Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 226: Nether hidden swordsman

Under the fan of the huge wings, the power is not only destroyed, but also the wind should have the help, but only know how to apply, such help is undoubtedly powerful - almost, in an instant, the white bones are turned into A branch of the arrow, shrouded against Ye Qi, the sky, front and rear, are occupied by such white arrows.


In an instant, Ye Qi and Gronin were covered by white bones, but this did not mean the failure of Ye Qi and Gronin - a white cockroach that resembles the 'wooden bag' on the hills. Any stop, rushing straight toward the original goal, even if the bones are more and more, can not reduce the speed of Ye Qi and Gronin's progress, even faster.

[riding +3]

[Skill riding reaches 30, skill upgrades to riding proficient...]

[Riding (proficiency): Long-term running-in with the mount, so that you have extraordinary riding ability; effect: increase the speed by 10% when riding ordinary creatures; increase the speed by 10% when riding special creatures, special One of the special abilities of the creature can be awarded a specialization bonus. 】

(Specialization bonus: similar to the level of skill proficiency.)



A loud war horse screams, the thickness has exceeded the white bone arrow 'package' of the ordinary two-story building, and it bursts open in an instant. The flames of the sky rise with it, the heat waves break through the wind, and the flames turn into flames in all directions. Invading and going, countless white bones, gasification and airlift in an instant, but more when they have not yet encountered, they are turned into fly ash, flying to the direction of the surging wind.

啪, 啪, 啪...

The horseshoe stepped on the hard reef floor and made a crisp sound. When Mars splashed, the flames rose again a few points, and struck toward the huge gargoyles still agitating the wings. Then, two huge The torch appeared in the field. Numerous earth and bones rushed toward the two huge torches, and they wanted to extinguish the fire, but such a join could only make the flame burn more and more vigorously until it destroyed the source hidden somewhere in the body.

boom! boom!

After two muffled sounds, the huge gargoyle burst out of the air, mixed with countless sparks, allowed by Gronin. Landing from the sky is like a fire.


In the dark night, under the fire, the vibrato appeared again.

Ye Qi, who had been waiting for a long time, followed the vibrato, immediately took a shot of Groning’s neck, and one of the fast-moving ones disappeared into the battlefield. Only the flames that continue to burn, and the once-formed "soul power" attack circle.

this is? !

Blending into the shadows? !

This time, Leslor saw the process of Ye Qi’s disappearance. The fire of the soul in the eyelids leaped again in a rapid pulsation. A bad memory came to mind; and the lessons in this memory made it rapid. One turned, while the staff in the hand again took a ride on the floor of the carriage.

And when Les Lor turned, Ye Qi and Gronin had already appeared less than ten yards behind him - looking at the turned lich. Ye Qi’s eyes narrowed, and the whole body’s momentum firmly locked the other side. Then, the body was lowered and the speed of Gronin was maximized. Under the support of [riding (proficiency)], the distance of ten yards, even No need to breathe, just come to the front.

Look at the lich who is close at hand. The knives in the hands of Ye Qi, turned into a streamer, and took the other's head.


In the explosion, a wave of tearing the reef highlands where the carriage was located rushed into the sky; feeling the vibration around it and the touch of the knives, Ye Qi did not hesitate. Once again, Gronin blended into the shadows, pulling the distance between the two sides to a safe distance.

The feeling that the blade is blocked, and the feeling of cutting is completely different, even if it is a skinny. That bone should not be so hard, and the breath of [the power of the soul] is once again close, and temporarily opening a safe distance is undoubtedly the most sensible choice.

After the smoke broke down, all fell, and in the bright moonlight, Leslor held his own inconspicuous staff with his hands, slowly dropping it from the top of his head, and in such a simple thing, its whole body was issued. The sound of squeaking and snoring sounded like a blood-like substance in various cracked wounds on the body under the unobstructed robes that had already broken.

The lich is different from other undead creatures. Because of the existence of the soul, most of the lichs will transform their bodies. Some of them will be in the body of human beings, and they will develop some bodies for their own use according to their own appearance. And some are free to find one or two bodies, and then to transform.

Of course, more lichs are still habitually transforming their bodies to be stronger, basically the strongest body without affecting magic experiments and spells - just like Mithril has a good demon nature. Generally, there are some materials or blood vessels that are completely unsuitable for magic experiments and spells. Although the blood of the legendary Breaker has already been cut off at the beginning of the wizarding empire, the materials of the ban have not been It disappeared, but it was carried forward in the hands of the Holy See.

At the beginning, the Holy See was able to hunt many wizards, and these banned materials were undoubtedly indispensable.

One of the characteristics of the banned material is hard, but in the non-forbidden material, such a strong existence is also quite a lot, just like the main material that Leslor used to transform the present body, from a beast. The body is not only difficult to hurt, but also has a considerable immunity to spells, and will not affect its use of magic experiments and spells; no doubt, the last point is the focus of Leslor's choice.

However, at this moment, Leslor is very fortunate that he did not have any defenses for physical attacks and manipulation of magic experiments, but chose to greatly increase the material of the spell attributes to transform the body; Such a transformation, even if the staff in his hand is a saint, under the knife of the other, its entire body has to collapse.

In the previous discourse, Leslor had a sentence that was true—it was a traditional wizard and was not good at close combat. If Ye Qi was close, it was definitely a train of thought.

Feel the defense of your body and the surrounding [power of the soul]. Leslor looked at the young man who had retired to an absolutely safe position and couldn’t help but sigh: "Your strength is really strong and the ability is very special, although it has not been completed...but you can deserve it. Call it genius!"

"I will not bear in mind for the praise of the enemy; on the contrary, I hope more. Take the enemy's death as a reward for yourself - at the very least, one less enemy, I can sleep a little safe!" While talking and scanning the "soul power" appearing around the other's body, it is not subconsciously wrinkled a brow - the opponent's defensive circle composed of [the power of the soul] is divided into two inner and outer.

There is no difference between the outside one and the so-called "Soul War Field", but the one inside is almost close to the other's body. Constructed a sphere with a thickness of ten feet. At such a distance, although he can break through the outer defense, there is no way to enter the inner circle defense of the opponent - the inconspicuous staff in the other hand. Obviously a sacrament!

The immortal attributes of each sacrament are doomed to be destroyed by ordinary weapons, even if the staff is not armor. But Ye Qi can be sure that the opponent doesn't mind his own staff acting as armor to block all attacks from the sword; and, more importantly, the blade of the knives has four feet, with a handle, almost five feet in length. However, such a length wants to break through the defense of the other side, which is undoubtedly not enough!

"Swordwind" and "Lightblade" or spells...

The subconscious Ye Qi began to think about attacks that could cause effective damage to the opponent. His eyes kept scanning the two defensive circles inside and outside the opponent, and then began to calculate the distance between the opponent and himself. The superimposed swordsman of "Lightblade" should be able to cause effective damage, but the swordman's attack is too much. Single, must use the "Sword Wind" to coordinate the other's line of sight, and force all the protective spells on the other side. Then in the can...

"Leslor, the wizard of alchemy and undead school!"

Leslor, standing on his carriage, looked at the young strongman in the distance and made himself introduce himself - he was able to push it into such a situation, and it was inevitable to exchange names; even the enemy. It is also a virtue to meet a powerful enemy and keep its name in mind.

For Leslor, who was born in the late dark ages and inherited the habits of most wizarding empire, such habits have long been engraved in the depths of the soul, just like the families of the autumn forests - they are at all The eyes of outsiders are arrogant, extravagant, and empty-minded; but when they meet people with similar identities or similar strengths, they are polite and knowledgeable.

Perhaps this will be considered hypocritical, but this is the tradition they follow – if you want to make friends with a member of the Qiulin District family, then you will come up with something that you deserve, whether it is ability or strength; Otherwise, just put away your curiosity and yearning.

And Leslor, the lich who once worked as an apprentice next to one of the greatest wizards of the wizarding empire, is even more obvious –

"Ye Qi, the devil!"

“I am honored to meet you, young and strong!”

Leslor's slight sorrow is a ritual of the wizard, without any humility or flattery, and some just want to respect each other equally.

"For your arrival, we are scared!"

Ye Qi looked at Leslor, who made the wizarding etiquette, and snorted, saying that for Ye Qi, who was born in the demon hunter, it was clearly a hostile and hostile position, but he had to show a friendly Attitude, such an artificial way of speaking, is undoubtedly the most annoying to him; such annoying, not mixed with the dignity of the so-called strong, does not mix with his own temperament, just a simple annoyance.

Therefore, Ye Qi’s answer is very rude, and in his heart, he is always ready--an elegant vampire. When you are hungry, your mouth is full of fangs, more than the beast. More sharp.

"My position is not the same as them. If I can, I don't want to participate in such a battle!" Les Lorne sighed with a long sigh and said slowly: "From the wizarding empire, I I have experienced too many wars, every time it is so sad - the bones are full, the crows are full of sky, the crying, the mourning sounds are mixed with blood, and become the only main theme between heaven and earth..."

Wizarding Empire?

Dark ages! !

Hearing the other party's words, Ye Qi was involuntarily scared, and he looked at the lich in front of him. Obviously, it cannot be linked to the existence of a millennium. After the wilder age, the sect of the wizarding empire lasted for nearly five hundred years, and it was not until the battle of that field that collapsed thousands of years ago; It is really the existence of that era, then such sighs are naturally true.

To know that after the end of the dark age, peace has come, but it is extremely short. It’s only less than 30 years, and then about 360 years of war--the kingdom of mankind. In this 366-year war, the population is not even half of the original, and the city is destroyed. And countless Principalities and Kingdoms are disappearing in the long river of history. The **** age is the general name for nearly four hundred years!


A large number of dark creatures invaded. Chaos shrouded the whole of Lorante. The human kingdom began to work hard for survival at the most critical moments. The Holy See and the hunter-manufacturers began to spread their reputation in Lorante - such battles were in the early days. After the destruction of the human kingdom, the creature soon entered a period of stagnation, and then it was a war of hundreds of years.

The Age of Chaos - to commemorate those who died in the fight against dark creatures.

At the thought of the misery of the chaotic years, Ye Qi couldn't help but raise his head and smash the blade of the magic knife. Pointing at the other side: "The cruelty brought by the war, you feel sad, then why do you want to bring such a miserable scene!"

"As I said before, my position is different from them, but there is no way to do it..." Les Lor said pointing at himself and then, in an inexplicable tone, said: "I am not good at fighting. I don't even study the battle. I like it more than the construction of various magic experiments and spell models. If I can, I am used to myself. Hey, let's use it, I prefer to say this!"

After a pause, the fire of the soul beat, and Leslor continued his mistake.

“I am more accustomed to completing my experiments and spells in the lab alone; I try to avoid fighting. But sometimes, the battle is always so inevitable, and it makes me mix it; just like this time...I The reason for the battle is the same because of this!"

"So. What do you want to say?"

Ye Qi frowned and looked at the lich who had lived for a thousand years. The words of the other party made him confused. Obviously, the other party did not come to pray for peace, and did not pray for the meaning of peace; even if the other party’s words seemed to bring A little bit of love is not enough, but Ye Qi does not think this is the reason; after all, in fact, the other side is commanding the other undead army, to step into the world of Loland civilians.

"Our battle at this moment can continue, but I hope that you can help me the next time you meet, the same, I will help you!"

Leslor said this.

"The next time, wait until next time to meet again! This time, you will return to your soul first!"

When Ye Qigang finished, a gray knife wind came out, and with the technique of [Sword Wind. Teeth], he was blessed by [Second Wind Sharp. Gale], and a knife wind became two, one before the other. After that, Leslor was shrouded in almost a moment; and after that, it was a fireball, flying to the other side with a beautiful tail flame.

Gray is almost filled in the night, and the flames that burst from time to time are more and more bright under the gray and black interweaving scenery, and this kind of brightness becomes hot after Gronin joins, and countless words are on fire. The area around Leslor broke out; and the defensive circle consisting of [the power of the soul], a layer of protective cover appeared around Leslor's body, resisting the attack.

The surrounding warriors are like the tides, and they are rushing toward Ye Qi and Groning. Although such low-level undead creatures are so weak, the huge cockroaches that are occasionally mixed have to be noticed. The huge scorpion of Lor is different from the huge scorpion recruited by Samigina's is composed entirely of countless warriors.

Therefore, around Ye Qi and Gronin, from time to time, a bunch of warriors broke into pieces, but in the next moment they assembled into a greater existence - of course, such assembly, power Compared with the huge shackles of "Samigina's Drive", there is a lot of difference in strength and speed, but it is better than convenience and difference; after all, at the reef high ground that stands at this moment, there are not many Warrior.


After a knife slashed the huge warrior in front of him, Ye Qi looked at Leslor in the encirclement of two [swords, dragons and dragons], and could not help but blink of an eye - almost!

Then, in the void, close to Leslie's body of the Lich, the bright swordsman, suddenly appeared.

At the same time, Ye Qi's ten fingers pointed to the faint white gold light, glaring.

Ten swords are superimposed on two hundred times, mixed in the sword awns hidden in the void, penetrating and cutting the target.

PS first more ~ ​​~ timing ~ ~ (to be continued...)

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