Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 18 Chapter 111: Prominent

Knife style, full of flesh and blood!

Those bridges on the other side are high, and the legendary powerhouses of the world can't be removed from the flesh and bones, and then cut into the most subtle minced meat, with the wind!

However, not all!

After the giant shield of the 'Shield Holder', including the 'Shield Holder' itself, the 'skills' Horiko, the Ash brothers have escaped the cut of the knife--the giant shield The blue-black light is like a copper wall and iron wall blocking the wind of Ye Qi. Although it is slammed by the knife wind, it is not shaken at all, and it is as stable as a mountain.

Of course, it is when facing the knife wind.

When the sorcerer was in the hands of Ye Qi, when he squatted, the blue-black light on the giant shield, after a slight stalemate, collapsed straight.

The person behind the shield was naturally shocked.

嗖, 嗖, 嗖...

The knives flashed again, and the technique of the sorcerer [Swordwind] appeared again in the form of Ye Qi in another form.

The knives of the knives are like arrows.

But the existence of any eyesight can be seen, and it is like a sword, not only fast, but also spinning rapidly.

Puff puff……

The sound of the knife wind piercing the flesh and blood is so clear and audible under the night sky of dawn.

I didn’t pay attention to the falling body. Ye Qiyi’s blood did not exist on the blade. A flash disappeared into the place—just in Ye Qi’s [Knife Wind. The Wind of the World] was harvested like a **** of death. When the legendary strongman of the crumbling bridge on the other side of the bridge, the lost support of Kosika escaped straight.

Of course, this former pope did not escape safely.

[阎魔. Extremely 斩] The half-moon knife smothered his body and took away one of his arms; this is already the reason for the other party to quickly dodge.

Otherwise, it may only be broken.

but. Even after avoiding a fatal blow, Koscika, who lost an arm, did not escape smoothly. He had been waiting for the red dragon girl and got the gesture of Ye Qi. Straight out, with the impact of sandstorms, the former pope was blocked.

Lost an arm and felt the Kosika behind Ye Qi's killing. There was no intention to stay for a long time, but in the face of the blocking of the red dragon girl, he had to stay - the sand and gravel wrapped in dust, not only has an unimaginative speed. There is even a heavy feeling that he can't ignore.

It's like putting a pound on the body.

Then, the fist of the red bronze dragon girl quickly became bigger in front of his eyes.

Kosika has a pair of eyes. No panic. On the contrary, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. In fact, he was not sure to escape the pursuit of Ye Qi. At the moment, there was a sniper in front of him. Obviously, this sniper and Ye Qi behind him are inextricably contact.

Undoubtedly, the other party is a very good hostage!

In the same way, it seems that he can turn defeat into victory!

Think of the Kosika here. Immediately unstoppable excitement - although he has lost an arm now, but in the face of a common legend, Koscika does not think that he will have any difficulties.

Only the remaining arm was suddenly lifted up, and the fist that hit the red bronze dragon girl was caught.

Then... steady in the hands!

Kosika’s face showed a smug smile, but the next moment his smug smile solidified – grabbing the other’s arm and petrifying it at a speed visible to the naked eye; at the same time, he seemed to be under pressure The body that lives, at this time, seems to have become a heavy burden, and this weight is still increasing!

"Go down!"

The red-breasted dragon girl gave a light drink, and at the same time, one leg slammed on the soft rib of Kosika.

Suddenly, Kosika was like a rock falling from the sky, and slammed into the ground.


In the dull sound, a large pit of human form appeared.

In fact, if it weren't for the sake of leaving the other party to exchange Ye Qi's wife and disciple who was arrested, the Red Dragon Girl would definitely turn this disgusting guy into a real stone, a lifeless one.

"Hey, want to run?!"

The red-breasted dragon girl who fell on the sand felt the atmosphere of the sand, and slammed it, then slammed it. Immediately, the soft sand began to solidify at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it were The rock is generally; after the radius of the sand with hundreds of yards is turned into a rock, the change stops.

"come out!"

The red-breasted dragon girl once again had a slap in the face, and the rocky sand began to sound a 'rumbling', and Kosika, who was locked by the rock, was lifted out like this; then, looking at the other side’s struggling appearance , the red copper dragon girl, is not a polite is a punch.


This punch was hit on the chin of Kosika, and immediately the former pope fell into a coma.

When Ye Qi walked to the former Pope, the other party was still in a coma and did not wake up; however, soon, the pain made him awake.


The scabbard's knives and knives, with a knife and a knives, three of the remaining limbs, are so separated from his body - just as Ye Qi said before: 'I will cut off your limbs, will You are here, waiting for your people to come back! ’

Obviously, Ye Qi did not intend to talk about it. Looking at Ye Qi’s cold eyes, Kosika quite understands Ye Qi’s thoughts at this time. He immediately shouted: “I promise to let Your woman and disciple are safely coming back!"

However, it is clear that such a call can not make Ye Qi converge on his own anger - he took out a bottle of potion from the wizarding emperor and fell straight on the wounds of Kosika, speeding up The recovery of the other side; when the limbs completely healed and grew into a bark like a bare meat, Ye Qi slashed again.

As if to test the knife, Ye Qi cut the wound that had just healed into pieces of nearly transparent pieces of meat.

"Ah!! Ah!! You crazy! Stop! Stop!"

The pain of a knife and a knife made Kosika screaming for self-defense, until the voice was completely hoarse, and Ye Qi did not plan to stop. Even some special things have been taken; for example: salt and peppers – these condiments originally placed in the [Dimensional Bag] play a bigger role than themselves.

"You are not good at tormenting people!"

When the red-breasted girl who cleaned the battlefield came back and looked at Ye Qi’s practice, she shook her head.

"In fact. This is the first time in the true sense!"

Ye Qi was sullen and nodded.

"Need my help?"

The red-breasted dragon girl put the pile of objects in front of Ye Qi and walked to the front of Kosika, who had completely shouted.

"As long as he can be more painful and will not die, you can!"

After thinking about it, Ye Qi said his request.

"Of course. No problem!"

The red bronze dragon girl definitely nodded. Then, I went to Kosika with great interest, and suddenly there was a small bottle with only a few milliliters in my hand - it was a bottle made of crystal, crystal clear, in the moonlight, emitting a faint green-blue light, as if Therapeutic agents are generally.

but. Anyone who thinks like this will undoubtedly suffer from desperate treatment.

At the very least, at this moment, Kosika looked at the red-brown dragon girl with his eyes, and the torso without hands and feet was moving like a mollusk; however, even if he moved faster, There was no red-breasted dragon girl's movements fast - without any hesitation, the red-breasted dragon girl directly squeezed Kosika's jaw and poured the milliliters of liquid into the other's mouth.

The effect is very fast, in fact, not even for two seconds.

Ye Qi saw that Kosika, who had lost his limbs, began to roll up madly. Compared with the previous mollusks, it was a heaven and a ground; even if he cut off the other side’s limbs, Unexpectedly, after losing his limbs, Kosika was able to toss such a big movement.

"Pain is just getting started for tormenting people!" Faced with Ye Qi's strange eyes, the red-bronze dragon girl proudly raised his head. "Itching, hemp, acid, these feelings are integrated into it, it is a real introduction." The pharmacy is the feeling of infinite enlargement - in fact, you should not cut off his limbs, we can see that he personally scratched his skin and looked down!"

"Even now, I think it's an eye-opener!"

Ye Qi said truthfully, at the same time, splitting the spoils in front of him into two, and pushing the smaller part to the front of the red bronze dragon girl, the latter asked quite surprised: "Give me?"

Obviously, she does not think she should get any of them.


Ye Qi nodded and pointed to the spoils in front of him: "The most valuable of these is the holy shield and this fine sword, which is also a saint, and several dimension bags. The rest is not what. Big deal..."

Ye Qi’s voice has not yet fallen, and the red-bronze dragon girl has already rushed up, holding the small pile of spoils outside the two holy devices in his arms, and even keeps whispering in his mouth: “I , mine, are mine, no one can move!"

When the red dragon girl throws up the piece of magic crystal, the happiness on his face is incomprehensible to Ye Qi; of course, his attention at this moment is more in front of him. Kosika body -

[s-level task: accidental blocking 2: The person who chased after, not only one person, killing each other as much as possible; synergy 29/29.]

[s level task: accidental blocking 2 (completed); gain experience: 5000000.]

[s-level task: accidental blocking 3: The person who chased after, not only one person, killing each other as much as possible; synergy 20/20.]

[s-level task: accidental blocking 3 (complete); gain experience: 3000000.]

[a+ level task: accidental block 4: The person who chased after, not only one person, killing each other as much as possible; synergy 15/15.]

[a+ level task: accidental blocking 4 (complete); gain experience: 1000000.]

[a level of tasks: accidental blocking 5: people who chase after, not only one person, as much as possible to kill each other more helpers; synergists 10/10.]

[a level task: accidental blocking 5 (complete): gain experience: 500000.]


Except [s-level task: accidental blocking 1] because Koscika still survived, including the earliest completed [a-level task: accidental blocking 6] appeared at the time of the leaf property panel on.

And just reached the level of 23 people, there are 12 million experience. After subtracting the 552,750 that was left in the last level upgrade, and the total of 9500000 that was obtained this time, the seemingly huge 12 million experience is only less than two million. In other words, as long as the Kosika is killed and the [s-level task: accidental blocking 1] is completed, Ye Qi can be upgraded again. Straight to reach the character level 24, the fifth level of the legendary occupation.

However, Ye Qi at this time did not have any pleasure because of what was supposed to be extremely happy; in fact. His gloomy face has been going on for quite a long time, not even a smile. Even a cover-up smile. It has not appeared.

He is worried about the chameleon, the Rhines, the Linda Northd, the singer, the Tiger, the Amanda, and so on, all of whom are related to him.

Such fears made Ye Qi simply not dare to imagine what happened in the Langfang Fort in the Bay Area at the moment - two legendary powerhouses in the extraordinary world, what is it for the Bay Area, no one is more than Ye Qi Clearly, that is completely destructive in nature.

Especially when there is one of them is Chedel when he has a hateful sorrow. Ye Qi almost had to bite the teeth; the same, after getting such an answer, the red dragon girl directly gave Kosika a larger dose of potion, let the former pope, once again Roll it up.

Of course, not only that.

In order to limit the strength of the other side, the Red Copper Dragon Girl is quite skillful to start the semi-petrochemical internal organs - no doubt, this is painful, even reaching the red copper girl said that it will be pain, itching, hemp, acidity Together, the former Pope said everything he knew.

And this did not bring in better treatment, just to make the red bronze dragon girl more atmosphere.

"I hate this guy who starts with a lie and is still pretending!"

According to the girl of the Red Copper, this is the case.

"Kill me, kill me, kill me soon..."

About ten minutes ago, Kosika had only left this thought, and whispered; for this reason, the red dragon girl had to find a fairly strong rope, tied it up, and petrified The tongue of the other party - don't underestimate a legendary strongman whose limbs have been cut off. After all, it is not a strange thing to make a superb physical condition and let it do something.

When the residents of the other towns came out of the refuge in the underground of the cemetery, they saw a miserable appearance like Kosika.

Survival is not allowed, can't die!

Everyone had this idea in the first place, and then they looked into the eyes of the Red Copper Dragon Girl and began to become unusually weird.

As for Ye Qi?

At this moment, the residents of the other towns of the other side looked at Ye Qi’s eyes only with reverence, and a trace of ... fanaticism - the townspeople who rushed to Ye Qi’s worship, once again began to bow down.

However, unlike the last time, this time some people joined in.

Among them, it includes the owner of the hotel and his son.

If it weren't because of Ye Qi's gloomy face, it would be terrible. They would definitely flock to it and kneel at Ye Qi's feet.

After all, for the residents of the other side of the town, the Japanese glory is the desire to be unreachable, and the extraordinary situation is more legendary characters - in fact, the same, every legendary body can dig There are so many stories coming out; what do they see now?

Twenty-one legendary powerhouses have died here, plus thirty on the previous day! !

The only remaining one is half dead and not alive!

This kind of complete strength shows that the residents living in the town of the other side of the standard of strength have quietly changed their minds.

Of course, not all!

The residents of several other towns in the other side of the town were afraid of shrinking and hiding behind the crowd, drumming what; after a moment, an oval blue door of the gods appeared in the doorway of the cemetery.

"What are you guys doing?!"

The young guard captain, at the moment before the appearance of the threshold of God, was alert and martyrdom; however, it was obviously late, and the five or six townspeople did not give the guard captain a chance, almost using the body as a shield. Blocking the other's footsteps, the door of God is opened.


The young guard captain raised his hand and slashed it on the magical array, but he was pushed back by a few steps and looked at the cracked tiger's mouth. He shouted loudly.

Obviously, the people present can all see that at this time, the threshold of God that appears is definitely not to congratulate.

"Shack's Dragon, you..."

The innkeeper ran over and reminded Ye Qi.

"You are farther away... I need something to let me calm down!"

Ye Qi swayed at the owner of the hotel, then slowly walked toward the door of second more~~~

In the afternoon, Unicom called to pay the network fee, and the decadence immediately rushed over. As a result, went to the business hall, the sister who told the business told the decadence, March to March, and then in March... Nima Ah, the phone also specifically reminded the decadence that you can't pay at the end of the month! !

Why don't you tell the decadent to pay in March! !

I really want to cry and tears, and I have tossed it for almost an hour, and interrupted the codeword! ! !

The decadent heart is like the same 10,000 grass mud horses running! !

Thanks to the prodigal son of the four seas, the starting point of the 200, the reward, the sn, the book friend 140218163134588, the x100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you all the support of the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~


See you here for the time being.

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