ye Qi, each of these so-called families will not be willing to give up. This kind of performance is just forbearance, once the strength is enough or the opportunity is up...

It is like a few hidden families in the Hailin area. Obviously, they found that this exact time is different from those living in the Qiulin District. Several families in the Hailin District. It is a very pure dark family. They are composed of dark wizards, families expelled from the Qiulin District, and even some of the dark creatures of the humanoids; they are a completely biased and evil existence; the only difference from those dark creatures is that they are left Now, eat people and etiquette.

Of course, it turns out that at the crucial moment, they will also eat people. I will also forget that etiquette is not surprising for these existences to go to the Bay Area. After all, in the 30th year after entering the Free Age, these dark families began to sneak into a Port of Saskatchewan. And the Northder family formed an endless posture.

With Father Fletcher and a few masters of Standen, these families should not be too big a problem!

Ye Qi is facing the old-fashioned patriarch of the Northder family. He is slightly relieved about the situation in the Gulf. He believes that as long as there is no problem with the father, there is no problem in the Bay Area; especially with the other party and the history. The relationship between the masters of Tanden and the wizard. At the crucial moment, these wizards will never stand by; plus his friends and the young people under his command. Forming an effective defense system is not difficult.

Compared with the optimistic optimism of the Bay Area, both the Four Seasons Fort and Carter Town and the Machinery Town are very unoptimistic, especially the completely lost news including the mechanical town, where Chunlin The road to the Xialin District and Tallinn District, some people do this, apparently in advance to the Hunting Devils.

After all, except for the Chunlin area, the place where the demon hunters are the most is the Tallinn area. Once the connection between the Chunlin area and the Tallinn area is cut off, the latter will naturally be isolated.

And for who is doing this kind of thing, Ye Qi can guess with his toes that no one will do this except the new Pope Iyeta; and Ye Qi’s guess is not unfounded. The forest between the forest and the holy forest is originally close to each other, and only the Holy See of the Holy Forest has this strength to do this.

The Carter Town between Xia Lin District and Tallinn District should also be the hand of the Holy See. However, the transit point of Carter Town is obviously not the goal of the Holy See. Their goal should be after the Carter Town. Kabul was only in Tika Fort, between Tallinn, Xialin and Wulin. It was a throat since the chaotic years. If the Holy See is really hands-on, then Tika Fort is naturally impossible.

"Is there any news in Tika Fort?"

Ye Qi asked straight.

"Two hours ago, Tallinn sent two teams of hunters to go, the specific news is estimated to wait until dark!"

As a leader of the power, the chameleon obviously knows more about the special geography of Lorante than Ye Qi. After answering Ye Qi’s question, she immediately began to talk about her own intentions: “We have two now. You can choose to go straight to Randy Fort, or go to Lodz with too much brown and then go directly to the Thousand Marsh area!"

Looking at Ye Qi's slightly confused eyes, Chameleon explained: "I don't doubt that there will be more trouble in the Bay Area, but I have already opened up a nest in the Thousand Marsh area... oh, although the fox is very arrogant. People are tired, but in some places it is really amazing. At least for the construction of the Qiangqu area, she has an admirable vision and ability!"

When it comes to businesswomen, chameleons always have a different kind of breath, not hate, nor can they be embarrassed. At most, they are not convinced and add a trace of strength between women. Of course, compared with most men. The choice of the real knife and the real gun to play a game to separate a win and lose, the women's competition is much more terrible, not only quiet, but also filled with a variety of 'ghost tricks'.

Ye Qi has always been wise not to participate in it, so he quickly put forward a suggestion: "Go to Langenburg, it is my half home!"


The chameleon immediately put away the angrily expression that had just been shown, nodded with a clever appearance, and then showed a brilliant smile to Ye Qi; in the face of such a smile, Ye Qi not only rejoiced his own In the foresight, more helpless bitterness chameleon is undoubtedly ready to go to Langburg, but at this critical moment, she still wants Ye Qi to take the initiative to say it, or to send out an invitation, and This invitation also gave him a 'multiple choice' that was not chosen at all!

As long as Ye Qi has his own bottom line, it will not change. It is impossible to let Chameleon Lodz enter the Thousand Marsh area at this time. Be aware of the distance between Lodz and Tika Fort. It was only a two-day drive, and they arrived there according to their speed from Dude. Maybe they were stationed in an army belonging to the Holy See.

The reason why the chameleon knows that it is necessary to do so is to need a 'active' to go and be invited to go. At some point, it is definitely two completely different concepts; the former is still a very common ally. Relationship; the latter? It can be different. The key moment is enough to add another identity: the invited guests, and a closer relationship...

Apparently, the chameleon is completely making a plan for his trip to Randenburg. Although he can’t directly act as the hostess, 'Junlin Landingburg', but also not to be expelled from the Langerburg by the hostess. .

In this regard, Ye Qi is well-informed, but he did not have to choose whether it is the relationship between allies or the private relationship between the two, he can only be an invitation.

"The Holy See’s wanted for you this time. Many people are heartbroken!"

When it comes to the existence of this behemoth, the chameleon once again converges to danger. Especially when it comes to the comfort of Ye Qi, in the face of this beautiful lady, there is a little bit of coldness, her tone is slightly cold and said: "One thousand high standard magic crystal, five eight-order or more The magic scroll, any two sets of secrets collected by the Holy See, and the position of the head of the Inquisition!"

When the name of the 'inner of the Inquisition' is spoken, the coldness of the chameleon is almost like a frozen, and her voice carries a glimpse of unclear ambiguity: "And it is not limited to the camp, any existence is completed. You can get these for your mission! Those guys who are hiding everywhere, I am afraid this time can't wait!"

"Oh, it’s a pretty good reward!"

Compared with the cold dragonfly of Chameleon, Ye Qi took a smile with a smile. He waved his hand and said with a relaxed tone: "At any time, you need a soldier's heart, or you will accomplish nothing!"

"This is the famous saying of Juggernaut!"

Ye Qi’s voice just fell, and the chameleon said the source of this sentence.

"Well, it is the teacher's famous quote!"

Ye Qi nodded, and he had a more memory in his tone: "However, I remember when I was talking to him after he was drunk. At that time, I was being beaten because of a real fight. Teacher's teaching!"

“The teacher said, 'Do you know why you will fail?' I was very innocent at the time, because the other side sneaked, or I was the winner; in this discourse, I thought I would get the teacher’s relief, but the teacher Very rudely gave me a cerebral palsy; when I repeatedly yelled, the teacher continued: "The unscrupulous enemy is a good enemy! You count on the enemy before the start, as the Cavaliers give you a challenge book Or like a nobleman, throwing gloves?'"

"Of course I shook my head; the teacher said very seriously at the time: 'At any time, you need to have a warrior's heart, or you will accomplish nothing!' Then, when I nod again, the teacher gave me another one. Brain sputum; I feel very wronged, but the teacher said that I don't know how to understand!"

"I am very puzzled about this. I have been begging the teacher to explain it to me. Finally, after three bottles of mead, the teacher once again said: 'The warrior needs to go forward, need to pay back his teeth, and pay an eye for an eye; not let you be a knight; Therefore, when you encounter a respectable opponent, you should respect each other as the dignity of the strong; and once you meet those who are shameless...'"

Speaking of this, Ye Qi made a special meal, and then took a deep breath. Ye Qi imitated the tone of his teacher and continued: "You have to be more shameless than them, not only to kill them, but also to When they are alive, open their mouths and spit in a sip!"

Hearing here, the chameleon's cold face could not help but thaw. She chuckled: "The education of Juggernaut is unique!"

“Yes, very unique; unique to me in the 12 months of the year, I need to brush the plate for ten months after training in the evening!” Ye Qi smiled shrugging, then gently smashed the knife Put it on your own knees and look at the edge hidden under the Slowly said: "Be careful and cautious, I am destined to be a fearless warrior, but I I am not afraid of any challenges; I am prepared to accept the challenge and win the victory, which will make me more satisfied!"

"Of course, if there are some despicable people, my respect for the teacher will remind me of the teacher's teaching!"


At the moment before sunset, the sea forest is already dark. The afterglow of the sunset cannot be seen through the layers of branches and leaves, but the two pairs of eyes in the sky are clear and incomparably The team that was on the move made the small man and Ava slow down the speed of their advancement. The two men turned around only by eye contact, and they fell from the air behind these teams, slowly approaching. With.

Ps second more~

After the decadence, roll over, face up to the sky, pat the belly and swear: "Seeking protection~~~"

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the 200 starting point of the coin, the sn100 starting point, the big love sister 100 starting point, the dark phoenix 100 starting point, the reward of the money ~~~ decadent thanks to all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters ~~~ is not finished...

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