Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 71: Longwei

The alliance between the metal, the gemstone dragon and the five-color dragon is because of the more powerful existence of the Rezadid, and the former green dragon dragon bluntly said his own shackles for the throne of the dragon, after the combination of two Ye Qi came up with a slightly surprised, but inevitable result - that Rezadid had some problems, so that the Green Dragon Dragon can't wait to act.

Although it is impossible to determine what it is, Ye Qi can be sure that Rezadid’s situation is extremely bad now, and he can’t even subordinate his subordinates, or watch his every move, let one of his subordinates give this green The dragon dragon came to ventilate the letter; and, obviously, the reason why the green dragon dragon began to attack the territory belonging to the metal and gem dragons after he and Zhu Ya appeared, could not be wrong to think that they both It was to ventilate the bronze dragon.

Or is this a trap?

Cautious Ye Qi, after drawing the above conclusions, naturally converted his mind to the person of Resadide.

Undoubtedly, the other side has considerable advantages at the moment, but such an advantage will never let it destroy the remaining rebels.

The force field arrows on the island are enough to alert them. Together with the bronze dragons as the immortal strong, the green dragons are between immortal and legendary, and the help of four legendary dragons, the other side wants to It is natural for the rebel to kill, and it is necessary to spend considerable effort, even to make their own strength.

If Ye Qi is the other party, Ye Qi will not be so ruthless.

It’s definitely not a good thing to hurt the enemy by a thousand losses.

But what if you can provoke an alliance between the metal, the gemstone dragon, and the five-color dragon-rebels?

It seems that the Resadide can easily remove the remaining rebels afterwards, only to spend the first half, or even less consumption.

Moreover, it is also possible to remove some of the guys who are in the middle of the game.

This is simply a two-pronged thing!

And if there is such a thing, a normal person. Or the dragon, it seems that it should not be rejected...

Slightly took a deep breath, Ye Qi looked at the battle in front of him - the dragons showed no difference from ordinary people at this time, still fighting for their respective interests and persistence.

Whether it is an aggressor or a rebel.

It is as if the beans mixed on a grinding disc are crushed into powder as the disc rotates.

The aggressor’s sin deserves it.

Rebels are a pity.

And as a party to the resistance. Ye Qi naturally needs to do something, even if there is no reminder of the Huangyu Dragon, it is the same -

"As a dragon, are you indifferent?"

The Huang Yulong screamed like this, and shook his body. Let me stand up hard; however, it is clear that her move is slightly reckless, and the pain is beginning to spread on her body, causing her body to fall again.

Fortunately, a strong arm lifted her.

"I am not indifferent, just thinking about something. So, it’s a little late..."

Ye Qi used his arm to support the topaz, and at the same time, there was a touch of green and vivid light in the palm of his hand. With the help of the respectable Connor elder, the day’s glory [Green Leaf] The treatment capacity is greatly increased, not only for minor injuries, but also for medium and severe injuries.

Of course, the attack is not weak.

but. For Ye Qi, the ability to treat is more important; after all, such treatment ability is not only for oneself, but also for other existence.

The two successive green glows flashed, and the two treatments for medium damage were just right for the Huangyu Dragons at the moment. With the help of the former red dragon girl, she has been able to stand firm and recover quite a bit of strength - in this regard, Ye Qi praised the body of the dragon. Of course, it also includes yourself as a dragon.

In fact, for the dragons, after watching the other side's battle, Ye Qi knows very well how powerful this human-like existence prefixed with 'dragon' is even the lowest level of starlight. Dragons, facing the damage that is enough to kill ordinary humans, is only a medium-sized injury.

The medium damage is to rub the skin, as for minor injuries? Then even the skin (scale) can not be scratched.


In the end, Ye Qi gave such an evaluation.

"If you don't want to shoot, please don't stop me!"

The Huangyu Dragons wanted to thank, but after the lips moved, they still didn't say anything; but in order to keep themselves away from such awkwardness, she immediately wanted to rush to the battlefield. However, just after lifting her legs, she was stopped by Ye Qi. It was down; looking at Ye Qi, who blocked himself, the Huangyu Dragon frowned.

However, compared with the sneer of the previous sneer, the tone of the moment is not welcome, but it is better to know how much.

"I just remind you to go a little further, not to not shoot!"

Ye Qi said with a smile. At the same time, he told the red dragon girl and the bronze dragon, as well as the emerald dragon.

Almost immediately, the red-breasted dragon girl was done according to Ye Qi’s words, while the bronze dragon and the emerald dragon were hesitating for a while and chose Ye Qi’s suggestion.

Even if they are somewhat puzzled, they chose to believe in Ye Qi because of the contract signed earlier.

As Ye Qi said, after signing the contract, both for him and for these dragons have considerable benefits.

At the very least, at a critical moment, an insurance called ‘trust’ can be given.

However, the Green Dragon Dragons obviously have some misunderstandings -

"They can't support it, kill them!"

After the shouts of the green dragons were shouted, the attacks of the five-color dragons became more and more fierce, and the ladies of the dragons who had just chosen to temporarily retreat had to fall into the battle again.

In this regard, Ye Qi shrugged helplessly.

"What are you going to do, faster!"

The Huangyu Dragons couldn’t help but say.

"I just want to calm everyone down - but from the current situation, it is quite difficult!"

As he said, Ye Qi went to the battlefield.

Ye Qi, who joined the battlefield, suddenly became the target of the attack of the five-color dragons, facing the five-colored dragons who swarmed. The knives in Ye Qi’s hands were not sheathed. It was such a straight-forward slap and direct blow, as if it were a whip, and it seemed to be a long gun.

There is not even the slightest power, it is the power of the pure arm and the sword.

As Ye Qi himself said, he hopes that the two sides of the battle will calm down - if it is really as he guessed, then the armistice is the most correct approach.

Even Ye Qi’s heart is a bit disgusting to the Green Dragon Dragon.

but. For the sake of the overall situation, he will choose to tolerate one point - of course, some of the necessary lessons are inevitable.

砰, 砰, 砰...

The dull sound is like a baseball bat slamming a rubber tire.

The real situation, however, is that the five-color dragons are like a flying car, quickly separated from the battlefield. Then, lost the power.

Compared with the red-breasted dragon girl who has reservations, it is more inclined to protect the attack. Ye Qi’s attack method is undoubtedly more direct and effective. It is only a dozen seconds, and he has cleaned up around him. Large areas of open space, and those metals, gemstone dragons will naturally miss such an opportunity. Those who were seriously injured and retreated to the red-breasted dragon girl, but who were able to exert their strength, joined the offensive team.

In this regard, Ye Qi is not okay.

Although he is calming the two sides, it does not mean that he will stop people who belong to his own camp from attacking. Anyway, as long as one party falls down, it will calm down, isn't it?

It is because of this idea. Ye Qi not only did not slow down his attack speed, but instead, he became more and more fast.

Because of this speed, the five-color dragons suffered almost the same disaster.

Even if there is no death, but in the face of no matter how dodge, parry, and even counterattack are not used, straight slamming on the black scabbard on their own body. The five-color dragons were completely beaten up - in fact, facing a group of dragons who are not legendary, Ye Qi is very difficult even if he wants to be biased.

And Ye Qi’s performance. Naturally, it attracted the attention of the top of the five-color dragon.


The Green Dragon Dragon shouted loudly and simultaneously struck forward, blocking the bronze dragon.

The black dragon dragon was straight away from the original battle circle and rushed toward Ye Qi -

"Go to death!"

The claws of the black dragons in the hands of the big dragons grew bigger and bigger, and the splash of acid, this time seems to be a water gun, sprayed toward Ye Qi.

However, when the black scabbard in the hands of Ye Qi, waving, the acid that is still in the air will fly, and some even rewind and back; in the face of this situation, the black dragon dragon will subconsciously His own giant claws, like shields, are usually standing in front of them.

In fact, his giant claw is both offensive and defensive.


The dull sound rang again, the black scabbard with a mysterious arc, straight on the body of the black dragon, the other huge claws still look like a shield in front of the front, but unfortunately, There is no use at all, and the black scabbard is not in contact with the claws at all.

The huge force came from the black scabbard, and the black dragon dragon bite his teeth, but the body still flew backwards unstoppable - even if it was a legend, it would be too far to compare with Ye Qi at the moment!

And when the legendary Black Dragon Dragon rushed up, and then, after being beaten at a faster speed, the entire battlefield could not help but even the metal and gemstone dragons were unbelievable. Look at Ye Qi, who is standing in the middle of the battlefield.

"Good, it seems everyone is calming down!"

Ye Qi’s palm rested on the knives of the knives and slowly said, and his gaze was to scan the surrounding dragons. After the five-color dragons came into contact with Ye Qi’s eyes, they consciously hit them. A chill, not because of the influence of the momentum, Longwei, but simply intimidated by the power shown by Ye Qi.

Although the metal and gemstone dragons are not like the five-color dragons, they have no further attacks, and they have gathered not far away—obviously, they are also frightened.

Obey the rules of the strong.

It seems that there is a core iron.

In this regard, Ye Qi does not mind.

"who are you?"

The Green Dragon Dragon is standing at a distance of twenty yards. One pair covers the eyes in the fine scales. The upper and lower sides look at Ye Qi - the target facing, if it looks scheming or difficult to deal with. The Green Dragon does not appear right away, but quietly follows each other to find the best time and tactics for the attack.

Undoubtedly, this Green Dragon Dragon is doing this now.

Of course, if the target looks weak, the green dragon will appear very quickly - it likes to cause fear of the opponent.

As for the final result?

The Dragon Warriors are always the best explanation, even if they often suffer heavy losses. And nothing is obtained, the same is true.

However, Ye Qike is not a dragon warrior, and even he represents the dragon - the dragon and the dragon, in the eyes of the Lord. It is the same and inseparable.

The dialogue between the dragon and the dragon, although Ye Qi only arrived at the Long Island less than a day, but also understand what to do -


The black scabbard, with the dancing of Ye Qi's arm, once again pulled out, the distance of twenty yards seems to be non-existent, and the Green Dragon Dragon is fully prepared. Prepared to withstand such an attack, even the use of dragons is useful, but the rancid gas can not stop Ye Qi's progress.

The physique of the immortal level, coupled with the character of the Dragon's Physique (Taigu Long), Ye Qi almost does not care about such a dragon's interest - in fact, even at the same level of power. There are many, and Ye Qi doesn't care either; but he habitually doesn't want to turn himself into ‘ignorance’ because of ‘fearless’.

Therefore, he will choose to dodge.

‘For every battle, you need to hold the ‘awe of heart’, otherwise you will not know when. Die under your own numbness! ’

This sentence was told by Old John when Ye Qi faced a fatal mistake because of habitual movements; and, this unscrupulous middle-aged man. In the name of the teacher, he beat him ten times, so that Ye Qi did not get out of bed for two days; however, with the blessing of this whip, Ye Qi remembered very clearly how he should do when he was fighting.

However, this time it can be different.

In order to achieve a more 'convincing power', Ye Qi did not dodge, so he went straight into the rancid gas.

Then, in the appearance of the Green Dragon Dragon, and the stunned eyes of the surrounding dragons, the black scabbard was unscathed on the face of the former.


The sound is still dull, but it has an unusual loudness.

The green dragon dragon was not drawn, but the body stepped back a few steps, but even if it was back, the black scabbard in the hands of Ye Qi followed the other side, or, accurately, stuck on the other's cheek. .

"Before asking the other person's name, please introduce yourself... This is common sense, etiquette, isn't it?"

Ye Qi looked at the green dragon dragon in front of him and said slowly; although he knew the other person's name from the mouth of the former Huang Yulong, but this kind of knowing is obviously not formal enough.

What Ye Qi needs is a formal introduction in the true sense.

At this moment, the place where the metal, the gems, and the five-color dragons gather is obviously just right.

The green dragon dragon's cheeks covered with green scales could not see the original color, but any dragon who was present could feel his anger.

The trembling body has already explained everything.


"Thirty, Tim Mouti!"

The Green Dragon Dragon is still reporting its name.

"Ye Qi!"

Ye Qi smiled back to the ceremony, and at the same time took back his own scabbard. He looked at each other, and the green dragon dragon did not dare to have the slightest change in Ye Qi’s eyes, so he stood rigidly in place. The gap in strength made him understand very well how he should do it now.

Between the dragon and the dragon, strength is still an absolute measure.

"Why are you looking for me and my companion when you come here? Please think about it later, I hate bullying, but I hate cheating!"

Ye Qi, who stood in the same place, looked at the Green Dragon Dragon, and Long Wei, who had been suppressed by him, slowly let go of it at this time.


Although it is only a trace, but in Long Island, such a trace, but directly led to the most direct chain reaction, a Ye Qi did not expect the reaction.

吼, 吼, 吼...

I saw the body of the dragons who were present in the subconscious, and then, the sound of the dragons with the dragons appeared, and nearly two hundred dragons grew up.

The red dragon girl, the bronze dragon, the emerald dragon, the topaz, the green dragon, and so on, all the dragons present are no exception.

An instinct rises in the heart of Ye Qi, that is to release a trace of Long Wei, and it is completely loosened in an instant.


Ten-tenth of Longwei, suddenly broke out, with endless pressure, descending to the left island.

PS It's raining today... Hey, it's hard to rest until it rains, it's estimated to be decadent, and, for a long time... I wipe it, I really don't want it! ! ! Decadence feels better to move bricks...

At least, the bricks are tired, and the smoke in the middle can be slowed down at that point... and the decadence is completely like being a horse... Women are used as men, men are used as animals, now decadent Really understand what is going on...

But the most helpless thing is that this is life.


Thanks to the unnamed Tiandao Xiaoyao 1888 starting point of the reward (said, Xiaoyao dare not dare ten ten shots of 3k reminder, don't vote for 1w2?) The prodigal wandering of the four seas, 200 starting points, sn, x, I lost my heart's 100 starting point rewards~~~(To be continued...)

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