Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 87: Under the town of the other shore

"Ah, aunt... well, I think I should take back my own words - it’s more horrible than I thought!"

After entering the room, the big man was raised by the dust, itching his nose directly, and sneezing straight out; then, the flying dust swept toward the two; if it wasn’t Ava’s eye If the big man retreats and pays attention to the door, I am afraid that both of them will try another version of the desert trip, 'Dust Travel'.

“I don’t think anyone has been here for more than 10 years to stay and clean up!”

The big man looked at the closed door and frowned and complained to his friend - he really didn't have any courage to open the door now.

"I think it will be even longer!"

Like the big man, Ava does not have the courage to do 'dust travel'.

Fortunately, the boss here is not just a person who does not charge money. After about two minutes, after hearing the shouts of the big man, the innkeeper brought the tools to sweep and the two appeared in the big man. In front of them, one of them should be the cook of the hotel, and the other should be the waiter of the hotel.

In the same way, these two are also old people who are old.

"Two guests, please wait a moment... maybe you want to try my tea?"

The owner of the hotel gestured to the only workers in the two hotels and could not help but make an invitation to the big man and Ava. He is now very annoyed that he has forgotten the real situation of his room, and this kind of forget will undoubtedly Let him face a considerable loss.

Two standard levels of magic crystal, for the innkeeper, is a huge sum.

He is now afraid that the other party will return to such a 'deposit'. Leave his hotel; after all. In the town on the other side. Although there is only one hotel, there are quite a few places to live; given such a generous ‘deposit,’ more than ninety-nine of the entire town will welcome anyone with the most sincere smile.

In fact, it is because of this that his hotel is even more declining - at the very least, when he was young, his father was a hotel owner, the hotel was not bad; however. With the influx of a large number of 'outsiders' at the time, the town on the other side became more and more strange.

However, it is already accustomed to it now. After all, those ‘outsiders’ have already become locals for decades.

As for the account?

Although the owner of the hotel is not a big man in the town of the other side, but seeing the big man and the cloak on Ava, he understands what this represents. The blood alliance tower is not a small hotel owner. From now on, even if he is the innkeeper in the town on the other side, it is the same.

after all. Compared to the bridge on the other side, the town on the other side is a bright and bright. It also looks like a special springboard - the innkeeper who has lived here for nearly sixty years, has long been clear; and knows what kind of attitude he should have, especially when facing such a big man.

I know that he still has a son.

"I don't want to drink tea, I just want a clean and tidy room... and the mattresses, cups and pillows on the bed, and change them to new ones!"

The big man said with emphasis - not that he has any cleanliness, can become a qualified hunter, it is impossible to have such things as Jie Jie; only, although he only looked at it before, but can clearly see, The various bugs that were covered in the bed because of decay.

It is simply too much to say that a worm nest is too much.

Although faced with a more severe environment, this does not mean that the big man is willing to face such an environment in the hotel.

"And, the other three rooms!"

Ava sounded a reminder.

Obviously, like the big man, Ava is not willing to stay in such an environment - even if his choice has a natural way.

"No problem! Please give me half an hour, I will get everything!"

Seeing that the two did not leave, the hotel owner made a guarantee with a smile; and such a guarantee was also implemented in a real sense. After twenty-five minutes, the room where the big man pushed the door open, has been completely renewed. It's not just that the dust is gone, it is replaced by a new one, and even the candlestick is wiped bright.

"When I have dinner, do I need to inform you of you?"

After the big man and Ava nodded with satisfaction, the innkeeper asked with a smile.

"Please be punctual!"

The big man said affirmatively.

"Of course!"

The owner of the hotel quit the room and gently closed the door; while the big man and Ava didn't until they confirmed that they had gone far, they carefully looked at the room in front of them - this is an extremely simple room. Except for the two beds, there is only one wooden room that is the size of a telephone booth, the washbasin and the shelves inside, which illustrate the role of the bathing room; otherwise, there is nothing in this room.

Maybe there are some decorations before, but the passage of time is undoubtedly taken away by the innkeeper; after all, the damaged items have no value to hang out; the left is just some round hole-like nail marks. At the end of the house, there is a window that can be opened and closed, but every time it opens and closes, it will make a sound of 'Oops'.

Through the glass of the window, you can see the streets of the other side of the town - as a big town of 4,000 people, the town on the other side shares three formal streets, both sides of which are two-story structure Most of the houses are wooden buildings, and a few are close to the town center with brick masonry.

Obviously, the people living there have special status.

Standing in this window, you can clearly see the brick-and-mortar houses, the white walls, which are so conspicuous in the brown of a wooden house.

Hey, hey!

Just after the big man and Ava finished the room, when they just sat down, the sound of a long and short knock on the door rang, and later, there was a unique voice.

"it's me!"

The big man opened a door slit. Immediately. I saw the friend after the transvesting - the original clean face is dark at the moment. The neat costume of the demon hunter has become a robe, a headgear, and a thick beard. It is completely a copy of the dress.

This kind of dressing, so that the big man has carefully looked at a few eyes, this dare to confirm that it is his friend; immediately, it opened a gap that can accommodate friends, and then. After investigating to confirm that no one has tracked, the big man closed the door.

"Datong, you are like this..."

The big man is pointing up and down with his friends.

"The dress of the locals? I feel like all the people of the Blood League tower will bring some trouble to our actions - especially when the transmission array of the bridge that entered the other shore is accepted by the people of St. De Ge! ”

The little man shrugged his shoulders and explained.

In the past, when they were separated, the original plan, the small man, Herman and his party also needed the dress of the blood alliance tower; however, when the first step from the grassland area, Totor and Murray returned to the other side of the town. After the news, the little man temporarily changed his mind.

The Blood Alliance Tower is one of the four forces of the bridge on the other side. But compared to the rest of the three forces, the Blood Alliance Tower has been in an isolated state - not very obvious before. But after experiencing the 'contact' with Ye Qi, such isolation has already been placed on the bright side.

Especially after the intervention of the predecessor of Kosika, the situation was more complicated.

At the very least, from this moment, St. De Ge directly intervened in the town on the other side, and has shown a strange signal.

"The forces of the bridge on the other side have intervened in the town on the other side?"

The big man asked in surprise.

"The forces on the other side of the bridge have never left the town on the other side - will you safely hand over your door to some untrustworthy people?" The little man said as he pointed to the location near the center of the town. Several brick-and-mortar houses continue to say: "There, yes, those houses with white masonry... they have long been the home of the families of St. Dege; they have been near Fifty years!"

"This time, the lord of Kosika, the singer, just changed the 'integration' into control!" The little man shrugged his shoulders. "Now, at the entrance to the transmission array, there are four." There is a guardian of St. Dege's glory, and there should be a legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world - this is the bright place, and the dark place should be the person of the meditation, although I can't determine the exact number. But not less than the people of St. De Ge on the bright face!"

"That is, we want to enter the bridge on the other side, it becomes difficult!" After the big man and Ava looked at each other, the latter continued: "And, more difficult is how we should quietly The sound will be controlled here, not the other party will pass the message back!"

"Well, once passed back, with the experience of His Majesty Kosica, I will definitely understand what we want to do!" The little man nodded, talking, with thoughts on his face, "But we are now facing The problem is how to get in - before, the way of control obviously does not work, and if you get away with it, except for Darlan, I don't think any of us can work!"

The particularity of the big man, even if it has become a legendary powerhouse in the extraordinary world, there is no change. If you look at the breath, it is still between the peak of the moon and the peak of the day. It is in the 'new promotion'. Degree - except for Ye Qi who has [blind bucket perception], it is difficult to be found out of real strength.

"Dallan's words, if you want to complete the tasks, obviously can't do it - we need at least two people!" After Ava spoke, obviously did not intend to continue to remain silent, he gave a slight indulgence, then Say your own thoughts: "To achieve the desired goal, you must challenge both St. De Ge and the meditation of the meditation - in fact, I think that Spring Water City should be like this! Only one of them is challenged, very May be caught..."

"There are still three days from the moon celebration. I think we have enough time to think about the best of both worlds! I have a message here!" The little guy looked at the two friends who were thinking hard and couldn't help but laugh and shifted the topic. "The teacher of the mad woman had appeared in the town on the other side before; but it was against Kiri’s face. After a hurried appearance, I returned again!"

"What did he do doing this? Prove his existence?"

The big man asked doubtfully.

"He is looking for someone - or to say. Help some people find what they are!"

The little man laughed.


After thinking about it, the big man and Ava almost said it in unison.

"Well, that's right! It should be the Lord Horteler - it seems that inside the Spring City, it is far more complicated than we think!" The little man spread his hand and smiled. "You don't feel 'I admit you.' The identity, you help me find someone's condition is easy to accept?"

"The owner of Quanshuicheng, is there really a problem?"

Faced with doubts. After getting a positive answer at this moment, the big man and Ava have no joy, but they are heavy-faced - if it is really like a small guess, then they must face the bridge on the other side to remove the blood league. Beyond the power of the tower, the three forces are out.

And this is obviously not good news for those who are thin.

"Well, it shouldn't be wrong - Kire's death is a fact, but it has come to the fore, and I have received the approval of Huck... I can't see the slightest helplessness in this kind of recognition. On the contrary, it is still the kind. If you have no problem with Huck, I can't believe it!"

The little man tells the story of ‘Killy’ reappearing. While talking about your own opinion.

"I think we need support from the headquarters!"

After Ava thought for a moment, she said with a smile.

"Yeah, I hope that the support of the headquarters will arrive in time!"

The little man did not refute his friend's statement, and nodded as bitterly.

After all, according to their estimation, on the day of the moon celebration, the Kosika Pope will use most of the power to attack, but the bridge on the other side should also leave considerable strength; and that power, at least to let the blood league The tower does not dare to slap the power of incitement - and in accordance with the blood alliance tower, the number of six superb legendary powerhouses must be at least seven legendary powerhouses.

And they only have three people at the moment, and they want to fight against the seven legendary powerhouses. Obviously, they are not enough to see.

As for the addition of the blood alliance tower?

Although they can play the banner of the Bashing Tower at the moment, when they enter the bridge on the other side, they are going to 'challenge' in their own name; it is not the blood alliance tower that does not help - but the four forces of the bridge on the other side, Under the agreement of "non-infringement", under such an agreement, the blood alliance tower can not help them.

Of course, from another perspective, the Blood Alliance Tower is also not optimistic about their practices; otherwise, it will not be bound by the so-called 'agreement'; after all, such things, in the absence of real contractual constraints, are at best A little valuable waste paper.

"I think I……"

The big man looked at the two friends who were slightly distressed. When they just wanted to open their mouths and said that they had a certain degree of certainty, the snoring of the wooden boards was uploaded from the stairs.

"I think I have to leave!"

After the little man left such a sentence, he smiled and flashed out of the room.

And in a dozen seconds, the door of the room rang -

"Two guests, dinner is ready!"

The owner of the hotel, after knocking on the door, shouted straight.

"We will go on immediately!"

The big man immediately shouted; then, he stood up and opened the door; outside the door, the owner of the hotel was smiling and squatting.

"Potato, onions, corn and camel meat?"

Asked the big man after twitching his nose.

“There are some freshly baked breads!”

The owner of the hotel added.

The big man looked at Ava, and in the latter, after he gave him a copy, the big man immediately turned and walked downstairs--as far as his intentions and the two friends showed his grasp?

After dinner, do you say the same?


On the first floor of the hotel, when the two of them came in, they were undoubtedly clean; obviously after careful cleaning, the tables, chairs and stools were also reinforced - the big man saw it at a glance, one There are five 'legs' on the stool, and the extra one is obviously removed from the stool next to it; in order to make the stool not split from the stool surface.

"please sit down!"

The owner of the hotel handed the reinforced, five-legged stool to the big man, then turned and ran towards the kitchen behind the hotel, and ran back and forth several times - thirty people's food, It can't be done by one person at a time; even if this person has quite extraordinary strength compared to ordinary people.

However, even if the owner of the hotel travels back and forth, compared with the speed of the big man, it is slightly inferior.

Almost in the incredible gaze of the innkeeper, the big man threw the bread into the big iron pot, and then straightened the broth, a few gasps, and the broth that required five people to eat. The bread was poured in; after five times, the sixth time, the big man began, as the average person chewed slowly.

"The camel meat is good. If you have onions, you should cook it for a while, some spicy!"

The big man is eating and commenting on If it is not so fast, how can it be, no longer cook for a while! !

The innkeeper’s mouth twitched and thought; however, the innkeeper would not say this in person, but always accompanied the smile, quietly watching the big man’s meal like it; until the hotel, it came again. sound.

And, not a person.

Ps second more ~~

I learned the lessons of yesterday, and went out two hours earlier. I went home two hours earlier~~~ However, the road was really slippery; the friends who reminded the family to snow at the end of the day, these days, more help with the parents, let’s It’s still small, it hurts when you fall, and if your parents fall, it’s really pitted!

Decadence rolled forward again, and the protection of the three hundred and sixty degrees was rolled over!

I would like to thank the prodigal sons of the four seas for the reward of the starting point of the 200, the reward of the starting point of the 200th of the sea in April, sn, the wind and the dust of the 100th starting point of the money ~~~ decadent again thank you all the brothers and sisters who support the decadence~ ~~(To be continued.)

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