Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 12: Counterfeit goods?

Shaq, always the seasons are like spring.

Even after the moon celebration, in November, it was warm, and the wind of the wind blew over the cheeks, and people always couldn’t help but pick up their eyes and take a deep scent of grass and flowers. In the streets of the city of Shaker, the atmosphere of the moon celebration has not dissipated, and even has become more and more fierce.

In front of the Daslik Grand Theatre, the buntings are still flying, and the little-known actors, although not qualified to enter them, but they appeared in the square, but brought an extraordinary excitement to the entire Shaq, and The people who come to Shak are undoubtedly the most in the moon celebrations - the rich and the rich who have status and money will never mind to relax at this time.

And this same greatly increased the work of the Rangers - from the original four-wheeled guards of the day, became a six-day day, and is a double post; every four hours a shift, for Lancelot, It was not an unacceptable time, but when the partner became Gao Wen, she frowned.

The feeling that hundreds of flies are swaying in your ears is definitely not so easy to accept.

And now, the other party has begun this kind of embarrassment -

"Lancelot, what do you say about your older sister? Are you thinking about us? Or are you fighting? Or with that **** guy, you are growing up..."

"If you don't close your mouth again, I swear you will regret it!"

In the face of a series of problems, Lancelot itself has already frowned, and when Gao Wen did not know how to mention the ‘that guy’. Lancelot has been suppressing the anger. Undoubtedly broke out. She interrupted Gao Wen’s words and said coldly.

Looking at Lancelot, who was sinking, Gao Wenyi shrank his neck and spit out his tongue; however, she then exclaimed again: "Lancelot, look, look, sister, sister !!"

And such an exclamation clearly made Lancelot an alternative provocation. The long sword with the scabbard was so drawn on the back of the other's head.


Although not very heavy, it is absolutely loud.

"I said it, don't mess with me! This is a lesson!"

Lancelot looked at Gao Wen, who was holding his hands on the back of his head, and said coldly.

"Yes, but..."

The pain behind the brain made Gao Wen lick his mouth, but she did not give up the previous words, but only a mouth, I saw Lancelot's scabbard lifted again; immediately, Gao Wen chose to close Mouth - this is the most sensible choice, no one wants to be beaten for no reason. No?

"You have to keep in mind the current choice..."

Looking at Gao Wen, who closed his mouth, Lancelot said. However, she did not wait until her words were finished, and there was a familiar voice behind her.

"Lancelot, Kovan!"

This familiar voice is so familiar to Lancelot, familiar with the point that even if it is asleep, it will not be forgotten; near instinct, Lancelot turned around and passed to the voice. Looking in the direction of the coming, when I saw the figure of the female cavalry chief, I couldn’t help but shouted: "Sister and adult!"

"team leader!"

The Rangers behind Lancelot also bowed and bowed.

"I told you that I am an older sister, you are..."

Gao Wen’s words once again closed in Lancelot’s cold-eyed eyes – she clearly came out of her friend’s eyes, and then repeated the words 'kill you'; though, It won't be true, but that attitude makes Gao Wen think that he is still better off his mouth...

"Sister, welcome back!"

Lancelot spoke to the female cavalry chief with a radiant smile. At the same time, looking at the three ladies standing next to the female cavalry, the most familiar is undoubtedly the Rhines, and the chameleon and Linda. Northder was also seen in Langburg, and he was an acquaintance.

Therefore, Lancelot gave a greeting and said hello.

The three ladies were also one-on-one, especially the more familiar Rhines, and waved their arms and said: "Long time no see, Lancelot!"

Although the two sides initially had contradictions, as time passed, such contradictions seemed to become less important—hey, it should be...

"Long time no see, Rhines!"

Lancelot responded and looked at Ye Qi, who was holding Groning, and his eyes became cold in an instant: "A week before and after the moon celebration, no means of transportation is allowed in Shaq... Please Leave Shak!"

"I just went to the Central Castle!"

Ye Qi replied with a smile - although he knew the other person's prejudice against himself, but this unrelenting expulsion still made him feel embarrassed.

If the other party is really a stranger, Ye Qi will definitely not be polite and give a direct attack; but the other party is an acquaintance, and he has a tangled relationship with him, and with the presence of the female cavalry chief, the relationship becomes It’s more complicated and unclear.

Therefore, when facing the other side, Ye Qi chose to give in.

However, such a concession, in the view of Lancelot, seems to be a strange provocation, the young female ranger said coldly: "Please bypass the suburbs!"

Facing such an unpleasant answer, Ye Qi looked at the female cavalry chief for help. He knew that as long as Els was willing to speak, the other party would never refute it; however, the female cavalry chief did not seem to see it. To his quest for help, the straight pull of the Rhines and Linda Northd turned and walked.

"Be yourself, don't live!"

The chameleon shook his head and sighed. He turned and chased it up, so that Ye Qi, who had just raised his arm, was stiff in the air. In fact, Ye Qi first discovered his willpower, seemingly from a certain In some respects, it is unusually weak; if the first time is because of the chameleon's push, what is it after that?

Does the marrow taste good?

Still the inferiority of men?

Ye Qi, who had a wry smile, did not wait for Lancelot to say something more icy and expelled, and took Gronin around the city. From the outskirts of the road to the central castle - with Groning as a means of transport. Even this is so far away. It will not delay more time.

However, just as Ye Qi was about to arrive in front of the Central Castle, a young team appeared in front of him - this is a team of about 15 years old, the youngest who will not exceed 20 years old, they are this time One was shirtless with his upper body, and they fought and fought each other in the quagmire that was purposely excavated.

Judging from the pants that have long been indistinguishable, they have been going on for quite some time.

For such an approach. Ye Qi is no stranger. In fact, he also had similar training when he was a trainee apostle; however, the young people in front of him seemed to be somewhat different - Ye Qi did not feel any belonging to the apostles in them. Breath, but such training, especially not far from the Central Castle, is undoubtedly from the headquarters of the Devils.

Is it the training of ordinary hunting devils?

Ye Qi, sitting on the back of Gronin, secretly guessed.

Although the demon hunters are small, such as mentoring, parental inheritance within the family, but not absolute. Apart from the existence of the demon hunter because of the accident, there are some orphans - the attitude towards the orphans. The attitude of every force in Lorante is the same, after screening, and then training.

The demon hunter is no exception.

The only difference is that the orphans who have failed, the demon hunter has a gentle side - no failure is the rule of death, the cavalry, some clerk, and even the logistics, will have the foothold of these orphans; It is because of such a containment that the demon hunter has not been able to truly count the number of people.

After all, the losers also need to spend – eating and dressing is just basic, and some intangible costs that are lost over time are really worthy of attention.

However, within the six towers, no one seems to oppose it.

Therefore, everything has been settled like this, from the beginning of the Free Age to the present.

Of course, there is no report without any. After all, there will be some alternatives at any time; for example, once thought to be eliminated, it will once again become the owner of the six towers.

However, this is always a few examples.

Moreover, this is also fundamentally different from the collective training in front of them - the training of the demon hunter is different from that of the apostles, and there has never been such a collective training; according to Ye Qi, those orphans who are adopted and screened will send Go to some of the demon hunters' clubs and families for the next step until they can become independent.

Basically, the growth of Ye Qi itself is not much different.

However, Ye Qi was not screened, but after making a choice, he began to enter the basic training of the demon hunter.


Just as Ye Qi looked at the scene in front of him, there were two figures in the far-reaching figure that appeared familiar to him - Xiao Dao Ge and Kesol.

These two young people who should have been training in Dude have appeared in this team that should be trained by the demon hunters; however, it is clear that these two young people have devoted themselves to training, and there is no such thing. I noticed the arrival of Ye Qi; of course, this does not mean that others have not noticed.

As the instructor of this trainee hunter training, Ted, who was the guardian of the tower of the moon and night, had already noticed when Ye Qi was approaching; after all, Groning’s hurried but powerful horseshoe The sound makes people want to pay attention to it; however, Ted is then attracted to people on horseback.

The golden apostle trench coat represents the extraordinary status of the demon hunter.

Obviously, this can't be an enemy or a spy. Ted slightly converges on hostility. He just looks at Ye Qi with vigilance. He hopes to find a memory in his mind that can match the other person. A Japanese glory is a fairly prestigious existence, and Ted has reason to believe that he can remember all the people.

In fact, the same is true. When I saw the long knife at Ye Qi's waist, the bell on the handle, and the young appearance, a name instantly appeared in his mind - the dragon of Shaker!

Killing the Wolf King, the strongest of the seven in the world, the dragon of Shaker!

Fighting the bridge across the other shore with one's own strength, and finally, controlling the dragon of the bridge on the other side of the bridge!

An ecstasy, mixed with burning, rises from the heart of Ted.

but. Just after this feeling rose. Ted stopped again and again - there was another suspicion in his mind.

The Shaker Dragons should be on the other side of the bridge. How could it appear here?

Once there is doubt, everything will become suspicious.

In addition, there has been a rumor recently... In the meantime, the guardian’s heart is greatly vigilant. He closes his eyes and looks over, asking Ye Qi: “Excuse me?”

"Ye Qi!"

Ye Qi instinctively replied - he did not think in front of Shake, the devil's headquarters. Need to hide the real name.

However, this kind of crisp and neat, but Ted has more doubts - in the rumors he got, the Shaker dragon has a sense of indifference to strangers who are thousands of miles away, even with a trace of disdain Therefore, in the face of a stranger's question, it will never be so refreshing.

Therefore, Ted’s suspicion is even worse. He resisted the anger of his heart and said slowly: “Please answer carefully!”


Ye Qi’s confused eyes looked at the guardian in front of him. The other person's repeated questioning made him find something wrong with him - the other side was skeptical about him?

In this regard, Ye Qi is almost dumbfounded - doubts about each other. He didn't have any anger, just admired the other's cautiousness and care; for a person who was cautious and careful, and was standing in his own camp, Ye Qi was with appreciation, even if the other party was very unfriendly at the moment.

"Do you think I am posing?"

Ye Qi Duan sat on Groning's horse and asked with a smile.

The guardian did not answer, but the expression on his face showed everything.

"Well, I will give you an accurate answer - Little Doug, Kosor!"

Ye Qi looked up and shouted at the young people who were forgotten in the distance. The loud shouts were obviously introduced into the ears of young people. They raised their heads and just jumped. The same is true of the small pits of the mud pit and Kosor. When they saw Ye Qi, they subconsciously blurted out: "Ye Qi!"

"Is this okay?"

Ye Qixiao asked the guardian in front of him.

"Are you really a Shaker Dragon?"

The Guardian’s suspicious look at Ye Qi – it’s true that the other’s dress is very similar, but the guys I’ve caught before are not very similar? Even Ted and Nofa, who were familiar with the Shakes of Dragons, came forward to distinguish between true and false; however, the words of the little Doug and Korsor made Ted have to pay attention.

Temporarily left Ye Qi’s face, Ted came to the front of the two young people and cautiously asked: “Is he really a Shack’s Dragon?”

"Well, that's right!"

"Spedo teacher can testify!"

Xiao Doug and Kosor said separately, it is clear that the latter's words are more worthy of Ted's attention. He said: "So you are going to invite the president of Spedo to come!"

"Okay, instructor!"

The two young people nodded, and the little Doug was far away from Ye Qi.

"He is the Shack Dragon?"

"Good young look!!"

"Not going to be a counterfeit?"

"I'm not sure, recently, many fake Shack's dragons!"


When the guards returned to the front of Ye Qi, the training of the young people was naturally impossible to continue. The conversation between them was clearly introduced into Ye Qi’s ear, and Ye Qi understood the front. Why did the Guardian have such a situation?

"Someone pretending to be me?"

Ye Qi glimpsed a little, and then his brow wrinkled - no one likes to have someone to do something in his own name.

This itself has been divorced from the scope of mischief. If you use it, if you apply it, the trouble will continue.

“Can you tell me something about impersonators?”

Ye Qi asked the Guardian about the news - he did not want anything that could not be cleaned up; after all, the ultimate purpose of the swindler was to lie to the scam; if the money was used, Ye Qi would not be in the heart, but the latter involved He did not want to see the people who arrived.

"Do you want to prevent it from happening?"

However, it is clear that Ye Qi’s inquiry continues to misunderstand the guardian.

"Your vigilance is worthy of appreciation!"

After Ye Qi praised the other party, it is wise to stop talking - any discourse will be considered as a suspicion in the case of the other party's preconception.

And the small Doug and Kosor have already gone to Spedo, then everything is naturally just waiting for it, you can see it at a glance.

About twenty minutes later, a group of people appeared at the end of the road.

Not only Spedo, the lazy Xia Lin division president, but also Ted, the most familiar person in Ye Qi’s headquarters.


Ted’s shouting loudly broke all doubts.

"Long time no see Congratulations!"

After embracing each other, Ye Qi looked at Ted, who had become a Japanese-level player, and said with a smile.

"You really deserve to be congratulated - the strongest of the seven in the world, the Shack Dragon!"

Ted replied with a response.

"So, can you tell me about the imposter?"

After Ye Qi squinted at the other's shoulder, his face sank and asked.

Ps second more ~~~

Toothache, really hard, can only be a porridge at night... decadent meat! Meat! Can't eat the decadence of meat, slouching, rolling, asking for subscriptions, rewards, and monthly passes~~~

Thanks for the reward of the 10,000 starting point of the tears of the heroes of the red face (the deceased hand acknowledgment!!)~ The prodigal son of the four seas wandering 200 the starting point of the reward, sn, the lost heart, the void 々缥缈 100 starting point of the reward ~~~ Decadence again, thank you to all the brothers and sisters who support decadence~~~(To be continued.)

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