Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 203: At the beginning of the war

[Cold weapon (Master) +1]

The flame of the campfire was still burning, and the hints from the system made Ye Qi feel amazed. He looked at the words on the light blue screen [Cold Arms (Master): 94] and could not help but grow a tone though during the day. The battle is undoubtedly a jīè, but the benefits are obvious, especially after starting to think about it, such benefits will definitely be beyond your expectations.

'Walking against people is not relying on brute force, but looking for the weakness of each other with a calm mind; of course, once such a weakness appears, it will be summarized as a skill; and I do not require You can exercise it as a skill, but you need to learn to think; at the very least, remember the other's weaknesses and avoid your mistakes the next time you encounter the same enemy! ’

This is slightly embarrassing. In fact, the words of experience and experience are Ye Qi’s teachers. They often drink half drunk and half awaken. When they start pointing to Ye Qi, they will use three or four opening remarks in almost ten times. With such continuous indoctrination, Ye Qi has a habit of summing up and thinking after the war. In fact, when Ye Qi first discovered the benefits of such post-war summary, he began to force himself to make such a behavioral novel chapter. .

Different from the joy generated when searching for loot after the battle, the post-war summary is a very painful thing. Of course, if you just put such a post-war summary, all of them are summed up as 'self hitting the other side, chopping the other side. If you have made several favorable defenses, then naturally there will be no difficulty.

Unfortunately, this situation can only be a 'summary' when a child is fighting. Although it can be after ten years. When it is mature. Speaking of 'I want to play a few in xx, I am a tribute to a few.' But this is not a summary of Ye Qi’s acceptance of the guidance of the old John. If it is such a summary, basically no guidance is needed, born human beings. For such a 'summary' is very skilled, and Ye Qi needs to face the summary. However, it is a very considerable analysis. It is almost a mistake, why is it caused by such mistakes, and what kind of reasons, such as a series of things that you don't want to face, are thoroughly displayed in front of you.

Such behavior is naturally very embarrassing; otherwise, the phrase "self-deception" will not appear even if Lorante does not have such an ancient sentence, but has a similar discourse.

Therefore, every time Ye Qi faces his own difficulties, it is very uncomfortable. Even the pain is very simple, when you carefully design. It has been proved to be useless, or when it is more than one move, the burning pain in the face is the source of this pain.

Therefore, in the beginning, Ye Qi was very unaccustomed, especially in the face of his own teacher, analyzing such mistakes. Ye Qi is more accustomed to sitting alone in the corner, thinking about these mistakes, and then reminding himself to correct.

‘In the face of my embarrassment, it’s better than someone else’s neck! ’

Ye Qi knows very well that his teacher, when he said this sentence, the heavy expression on his face; of course, if the slap of the mouth is converged, it is perfect.

However, although angry at the teacher's bad, but Ye Qi is really to retain this summary of the habit; and then, to benefit from it, it is like the seeds in the soil just fertilized to absorb nutrients generally although those fertilizers It's filthy and smelly, but it's the growing nutrients you have to absorb.

After all, when there is no talent and talented people, the latter is already a vibrant sapling, and you are a seed as the former. If you don’t know how to absorb nutrients, wait until others become When you are in the sky, you are just sprouting, or simply a seed.

Ye Qi is not a person with too much ambition. His only remaining ambition is to maintain his current life. If he does not see the batwing and fangs for another time, Ye Qi will definitely ask at Old John. Next, march toward the path of ordinary people; become a good doctor or lawyer, then marry a woman who he can see, not too careful, then give birth to one or two lovely children, and finally honestly and safely After the end of my life.

It is a pity that after being exposed to the 'reality' of the world too early, he has to do something that makes him feel at ease. For the precariousness of life, the danger of death is really a good driving force; even if It is those experiences that are as dirty and stinky as fertilizers. After Ye Qi has experienced the discomfort he has removed, it is also sweet.

[riding +5]

This is the prompt after the [Cold Weapon (Master) +1], as Ye Qi, who rides on Gronin’s back all day, and makes various difficult movements from time to time, such a reminder is justified. And, Ye Qi can be sure that with the next few days of fighting, [ride] this skill will quickly enter the proficient level.

Ye Qi is more certain that once [riding] enters the proficient level, then his cooperation with Gronin will surely go up one level, which means that Gronin is likely to play faster. speed

If you can completely get rid of the entanglement of the five pseudo-sacred knights...

No, no, you should not think of getting rid of it first!

But to kill the five guys!

The offense can be a defense, and the five guys are killed in the face, I can completely lock the victory!


After one of the smallest mistakes, I will be forced into a desperate situation!

Think about it at that time!

Better, start planning now!

Ye Qi's eyes were slightly open, and the black eyes flashed in the dark eyes, and then he jumped up straight, so he stood in the same place and kept the talents, the most important thing is diligence; The stupid bird flies first, it is the golden jade.

I am facing five enemies now!

The enemy is evenly matched, and the other party is stalking the life and death!

In suppressing, I need to play my strongest advantage!


The setting of a strip is modeled after the battle of the day. And memories in my mind. Ye Qi’s figure was so rounded around the bonfire. The speed is getting faster and faster, and the sound of the wind makes the newly asleep Groning open his eyes again. It blurs his eyes and looks at his master's anomaly.

However, after a few moments, Gronin completely lost interest, although there is wisdom, but under the premise that such wisdom is not complete. No one can force him to be a mature intelligent individual to accept everything that should be accepted; just as if you are facing a seven- or eight-year-old child, you will **** each other's candy and snacks, and instead give each other a calculus. same.

Maybe there is such a gift of existence, but Gronin is definitely not such a existence, at the very least, its talent is not here.

Hey, hey!

Groning's forefoot twitched slightly, and the two pieces of wood fell again. The flames became smaller and the fire was stronger. Feining the increase of the flame, Gronin narrowed his eyes. Then, a little unsatisfied, again moved two pieces of firewood, so that it fell into the campfire again.

And such an action. It seems that it caused Groning's wireless fun. It started to push and throw the firewood into the campfire. When all the firewood was thrown into the campfire, Gronin immediately sought out. More 'wood firewood' was added to it. When a big tree with an adult's waist thickness was broken by Gronin and thrown into a bonfire that was already three or four feet high, the flame was pressed down. Then, in more crisp sounds and thick smoke, the flames are high and the height is high.

Although it is not a superb intelligence, Gronin understands that what kind of tree should be chosen as firewood. In fact, in the narrow region of Xialin District, because of the sparse population, there is a considerable jungle; In such a jungle, there is naturally no shortage of dead trees.

Therefore, one after another, the dead trees were broken by Gronin, and then dragged into the campfire, and then flew a hoof to break into the campfire...

The flames are getting higher and higher, and the bonfire piles are getting bigger and bigger. It looks like a hill and burns away from a distance. The Zola and Anwar in the distance certainly see this change, but when they look at it When Groning re-created the blame, he snorted and returned to the middle of the pseudo-sacred knight again without hesitation, and continued to rest.

The endless battles during the day and the rest of the night, almost in the deliberate maintenance of Ye Qi, have become a convention of obedience. Of course, the defenses that both sides should have are not reduced at all.

And they disdain and immediately regain their gaze, more from Groning itself.

Nightmare, a kind of monster in "God's Saying" is a filthy thing on the battlefield. It is the existence of a tainted human soul and a existence that must be eliminated.

If you are in a normal time, encountering a creature like a nightmare, whether it is Zola or Anwar, it is absolutely impossible to let go, but at this moment, the nightmare encountered is Ye Qi’s mount, even if they swear in the bottom of their hearts. Gronin was well prepared, but before Ye Qi was killed, it was all fantasy and unrealistic.

Therefore, it is better not to look at it. If you look too much, it will only make them more angry.

For the thoughts of the two red archbishops, Gronin naturally did not know, even if they knew it would be disdainful as the other party, and responded to a ringing nose; at this moment, it was immersed in their own game when they were After the dead tree that was thrown in reached thirty, the flame was almost skyrocketing, and Gronin was delighted and swaying his hoof, making a burst of humming.

A blaze of flame blew from Gronin's nostrils and mouth, and fell on the huge bonfire. It was like a petrol poured over it. The flame slammed into the sky, and when the flame reached its highest point. At the time, Gronin jumped in and went straight into the campfire.

Without the slightest mourning and sorrow, only the joyful humming, Gronin kept hoofing in the flame, snoring and swaying his own mane; while Ye Qi on the side was the slightest. It was not disturbed. When the bonfire could not expand, Ye Qi moved very naturally to the side, still continually stroked.

One person and one horse, very ‘harmonious’ and do not interfere with each other, immersed in their own sight.


The black night, after the lack of colorful lights, is not only dense but also a bit deep, even if there is a quiet moonlight as lighting, it will only feel a special cold. Rising from the bottom of my heart. Ava, who was rushing through the cold of the whole body and flying under the night sky, was not affected by this cold. His heart is full of anxiety, as if the magma that is suppressed in the volcano is generally rolling.

After leaving the bar in Randburg, Ava tried his best to fly to the nearest point drawn by his friend to a location on the border between Xia Lin and the Bay Area.

There was no gain in the investigation there, and Ava, who had been mentally prepared for it, did not feel discouraged, and even had a hint of joy. After all, if there were signs of fighting or large troops passing by, then the other party already It is approaching Randburg, and this is for them. Obviously it is not good news; even if you have to follow the words of your friends, then ‘take us up, start a charge and see who is in luck! ’

But this is not the worst situation. For Ava, it is naturally worthy of joy.

However, such joy is no longer there as time goes by, especially when the sun goes down completely, Ava’s heart is left with anxiousness, because the point marked by his friend has been all The search is complete; there is no existence. There is no Ye Qi, no enemy; this is his ability to launch at every point. After summoning countless animal partners, I came to the conclusion.

The analysis of friends is not wrong, Ava is convinced of this; and his search is also meticulous to the limit, there is no wrong reason, then there is only one possibility that there may be a surprise in Ye Qi, the distance they envisioned. There was an error!

Such mistakes are definitely not good news for Ava; because this not only means that the difficulty of finding his friend’s whereabouts has increased several times invisibly, but more because the anxious from now According to the news, the friend he was looking for learned that the dark creatures in the rapids were gathering, but he was clearly ignorant of the dark creatures in the Hailin area.

This is undoubtedly a dangerous sign that knows nothing, will bring sudden, make his friends unprepared, or even make a plan that is fundamentally wrong; at the very least, the headquarters dispatched to deal with the reinforcements of the Rapids, knowing After the existence of dark creatures in the Hailin area, it has been split in half, changing the original route.

And such a change, the friend he is looking for obviously does not know and his task is to have to inform his friends, everything he does not know, and reschedule the plan.

When all the points marked by the small ones were searched, Ava was helpless. It was only along the narrow strip of Xialin District and flew toward the forestless area. It was impossible to know what happened. In this case, he can only look for possible traces and then find clues about his friends.

The practice of Ava is undoubtedly correct. When he was in the sky and saw the huge bonfire, he knew that his choice was not wrong!

After the change, under the brood of the power of nature, the eagle's eyes have already broken through the original limit, not only can penetrate the darkness, but also can see all the things in the range of the sky, especially in the fire. Shining under the shadow of Ye Qi and Gronin's figure appeared in his sight.

However, at the same time there are the pseudo-sacred knights who belong to the Holy See!

Ava, who changed into an eagle, was very careful. It bypassed these forces belonging to the Holy See, and after a large circle, it fell to the ground from the opposite direction.

Under such a distance, both sides are at a glance!

And my appearance is enough to cause unknown changes...

Ava in the jungle glanced at the distance between the friend and the Holy Preacher of the Holy See, and immediately stopped. He gently patted the rucksack, and the purple fur immediately appeared in the darkness, even if it was The night can't capture the beauty of this purple light.

Carat, Ava's first real animal companion, looked at Ava with black, shiny eyes.

In the way of Druid, Ava and Azure, completely abandoning the traditional way of communication, only need one idea, the two sides can understand each other's ideas.


At a speed far beyond that of ordinary cockroaches, Carat smashed the branches and ran 'running' in the direction of Ye Qi. It was not so much a 'running', but rather a speeding, the purple light was flashing in the running. Into the night, and the carat is better like the best hunters in the night, moving fast and quietly.

However, when is near the huge campfire, Carat obviously has a hint of fear.


With a loud snoring, Groning, who was so happy to play, walked out in the flames, revealing the horse's head, looking at the ‘little guy’ that suddenly appeared in front of him and merged with the surrounding environment.

The reason why I didn't bite the other person and swallow it is because there is still a pet in the memory that seems to be the owner's friend.

It was for this reason that Gronin regained his horse's head and began to play again; Gronin was close to Ye Qi.

PS second more~

Staying up late, the code is really hard! Deprivation of all kinds of comfort! !

Thanks to sn1w starting currency rewards (decadence of the hands of the gods!), the prodigal son of the four seas wandering 200 starting point coins, Xuanyuan Yuhe 200 starting point coins, x100 starting currency rewards, dark Yan phoenix 100 starting point coins, 虈飝100 starting point rewards ~~~ decadent thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~(To be continued...)

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