Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 11: Return to Shack

The grain is like a stream flowing in the stream, and it seems to be a starry light, which makes people unconsciously intoxicated.

“Really a stigma?!”

The voice of the little man was full of surprises - in fact, in the previous conversation with Ye Qi, he got the guess from the mouth of Ye Qi that Linda Northd might be a stigma; but guessing It is still speculation that no guess can be made before the accurate evidence.

"Well, that's right!"

Ye Qi looked at the breath suddenly appearing on the lines of the road, and nodded with a smile. Although there were only two people who had seen the holy marks, but similar fluctuations, Ye Qi had already remembered it in his heart. This is not at all. Will forget; however, for the long-awaited identity of Linda Northd, it is confirmed that Ye Qi has a little helplessness besides being happy.

I am happy that since the other party is a stigma, then there is no need for him to worry about strength and self-protection.

What is helpless is that the 'immortal key' obviously needs to be placed in his hands. It is impossible to use this 'immortal key' as the epitome of 'the priesthood'. The name "the immortal key" has a specific deity, and for ordinary people, even if it is a general mixed blood, there is no problem.

Only the holy marks can't.

Because the St. Mark is a god.

Even if the thin blood is in conflict with other divinities, the dead may be a **** with a special blood, not the 'immortal key'.

Unless the ‘immortal key’ is in line with its own blood; simply, as a **** you have acquired the priesthood of the ‘God’ ancestor; however. This chance is really small enough to be smaller; at the very least. Ye Qi can be sure that the 'immortal key' in his hand does not match the blood of Linda North.

As for why?

The Northder family has always been known as the descendants of Poseidon. And this 'immortal key' obviously has no relationship with the sea, and even the relationship of water is not.

"I think it's better to put it here!"

The chameleon opened up and attracted everyone's attention. This charming lady, with a touch of euphemistic smile: "Don't forget, the principle of making the best use - here your strength is the most powerful, once you get The increase is also the most powerful; and in the near future, it is likely that such a powerful force is needed to back it up!"

"Yeah, leaf, holding the best!"


After the chameleon’s voice had just fallen, everyone in the room nodded.

"If I can, I don't think this is a good idea!"

Ye Qi looked at his friends and ladies with a smile. He wanted to tell his true thoughts about the part of the system, but obviously it was hard to tell.

This made his reason pale and weak, facing the pale and powerless words, the people directly gave the rejection.

after that. The next hour of talks, also from this topic. Directly transferred to the bridge on the other side; in the end, the conclusion is given -

"I, Darlan and Ava, stay here!" the little man said as he swayed the chair. "The guys here are not so honest and kind. If only Darlan and Ava leave, what is likely to happen? Accidents - after all, sometimes, strength is not absolute, especially when one side is weak but there are many people!"

"Well, we need to find out what is hidden and willing to serve us!" Ye Qi nodded and agreed with his friends. "These must be done by you!"

"my pleasure!"

In the sway of the chair, the little man shrugged like this.

"Then we will leave the bridge on the other side tomorrow and return to Shaq along the original route. Here, I think that Heather, you must listen to it!" Ye Qi’s eyes looked at the chameleon and Linda Northd, "Would you like to walk with me?"

The reason why there is such a question is simply because of the identity of the two ladies.

However, it is clear that Ye Qi has some concerns.

"Of course, wherever you go, I will go!"

The chameleon replied bluntly.


And Linda is holding the family's big lady's arrogance, blushing and nodding.

With the nostalgia of Miss North family, the final meeting was over, and the four ladies left first, leaving only Ye Qi and three friends.

"Remember to be careful with Iyeta, walking along the Hof mountain range is not a simple matter!"

When I stood up again and walked to the bedroom, the little man said.

"The new pope, I am afraid there is no time to come to me for trouble, at least, not at all recently!"

Ye Qi, who has some information, said with complete grasp.

"You mean ‘the blood of the Son of God’?”

After a small glimpse, the little man responded immediately. Datong had considerable curiosity about things like the blood of the Son of God. However, after reading a lot of books, there was no special gain.

"It's that thing!"

Ye Qi nodded - for 'the blood of the Son of God', and friends, Ye Qi also has curiosity; but the result is the same, he did not get much useful things; according to the wolf, that kind of thing is like Not worth mentioning, but Ye Qi is keenly aware that his contract companion has concealment.

In fact, such a thing, the other party is not doing it for the first time.

"Oh, it’s a troublesome guy!"

The little man couldn't help but lick his mouth and then stood in front of his room - including the small one, the big man and the Ava's room were in the left cloister; and the four ladies It is upstairs, of course, Ye Qi’s room is also there.

Therefore, the small man, after aligning with a cheering gesture, said in a puns: "Even if you have more trouble, you only need to work hard!"

"Do we need a hug and say goodbye?"

Ye Qi rolled his eyes. Looking at a little man with a different smile. And the big man and Ava who are still standing outside the door and looking at it.

"Of course. No!"

The little man, the big man and Ava shook their heads at the same time, waved their hands, and then they sneaked into their rooms.


In the uniform door closing, the entire left cloister left Ye Qi, and for the behavior of friends, Ye Qi could only shake his head and smile on the second floor - in fact, although he and four The ladies are staying overnight on the second floor. But the four ladies are on the right cloister, and he is just a cloister on the left.

However, such a discourse, how can we export?

And once it is said, it is just the rhythm of the more black.

It’s better to be honest and to be silent – ​​but such ‘frank’ and ‘silence’ do not include everything in front of you.

Looking at a layer of gauze cover, the smiling chameleon, slightly swaying the index finger on his bed.

Even before, [blind bucket perception] has shown everything. But this does not mean that Ye Qi can accept it frankly; Ye Qi squats on his forehead and says: "You are definitely a group. It is intentional!"

"So... do you think that's okay?" The chameleon giggled. "Or do I need to find my sister, Alex, and Linda?"

"I think that would be a big problem for me!"

Ye Qi said with a smile - in fact, the current situation is a great problem; when faced with four women, suddenly one of them is inclined, then what should the remaining three think? Even if this is not what he meant, everything seems to be subtle when it looks like this.

Love is the most unreasonable.

Obviously, it also includes chameleons - usually showing generous, dignified, and various chameleons that conform to the ‘female owner’ status, and this time is also among them.

She gently floated from the bed, grabbed Ye Qi's collar, and then the whole person was like a water snake wrapped around Ye Qi, saying in a soft voice: "Would you like to hear a story? A very wonderful The story... Or, are you ready to be the hero of the story?"

"The heroine is more than one..."

Ye Qi continued to smile.

"Now, just one!"

The chameleon kissed it regardless of it - but it was clear that the chameleon was not really arrogant. At the moment of her kiss, a candlestick-like sacred device suddenly appeared in the room, and the candlelight ignited automatically. A layer of enchantment-like existence is flooding the room.


On the other side of the bridge on the other side of the bridge, Zilyan represents the blood alliance tower to send Ye Qi, and next to the small three are Herman, Tony and Totor, Mudley chose to stay As a temporary assistance -

“There are a lot of collections here!”

The reason why Herman, the hunter of the special book, left behind was not difficult to guess, and because of the sacred instrument, Tony certainly had to stay, not to mention the original dark mercenary, for the other side. The bridge is also quite curious, and it seems that there is an idea to travel all the floating bridges on the other side of the bridge.

As for Totor, Mudley?

It is completely self-contained, and really helps in the true sense; in fact, this morning, these two Japanese-level hunters have begun to help the little man to read some of the remaining forces on the other side of the bridge.

"Ye, I look forward to your return!"

Knowing what Ye Qi’s departure is for, Zilyan has something to say.

"of course!"

Ye Qi smiled and walked to the four ladies beside him, whispering, "Can we set off?"


All four ladies nodded slightly - this slightly abnormal appearance, so that the little man rushed, without a trace of a stroke to Ye Qibi.

Ye Qi did not look good at the little man, and then waved his hand at the crowd. In the unique light of the transmission, a person disappeared without a trace.

"Well, everyone, I think we should start working too!"

Looking at the disappearing Ye Qi, the little man turned and smiled.

"If you need it, please come to the Blood Alliance Tower and find me!"

Zilyan said straight.

"Of course, on some issues, you have to ask you!" The little man said bluntly. "For example, those who are not in their own organization. If you ask for the half-plane and the plane fragments. The price that should be paid... I think we need to negotiate well!"

As he spoke, the little man glanced at the Japanese glory of the bridges on the other side, with a strange smile on his face.


After recalling his mount in the town on the other side of the bank, Ye Qi and the four ladies did not have any stops, and went straight to the chaotic town of the dry forest area - the speed of Groning does not have to be questioned, and the chameleon's wing of Hera The same speed is not slow; therefore, after about an hour. When Chaoyang was completely sprinkled on the Gobi Desert, Ye Qi and four ladies had arrived in the town of Chaozhi.


Libes and Sodick looked at Ye Qi, who fell from midair, shouting in a shouting voice. Behind them were some of the singers who had not left, and these people shouted loudly toward Ye Qi. Greetings: "The Shack Dragon!"

Including the earliest arrivals of Basil, Kaide, Cherd and other Japanese glory, as well as some unseen Japanese glory, all stood at the door of the sandstorm bar; however, the two legendary hunters Carlo and Jester did not appear, and did not appear in the [blind bucket perception].

"Mercaro and Lord Jester?"

After a line of noon and nod, Ye Qi’s gaze. Looked at Libes and Sodick.

"After you got the victory over the Xiaoyue Wolf King, Kosika and his team. The two of you have left!"

Libes and Sodick replied with a gaze and looked at Ye Qi - in fact, the demon hunters on the scene were so enthusiastic.

Killing the one of the strongest seven in the world, the Xiaoyue Wolf King, facing the twenty-two legendary strongmen, also struggling to kill, and then entering the bridge on the other side, controlling the bridge on the other side - such a move, almost There seems to be a illusion in the eyes of these hunters: In the same year, wasn’t that the same young man with a sword?

The strongest seven in the world - Lorante's Juggernaut: John Gunzlan.

The strongest seven in the world - the dragon of Shaker: Ye Qi!

The teacher and the disciple are equally good and amazing!

As for the name of Ye Qi’s strongest seven?

After Ye Qi killed the Xiaoyue Wolf King, the name of the Shark Dragon was automatically added, just like the original Juggernaut replaced the Pope.

"Shack's Dragon, are you going to return to Shak?" asked a Japanese-level hunter, and introduced himself. "I am the guardian of the Moon Tower, Montigang, this is The letter that Mr. Hesel gave me to you - personally!"

Said, the guardian of the moon tower, a smile to Libes, Shadick apologetic - it is clear that his practice has crossed the right to be the president of the branch; however, whether it is Libes and Sodick has no idea about this kind of practice. After all, they are very clear that with their current strength, it is very difficult to participate in the things that involve their instructors.

Because of this letter, Ye Qi had to slightly change the plan in place, staying in the town of Chunzhi for an hour - in addition to reading the letter, there was a slightly early lunch; of course, reading the letter is nothing but For a few minutes, the rest of the time was spent in the lunch with a group of hunters.

When the last food was also wiped out, Ye Qi got up and said goodbye.

This time, even those who want to retain Ye Qi’s Sun Yat-class hunter, did not open their mouths, but sent a blessing of peace.

After all, Ye Qi has clearly stated that he needs to immediately return to Shak’s words.

Coupled with the letter from the tower of the moon and the night, the Japanese safari demon hunters naturally understand how to choose - in fact, after Ye Qi left, these hunter-level hunters have also set off. Their goal is also Shak; although Ye Qi has remained silent, these Japanese-level hunters have wanted to know what happened to Shaq.


"Ye, what happened?"

Although the female cavalry chief was still a bit shy, but in the face of the matter about the demon hunter headquarters, she temporarily put aside shame - for the female cavalry chief born and raised there, Shaq is undoubtedly The general existence of home and hometown, that kind of worry is unclear to ordinary people.

"Herther, I didn't specifically say that it was just a matter of letting me finish the bridge on the other side and rushing back as soon as possible - it didn't seem to be very important!"

Ye Qi recalled the tone in the letter and answered.

"Is that right?"

The female cavalry chief is still somewhat uneasy.

“Do you need me to speed up?”

The chameleon suddenly interrupted.

Suddenly, try to keep the calm female cavalry chief, and the face is red again; not only the female cavalry chief, but also the Rhines and Linda Northd; the three ladies’ involuntary appearances, Last night's ridiculous picture; especially Linda Northd, the former Missy, this time the face almost red blood dripping.

"Berner, you need to be sure that you are not using that thing for us!"

The female cavalry commander made a request to the chameleon in the most stable tone

"Of course I won't... but someone!"

The chameleon promised, but the next moment I looked at the pretending to be nothing, sitting on the back of Groning's Ye Qi.

Immediately, Ye Qi felt the feeling of sitting on a needle felt, such as a mans on his back; almost subconsciously, he glanced at Groning's stomach, speeding up the speed of advancement.

However, it looks like that, with a look of embarrassment and wolverine.

Ps first more ~~~ timing ~~~

The shoulders and neck are still hurting, and then... the teeth are also hurting, and the gums on the left side are swollen... The pits are really heart! ! !

In the afternoon, the code drafts contain ice cubes, and the tongue is frozen! ! !

The bitterness of hardship, hope for a subscription, reward, and monthly ticket! ! ! (To be continued.)

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