Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 3: Inquiring

With the little Dougs born and raised in Tudor, everything has become simple, and what surprised Ye Qi is that Xiao Daoge is familiar with some of the driver's tricks.

"This is what Mr. Spedo taught... At home, I have a car!"

When Doug explained, some embarrassed, and Ye Qi was relieved to nod. The family of Xiao Doug is not a so-called traditional aristocrat and rich, but it is also a general rich, and more importantly, The school of Xiao Doug is simply impossible to know.

After all, people who focus on appraisal are really valued. Everything else is just incidental. If this is not the case, the original Doug will not be bullied by the grass-like Waldorf, not knowing. How is it good? Without learning, there is no action, and it is always the case.

The speed of the taxi was not fast, but it was absolutely dissatisfied. After the little Douger casually pointed a few words, the driver did not take the two as fat sheep, and proceeded to the Delong Manor on the nearest road. Arrived in about forty-five minutes; Ye Qi took out a banknote payment and walked forward, while Xiao Doug was careful to look at the coin that the other party had found.

Ye Qi smiled and said: "With your reminder, he will not play such a small means, basically can rest assured... Of course, such caution is commendable!"

After the small Doug handed the coin to Ye Qi, this said: "Cautious is the biggest reliance of our hunters, and you need to be careful at all times. After all, the dark creatures in the shadows bite your neck. Absolutely I won't say hello to you... Lord Ye Qi. That's it!"

Reciting the famous saying on the Code of the Hunting Man. Turned over a pine forest, the small Doug refers to the building behind the pine forest - it is a building that maintains the architectural style of the early days of the Free Age, which is mixed with a large number of sacred times, **** age features, but it is obvious here. The owner is a caring person who not only repairs every year, but also invites the designer to blend these styles properly, neither awkward nor chaotic.

“Do you know who is the property here?”

Standing on a gravel path in the pine forest. Ye Qi asked like this.

After thinking about it for a moment, Xiao Doug said: "The first is the ancestral home of the Pilder family. However, the Pilder family fell after about three years ago and was taken over by the Karoo family. The Mr. Karoo is A real estate developer, he has a lot of homes, and often changes... So, I can't confirm it - after all, I have been away from the circle for a long time. The news is not well-informed!"

Ye Qi smiled and said: "Having these is enough!"

Finished. Ye Qi first walked toward the gate of the manor, and the bottom of his heart thought secretly: "The real estate merchants? There are so many homes? It is very consistent with the feeling of a connector person... Or, is it just one of them?"

Reminiscent of the two Harts brothers who went straight to Dude, some secret ideas naturally appeared in the heart of Ye Qi, of course, such speculation is not too malicious, just an instinctive idea After all, until now, Ye Qi did not rule out that Karu or a certain gentleman, looking for a guess.

The gates of the manor are not in the form of traditional fences, but are covered with a thick layer of iron, with a height of nine feet, blocking anyone's view, and the low-pitched sound of the hound from the manor and The screams show that there is enough guard here - the hounds are more reliable than human guards in many cases. Their sense of smell, hearing and eyes are much more than human guards. Of course, the best way is to cooperate with them. The brains of human guards are also essential combinations in many cases.

铛, 铛, 铛...

The small Doug went to the side of the gate and pulled a doorbell with a copper guard. The loud voice made the interior of the manor clear. In a short while, a footstep rang and was covered. On the door of the iron sheet, a square window was pulled open, and a serious man appeared there.

The man who apparently served as the guard asked coldly: "Who are you? This is a private territory, not open to the outside world!"

"Hart brothers are here? Tenny Hart, Tell Hart, tell them that Ye Qi is visiting!"

Ye Qi simply said a surname, and then accurately reported the name. After Ye Qi reported the exact name, the coldness on the guard's face eased slightly, but the door still did not open.

"Please wait a moment here, I need to tell you!"

After that, the square window was closed again.

At this time, Xiao Doug asked curiously: "What is your relationship with the two Mr. Hart, I think... although it is still friendly, there seems to be a little bit between you!"

This situation is obvious. After all, if it is a true friend, the owner will tell the friend's name and habitual dress. The master's hand will see the owner's friend. Once confirmed, he will be warm. Hospitality; instead of going to the public as it is now.

Ye Qi laughed: "We were not friends, we can only be regarded as people who know... and these two are not used to traditional aristocratic etiquette - their origins are good, but more At the time, they won't care about this, but don't think they are informal, they are just obedient to strength!"

The little Doug stayed in a question: "Only recognize strength, regardless of other?"

Obviously, in Spedo's bar, even if there is no demon hunter, but Spedo's explanation will also have such a role; and usually, such a role is definitely not good, small Doug is very difficult It’s a good feeling, but it’s hard to say that it’s wrong; after all, he’s very understanding of the weakness of his strength.

The footsteps rang again, and it was obvious that the footsteps were definitely not made by one person; they felt the more close fluctuations. Ye Qi was smiling with a smile, and the heavy iron door slowly opened; although with a hint of voice. But this iron gate is obviously carefully maintained.

"Yeki Lord!"

The Hart brothers greeted the iron gate when it opened. The brother, Tony Hart, said with a look of regret: "We really don't know that you are here, if you know, we will welcome you with more grand etiquette!"

The younger brother Tel Hart also nodded, and behind them were almost forty people, including the guards who could arrive, all standing here to welcome Ye Qi’s arrival to show Ye Qi’s Respect; the small Doug standing next to Ye Qi carefully looked at the two brothers in front of him.

The two are very similar, but. Brother Terni Hart is more able to communicate with others. His brother Ter Hart has been cold since the appearance of the present, even when he greeted him. The color of the robe on both of them represents the two. Character.

However, the little Doug pays more attention to the breath of the two, although he can be sure that the other is repressing, but even if it is suppressed, it is enough to make him feel tremble, it seems to be pegged by a beast. general.

Stronger than Mr. Bispedo!

No Master Blanc and Ye Qi are strong!

Xiao Dao thinks like this - in fact. This comparison is undoubtedly a bit inaccurate. But for young people who are not experienced enough, the only strong in memory is that it is very good to be able to make such comparisons; at the very least, no one who is arrogant thinks that he is the strongest. of.

Ye Qi smiled and stepped forward, saying: "There are some sudden things that have made me have to visit... So, some courtesy things, I think we can save it, have a quiet place? I think We should talk about it well, it’s about what you care about!"

When Hart Brothers heard it, they immediately looked at each other. They still had their brother, Tony Hart, and made a gesture of asking: "Please come with me. My hall is quiet enough. We can have a completely confidential conversation. ......"

The guards and the servants quickly dispersed. Ye Qi followed the Hart brothers with a small Doug and walked straight into the hall of Deron Manor. This hall was full of the sacred age, no matter the white marble column. Still high above the dome depicting a redemptive picture, the whole hall looks like a church; however, the wall on the side is knocked out, a pool full of water appears there, clean water The expansive swimming pool represents another luxury.

However, the fluctuations of magic are filled here. After a few gestures by Tel Hart, the special fluctuations cover up everything around them - an alchemy matrix that isolates the peep, and Ye Qi thinks.

The servants served fruit and drinks, and then quickly retired.

When there were only four people left in the hall, his brother, Tenny Hart, asked: "What happened to Lord Ye Qi?"

Ye Qiluo said with indulgence: "Some very bad things, I was invited to participate in the inauguration ceremony of Desa, and on the road, I encountered an attack... from the bridge on the other side, and a gentleman I know, Bring me a message that is unexpected to me..."

Selectively, Ye Qi said what he knew. The Hart brother in front of him said that when he encountered the attack, he frowned. The ear heard the words behind him even more shocked. Even the one has been The cold-faced brother is no exception. They both exclaimed at the same time: "Impossible, Spring Water City will not do such a thing, and Huck will not allow such things to happen!"


The leader of Quanshuicheng?

Ye Qi silently recorded the information, and then made a helpless hand, saying: "Although I am very willing to believe that such things have nothing to do with Quanshui City, but from the information I have now, everything is pointing to Quanshuicheng. Internally, of course, perhaps not the 'Hack Master' in your mouth, but do you have any other people who think it is possible to do this?"

After the Hart brothers looked at each other, they silenced.

Obviously they have concerns, very deep, and Ye Qi is not surprised. After all, when they first met, they said that the bridge on the other side has its own rules. Spring Water City also has - but for this Rules, Ye Qi is in the bottom of his heart expressed sneer.

Sequential people. Even without rules. Will also comply.

Destroyed people. Even with the rules, it just increases the thrill of destruction.

After all, the bridge on the other side is a very nice whitewash, but in fact there is no change, even a more direct place; and as a Hart brother, Ye Qi does not believe that the other party does not know the actual situation; after all, from the other side After leaving the bridge on the other side, he can live in such a manor. Obviously not the kind of people!

At this moment, their concerns are undoubtedly due to other reasons. Therefore, Ye Qi looked at the expressions of the two brothers in silence, watching them look like they couldn’t help laughing: “It seems that you already have candidates. Can you tell me?"

Teney Hart said with a wry smile, said: "Ye Qi, please ask us to let us go. We really can't advance anything related to the inside of Quanshui City to the outsiders. This will make us not have the slightest allowance. I haven't been to the bridge on the other side. I don't know what kind of predicament I will face if I become a lone traveler... Please don't ask again!"

Tenny Hart, the brother of the brother, had a request in his voice. And Xiao Doug feels that something else is mixed in from such a request. The circle in which Doug was once was destined to see or be begging, and those people are not desperate, even It is the eyes that will be sad; but the two people in front of the eyes, although the statement is close to the request, but the performance is a trace of routine.

It’s as if he was watching a drama, the third-rate actor on the stage could not perfectly interpret his role.

Xiao Doug subconsciously wants to remind Ye Qi, but he only turned his head and saw Ye Qi’s sinking face. The clever little Doug immediately shut up, just widened his eyes and continued to look down. .

Ye Qi was stunned and there was a sneer in his mouth. He said slowly and slowly: "Do you think that the words of yours have any effect now? I am not a person who likes to destroy, but I I saw the destruction again and again, that is, the so-called rules in your mouth have been trampled again and again - perhaps you will say that their identity is different, but in my opinion, you and your brother, the identity is obviously more than them. Noble, please don't refute... The existence of the Japanese glory, in any case, can't be stronger than the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world!"

"So, please tell me everything you know, I promise that this is the secret between us, there will be no fifth person except our four people know!"

After that, Ye Qi sat there and waited for the other party's reply.

Tenny Hart replied with a smile: "You are telling the truth, but I am also telling the truth... Please understand that at any time, everything is mutual, whether it is rules or destruction. That's it; we can't do it at the moment..."

Ye Qiyi interrupted the other party's words, he said: "You see, you also know the so-called relative, prove that you are not a stubborn person... Then, please tell me how to let you and your brother do Don't cover up, such a topic, if I ask the second time, but the young people next to me will laugh at me and you two!"

Ye Qi said that the little dodge that was slightly dizzy, the little doug of the awkward, raised his head, and was a little overwhelmed - at the moment, the little Doug’s mind is still thinking about the day that Ye Qi just said. The existence of the glory level, in any case, can not be stronger than the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world! This sentence is really too shocking for a young man who has just become a trainee and has not really turned positive.

After all, the 'strongest' they just built in the bottom of their hearts was instantly broken. This result is factual and ultimately acceptable, but the process is not so good.

Looking at the awesome little Doug, the Hart brothers looked at each other and they suddenly stood up, almost simultaneously saying: "When the bridge on the other side faces some unsolvable problems, it will fight. Ways to solve - the winner can have the right to get the request before the duel, the loser has no right to object!"

Sure enough, strength is fundamental!

Ye Qi couldn't help but laugh when he heard the information he wanted. However, he did not worry about starting a duel, but asked for details: "There are restrictions on the winner's request? For example, let the other party become a slave... or Just to get the other person's life?"

Turner Hart explained: "Whether it is a servant who wants to be the other or to ask for the life of the other party, it needs to be stated in an open form, and both parties can ask for the participation of others. Can't exceed five; and the loser can exchange the other price for such a request!"

Ye Qiyi, slightly interested, asked: "What kind of price?"

Tenny Hart said with a wry smile: "The day of the glory, 100,000 Kimpton or equivalent magic crystal, magic equipment can be exchanged for freedom, if you live, you need to double; if the legendary strong, then it is a million Kimpton or the equivalent magic crystal, magic equipment can be exchanged for freedom, if you live, you need to triple!"

"Until you can't get Kimpton or the equivalent, face the punishment of a duel!"

Ye Qiqi raised his eyes and asked the question he most wanted to know at the moment: "Is there a time limit for the duel?"

Ps second more~

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, 200 starting points, the Xuanyuan Yuhe 200 starting point, the sn100 starting point, the x100 starting point, the reward of the x100, and the dedication of all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters~~~ to be continued..)

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