Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 70: Assault

The black scales cover the original palms, allowing them to form claws comparable to magical weapons, inserted into the hard ground without any stagnation.

Oh la la...

The black paws were lifted up as the master stood up, and the fine clods fell into pieces on the ground, making a burst of noise.

"Lilter, dodge is not your style!"

The man, who is thin and thin, but wrapped in black scales, looks like a man, whispered.

"Hey, Zimmer, playing the role of 狠, is not what you are good at!"

The Huang Yulong frivolously looked at the dragon in front of him, and his face was disdainful—in fact, from the beginning, the other party was not worthy of her attention.

What really pays attention to the topaz is the dragons behind the other side, or the green dragon who is one of them - Til Morti.

Among the five-color dragons, one of the most powerful dragons among the five-color dragons, except for the blue dragons who were killed by Reshard.

Again, they face one of the alliance allies formed by Resadide.

However, for such an ally, Huang Yulong, it is quite understandable, what is the matter of it - although facing the foreign enemy, they can fight together, but after the lack of the foreign enemy of Resadide, the first battle is They are both sides; after all, from the fundamental blood, they are enemies.

The five-color dragon, the metal dragon and the gemstone dragon cannot themselves live in peace.

Especially the latter two and the former, if they encounter it, it is a very harsh battle.

Even if the latter two meet, under considerable restraint, there will be a battle outbreak, and the degree of tragic is self-evident.

Therefore, even if the alliance is against Rezadid, the two sides will clearly occupy each other on the left side of the island and will not interfere with each other; only when the war breaks out will they gather together to confront each other.

So, where the two sides are. They belong to their respective territories, and the other party is simply unable to set foot.

However, today there are some accidents -

After leaving the room of the deliberation, the Huangyu Dragons did not breathe back to their nest at the beach, but waited quietly for the final result.

Although she could not accept a foreign dragon proposal, it does not mean that she will not see her safety.

After all, once she left the ethnic group, she could not survive in the current environment of Long Island.

While waiting, the dragon who served as a sentinel encountered something that could not be dealt with - the Green Dragon Dragon Tirmoti led the brigade to march forward.

Almost instinctive. The Huangyu Dragons ran toward the other side's route. Blocking - if she can't accept a proposal from a foreign dragon. Then the appearance of the five-color dragon is a kind of hatred that can't be opened at all; in fact, it is not just the thought of the Huangyu Dragon.

Other metal dragons and gemstone dragons are also recognized.

Therefore, when both parties encounter everything. It’s exactly what it’s like.

"Tilmoty, stop!"

The Huangyu Dragons are very rude to block the advancement of the other side; only, such blocking does not have any effect at all. The Green Dragon Dragon is still moving forward, and the dragons behind them are even careless and sneer. , sarcasm, etc.; and for such a situation, the Huangyu Dragons seem to have not considered, straightforward shots.

The Black Dragon Dragon, standing next to the Green Dragon Dragon, jumped out in the first place, blocking the attack of the Topaz Dragons -

"Lilte, I don't think I need to play!"

Shaking the dirt and gravel on his claws. The black dragon dragon slightly gripped the black claws. Suddenly, the scales on the claws began to expand rapidly. After almost a few breaths, they were only a claw that was bigger than the adult palm. It becomes the size of the disc.

Moreover, not only is it getting bigger, but at the same time, the subtle, but not negligible green acid, flows out of the gap of the scales, with a rancid taste.


And after the liquid dripped down the black scales on the ground, immediately in the unique sound, there were pits of different sizes on the ground.

Strong corrosion ability.


Huang Yulong looked at everything in front of him, but he chuckled and his tone was still scornful.

"Yes? If this is the case, why are we going to fight in the sea?"

The black dragon dragon said without hesitation.

Compared to Topaz and Bronze Dragons, Black Dragon prefers the swamp area, but this does not mean that they cannot survive in the sea. In fact, the black dragon that also has [snorkeling] is not as good as Huang Yulong and the bronze dragon. However, it is quite easy to do it in the sea, and you can even use your own dragon's breath.

And, at some point, it can even contaminate a sea area.

Therefore, if you fight with the Black Dragon, where there is water, it is not your first choice; of course, there is sky as well. After all, the dragon's wings are not furnishings.

"This kind of bad radical method, do you think I will be fooled?"

The topaz of the Huangyu Dragon raised his head high and saw that he did not look at the Black Dragon Dragon. He looked at the leader of the other party, the body of the Green Dragon Dragon, if it was only the Black Dragon Dragon. The Huangyu Dragons naturally meet the other party and let the other party understand that who is the real hegemon in the sea.

But, at the moment?

Obviously not the time.

"Tilmoty, why did you enter our territory?"

The voice of the Huangyu Dragons became severe, and there was an anger in the look. The dragon was quite strong in his own territory, and he was more arrogant than the beasts that used claws and urine to divide the site. Other beasts might A snoring sounds to warn the other party, and the dragon is a direct bite, allowing the intruder to pay the most direct price.

Dragons are the same.

Therefore, the performance of the Topaz Dragons at this time has been quite polite.

Of course, this is more because of the common enemy, the reason for Resadide's existence, otherwise, this time she rushed to let the invaders on the opposite side dehydrate and die.

"Why? Don't you know?"

The green dragon dragon said in an ugly voice, while standing in front of the two steps, standing in front of the topaz of the Huangyu dragon - the gray-green robes cover the other's body, and only the exposed face is covered with a small layer. Olive green scales. Let its face look like a lizard in the jungle.

Coupled with the ugly voice, it is really like a predator lizard.

Undoubtedly, the Green Dragon Dragon is not a liking existence. In fact, because of its own appearance, coupled with its own moody character, on the entire Long Island, people who are disgusted and afraid of the Green Dragon Dragon, even It is more than that of Resadide.

Even the opponents and allies of the other party can't diminish their dislike and fear. Look at the Huangyu Dragons at this time to understand - see the other side coming out. The Huangyu Dragons almost instinctively frowned. Then, she stared at the other side more and more, and said in a word: "I know what, guessing is not what I am good at!"

"This is not a guessing. It's a fact!" The green dragon's screaming voice, more and more difficult to hear, is like a plastic bubble violently rubbing on the ground. "The two dragons who entered the left island before Where? Take them to see me!"

Although the sound is incomparably ugly, the tone is unquestionable.

However, this is unquestionable, but it makes the Huangyu Dragons more and more resentful, low and low sneer, Huang Yulong said: "The two dragons are our guests. Why do you need to see you? We are only allies, not friend!"

"I just suspect that they are the spies sent by Resadide!" said the Green Dragon Dragon. "At this time, I think there is some necessary caution, we must have it!"

"We will naturally be prepared. You don't need Tilmoty to worry about you!"

The Huang Yulong idiot said while raising his hand and pointing backwards, the attitude of sending guests is self-evident.

The Green Dragon Dragon is seemingly helpless, slightly retreating; however, it has just stepped back, this figure will stop; the next moment, like the arrow of the string, rushed to the Huangyu Dragon.

It was almost an instant that came to the front of the topaz, and the carry-on cloak went straight to the latter.

"I knew you would be like this!"

Huang Yulong did not panic in the slightest, kicked his legs and kicked it out. The yellow scales close to the body were like ripples of water and water, emitting a golden glow.

However, the next moment, the Huangyu Dragons gave a loud drink.


Just at the moment of the Green Dragon Dragon, the dragons behind the other side seemed to have received the final order, madly rushing toward the metal dragon and the gem dragon.

The strength of both sides is high or low, regardless of Xuanyuan. However, the number of five-color dragons is more than double that of the metal dragons and gemstones. Moreover, the metal dragons and gemstones here are not all. There are only about 30 or so, and the five-color dragons are in the nest, and the number is more than one hundred and twenty.

Obviously, the green dragon dragon itself is not in good intentions.

Four times the gap.

Let this battle be a one-sided situation from the very beginning. More than ten dragons belonging to the metal dragon family and the gemstone dragons vomited blood.

The topaz who was entangled in the green dragons couldn’t go to the rescue. Even, it’s hard to protect themselves. Compared to the green dragons who are already between immortal and legendary, it’s just the legendary topaz. Obviously it is inferior, not to mention the other side has two legendary level helpers, the black dragons who appeared before and the white dragons hidden among other dragons.

It is this hidden white dragon dragon who gave the Huang Yulong a very serious blow.

The sudden, full of frosty punches, just hit the vest of the topaz against the dragons of the Green Dragon and the Black Dragon.

With a blood, the yellow jade dragon was shot and flew. Although the lady bite her teeth after landing, her body shape is still crumbling.

In fact, if there is no yellow scales as a buffer, she is already seriously injured at the moment, even killed by a blow; but even if there is a buffer, her viscera is uncomfortable at this time, especially the array. The force of the frost is even more like to freeze her.

At this time, bronze dragons and emerald dragons, as well as Ye Qi and the red dragon dragon girl arrived.

Almost without the slightest words, the bronze dragon and the emerald dragons joined the battle - no doubt, even the bronze dragon who did not like the battle knew this time, and at this moment, the battle could not be solved by words. But need real strength.

Fortunately, they are due to the existence of Ye Qi and the Red Dragon. And occupy an advantage.

However, this is only known to the bronze dragons. The five-color dragons believe that they have an absolute advantage. The metal dragons and the gemstone dragons, the most powerful of the three forces, have been injured and fell to the ground. It is impossible to participate in the next battle, and the remaining bronze dragons are the most powerful, but in the absence of a high-end combat, they are in a state of high-end combat.

Aside from the high-end standing, the remaining conventional combat power is undoubted. They are an absolute advantage.

More than a few times the number of the other party. Enough to enable them to destroy these metal, gemstone dragons. In the end, he won control of the left island.

As for the post?

Naturally, he competed with Resadide to win the title of the ultimate Dragon King.

When I think of this title, the green dragon dragon can't help but feel the tide. He looked at the bronze dragon in front of him and shouted loudly: "Carrie, become the bones of my way to the throne!"

"Tilmoty, are you crazy?!"

Bronze dragons raised their hands and flew two five-color dragons rushing to her, angering each other. In the case of Resadide, the other party launched such an attack, undoubtedly self-destructing the Great Wall and let Reza Ded is willing to pay for it; no matter from what point of view, it is not worth the candle.

but. The other party is still doing this.

Suddenly, the bronze dragon thought of some bad comments about the other side -

Til Morty, known as the leader of the Green Dragon Dragon, is known for his madness, whether in battle or in life. Slightly irritated or even irritated at all will attack any creature of any size, and it is because of this madness that he has obtained such a position.

Now, the other party is going to bring this madness into their alliance.

This is undoubtedly the destruction of the self!

"Of course I am not crazy, just found something!" Bronze dragons said such words, but brought out a burst of crazy laughter, "So, I think our alliance is not necessary - You can all die, and it is your honor to dye a bright stroke for my throne!!"


The voice has just fallen, a cone of corrosive gas will be called out, and the bronze dragon and the surrounding dragons will be wrapped in it; and except for the bronze dragon, in this range, whether it is a five-color dragon, or a metal, gem dragon The people all fell mourn and fell to the ground.

After a while, some of the shin bones were left behind, and then completely dissolved into a piece of sour water.

And when the dragons mourned and fell to the ground, a linear flash appeared in the corrosive acid mist, pointing to the green dragon dragon.


Lightning hit the green dragon dragon's body without a fancy, let the other side retreat, the cloak was completely burned, the olive green scales appeared a continuous black, and the pain was the green The dragon dragons became more and more crazy, regardless of the rushing to the bronze dragon.

The black dragons on the side were joined by the crazy buzz.

As for the white dragons who had succeeded in attacking before?

It was beaten back by the Emerald Dragon, and fell into the situation of the left and right. If there were other five-color dragons around to help, the White Dragon Dragon had already been defeated for a long time.

"Hello are you?"

The red-breasted dragon girl took out the potion that she carried with her to protect the topaz of the Huangyu dragon. Although the latter was allowed to be given by the red-breasted dragon girl, her mouth was stressed: "Don't think that you can buy me!" I will never appreciate it!"

"Good, good, I won't report it!"

The red-breasted dragon girl put the last potion in the other's wound and stood up, looking at Ye Qi.

"Go, let me be here!"

Ye Qi naturally understood the meaning of the red bronze dragon girl, and immediately nodded with a smile.

After seeing Ye Qi nod, the red-breasted dragon girl immediately rushed into the battle group - she did not choose the place where the two sides fought at the top, but joined the party with the regular combat power.

A piece of hard ground turned into a pit-like mud, and a stone pillar hit the densely colored areas of the five-color dragon.

For the conventional combat power, the top is the dragon of the Japanese glory, and the appearance of the legendary red bronze dragon girl has undoubtedly reversed the situation in an instant.

Moreover, Ye Qi can see that the red-breasted dragon girl is not an unreasonable shot. It is very planned and targeted. Therefore, in just a few times, she gathers those injuries and does not support her. The metal, the gemstone dragon, and more metal, gemstone dragons began to approach the location of the red bronze dragon girl.

Let the original one-sided situation appear a subtle change.

And seeing such a change Ye Qi nodded subconsciously - if he shot, he can naturally do better, but this is better based on his strength at the moment of immortality. .

If it is the same level, he can't do it at all.

The difference between the overall situation and the way of fighting has created an inevitable surprise.

Just like at this moment, Ye Qi is thinking about the behavior of the Green Dragon Dragon at this time, and the previous words.

At noon, when a friend squandered a deep question, he asked: "Why are people alive?" Decadence smashed, and then picked up the chopsticks and pinched the meat in his rice bowl and put it in his mouth, vaguely saying : "To eat meat!"

Desperate and demanding rewards, subscriptions, monthly passes ah ~~~ decadent want to eat meat! Eat meat!

Thanks to the unnamed Heavenly Road, the 1888 starting point of the reward, the wave of the prodigal son of the four seas, the starting point of the 200 coins, the sn, the lost heart of the 100 hearts of the starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you for supporting the decadent brothers and sisters ~~~

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