Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 204: Early in the middle of the war


Ye Qi was surprised to see the purple scorpion that climbed in front of himself and merged with the ground and the surrounding environment. For Ye Qi, only when he and Gronin were immersed in cultivation, naturally there is no problem. However, this is limited to him and Gronin. Once other existences have entered the effective range, Ye Qi will certainly be wary.

Therefore, when Ziqi Carat entered the scope of [blind bucket perception], Ye Qi did not seem to stop, but it is still an accident that may appear in the alert; only when he sees a friend's pet However, Ye Qi can't help but sway for the fluctuations of the purple carats. Ye Qi certainly will not forget. After all, because of Ava's sake, the other's pets can naturally be seen every day.

However, at this moment, the fluctuations of the purple 貂 貂, but compared with the complete two appearances in Ye Qi's memory, are completely many times stronger.

Is this the ability to gain in the natural wonders of the Druid?

Looking at the 貂 貂 克拉 克拉 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 好 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶The special place where the companion entered; and Ye Qi once heard of Awa, and did not care too much; however, from the current changes in the purple carat, there must be a place that is not allowed.

After all, although the speed of the sable carat is fast, it is only in the eyes of ordinary people. In the eyes of the apostles, it is only general; even if it is beautiful, it has basically no features. It can only be used as a pet for viewing; now it is different. This kind of chameleon generally changes its own color. The ability to integrate into the environment suddenly appears in the purple carat, just like a normal person awakens into an apostle, but for animals, it is called a beast.

Of course, the current purple carat is undoubtedly the weakest of the beasts. Just as there is no difference between those who have just awakened to become apostles.

A wax pill spit out from the mouth of Aster Carat, and fell in the hands of Ye Qi. The wax pistil was straightened and the paper strip was taken out. After Ye Qi just looked at it, his face changed greatly, and then he looked again. With two eyes, I threw the note into the campfire next to it.

"Gronin, let's get some more fun here!"

Ye Qi shouted at Gronin in the campfire. Immediately, Gronin took out the flame. I rushed into the jungle, and soon a few dead trees flew out of the jungle. Falling into the bonfire For Gronin, if it was sneaky before, then now, with the permission of Ye Qi, it is already bright and straight; the action is naturally more and more clean and neat.

The flame climbed again, almost illuminating the hillside where Ye Qi was located; and a figure followed the flames, and after the leaves of the dead trees that appeared in front of Ye Qi, Ava wanted to take the opportunity to hide. It's not a difficult thing; it's also the cooperation of Gronin, almost hand-to-hand.

“There are also large-scale dark creatures in Hailin District?”

In the fierce sound of the bonfire, Ye Qi sat down and asked in a low voice to his friend.

"Well, very much, and very mixed, there are some races, almost half of the dark creatures in the sea forest are involved!" Ava nodded, answering, with a bitter smile to tell the truth, If he did not get the exact information, he did not find that there was such a 'completely' dark creature in the Hailin area; even some of them were extinct in the eyes of the hunter; for example : Leprechaun, this seems to be harmless, but in fact it will be the most deceptive existence.

Even after seeing the note, but after seeing his friend nod, Ye Qi still couldn't help but take a long breath. For Ye Qi, this is really a bad news; seriously, it is After a wave of unrest, he now has some stunned!

After all, this news is really too unexpected!

If you remember correctly, Alcatel reminds me of a certain existence, but does not say that it is a large army of dark creatures...

In other words, compared to those dark creatures who are wrong, this existence should be a headache for me!

At the thought of this, even Ye Qi couldn't help but snorted, then stretched out his fingers and pressed his own swelled temples, gently swaying.

"How is the specific situation there?"

Deeply took a breath and adjusted his state, Ye Qi asked.

In the face of problems, the most needed is to solve, not empty; Ye Qi still understands, and a calm state is undoubtedly the best way to solve the problem.

"Because the scouts of the previous period were killed by me and Datong, the commander of the dark creature coalition may have lost the value of the raid; therefore, the follow-up troops began to slow down the pace, and the striker troops have been stationed. "Ava recalls the situation in his mind, and explains to his friends one by one: "The Hunter's Headquarters will split the reinforcements sent to the Rapids Strait into two, respectively supporting the lines of the Rapids and the Hailin District. Father Fletcher has personally taken the defense line to Hailin District; according to Datong, there are several masters of wizards to follow!"

"It should be Master Stanton!" This confirms the identity of the masters of the wizard. Ye Qi once again asks: "Only these masters of wizards? Are the remaining wizards moving?"

"Not yet, basically in the estate of the Northder family!"

Ava replied, and Ye Qi slightly frowned. In the Gulf region at the moment, the wizards are another indispensable force, not just the young ones in the Gulf. The wizards, as well as the wizards in the depths of the sea, those who are truly capable of providing deterrence; at the very least, there is a chief wizard in the strongest of the seven.

However, from now on, these wizards do not want to join this battle, even if they are fighting, it is definitely in the name of the individual, not the identity of the entire wizarding world; otherwise. There will not be only a few wizard masters to follow. But the entire wizards in the Bay Area will act.

Is watching? Still getting a formal order?

Ye Qi couldn't help but guess the facts. After getting the warning of the inanimate king, for the enemy in the Hailin District who needs attention, more than 30% of Ye Qi’s vision is probably the chief wizard of the wizarding fortress; this is not Innocent guessing, but a bold inference based on facts.

After all, except for the chief sorcerer of the wizard's fort, Ye Qi could hardly think of what would make the inanimate kings deliberately remind the existence of the strongest seven in the world, each with a place that can definitely be praised. Even the dead pope is no exception; even Ye Qi can be sure that even if the fake Tekawi sneaked, with the ability of the pope, if you want to fight a battle, you can pull most of the people to bury.

However, with the character of the pope, this is not the case at all; otherwise, it is impossible to be forced by the existence of Ieta, but not to fight back. 'It is a respectable old man, but not suitable. In a high position! This is not Ye Qi’s evaluation, but the entire dark world. Evaluation of the old man.

Therefore, it is natural for the inanimate king to say something worthy of attention. Ye Qi subconsciously thought of a chief sorcerer in the depths of Hailin; however, after such a guess, after Ava brought the news, the possibility was once again reduced. At this moment, Ye Qi understood that the inanimate king said The person who deserves to be concerned should be the one who can command the dark creatures.

Obviously, the commander who can become a dark creature coalition is naturally a dark creature that needs the identity of dark creatures and can be noticed by the inanimate king...

"What is the main thing in the forward camp of the dark creature?"

In the middle of the sinking, Ye Qi asked.


Ava answered with great certainty.

Sure enough, the long-lost Wolf King!

After receiving such a positive answer, Ye Qi’s mind immediately popped up the existence of the wolf-moon king Aguza, a stranger with the inanimate king Alcatel, which is a legend in his own race; Compared to Alcatel, the inanimate king, the moonlight wolf king Aguzza is undoubtedly 'mature young'!

At the end of the sacred time, the Wolf King officially boarded the stage of Lorante, and his fame was against the resistance of the countries in the first counterattack of the Holy See, and the Holy See resolutely decided. A large army of 'cleaning heretics' was dispatched. More than 100,000 troops, a glorious gorge emerged, and all opposition forces began to sweep.

At the beginning, everything was so smooth. Without any strongholds and fortresses, the Holy See’s army rushed into the hinterland of today’s Xialin District in less than three days and was destroyed on this road. The king and the Grand Duke have combined more than five.

The remaining human kings and grand princes reacted. The Holy See came to 'true'; they started the alliance and gathered together for the coalition; but the speed of such gathering was too slow, especially for some 'three hearts and two minds'. Existence is even more so that the alliance reveals a 'corruption' atmosphere from the bones.

Therefore, such a coalition force is naturally a retreat, and it is the kind of lost armor.

When the army of the Holy See thoroughly scanned the Xia Lin District, the so-called coalition forces had already ran to the Chunlin District and the Bay Area, respectively. The former were prepared to rely on the terrain and the fortress, while the latter I want to go out from the pier at the port of Saskatchewan and look for a 'new home'!

For those who are looking for 'new homes', the Holy See has not pursued them. Their eyes are placed on the only castle at the junction of Chunlin District and Xialin District: above Chunyao Fort; and the commander of the Holy See army is making It is necessary to step on the spring buds and to clear all the remaining stubborn forces and restore the plan of 'the glory of God'.

However, such a plan is inadvertently led to another direction.

In a mountain forest less than fifty miles from Chunyao Fort, there are a group of Welsh plains from the vicinity of Tika Fort. The ethnic group is not large, only about 50, it is obviously a 'separated' Werewolf; for the werewolf, this separation is similar to the ordinary wolf group. After the wolves reach a considerable amount, some wolves must leave the wolves and form a new wolves.

after all. The resources of a region are limited. Unable to supply an infinitely growing wolves.

The wolf people do the same. After a group reaches a limit, it will 'separate' a wave of werewolves, start to migrate to a more suitable place for further development, and then reach a limit, then 'separate' a wave of werewolves, start again Migration, this is a cycle of wolves.

However, it is possible to complete the wolves in this cycle. It is really rare. After all, the wolves who are 'separated' have a complete structure and will not be maliciously assigned to the old, the weak, and the sick, but in a strange environment, the situation that needs to be faced is far beyond All existing imaginations, especially in the era of the Holy See, a bad will lead to the cleansing of the 'heresic' of the Holy See.

The werewolves who were 'separated' from the Welsh Plains werewolf, the luck was terrible, and they suffered the Holy See's army.

Very natural. The entire group of werewolves, after the army of the Holy See passed. It disappeared, but there are still three survivors: a team that left the group alone to explore the surrounding; there is the afterglow Wolf King Aguza!

Of course, at that time, Aguzza was just a fledgling little werewolf, and even could not compete with the Beta Wolf in his own group; but it was such a small wave of people who did the most of the things that made the entire werewolf group look at the most. The goal of being weak and falling, starting with the army of the Holy See, sneak attack and ambush again and again; and when the commander of this army began to look at this ant-like existence, Eguza had already begun to show up. .

By the talent of the Heil Plain Wolf, an army composed entirely of wolves was formed.

It was a battle that could not be recorded in the history pages. The existing books only mentioned the left-behind team. After the struggle, they finally waited for the reinforcements from various places. In fact, those reinforcements added up to two. Tens of thousands of people, but who can really fight, are only two-thirds of them.

In the dark world, a new star of the side rises, and when the second army of the Holy See is silently destroyed, all the werewolves who lived in Lorante expressed themselves to Aguzza. The tribute to the Wolf King, the co-owner of all werewolves, not an Alpha wolf; Xiaoyue, the most powerful time for werewolves.

Xiaoyue Wolf King, in the ordinary words, is the most powerful wolf king.

After that, after the second battle with the Holy See, the shadow of the Wolf King was always active above Lorante, making it even more famous. It continued until the 50 years after the advent of the Free Age. The figure gradually faded out of the stage of history; however, the occasional appearance was enough for everyone to look at it.

However, in the last 50 years, the Wolf King has not appeared. All the people are guessing that most people think that the other party is dead. After all, the werewolves are not the same as their feuds. The latter is completely A long life is famous, while the former is known for its fierce fighting; as for life, there is really no achievement!

But some people who really know the inside story don't think of the 'legendary world'. When they reach the extraordinary realm, their life expectancy is not immortal, but it is unpredictable; 'the legendary world' may die, but absolutely It won't die; therefore, Lorant's strongest seven in the world has the presence of the Wolf King, even though it has long been considered missing.

Xiaoyue Wolf King?

In Ye Qi’s indulgent gaze, with a little thought, if the wolf king has been in Hailin, then it will naturally have a very close relationship with the wizarding fortress; Ye Qike will not believe that the same is the strongest in the world. The chief wizard of the Wizarding Fort did not notice the big movements beside him.

And if there is a connection, then the behavior of the wizard's fort at this moment has to be traded.

An agreement or a short-lived alliance is possible!

When Ye Qiyi thought that the Wolf King and the Wizarding Fort had signed an agreement, the frowning brow could not help but lock tightly.

The bad news is really one after another!

Although this is only speculation, but it is not impossible, and once it becomes a fact, then for the situation at the moment, it is to add to the most sturdy castle, and it is very easy to be attacked from within. At the moment, the Gulf District is simply not a strong castle.

"Ye, what do we do now?"

By the cover of the bonfire, Ava looked at his friend's changing face and couldn't help but ask.

"The guys who solved the problem first said that the Bay Area has become a big fat, and everyone wants to pounce on it!"

Ye Qi pointed to the pseudo-sacred knights in the distance, and then sighed and said; and Ava was shocked, he subconsciously turned his head, although there was a flame blocking, he could not see anything, but his face was With a deep incredible understanding, in this way, the plan of friends to lure the enemy can completely fail; and more importantly, they must face the two waves of dark creatures in the sea forest area and the rapids!

"When does it begin?"

Ava took his own surprise. He looked at his friend and asked. Obviously, Ava also knows the current situation. He can only finish one piece and negotiate the next one, even if every one looks so different. easily.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~ (to be continued...)

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