Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 86: On the other side of the town

"When your teacher went to the mountain, there was some accident in the tower of the decision-maker!" Monte Carlo sighed and said slowly, "It is because of this matter that the Hunter Headquarters Except for the two of us, the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world is only the master of the six towers... Hey, if you count the missing Gesger, then it is the five tower owners!"

"Some accidents?"

Ye Qi asked at discretion.

"Well, some accidents?"

Meng Carol nodded and once again considered the wine in front of him.

Obviously, Monroe doesn't want to mention this thing. However, for this unexpected event that makes the demon hunter lose its strength, Ye Qi wants to know about it - except for its own curiosity, more because of Monka. At the beginning of Luo's discourse, 'When your teacher goes to the mountain,' this special time.

Undoubtedly, the Hunter’s Headquarters knew that his teacher had to go to Mount Kinabalu and had to send support; however, such support was prevented because of some accidents; even, the support itself has become gone. Back - According to the strength of the Holy See at that time, the support sent by the Hunter's Headquarters will definitely not be weak. It is such support, but there is no return, which is enough to make Ye Qi have an accident for that time. Doubt.

What is the team that can make the team of the legendary powerhouses of about six to ten people, including one of the most powerful seven in the world, including the decision-making tower, one of the best in the world?

"The protagonists in some mythological stories appear in front of them... Hether is a good narrator, and if there is a chance, he will tell you one by one!" Jess, who has always been smiling, sighed After the tone. Simply said a sentence later. I pushed everything to the towerer of the moonlight night - obviously, he also did not want to advance.

However, this is enough for Ye Qi!

The protagonist in the mythical story?

Of course it will not be a mortal or other creature, it is naturally a 'god' itself!

Did the tower of the decision-making tower at that time meet a ‘awakening god’?

If that’s the case, it’s not surprising that the legendary powerhouses of six to ten extraordinary people, including the tower of the decision-making tower, are missing – even though they are just waking up and have not recovered to full prosperity. The 'spirit' of the period. But once you start to fight back, it is enough to make such a force hit a considerable blow.

However, according to the wolf, the mortal can't eliminate the ‘God’, even the legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world can only fight against the number!

Then, that god...

Sitting there, Ye Qi in the sinking secretly speculated.

In fact, he now needs to blame the advice given by the wolf, but his contract companion is really as before, before he finds the eighth statue. Will not appear again, let him call. There is no use at all - although Ye Qi guesses that the other party is ashamed and awesome, but the fact that it does not appear is still a fact.

The lack of corresponding information, even Ye Qi, can not guess what to come.

However, looking at the two faces of the legendary strongman in the extraordinary world of the demon hunter, he said that such a topic should not continue.

"I have considerable expectations for the support of the headquarters... But the reality has forced me to change the plan!" Ye Qi did not hide his disappointment. He said frankly, "My three friends I have already taken one step ahead of my plan - they still have to deal with some trouble, so I have to hand it over to two!"

"Here? The town of chaos?"

Moncaro and Jester, two legendary hunters, pointed to their feet and glanced at the same time.

"Yes, that's it!" Ye Qi nodded with a certain affirmation. "I think the two have already learned the news of Pope Koscika, still alive?"

"Well, it's really a jealous guy!"

Moncaro and Jester nodded together, the latter with a resentful tone.

"Not only is it awkward, but it has considerable ambitions...not the incumbent pope!"

Ye Qiyi said something.

"Do you mean that Koska will shoot here?"

Moncalo put down the bar, looking at Ye Qi in a positive color, asking; likewise, Jester stopped drinking and his face was serious.

"Not just here, there is the whole of Lorante!" Ye Qi said with a wry smile. "Before, when the Kosika Pope chased me, he followed the legendary powerhouse of nearly thirty extraordinary places!"


Both Monroe and Jester took a sigh of relief.

Thirty extraordinary legendary powerhouses, what is represented, no one is more clear than the two legendary powerhouses who are equally extraordinary. Don’t say that the demon slayer’s forces, even the entire Loland All the forces combined, can not come up with so many legendary powerhouses.

In particular, in such a battle, the Holy See will be directly biased towards the Kosika; after all, the relationship between St. Dege and the Holy See can be said to be one!

"Even if you join the six towers, you, and we add up, we can't cope with so many superb legendary powerhouses!" Meng Caro's brows were tightly locked, and the look on his face became more and more stunned. "Old John and old Ward, where are these two guys going? And Couch! If they are three..."

Undoubtedly, for the old Juggernaut, the sword saint of Monsanto, Moncaro has considerable confidence, and there are two equally famous legendary strongmen, Old Ward and Kutcher.

"Even if they are three, it is very difficult to face such a situation!" Jester shook his head. "Old John is dealing with the legendary powerhouse of the same level. It is no problem to play three. The ordinary legend. It is okay to have two more strong players, but that is thirty, not three!"

"I don't think Koscar will spread this power and give us the chance to break through!"

When Jester said, he sighed.

"And, we now have our own gathering place: Shaker!" Meng Carlo agreed to nod, the same smile on his face. "As long as they go to Shaker. Block it there or do something too much. We just have to fight with them all the way - the Pope Kosika, I am sure I am very happy to see this situation!"

"What is your plan?"

The two legendary hunters in the bitter smile suddenly looked at Ye Qi, who remained silent. Jess, who was slightly impatient, said again and again: "You must have guessed this situation and made plans. Is there any good way?"

"It's not a good idea! It's just looking for some flaws in the other side, then, let's fight it!" Ye Qi shook his head - in fact, he didn't think of his plan. How good it is; at most, it is just a trick.

"What is it, say it! I am dying!"

The impatient Jester once again urged Ye Qi.

"The reason why the Pope Koscika died in the past was nothing more than to see that the final thing can not be violated, and the potential of the bridge on the other side - he had already unified the bridge on the other side, and then, the bridge on the other side was powerful. Power, anti-Lolant's thoughts!" Ye Qi said slowly, "However, the bridge on the other side. Undoubtedly a magical to the headache - the unruly strong, connecting the various planes, bits The terminal of the surface debris made the bridge on the other side very special; therefore, it took 252 years, and the Pope Kosica only completed most of his plans!"

"And the rest of the part is our only chance!" Ye Qi simply explained the alliance with the Blood Alliance Tower, and did not forget to remind the two: "Of course, the so-called 'duel rules' are indeed People admire - pulling loose people into the organization, and the organization itself is secretly established by him, really a quick and convenient way to gather people!"

"Do you want to break the bridge on the other side from the inside?"

Moncaro and Jester, two legendary hunters, almost thought about it and understood what Ye Qi wanted to do.

"No, it's not a breakthrough, just a reasonable challenge!" Ye Qi waved his hand and corrected the statement. "After all, even the remaining strength of the three sides in the bridge on the other side is not to be underestimated; we It’s just a reasonable use of the rules that the Kosika Pope has established – the rules that are hard to build, don’t try to break, because that will make you pay more, and before there is such a strength, we are even more Should adapt and use!"

"Once the base camp of the other side of the bridge is attacked, the Kosika guy will definitely return!" Jester said with excitement. "At that time, it was our chance!"

"Kostika's evacuation will not be in a hurry!" Compared to the excited Jester, Moncalo is calm, he sighs, "the corresponding 'assisted' is inevitable, so we have to keep In the town of Chaozhi! Otherwise, it will become us in a hurry - after all, we also have our own people here!"

"And, not only here, the same is true of those who enter the bridge on the other side..." Calm Carol, watching Ye Qi ask: "Are you sure?"

"I won't take the risk of my friend's life!"

Ye Qi said affirmatively.

After Mon Carol and Jester looked at each other, they picked up their glasses and bottles, and Ye Qi gestured to Libes to bring a glass of water. The three people raised their glasses and touched them together.

"hope everything is fine!"

"all the best!"


“Here is the town on the other side?”

The make-up big man and Ava stepped into the town deep in the desert – obviously, for this small town deep in the desert, the big man had an extraordinary interest; he looked at it entirely from granite The foundation that has been created, although it is impossible to recognize the source of the magic inscription above, but can clearly feel the power.

"Not only stabilized the town, let the town not be submerged by quicksand, and blocked the sand, it is really a magical array!" The big man praised this, and then his gaze looked at the entrance to the town. Team Guards - This is a team of guards with strengths around the moon level. There are six people sharing, two of them are at the entrance, and the remaining four are standing farther than the entrance, checking in and out in advance. People.

"Our disguise will not be a problem?"

The big man tightened his cloak from the Blood Alliance Tower and asked with a little worry - obviously, for the honest big man. This is the first time I have been deceived. I can't be calm at all.

"Do not worry! The blood alliance tower has a special position on the bridge on the other side. It is only the guards of the other towns. They simply do not dare to block our entry - they used to be Human, have they confirmed this?"

Even if Ava is silent again, he has to comfort his friends at this time.

"Well, that's right, that's right! It's confirmed, I don't need to worry!"

The big man nodded his head and talked to himself to cheer himself up.

And in fact. The entry of two people is easier than imagined. The four guards who checked only saw the cloaks of the two men. Even if they didn’t ask a word, they let go. Or, to be precise, it’s far The two have escaped - the blood alliance tower is obviously enough for people here, even if they are far more powerful than ordinary people.

"What do we do now?"

Looking at the guard behind him, the big man whispered.

"We should now find a place to stay. Wait for Datong to contact us!"

Ava replied truthfully according to the plan of the previous time.

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry and find a place! To be honest, I really want to take this cloak off now - it's too uncomfortable!"

The big man walked quickly toward the only hotel in the town on the other side, complaining - in fact, this cloak is already the biggest in the blood league tower, even if it is the blood of purgatory Er Yan wears wide loose loose, but on the big man's body, it is tight.

The only hotel in the other town is not very far away. In fact, the town on the other side of the town has a population of about 4,000. It is a fairly large town with only one hotel. This is the other in Lorante. The place is really incredible, but here it is quite normal.

After all, you can't count on the depths of the desert, people are also flowing!

This is a hotel that looks too good or even completely ruined. The signboard is not only mottled, it is unrecognizable, and the lower half of the signboard is broken. I don't know where to go. The steps in front of the door, when the big man stepped on, even made a scream of 'Oh,' as if it would break with the hanging sign at any time.

Oh, oh!

The big man and Ava crossed the steps and walked into the hotel, accompanied by the snoring of the wooden boards; the entire hotel was empty, and the owner of the hotel was leaning against the chair - this is on the other side. The town is not common. After entering the town on the other side, the big man and Ava see the most people who are crazy and cultivated.

Obviously, the existence of the bridge on the other side makes these people who are in the other side of the town have extraordinary power; at the very least, the big man rarely sees the real knife and the actual combat.

Compared with those people, the innkeeper in front of us is undoubtedly an alternative.

However, when the boss heard the footsteps, or accurately said the sound of the wooden board, when he looked up, the big man and Ava were relieved - the other person with a hat, can not see the hair, but that The white beard, and the cheeks around them, indicate the age of the other person; obviously, it is not the other person's alternative, but gives up.

Feeling the atmosphere of the star on the other side, and then looking at the age of the other party, such abandonment is not unreasonable.

"Is there a room?"

The big man asked in a polite and polite tone - just in the cloak of the Blood Alliance Tower, it does not mean that the big man really became the blood of the blood alliance tower; and the blood of the blood alliance tower is not really awkward. It’s just a little bit of a quirk.

"Of course, of course, how many adults do you need?"

The owner of the hotel stood up attentively and walked out of the counter, asking with a smile.

“Three rooms, need a big one!”

The big man replied, and at the same time took out a magical crystal of standard energy level.

"No problem! Two adults, please here!"

Seeing that magic crystal, the owner of the hotel became more and more smiling, and went straight to the stairs at the speed of the trot. He made a gesture of asking for the big man and Ava, and said: There are four rooms upstairs, if you want all the bags..."

Almost without hesitation, the big man threw a magic crystal again, letting the innkeeper close his mouth - able to have an 'independent' space, for the big man and Ava, they are quite If necessary, even if it spends more 'money', it is within tolerance.

"From now on, until we leave, the second floor is our place, no problem?"

Asked the big man.

"Of course! From now on, until the two left, the second floor is just two places!" The owner of the hotel repeated it This asked: "What are the two requirements for food? ?"

"Meat and vegetables... 30 people a day!"

After thinking about it, the big man reported a number.

"Three or thirty people?"

The innkeeper is a little worried.

"The money for food can be counted separately!"

I got the big man hinted by Ava and immediately added one.

"Okay, good!"

After the extra money was paid, the innkeeper immediately nodded and turned away. In fact, there are two magic crystals in the past, even if the food is wrapped in it, it is not difficult.

Of course, if he meets a generous guest, he will not deny it.

Ps first more ~ ​​timing ~ (to be continued..)

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