Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 17 Chapter 227: Void hidden under the sword

The inner and outer defensive circle consisting of [the power of the soul], leaving the outer defense circle, the inner defense circle is not close to Leslor's body without gaps, in Leslor's body and inner defense circle. There is still a certain distance between them, not less than two inches or so, but this distance is enough for those swordsmen who are hiding in the void to play their due power.

What's more, the character of [the power of the soul] is obviously unable to cope with such a 'dead' - although Leslor describes [the power of the soul], it shows that it is harmless to the soulless object. However, the imaginary swordsman that Ye Qi burst out is still in the gap, and this has caused almost a hollow sword and an explosion in this small space.

Applying "Light Blade" to combat, it is obvious that Ye Qi still does not reach 100% success. Therefore, such an explosion is too normal, and Ye Qi is also happy to see such an explosion - Perhaps the level of sharpness can't be compared with the formed swordsman, but the unpredictability caused by the explosion will cause the enemy to have a headache; at the very least, Leslor has become so busy in such an explosion.

At the beginning of the Nether Sword Mans, Leslor was obviously shocked, and immediately began to lay down a defensive field with spells - although he did not like fighting, but this does not mean Leslie. It will escape the battle. In fact, every time you encounter a battle, if it is not the real mountain, it will always fight to the end.

This is not the attachment to the battle, but the attachment to one's dignity - not to fight, absolutely not allowed by this proud lich.

Therefore, after going through one after another, after repeated battles, people who don’t like fighting will also develop a sense of direct combat - a kind of early perception similar to danger, each on the battlefield. The veterans will have such a sense of instinct, and the warriors who walked on the battlefield. Then this kind of straight feeling is thoroughly integrated into the bones, forming a thorough instinct.

Therefore, when the imaginary air sword suddenly appeared, Leslor's defensive field was already arranged, but the explosion that followed made it so busy with some of the arrangements - force field shield The biggest advantage is the defense against all kinds of direct attacks, but the attack on similar spells is a little weaker. Sometimes it is a special attack, even no effect.

It’s like the explosion of the empty swordsman at the moment. The martial arts of "Lightblade" is very special. In fact, if it is serious enough to break away from the scope of martial arts, it is integrated into magic; although Ye Qi has not yet Do it, relying on the increase, it will be like a huge sword in the Glorious Canyon. But its essence has not changed.

Originally after picking up Ye Qi, the body that Les Lorde appeared to be broken was even more worrisome after such an explosion, and the robe that was already ragged was completely transformed into the most basic of the earth. Substance - In a piece of fly ash, Les Lor, who was attacked, the fire of the soul in the eyelids leaps rapidly. Re-arranging the spell shield is not too difficult for a lich, even if it is subjected to continuous attacks, the spell will basically not fail.

However, Les Lor's skinny palm has just been lifted up, the ten lines are obviously different, and the longer, complete, and bright swordsmanship appears. The existing layer of force field shield is almost cut. Tofu is generally penetrated. The next thing that penetrated was its body, especially the three swordsmanships on the chest. The most important structural part of the body was destroyed in an instant, and the whole body could not help but stagnate.

Although in the next moment, under the power of the purest soul of the Lich itself, it regained control of the body and returned to normal, but in this moment of work. This body has become so riddled that it is useless - not only the ten abnormal swordsmans are showing their power, but after the force field shield is penetrated, more of it is revealed by the void. Sword mans. It is almost ruthless and cuts its body.


This thought appeared in the heart of Les Lor, and then there was a bitter smile on the face that left only a sly, the lich completely gave up the resistance, let these swordsman, let it The body that is no longer usable is smashed - but it is only the body, and the rest of the things, Les Lor is not going to give up.

Of course, this does not include continuing attacks. As a lich with a soul, under normal circumstances, there is absolutely no such thing as a dead war. What's more, this is not a full-time battle of Les Lor. There is no such consciousness; it only needs to fulfill its due combat obligations, after which everything is based on the outcome of the battle.

Victory, gain glory; failure, gain experience!

With Leslor completely giving up the resistance, the body belonging to the other side was almost smashed by the swordsman released by Ye Qi in the next moment; and the former servants who lost their enthusiasm lost their due motivation in an instant. It is as if the line is cut off, it is on the ground; and it is made into fly ash at the speed visible to the naked eye, and then it flies into the air.

The gray powder is almost overwhelming, even the moon under the night sky is obscured - in the 'circle' composed of [the power of the soul], these gray powders quickly occupy a large part of the space, while the other is smaller. The space is occupied by a staff.

Obviously, not only weapons, Les Lor will not give up, those assistants and servants who belong to it, it will not give up, even the horse-drawn carriage is also integrated into it.

"Ye Qi, I look forward to seeing you next time!"

Leslor, who lost his body, did not completely disappear. The ‘circle’ of the [Soul Power] served as its temporary shelter, and a faint transparent figure was standing there.

For the enemy, naturally it is impossible to let go.

When the other party made a sound, Ye Qi almost did not want to start the sword in the sky again; however, this time facing the sword in the void, Les Lor is ignorant, let alone These swords pass through.

"This kind of attack does not have any effect on me now!" Leslor looked at the swordsman who passed through his body and could not help but make a burst of laughter. "Keep your battle, let I have benefited a lot; although I don't like fighting, I am very happy to be able to fight like this!"

"You are a young, powerful warrior, and a good assassin; your last blow makes me remember!"

With such words, Les Lordes quickly disappeared into the air and headed toward the south; the speed was very fast, almost equal to that of Groning under the support of [ride (proficiency)].

Ye Qi Duan sat on Gronin's back. I didn't go to catch up, not to chase, but even if I catch up, I won't get the results he wants - at the speed of the other side, back to the depths of the Rapids, and don't need to spend too much time. One hour or less will be able to return to the other's base camp, and if he is behind, at that time, he will not face a Leslor.

In the battle with Les Lor, Ye Qi, who was not very difficult to win, was not stunned by this so-called victory, thinking that he could play three. What's more, there is still a lifeless king who has no protection for him; and this battle is far less relaxed than it looks like - not to mention the other, just the other's [soul power] If it is not his instinctive caution and vigilance, he will suffer when he looks at it; for the degree of damage of [the power of the soul], Ye Qi is very convinced of the danger in his instinct.

and. Ye Qi discovered a more important problem. At night, when he met an opponent like Les Lor, he lacked effective means of attack that could directly harm his opponent - although the opponent was destroyed by the Nether Swordsman, It's just the body of the lich, not the 'ontology'. A lich can find countless bodies in a short time. It doesn't make sense to destroy it.

If it is during the day, [the sub-sun ritual. Yang Yan] is enough to cause damage to the other party, but at night...

Ye Qi subconsciously looked at the [extraction darkness] in the system property bar, his frowning brows represented his thinking - [the sub-sun ritual] was promoted by [light extraction]. This is completely queried in the system's records, and the wolf has said that similar abilities (experts) can be promoted, as long as the use is much.

[Ray Extraction] and [Extraction Darkness] are obviously similar feats.

In other words, if [Extracted Darkness] is promoted, it is very likely to receive special expertise similar to [Sub-Sun Praise]...

However, such a promotion...

Thinking of the possibility of promotion, Ye Qi’s brow wrinkled even more tightly – his special expertise [the sub-sun tribute] was promoted in the unconscious, but some of the process was from the mouth of the chameleon. Knowing that it is clear and clear, Ye Qike does not think that he can achieve [extraction darkness] to the extent that he can be promoted by relying on the usual practice.

Even if you can practice by promotion, such exercises require a lot of time to support, even if you stay in a negative energy environment 24 hours a day, this final time will not be much lower; therefore, Ye Qi naturally considered another way - the absorption of the power of faith!

After all, the beginning of the [extraction of darkness] itself was acquired in the illusion of the power of faith.

The exploration of the unknown area of ​​the Thousand Marsh area cannot be abandoned!

This thought once again appeared in the heart of Ye Qi. When he did not break out the war of the dark creatures, he also had an agreement with Steinden’s master of wizards and Father Fletcher. The unknown area of ​​the marsh area, however, after the outbreak of this war, it is clear that this plan needs to be postponed or has some changes.

Father Fletcher, who is based on the family, as long as he is not sure that the dangers of the dark creatures in the Hailin area have been completely lifted, then one day cannot leave his family with confidence, and this must be a long-lasting job— - In fact, in the face of war, no one wants to play as long as possible, but in some cases, such a will is only a good hope.

The stalemate, in a sense, is also part of the war itself.

I hope that this war will soon end!

After silently reading such a hope in the bottom of his heart, Ye Qi re-selected a place to sit down and think about his income while waiting for it - although Les Lorre retreated, but Ye Qi did not Can you be sure that there will be other troops coming after the other party, or the extraordinary powers of the remaining legendary worlds...

Although after the World War I in Les Lor, this possibility is not great. However, Ye Qi does not rule out; after all, sometimes, there is no common sense of existence, especially the so-called strong, there are too many.

If it is the inanimate king...

I am afraid that there is really only room for escape!

Ye Qiyi thought that he could not always have the existence of the degree, the inanimate king appeared in his heart instantly; obviously, among the strong known or familiar with Ye Qi. If you can't always reason, this is definitely in the first place; and in the battle with Leslor, Ye Qi is more and more clear about his position.

Leslor is undoubtedly a "new", a superb powerhouse with a true legendary realm of his own path. In the face of such existence, his and his opponent's winning rate is at most at night. Half and half. If it is during the day, the winning percentage will be 30% more.

As for the remaining 20%?

The battle is fast-changing, especially the superb powers who have the legendary realm of their own roads. No one can be sure, what is the path of the other side, if it happens to restrain itself. Then it is the accident of these two things - just like the restraint of the ability between the apostles, in the superb power of the legendary situation, such restraint seems to have disappeared, in fact still exists, even in some respects More obvious.

Take the previous battle, if it is in a sunny environment...

Even if Les Lor is a lich, Ye Qi is sure that the other party can't eat and walk.

The superb powerhouse facing the legendary world. In the case of favorable environment, there is also a 20% unknown. If it is a high segment, the probability will double every time, and if it is the peak, then there is almost no chance of winning; and obviously, no The king of life is definitely the superb power of the legendary realm.

And, even if you want to escape. Also have to prepare in advance!

At the thought of facing the weakness of the other side, Ye Qi could not help but smile, and the fingers began to wave again and again, after a while. A sharp temper began to gather toward Ye Qi's fingertips - using the "Light Blade" to hide the swordsmanship, and won a victory, but the swordsman who has been stored in the fingers by Ye Qi has all been worn out. It needs to be re-stocked.

In this regard, Ye Qi did not have any resentment. On the contrary, he was very happy. After a real battle, Ye Qi had more confidence in the skill of "Light Blade". Even he believed that if he could Mang can also reach the level of Hotrell five hundred times, then he will once again add a hole card, and if you can complete the multiple characterization of five hundred swordsman, it is undoubtedly a killer!

Even the choice of this road without [polar blade] is enough to deal with most of the situation.

As for Leslor’s last ‘you are a young, powerful warrior, it’s a good assassin; your last blow makes me remember! 'This admiration, ridicule unclear words, Ye Qi can not go to the heart - the enemy's words, whether true or false, need to think twice, squandering; not to mention the creation of "Light Blade" of Hortel itself It used to be an assassin.

Moreover, Ye Qi is not a knight, and does not mind how he is going to deal with his own enemy; for his own enemy, Ye Qi is very much in agreement with his teacher's sentence - 'good enemy, absolutely It is the enemy of death! ’

Although this sentence is my teacher has been ridiculed by the profiteers, but this does not mean that Ye Qi will doubt the correctness of this sentence - and like his own teacher and profiteers, There is an original example of being hostile and becoming a good friend. Ye Qi will not doubt. After all, his good friend Otto is also a member of the Holy See. He is also a white priest (a name under the high priest, equal to the main sacrifice, but in essence A lower level position; belonging to a title like the honorary knight).

Everything is not absolute, it needs to be put into consideration.

Ye Qi does not think that he can do his best, but he will try his best to do it best!


When the stacking of two hundred times was completed, a two-foot-long bright-colored swordsman appeared again at Ye Qi’s fingertips. After the squirting contracted a few times, it was completely integrated into Ye Qi’s index finger, and immediately faint The white gold light appeared on Ye Qi's index finger, especially in the moonlight. This kind of white gold is extraordinarily soft and can't see the previous ferocity.

On the other hand, Gronin has been staring at Ye Qi’s finger in front of him, and when he saw Jianmang’s formation, he couldn’t help but hit a ringing nose – obviously the sharp feeling, Gronin felt uncomfortable; however, this did not prevent his gaze from staring at Ye Qi’s fingers in the air.

PS second more~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the 200 yuan reward, the sn100 coin reward, the x100 coin reward~~~ decadent thanks to all the supportive decadent brothers and sisters~~~ (to be continued. If you like this work, You are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m to read.)

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