Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 2: Asking

Dude, as if it had not been affected by the war, is still so prosperous and busy. The people living here obviously have forgotten the battle of planning and participation of the subversive people not long ago, and some unfortunately lost their loved ones. People, never forgetting.

A glass can is placed under a street lamp, inside is a white flower, just a very common wild flower, without any name, but under the illumination of the sun, it has an extraordinary holiness - this is The way people pay homage to their loved ones is simple but solemn.

Ye Qi held a bunch of hyacinths, according to the custom of the demon hunter, inserted one of the branches into the glass can, and then went to the next place with white flowers, the surrounding crowd and Ye Qi passed by, it was like that They didn't make a difference; they didn't stop, but they left a good-hearted look, watching the black figure drifting away on the entire reconstructed street until it could not be seen.

A bunch of hyacinths exceeds a hundred, which is a very large one, but compared to the glass cans and white flowers on the street, it is just just good; insert a hyacinth After arriving in the last glass can, Ye Qi took the only one of the only hyacinths in his hand and threw it.

The hyacinth floated gently with Ye Qi’s palm and flew toward the blue sky. The higher the flight, the farther and farther...

Ye Qi kept watching it until after a long time, with the blessing of the heart for those who died, went to the building that had already been decided, where a teenager had been waiting for a long time.

Xiao Dao smiled and rushed Ye Qi waving his hand: "Here, Lord Ye Qi. Here!"

Full of vitality. Let the feeling of a little silence before. After sweeping away, Ye Qi’s mouth also showed a smile and asked: “Brand, is it?”

Xiaodao nodded: "It was already arrived last night. After paying homage to those who died outside in the morning, I have been waiting for you!"

Only when talking about those unfortunate people, Xiao Doug’s face has a hint of gloom - this is a kind child, even a smile. It will also leave a good impression on it, and quite a few of the people who have passed away are the good people in this child's mind.

Ye Qi patted the other's shoulders gently. When he passed by, he said softly: "Life is gone, but the memory is still... the soul is also!"

"Yes... Lord Ye Qi!"

Xiaodao nodded and watched Ye Qi walk on the second floor. He turned and launched a small car with two buckets and some small white flowers on it; he pushed the car. Go in the direction of Ye Qilai.


"I thought you would only be able to appear in the afternoon!"

The sacred tower tower owner did not have the slightest elder style to **** the wine in the hands of Spedo, and plausibly said: "The injury is getting better. Drinking less is good for your health!"

Said, a whole bottle of good rum, disappeared in the sound of the sly, and the body of the summer forest hunting devil, who is still bandaged, looks at the empty bottle, can not stand Lived a smile that was more ugly than crying: "I think your presence is the biggest blow to my injury!"

Ye Qi, who was on the side, nodded very positively and agreed: "You represent the headquarters of the Demon Hunter. I think you should go to the hotel arranged by the highest government, instead of staying here!"

Spedo immediately said: "There should be no shortage of good wine there! Please, don't waste my spirit and food!"

The sacred tower towerer turned his eyes and said, "I don't want to stay with a group of stereotyped, boring guys... not to mention, there are fellows in the Holy See! Hey, House guy, that's The mouse in the trench...not only disgusting, but also annoying!"

Ye Qi sighed: "Because of this, you should stay there more!"

The lord of the sacred tower tower asked: "Why don't you go? You have also been invited, and this victory over Xiaoyue, you have no prestige, no substitute for me!"

Ye Qi shrugged: "Replace, after all, just replace - you are already here, what else you need to replace! What's more, I still need to deal with some things!"

The main tower of the sacred object asks: "The bridge on the other side?"

Ye Qi nodded and didn't talk any more; while Spedo on the side was sneer again and again: "A bunch of self-righteous, high-ranking guys who don't understand things at all!"

Regarding the 'polar blade' of Hotrell and the bridge on the other side, Ye Qi arrived at Dude yesterday morning and informed the Demon Hunter Headquarters through the communication circle here; for that, the moonlit tower The tower's main brow was locked, and after a moment of contemplation, he gave Ye Qi a positive answer.

'The bridge on the other side has the rules of the bridge on the other side. The head of the demon hunter has the rules of the headquarters of the demon hunter... But when the current person first destroys such rules, we naturally will not follow the corresponding rules; With a fist, we might as well pick up the sword! ’

The towerer of the moon night, the kind old man, even when he is angry, maintains his own demeanor - of course, if the above words are translated, it is: 'The bridge on the other side has its own strong, we also have - They dare to do it, how can we passively beat? Since I put out my fist, I even cut it off with my shoulder! ’

The head of the Demon Hunter Branch in Xia Lin writhed the body wrapped in a bandage and changed to a more comfortable posture. Then he asked: "Ye, what are you going to do?"

Ye Qiyi smiled and said: "According to what Hesel said, but this is the next thing. Compared with tomorrow's election, I think the latter is even more urgent - I heard some The good news is that some people and forces have a very hateful attitude towards this election!"

After entering the scope of Dude yesterday morning, Chameleon started the information network she left, and when they arrived at Dude’s own place, the information had fallen like snowflakes and landed at the desk. On - and the next time yesterday. The female cavalry chief and the chameleon were spent sorting out the information. Ye Qi is a little better after the sequela of Dragon's Heritage (Upper Dragon). Also joined in it.

The operation of the three people together was completed when the sky was getting darker - although it was very hard, but Ye Qi was satisfied with the news that was finally sorted out.

The top government families who escaped under the slasher of President Elin’s butcher’s knife apparently did not want to forget it. They were looking for partners who could form alliances, doing dying struggles, or dying; whether it was a dark maid. Soldier. Or ordinary mercenaries, or some of the names in the dark world, have been invited by them.

Of course, it won't be a simple verbal invitation, there will be a lot of Kimpton and precious magic materials, and even two pieces of sacred objects will appear; Ye Qi expresses a sigh of relief - not They admire them for doing this, but they are admiring their search for money.

You know, according to the news that Moritzer, the chief of staff, had revealed, they have already copied most of the family’s property. I dare not say that it is 100%, but it is definitely more than 90% - but this is the case. Still let these people take out millions of Kimpton, Ye Qina does not want to admire; after all, these millions of Kimpton, it is really only Kimpton, not including others, If you count other things, that value is more than 10 million Kimpton, it is too simple.

However, for these people's methods of doing things, Ye Qi is with a deep disdain.

Anyone with some wisdom can see that President Ai Lin and the Desa member are apparently in a peaceful transition, but in essence they are ready for a complete response policy - the callback of the Lions, the Hailong Legion Long changes, the silence of the Eagles, and the hiding of the various teams at the Secret Service, coupled with the appearance of these invitees, step by step, have a corresponding purpose.

Ye Qi believes that once these people are completely exposed, then they will definitely suffer a fatal blow - the kind of grass and roots.

Moreover, even if these are put aside, just to say that these people's strategies, Ye Qi's contempt will only become more and more intense - at any time, without relying on assassination and destruction, thoroughly grasp a political power; It is the official of the government itself, or the civilians below will not recognize such a regime. Even if it exists for a short time, it is only the last madness in white terror.

Just like these people, the state at the moment is generally: the madness before death.

The sacred tower tower owner commented: "There are a lot of crazy guys, but it’s so rare to be crazy about death!"

The Xia Lin District Demon Hunter Branch also agreed to nod. "They are looking for death... or, in retaliation, the death!"

Ye Qi smiled at Spedo’s statement. This was the problem he discussed with the female cavalry chief and the chameleon last night. The process was very simple, and the result was that they were not convinced, or they did not care at all. After all, this is the highest government thing, even if the highest government invites them to have a meaning of 'being a bodyguard', but it can really happen like this, the probability is no more than 10%.

Those who wait calmly, just like the net, give the best excuse for those who are looking for death.

In fact, if you follow Ye Qi’s approach, he will definitely wait. After all, with so much money, it’s not very difficult to make a comeback; moreover, there is a corresponding place – except Xia Lin, the highest The deterrence of the government in other regions is obviously limited, especially in the areas of the Thousand Marsh, the Prairie, the Winter Forest and the Huangsha District, where there is a population that can survive.

If it is not good, Qiulin District and Hailin District are also an option.

Although going there, there must be a certain price, but there is absolutely no problem in living, and even living can be very good.

Only when you are alive can you have hope!

Ye Qi pushed open the second-floor window, watching the small Doug add water to the glass jars, put in small white flowers, and gently sigh - these people, really should be replaced with those who have passed away.

They are alive, it is really not worth it!


At the time when the president of the tower of the sacred object and the branch of the Xia Lin district had a simple discussion about the ceremony to participate in the inauguration of the chairperson of the Desa member, Ye Qi was ready to leave, and at this time. The branch president suddenly said: "Ksor that kid went to the Bay Area. Help me take care of the kid!"

Ye Qiyi. Surprised: "He has been able to perform the task alone? Is it a little faster!"

The branch leader laughed and said with a strong pride: "There is always a surprise at any time - he wakes up and becomes an apostle... Haha, my fool brother wants to return Korsor. Oh, it’s not that easy; this is my disciple, he can’t take it!”

Awakening the apostle?

Ye Qi nodded stunnedly, and could not help but reveal a smile - the power of the demon hunter. It is a good thing to gain at any time, especially the young people who are standing on the opposite side of the Holy See like Kosor, but they need to cultivate them. However, looking at the appearance of Spedo, he knows This is not necessary for him to worry about.

However, the next moment, Ye Qi frowned, he thought of the small Doug.

"What about the small Doug? Do you think this young man is not suitable?"

Ye Qi’s eyes looked at Spedo. Immediately, the branch president smiled bitterly, and he scratched his head in distress. Dao: "Whether it is Kosor or a small Doug, I want them to be my disciples... Kosor's talent is very good, and the little Doug is not bad, even if it is not an apostle; and they have The true character of the demon hunter! But, but..."

I licked my mouth, and the head of the Xia Lin division, who had a fairly declarative statement in the dark world, resented.

Ye Qi looked at the other face's resentful expression, the subconscious is a jealousy, the full-faced vicissitudes of life, full of mature charm of the middle-aged man looking at you with a resentful eye, even the gods are uncomfortable; Ye Qi grinning, Try to let yourself not look at your eyes: "But what?"

"But the **** boy said that Finger is his teacher, and sorry to me, thank you for my kindness!" Xia Lin distinguished the president's tone with full of grievances.

Ye Qi was immediately stunned, and then, with a smile.

Finger, in the Thousand Marsh area, he used the pseudonym for convenience, and in this identity, he met Xiao Doug and Kesol, and then taught the other things that are very basic in the mysterious side and the dark world; A very simple professor is like seeing a person is good, and doing some good things, but some do not pay attention to their own safety, you can not help but remind the concept of a sentence.

Ye Qi did not intend to accept another disciple. After all, his teacher is absolutely incompetent. This is even his own understanding.

Ye Qi was stunned and finally said, "Give it to me!"

Since things start with him, he naturally needs to give a knot - from beginning to end, it is a good habit of being a strong person.

The club president nodded. "I hope so...but the little guy's reluctance is really unexpected, obviously a kind-hearted guy!"

Ye Qi smiled and said: "Know, I will handle it well!"

After that, Ye Qi walked downstairs, and whether it was the sacred tower tower or the branch president, they waved their hands and did not mean to get up. Ye Qi didn’t care, listening to two For the discussion of the next bottle of wine, Ye Qi’s face could not help but show a smile.

Hunting devils, after leaving the prefix, are also people - they will also laugh and roar, although sometimes it seems naive, but it is life.

On the first floor, the small Doug, who was pushing the cart back, was moving the empty bucket down. After seeing Ye Qi, he immediately said, "Are you leaving?"

Ye Qi nodded and said: "Well, you still need to go through some things..." said Ye Qi, feeling at the bottom of his heart, stopped and asked: "What do you need to do next? If you are free, can you accompany? I went to a place - although I know the place names, but the architecture and roads of Dude are too complicated, I have not been clear yet!"

The complexity of the road to Dude is well known. The little Doug does not think of anything else. The young man immediately laughed: "Of course, I just sorted out the bar, but today the bar won't open, so I can rest. And, the afternoon is when I train...but I need to say something to Mr. Spedo!"

Ye Qi made a gesture of asking, and the small Doug immediately ran upstairs, and after a while, he ran down again, wearing a uniform outside, but Ye Qi could see that the lining was soft. On the waist and in the legs, there is a slight bulging, obviously there is a weapon.

Undoubtedly After the last sudden battle, the young people who are good will probably protect themselves.

In this regard, Ye Qi smiled and nodded - this growth is naturally what he is happy to see.

At the door of the bar, the little Doug asked: "Hello, where do we need to go now?"

Ye Qi said: "Delong Manor, have you heard of it?"

Xiaodao nodded: "That is in the suburbs. Do you have friends there?"

Ye Qi smiled and said: "Not a friend, can only be regarded as two people I know, I need to ask them to ask something!"

Little Doug nodded a little, and walked quickly toward the street—there was a waiting taxi there.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

It’s a weekend, it’s a weekend~ I’m going to roll over and ask for protection~ (to be continued.)

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