Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 110: Suddenly

"I said - if you don't want your woman and disciple to die!"

In the extended tone, Kosika has a faint smugness. As a former pope, Koscika does not think that he is a scornful thing because of the objects, people or existence that others care about. On the contrary, he only thinks that he is doing nothing.

From the point of view of the moment, it seems that it is really the same thing!

He took advantage of the strength of the Shaker Dragon, but he was careful, but he once again pulled back a city.

However, this is far from what he wants!

Or... his ideal result is not like this!

Therefore, Kosika quickly converges on his smugness, in a light tone, said: "The dragon of Shaker, your strength has been recognized by me, but ... you did not understand, this battle Essence - it is a war, a ruthless and cold-blooded war!"

This seems to be a wise man who dials the voice of those fools, so that the red-breasted dragon girl who is watching in the distance is biting his teeth tightly, as if he is already consuming the flesh and blood of this shameless guy.

"Get rid of him! Kill him!"

The red-breasted dragon girl was screaming in her heart, but soon she was awake; then, there was a hint of helplessness on her face--Kesica’s words, she heard it clearly, and it was because of this Clearly, she realized how unrealistic her ideas were before.

The red-breasted dragon girl who left Long Island early, the concept of parents and relatives did not become vague and weak because of the passage of time. On the contrary, under the thoughts, it became clearer and clearer. Even unforgettable; and because of this. After empathy. The Red Copper Dragon Girl does not think that she can do it regardless of her parents and relatives.

Moreover, the Red Copper Dragon Girl believes that Ye Qi is also the same.

This is not because of understanding, but just the feeling of instinct!

I have to say that the understanding of the instinct of the Red Copper Dragon Girl is so accurate that Ye Qi is really unable to give up any person he cares about.


This does not mean Ye Qi, there is no other better solution!


The knives are once again sheathed, even. Even Ye Qi himself has stepped back a dozen yards - this kind of behavior, so that Kosika's mouth is slightly upturned, but also let the legendary strongmen of the bridge on the other shore breathe a sigh of relief; but, very quickly, The tone that they just loosened was raised again, even because the conversion speed was too fast and it became suffocating.

As for Kosika?

It is even more screaming.

"The Dragon of Shaker! What do you want to do with the Dragon of Shaker? Don't you know that the person you care the most has already fallen into my hands?" Kosika looked at the body not far away, the front legs of the two legs The right hand clasps the blade of the handle. He once again reminded the other party to recognize the reality at the moment.

"I know!"

There was no change in Ye Qi's posture, and the tone was revealed from the inside out.

"You know that..."

"So. I am going to change it in a different way!"

Kosika pretend to be a tough question, but the words have not been finished, it has been interrupted by Ye Qi; Ye Qiwei's eyes, with a strong killing, slowly said: "I am going to take you to exchange - don't tell me it's useless, otherwise I can't help but kill you!"

"Hey, do you think this will be useful?"

Kosika’s strong enthusiasm asked, and in disregard for expressing himself, he licked his mouth again, and even the light spear appeared again in his hand—but that kind of slightly deformed The defensive posture shows the most real idea of ​​Koscika at the moment.

He is really worried, or... afraid!

There is always something that one can make himself fear, but some people disguise it well, and some people will not hide it.

Undoubtedly, Kosika is a very good person to cover up.

From the first time he faced failure, he showed his fear of failure, but he was better able to cover it up - let everyone think that he was looking at a longer-term place, even Has another purpose.

Obviously, he has been doing well.

It was because of this goodness that he had a step-by-step upswing to the Pope's throne; even in the face of that huge resistance, he retired to a safer place for more obvious reasons. The bridge on the other side; and in the bridge on the other side, he still enjoys the respect he deserves, even more reverence than before - because all who follow him understand that he has a bigger goal.

However, at this moment, when he faced Ye Qi, he suddenly found that he seemed to be 'see through'!

He is worried about this!

Scared, scared!

However, this does not mean that he will choose to give up - in fact, as a Custar card, he will never give up on his own initiative, even if it is difficult and helpless, he will continue to the end.

Because, he also has faith - although this belief is only based on 'masking'.

This is like a liar. At first, he just sown a little lie, even a harmless one, but after a sudden incident, he had to say one lie one after another, and faced Such a lie, he did not want to be exposed, because he could not bear the ridicule and ridicule after being exposed.

Therefore, he worked hard to turn one after another into a reality.

Therefore, he succeeded.

If he fails, he will be stinky for a long time and become worthless.

But at the moment he succeeded, so he became the strongest seven in the world, the former pope, and the existence of the ‘immortal’ at this moment, even if it was only in the new stage.

"I think, I can try it!" Ye Qi said while saving: "I will cut off your limbs, leave you here, wait for your people to come back again - rest assured, I have a lot of treatments. Method. Let you not die. Even... the limbs are born again!"

"You won't do this!"

Kosika’s tone suddenly rose. However, Ye Qi did not answer again, which made Ke Sikai's heart suddenly tremble, and he shouted again: "Horiko!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The consultant below replied loudly, and at the same time, some of the pharmacy appeared in the hands of all the legendary powerhouses, including the consultant, the purple-black pharmacy. Just need to look at it with both eyes, you can feel the inexplicable fear, just like walking on the night road, suddenly encountered a snake in front of you.

However, the legendary powerhouses of these other bridges, without any hesitation, poured such drugs into their mouths.


The purple blackening potion went straight into the mouths of the legendary powerhouses, and the crystal tubes were thrown on the sand by them, and the soft sand did not smash the crystal tubes. Instead, the tubes were gently held; however, the purple blackening potion left in the tube. It slowly descended along the wall of the test tube and flowed into the gravel.


Just like the corrosion of concentrated sulfuric acid, a black smoke on the gravel is almost in the blink of an eye. It is only a few drops of residue that makes the grit in the radius of more than a dozen yards become like mud. The thing - it is so similar, it is because the ordinary mud will not produce any steam drums and tumbling like a magma.

And the legendary strongmen of the bridges on the other side stood in this muddy thing, and the whole body exudes an extraordinary atmosphere.

It seems that everyone has risen one level.

The ‘new promotion’ became official, and officially entered the high section, and the high section has already reached its peak.


When the atmosphere of all the legendary strongmen on the other side of the bridge came together, an invisible airflow skyrocketed, like a fountain, rushing toward the sky.

咔, 咔, 咔...

The night sky full of stars suddenly sounded like a broken glassware; then, people looking up and looking up, can see, under the impact of that breath - the sky... as if it is broken!

Don't have a darker black sky in the night, appearing in everyone's field of vision.

There are different kinds of stars there, and there is also a different kind of atmosphere - countless destruction and countless vitality, just like the intertwined Gemini, which starts to look like a scorpion.

"Everyone is going! Go to the underground garrison of the cemetery!"

Looking at the changes in the head, feeling the mixed atmosphere of destruction, the young guard captain of the other town, immediately changed his face, and he did not want to want to be stunned; and several players around him also At the same time, he followed the martyrdom; and when he saw his captain and picked up the old Terry around him, they also learned the same way, picked up the old people and children nearby, and turned and ran to the cemetery.

The inhabitants of the remaining towns of the other side, after hesitating for a moment, followed the guard captain and entered the cemetery.

Only the devotees of the Holy See are still kneeling on the ground, praying motionlessly.

After that, they all shattered!

There is no blood flying, and the internal organs are flying.

It was just that smashing, just like these people are images reflected in the mirror, and the images are mirrored, and they are smashed by a hammer.

Almost an instant, these mad believers smashed into fly ash in this scent of destruction, and the legendary powerhouses of the bridges on the other side are also crumbling.

However, just as suddenly, the ‘sky’ disappeared even more suddenly, and even disappeared without even a harbinger.

When the black color disappeared, the white light was once again filled under the night sky—there was only the Custarka in the three-foot-white area, which was not only restored to normal, but also the white with a radius of three feet. The Mang area has once again recovered, and even increased a lot.

The radius is more than six feet.

Unmasked laughter, from the mouth of Koscika - no doubt, such a change, apparently makes Kosika feel at ease, this laughter with the winner is the best proof.

"Do you know? The dragon of Shaker, this was originally for your teacher, and the traitor prepared!" White light once again obscured Kosika's face. Only the sound is left. Continue to spread. "Just, I didn't think that it would be used on you!"

"So, you should be honored!"

The light spear in the hands of Kosca began to grow and grow from seven feet to about ten feet, not only getting longer, but also that brightness. It is even more dazzling, even when it is passing through the air, the overflowing energy makes the air appear a trace of embarrassment.

"Reassured, I won't let you die! Because... I still need your presence to help me contain your teacher and the traitor!" Kosika said without his blush, "I am this time." You will be with you, so that your teacher and the traitor can see clearly, instead, continue as if waiting for this time!"

"Please forgive me for being underestimated. But that's just one time!"

Kosika Shiranfully waved the light spear in his hand. After bringing more air, he mixed his sarcasm and said falsely.

Such sarcasm, Ye Qi heard clearly, and after a while, the former pope, he smiled low: "However, you seem to have no chance!"

"Do you think you are winning?"

Ye Qi started in the heart, twelve seconds of power, the last three seconds of the silent number.

"of course!"

The exception that Kosika answered was simply.

At the same time, in order to prove that he did not make a mistake, the light spear in the hands of the Pope had a glaring white awn, and slammed it toward Ye Qi.


At the same time, Ye Qi clenched the right hand of the handle, slammed forward, a huge half-moon knife, and headed toward Kosika.

阎魔. Extremely!


The huge half-moon knife knives, and the white awning spears, the collision of the cockroaches together.

In an instant, the huge explosion will brighten the night sky, and when the glare is over, it will be the glue and wrestling of the knife and the light spear.


In the continuous squeaking sounds, sparks, scattered energy, airflow, brought in the infinite ripples in the surrounding air, squatting on the sand, it immediately issued a continuous explosion.

Numerous gravel was blown up and annihilated, and then it appeared that the surface of the moon's surface appeared on the original sand.

About a second later, Kosika’s original relaxed expression appeared a bit of caution.

The next second, this caution became amazed.

He obviously did not think that the other party's glimpse would have such a great power. Compared with what he had seen before, it would be several times stronger. If it was not a special state at the moment, it would almost make him difficult to resist.

[阎魔. Extremely 斩] After the full power, it has three times the attack power, and from the [Fatal Strike] to the [secondary killing and direct attack] exclusive to Ye Qi's legendary road, also with three times Attack power - six times the attack, it seems that there is not much difference from the previous five times.

But when it comes to multiples, it is always based on a base.

And this cardinality, for Ye Qi is the attribute, skill level - perhaps the attribute has not changed too much, but his core skill [cold weapon (legend)] has changed from the previous 23 to 63 at the moment. The changes in this have already made it six times this time, far beyond the previous five times.


At the tip of the light spear, a crack appeared suddenly, and a crack like a spider web appeared there, and the huge half-moon knife was suddenly narrowed.

Obviously, the competition at this time is evenly matched.

However, Ye Qi certainly will not let this even force continue; after all, he can still move freely after the [阎魔. Extreme], but the hand-held Kosika is not the same; however, it is obvious The other party is not worried about such a state, the field of white light, so that he has full confidence to block Ye Qi's attack.

And in fact, the same is true.

Compared with the field that was still strong before, Ye Qi did not grasp the blow.

However, the same, Ye Qi's goal is not the realm of Kosika, not even Kosika itself; but... the legends of the bridges that provide power to Kosika.


If it is looming, the black wing that will disappear soon, after Ye Qi once again opened the "Chemical Feather", immediately refining, a few black feathers hovering around Ye Qi's body. Then, when it was flashed by the two wings, the rapid airflow brought out was blown to a higher place.

In the end, in the bright moonlight, after a crystal, after the wind.

And Ye Qi, this time has appeared in front of the legendary strongmen of the bridge below the other side, the magic knife in the hand flashes the blue light.

Then, the hand fell off the knife.

The gray knife wind whistling out like the roar of the **** of the north wind.

[Knife Wind. The Wind of Destruction]

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

Spell replenishment (unselected spells) -

[Life Stealth: 9th-level spell; cast time: 1 day; target (range): individual; duration: immediate; effect: Isolation of vitality to a small part of the left-handed little finger of the body, then take it off and store it in a safe place You can't be killed by ordinary methods, immune to the effects of suffocating, dying, and dying; consumption: a small part of the little finger of the left hand (the first joint, the second joint, and the end) Can); 10 higher magic crystal; current character level experience 50% (if the equivalent experience is not reached, it will be deducted according to the current level, so that the experience value becomes negative; but the current character level will be retained; only the experience value will be wiped After the peace, it will enter the normal state of acquisition and upgrade. 】

[Time stop: Nine-level spell; cast time: immediate; target (range): individual; duration: 0.1 second/5 level; effect: In the eyes of the other party, your movements are almost too time-consuming, get extra action Time, during this time, you can't cast and perform actions with other creatures; Consumption: 10% experience of current level (equivalent material exchange). 】

[The Lord of the Earth: 9th-level spell; cast time: immediate; target (range): personal; duration: 2 seconds / level; effect: gain a series of land-related spell-like abilities; need to consume: 2 high magic crystal and Current level 3% experience (equivalent material redemption). 】(To be continued.)

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