Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 1: Road

Three days later, in the morning, three special vehicles dispatched by the highest government outside the bar not only represented the sincerity of the highest government, but also represented the respect of the female cavalry chief including Ye Qi and the identity of the sè dragon.

Changed sè dragon not only has his own drama group in Dude, but also has corresponding shares in several theaters in Xia Lin District. Even recently, there are two business associations composed of companies, which appeared in her name; Of course, these are not the same as the name that is known to the world: Bernard. Taylor.

Bernard. Taylor is known and loved by countless people in the highest government. She has played more than 500 plays, and more than two-thirds of them have appeared on the absolute stage. The record has always been The most popular items in various video stores, even her own posters, are absolutely tight goods at a certain time.

If some people may not be familiar with the members of the highest government or the speaker, but the name Bernardie Taylor is familiar; after all, in their home, where they work, after work, the bar, I can hear the name and the songs sung by it, or simply replay the drama.

As for the female cavalry chief?

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is a nameless existence, but in the mysterious side, the dark world is now a great name. In the battle against the dark creatures, the commander of the west line of the demon hunter is enough to call All the dissatisfaction, opposition, and abandonment - although the thorny tower tower owner has appeared in the west line, but only in the four seasons of the town, did not appear on the battlefield, he was not known to the outside world.

In this regard, the owner of this thorny tower is very satisfied.

‘The brilliant stage is far less comfortable than the cold and wet yin yin! Because no one will be noisy in your ear! ’

One of the biggest reasons for the misunderstanding of the thorny tower and the outside world is the fact that the thorny tower of the sun-like smile is like this. In fact, this is one of the biggest reasons for the misunderstanding of the thorny tower and the outside world; The person who always thinks that the thorny tower tower owner should be a face yin Shen, eyes fierce, smile yin poison, habitual xing standing in the yin shadow of the tall middle-aged man - in fact, this is the tower owner most loyal His subordinates.

"The Shack Lord, Lord Els, Bernard. Taylor!"

There was no chief of staff, Moretti, who left with the Lions. This time, standing by the car and watching the people coming out, Lu smiled.

"good morning!"

The chief of staff greeted him, and Ye Qi nodded. Then he pointed out the twelve female rangers and thirteen horses that were behind him, including the female cavalry chief; as for Gronin? It was early to follow Ye Qi.

Moriti, who glanced at it, understood what was going on. He immediately nodded: "Give it to me! However, our departure time should be delayed by half an hour!"

Ye Qi smiled and said: "We are also a commonplace in the night and night!"

Moretti immediately laughed, and then quickly walked to the head of the highest government on the side; and after twenty minutes, the two large army trucks and buses that were reopened were completely solved. Such a problem; then, the team slowly set off, Ye Qi riding Gronin on the side, the female cavalry chief and the sè dragon sitting in a car, thirteen horses on the two large trucks Twelve female female cavalry boarded the bus.

Moretti sat in the first car that was originally prepared for Ye Qi, and the remaining empty car with only the driver was at the end of the team.

The people who sent off the people except the people in the bar did not have outsiders. After they had the shackles of Ye Qi, after they were sent to the street, they went back to each other; Rhines and Linda Northd The young lady walked in the end and looked at the slightly lonely Rhines. Linda couldn’t help but whispered: "If you want to go, why not talk to Ye? If you say that, Ye will definitely promise!"

The young female hunter shook his head: "Even if the teacher promised, I will..." After a pause, the Rhines continued: "In order to keep up with the teacher, I must work harder. OK - after all, I have fallen a lot now!"

Linda Northd a glimpse, then gently asked: "Strength?"

The Rhines nodded and said: "Yes!" Her voice was clear and firm: "I have got everything I dreamed of at the moment, then I must work hard to guard it... I don't want to stand in the future. The qualifications around the teacher are lost; whether it is Elsie's sister or Bernard's sister, they are already one step ahead of us!"

"I have to work harder!"

The young female hunter said, and waved to the eldest daughter of the Northder family, and walked quickly to the bar; while Linda Northd stood in the same place with a hint of silence, full ten A few seconds later, in her mind, there was a happy life in recent times. The feeling of cooking for one person and laughing with everyone made her eyes look a bit strong.

Obviously, she has a decision.

At the moment of the decision, a special breath began to appear on the forehead of the eldest daughter of the former Northder family. It was filled with the atmosphere of the ocean, bo Tao, vast.


From Randenburg to Dud in the Xialin District, if you are riding Groning at full speed, you can arrive in the morning, but when you follow the team at this moment, obviously it is impossible to do so; The team, and the people who have a relationship with them, made the two-and-a-half-day trip very easy.

Basically, I removed the memory and knowledge that I received [Dragon's Heritage (Shangu Long)] every day. It is a time when I am in the car. Most of the time I spend time with the female cavalry or change the sè dragon. Riding the Gronins up and down, although because of Groning's wide back, Ye Qi proposed a three-person ride.

However, it was rejected by the female cavalry chief without mercy, and it became irrelevant to shrugged.

In the evening of the next day, because it exceeded the original estimate, I was able to arrive in Dude tomorrow morning. I would not hate the inauguration ceremony of the third morning. Therefore, the team chose a small town one hour earlier than usual. Carrying out the rest--the route of advancement is undoubtedly carefully selected. There are extremely detailed geographical information along the way, and it is moving toward Dude. The population on the road is getting denser and denser. There is no need to worry about the problem of lodging. Even the hot bath water has become a must.

In the town, a group of three two-story houses were rented, each choosing an early break – a long journey, even if it is not a double tui, it is a very painful work, not to mention the need to participate later. The inauguration ceremony of the Desa member; as long as you think about it, everyone understands that it is not an easy task.

Everyone is well aware of the red tape process of the highest government.

Ye Qi, who was washed out from the bathroom, rubbed her hair and walked along the aroma to the restaurant, where she became the chef, and the female cavalry chief helped me in the side, and learned silently. Not to be afraid of teaching, or even to be able to say what you can do.

"Sister Ers, that's just a potato. It's not your enemy. We don't need this kind of force... If you have beef, you need to cut along the lines, or it will be broken... Yes, in the stew. At the time, the fire must be turned off..."

Ye Qi sat in the chair of the restaurant, quietly listening to the dialogue between the sè dragon and the female cavalry chief, and the heart raised an unspeakable feeling, very warm and comfortable - he closed his eyes slightly. Quietly tasted this feeling, and kept it firmly in the bottom of my heart.

However, sometimes, it always happens that whenever something happens that makes you feel very good, some annoying guys will appear around, like a fly.

[Blind Bucket Perception] Several boss with yin cold breath made Ye Qiyi frown, he opened his eyes slightly, and his eyes were filled with anger, and then it was cold - these yin The cold bo movement is obviously unscrupulous, and the goal is very clear; in fact, in such a small town, in order to be able to live together, they spent more than the market price directly in the north and south corner of the town. The price of the double rented these three houses.

At this moment, these few bo with yin cold breath are coming here.

"Els, Bernard, I am going out!"

Ye Qi stood up, picked up his trench coat hung on the hanger, and hung the magic knife around his waist.

"Well, come back soon... dinner is going to be better!"

Changed sè dragon like this, and the female cavalry chief turned around and wanted to help, but was changed by sè dragon, said: "This time, but men's time, we women should stay at home waiting for him to come back And make a table of meals!"

The female cavalry commander bowed and then nodded, but did not forget Yu Qiqi: "Remember, be careful!"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded: "Yeah!"

Then he strode to open the door and walked out.


The door was gently closed, and the smile on Ye Qi’s face disappeared. The eyes that he picked up flashed with a chilling sharpness, like a blade.

The figure of the ten black sè appeared in front of him, kneeling on one knee.

"grown ups!"

Ten yin movie knights also praised.

"Bring those guys to me!"

Ye Qi said this.

"Yes, adults!"

The yin knights simply answered, and then disappeared into the yin shadow, Ye Qi walked quickly toward the town - something is obviously not suitable for the place; but in the deserted suburbs, It is very appropriate, and fortunately, it is not far from here.

The action of the yin knights is absolutely guaranteed. When Ye Qi’s figure just stood outside the town, ten yin knights appeared in front of Ye Qi with five people – these five people The state is not very good, and both of them are eroded by negative energy. The icy energy of the ice makes them seem to be frozen.

With Ye Qi's gesture, the yin shadow knight took half of the negative energy of a captive, allowing him to speak, but without any resistance.

"Adult, we don't have any malice!" Just able to speak, the prisoner said, he said in an urgent tone: "We are sending messages to Mr. Pard... no malicious !"

At the end, the prisoner reiterated again.


Ye Qi’s mind emerged from the wanderer who had a side. He slightly frowned and said: "Evidence!"

There is no such thing as an empty mouth. In the absence of evidence, even a child will not believe it.

"Yes, yes, it is in my arms!" The prisoner said quickly: "The token of Mr. Pard, and a crystal of communication!"

Ye Qi gestured, and the yin shadow knight immediately smashed the item in the captive's arms. The token, a piece of parchment with a picture on it; although a few thick, but a cave The shape is on its way.

For the wanderer who could think of using his cave as a token, Ye Qiyi raised his eyebrows - although this is not so smart, it is adequately insured.

After checking the crystal of the communication several times, after confirming that it was correct, Ye Qi once again signaled to the yin shadow knight; immediately, the five captives fell to the ground - since the message was transmitted by the crystal, it is obviously What can't be said to outsiders; Ye Qi's hand grasped the communication crystal, and immediately a flash of light flashed, and the figure of the wanderer appeared.

Although it is only a phantom, but compared to the last time I met, I can see the handsome wanderer, not very good, even the miserable extreme - the brown wave that originally covered the shoulders The hair was curled up, and at the moment, it was filled with a blackened heart. It became a residual, and there were two scars on the handsome face. It was a cut of the sharp edge, which completely destroyed the delicate feeling, but it was more There is another temperament, and the body is even more pitiful to the extreme, and the tattered is like an armor.

Obviously, after many battles, the magical items of one body were completely destroyed.

"Ye Qi, I don't know if this communication crystal can come to your hand... After all, I am already in my own life!" The wanderer said with a smile: "And I have to send you a message. - Be careful with Quanshuicheng... Yes, you are right, it’s all the ghosts they made, and when I was verifying, I accidentally got out of the way, so I was chased; Hultril was It’s been a week gone by, they’re in a hurry, and they’re going to set up a trap for someone or something in the name of Lord Holtell! They seem to think that you have clues about this or these things!”

"Please forgive my incompetence and reluctance. I didn't find out what they were looking for. I couldn't know the whereabouts of Lord Hortil, but they found my purpose. So, I can only come in my way. Understand such a thing!" The wanderer in the virtual shadow converges with a smile, with a deep apology on his face: "However, I think you should know everything, so I set a small trap to make a few greedy The guy is hooked up; I think if they find you, you can definitely solve them... at the very least, it’s easier than me!”

The wanderer’s illusion took a deep breath and continued: “I will continue to avoid the chasing of the Spring City and the meditation... but it’s hard, so I don’t know how long I can persist; if there is a chance, I will escape to Lorante again and thank you - hope, there is such an opportunity!"

The virtual shadow disappeared here, and the communication crystal completely lost its function and became the ordinary white crystal.

Sure enough!

Ye Qi’s heart was silently thinking—the bridge on the other side was too sudden, and there was always a lack of a reasonable explanation, and now this explanation did not exceed his expectations.

Being greedy as one of the original sins is really a good explanation.

And what makes a loose organization like Quanshuicheng look for something together, is naturally something or something that is very bad.

However, the 'extremely edged' Hotrell apparently understood such a thing, and began a series of layouts, ready to confuse and listen to more time for himself; but other people do not want this The thing happened, so the subsequent assassination will appear.

And the appearance of such an assassination seems to indicate that the whereabouts of this or these things is not known to Hultril, and that he is dead or alive does not matter...

With the above inference, Ye Qi naturally thought of one thing - the 'key', a key that could not be destroyed and marked with it!

Just kill the original owner and you will show your own ‘key’!

Ye Qi’s eyes couldn’t help but squat. If it’s really like his speculation, then the Hortel is naturally fierce, unless the other party has a second-hand preparation in advance; but from now on, Everything is in a hurry, it's all that urgency - the feeling of careful arrangement and hasty arrangement is really obvious.

Ye Qi can even feel the If it weren't for his accident, Hotrell didn't even have the last time to fight.

During the tide of thoughts, I quickly subsided. Ye Qi turned and walked toward the town. There were five prisoners who mourned before the death. The yin cold feeling decided that Ye Qi did not want to leave behind. What is the aftermath, and the words of the wanderer, it is clear that these guys are not good things.

As for what Quanshui City is looking for, or Hotrell itself?

Ye Qi didn't care at the moment, the bridge on the other side, he would go, but not now; for him, now is the time to go back to dinner, there are people waiting for him.

PS second more~

Want to split, but there are duplicates in the manuscript, decadence can only be divided into titles... In other words, why did you not think of it before... Deprecated for your IQ...

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, 200 starting point coins, nxcx200 starting point rewards, sdi100 starting point rewards ~~~ decadent thanks to all the support of decadent brothers and sisters ~~~RS! . ()

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