Reincarnation: Demon Hunter

Vol 19 Chapter 72: Variety

On the rough sea, the layers of fog seem to meet the magnets and quickly gather in one direction. The gray figure is looming to life, but it is just a breath, but all the dragons who see the gray figure People, they can't breathe.

Huge but not clumsy.

Majestic, but not lost.

The gray scales are layered and stretched down, giving a smooth, slender feel that makes the huge body even more impressive. The hourglass-like black scales cover the eyes like a mask. The circular black scales with uneven distribution of twelve positions are radiated from the back to the front and distributed on the body, like the annual rings, exuding the breath of the years.

A spur like a Japanese-like pointer stretched out from the back of its skull, straight to the sky, introverted sharp, and did not let it lose, it is still so cold, a pair of triangular wings Extending and unfolding from the narrow point behind it, the shape of the body falling at high altitude looks like an hourglass, and the two protrusions of different lengths at the end of the tail give it two tail tips that are like the hour and minute hands. .

Although it is only the wings, the snoring is only brewing in the throat, but it gives all the dragons a heavy sense, just like the meaning of its name: time.

"Time Dragon?!"

The dragons have quite a knowledgeable existence. Therefore, they only couldn't help but whisper when they saw the shape. Then, the body suppressed by Hehe Longwei completely gave up the resistance. Kneeling on the ground - after all. The gap is too far.

Dragon. Even the dragons are different.

Five-color dragons, metal dragons, gemstone dragons, and more common land dragons can all be called dragons.

However, above these dragons, there are some very special dragons -

For example: Rainbow Dragon, Blue Diamond Dragon, Li Nenglong, Xiaolong, and... Time Dragon!

Each of the above dragons is powerful. They are all respected by other creatures, even if they are dragons.

Of course, the same is true for the dragons.

Looking at the time dragons that are almost close to the essence, they chose to obey after they met each other. Even if they obeyed the powerful expression of the dragons in front of them, they paid tribute to the speciality of the time dragon itself.

However, they are equally strange about how the dragons in front of the time did this scene.

after all. Even if there is, there is Rezadid, who is known as the strongest talent of Long Island. The use of dragons is nothing more than a half-dragonization; it does not become such a real dragon.

Or ‘change’, it’s also inappropriate.

Because Ye Qi still stood there, this is what they saw with their own eyes.

"Tilmoty, why are you here?"

It is still the voice of Ye Qi, but it has flooded countless times. The majesty of it is turned into the most direct pressure, so that the green dragon in front of the dragon can not even stand up - in fact, this is already Ye Qi For some reason, the skill [cold weapon] entered the legend, and because of the [secondary killing and direct attack], the technique of the momentum formation has already deviated from the original category.

If it is said that the situation of 'alike' has been the limit of the momentum of the formation skills, then it is clear that under the circumstances of the legendary level [cold weapon] and [secondary killing], it is already a breakthrough. The original embarrassment has reached the level that is not available in its own skills.

For this degree, Ye Qi is well-informed, so he knows that he needs to converge; otherwise, the Green Dragon Dragon can only talk to him on the ground.

Although Ye Qi does not mind despising a ‘half enemy’ from an all-dimensional perspective, Ye Qi also does not mind talking in a more friendly way if the other party cooperates.

For example, at the moment -

"Because I received the news, because of his rebellion, Resadide was hit hard!"

Facing the time-head dragon, the Green Dragon Dragon has converged on his own mind--although he knows that this should be a phantom, but the fear and trepidation that rises in his heart still makes him choose to obey, even if he is very I want to let this feeling disappear, but it is expanding more and more unconsciously.

"Where is the green dragon dragon who sent you the news, where?"

Ye Qi asked straight - it is clear that the current situation is basically consistent with his guess, and the only thing missing is an evidence.

Or, witness: the green dragon dragon who reported to Tilmoti.

"It’s in my territory!"

Tilmoti replied, and then immediately added, "I will go to him immediately!"


The huge dragon head slightly clicked, and the green dragon dragon suddenly ran toward his own territory, and the surrounding five-color dragons did not dare to move, so they looked at their leader disappeared. In their own sight, until the "body" of the light dragon disappeared, they were slightly relieved.

"Yeki Lord!"

Looking at Ye Qi from the 'Dragon's Body', the bronze dragons stood up and there was an inexplicable respect in their attitudes - even if they were equally immortal, there was a considerable gap; in fact The word 'new Jin' always represents the kingdom, not the true meaning.

Only after a real tempering can you get the glory that matches it.

The ‘new promotion’ is the same as the Japanese glory, and the legend of ‘new jin’ is the same. Natural ‘new’ is immortal.

Ye Qi gestured that the bronze dragon was on the side. When he was far away from other dragons, Ye Qi converges on the smile on his own mouth. He said solemnly: "We need to prepare!"

"What preparation?"

The bronze dragons apparently did not respond.

"Of course it's the next battle. You don't think that Resadide will find himself sitting in a chair after he has failed." Ye Qi shrugged his shoulders and said his own guess. Come out; obviously, the bronze dragons reacted in an instant. Simultaneously. Also know how to do it.

"I will arrange it!"

After a slight nod. The bronze dragons went to their own subordinates - Ye Qi thought that he was a subordinate, not a tribe, because he did not find another bronze dragon in it. On the contrary, he saw two of the bronze dragons. Although the strength is not very strong, one month is a level, one is between the moon and the day.

However, look at the red-breasted dragon girl looking at the other side with a slightly excited look. Ye Qi is quite clear. The dragons value the blood, and they do not have any old, stereotyped family in the Qiulin area.

"how did you do it?"

Out of Ye Qi’s expectation, while waiting, the Huangyu Dragons took the initiative to come over and asked him very directly. The Huangyu Dragon looked at Ye Qi and said: “The kind of skill just How did you do it - I can see that it is not [longization], but a skill!"

"This is a skill!"

For the technique of the formation of the momentum. Ye Qi did not deny, though. He will not say it directly - except for the relationship with the other party, it is even more important that such a skill is not his, or that he is not able to do this without the permission of the guardian Zaka. The skill of the rumor.

Even his disciples, he also asked Zaka in the form of a letter, and after the other party's consent, he began to teach the Rhines and the grammar.

In this regard, Zaka may not care at all, he cares more about whether he can find a suitable opponent, and play it well; and Ye Qi is quite concerned about it. After all, this has something other than inheritance. Something; for example: trust.

However, the Huangyu Dragons could not ignore this. She looked at the confessed Ye Qi and waited quietly for the explanation after Ye Qi, but after waiting for a long time, she was replaced by Ye Qi’s silence; suddenly, Huang Yulong’s The brow wrinkled, and the subconscious mind wanted to say something, but in the end it was a cold cry: "I can't change it with you!"


Ye Qi looked at the other person with surprise - Huang Yulong tends to show hostility and selfishness, although they are not vicious, but their eccentric behavior makes any contact with them dangerous and unpleasant. Therefore, when Ye Qi is dealing with the blood of Huang Yulong and the Huangyu Dragon, he is naturally prepared.

However, what he did not think was that the other party would actually say something astonished.

"Dragon Island has such rules. When faced with items of interest, we will propose exchanges!"

The Emerald Dragon came to Ye Qi and explained slowly; however, Ye Qi clearly felt that the other party’s words were not finished - in the face of interested items, they would exchange; Exchange, what happens if one party does not want to exchange?

Even if you think about it with your heels, what happens in Long Island like a Warring States.

Even the fairness of exchanges will be affected by the strength and power of both sides - using a stone to change a piece of equal weight of gold, although it seems very ridiculous, is definitely not impossible.

In this regard, Ye Qi, who pursues fair trade, expressed disdain, but more was helpless; the only thing that made him feel lucky was that he didn't have to be the one who was the gold.

"My skill does not belong to me. I need the professor who gave it to me to agree!"

Ye Qi said truthfully.

However, such a truth, but was the shoving of the Huangyu Dragon, immediately dissatisfied said: "Do you think I will not be able to get the value of the object? You should not have their own dragon martial arts?"

Dragon martial arts...

Ye Qi was not the first to hear the word, and even saw his teacher in the illusion - it was a skill that fully integrated the power of the dragon with its own skills, quite powerful; However, the difference in the blood of each dragon and the difference in skills are destined to be such a rare skill.

At the very least, Ye Qi did not find his own dragon martial arts from his teacher's dragon martial arts.

Therefore, Ye Qi does not think that the topaz in front of him will have his dragon martial arts.

"Do you think I don't have the right dragon martial arts for you?"

As if to see the true thoughts of Ye Qi, the Huangyu Dragons snorted and said: "There is no time-honored dragon on Long Island. Although it has disappeared for thousands of years, it is about his records and rumors. Every dragon is known!"

I heard the saying of the Huangyu Dragon. Ye Qi looked subconsciously to the Emerald Dragon. The latter nodded slightly; however, this confirmed and did not believe her behavior, but made the Huangyu Dragon more angry.

"Are you insulting me?!"

According to the tense dragons who couldn’t stand it, they shouted.

"It's not an insult, it's just an instinct confirmation - I'm not someone else who blindly believes in others!" Ye Qi shrugged and looked at the topaz and the emerald dragon. "I don't think you are like this." presence!"

In the face of this argument, the Huangyu Dragon and the Emerald Dragons cannot be denied, because this is a fact - whether it is a topaz or an emerald dragon. They are all unusually suspicious dragons, just like their blood source.

"I have a record of the time dragon dragon martial arts, and you change that skill!"

The Huangyu Dragons did not want to entangle in such a thing, and said straight, and took out a six-inch long sheepskin scroll.

Obviously, this topaz has a similar item to the [Dimensional Bag].

"I said before, this technique does not belong to me. I need the professor who gave it to me to agree!"

Ye Qi looked at the sheepskin scroll that was handed in front of him and couldn't help but smile.

"The insatiable guy... these are all right!"

Looking at Ye Qi with a bad look, the misunderstood Huangyu Dragons once again took out two things. Don't look at it, just touch the breath. Ye Qi can be sure that it is a sacrament.

A reel that matches the dragon martial arts, plus two pieces of sacred objects, is obviously very sincere.

Ye Qi very much wants to nod if he can.

However, in the end, it was helpless and shook his head.

"I am not greedy, but really as I said, this technique..."

"Damn bastard! Do you still want to take the risk of being a man?"

Ye Qi’s words have not been finished yet, and the Huang Yulong replied with a grin, and the Emerald Dragon, who did not leave, looked at Ye Qi with a very different look.

"Do you think that I exist like that?"

Ye Qi looked at the Emerald Dragon with a smile, and the latter hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Suddenly, Ye Qi rolled his eyes.

I no longer pay attention to this dragon, and went straight to the five-color dragon party -

"Is your territory far from here?"

Ye Qi looked at the Black Dragon Dragon and the White Dragon Dragon, the two deputies of Til Moti, asked.

"Not very far..."

The black dragon dragon replied, but the tone was with a hint of embarrassment, and compared with the shackles in the black dragon dragon's tone, the fear on the face of the white dragon dragon was even more obvious - obviously, the two deputies of Tilmotti For the leader who has not returned for a long time, there are some bad guesses.

"Lord Carriep!"

Ye Qi shouted at the bronze dragon in the distance, and gestured to the two dragons in front of him.

"Tirmothy ran? He wanted us and Rezadid to fight for a life and death, and take advantage of the fisherman!"

When I learned about the situation here, after the bronze dragon had a glimpse, I understood what the Green Dragon Dragon wanted to do.

"Yeah, this way of saving things, who knows how to choose!"

Ye Qi smiled and nodded.

"You deliberately let him go back?"

The bronze dragon looked at Ye Qi’s smile and asked subconsciously.

"No, I just gave him a chance, but he didn't cherish it!" Ye Qi spread his hands. "Can you give me another half an hour?"

"of course!"

The bronze dragons nodded.

When the bronze dragon nodded, Ye Qi disappeared from the original place, watching Ye Qi originally stood, but at the moment it disappeared without a trace, the bronze dragon's brow slightly wrinkled, and then, helplessly sigh In the end, her eyes looked at the two dragons in front of her.

"Would you like to return to the Lord Ye Qi?"

The bronze dragon asked this question.

"Of course, of course!"

The two dragons and the white dragons are continually nodding their heads. The two dragons are not fools or idiots. On the contrary, they can reach the present level. They are quite smart. Although Ye Qi does not fully explain, they also Guess what Ye Qi meant.

Take a hostile person as a partner to lead a group of people to deal with another enemy and replace it with the group to deal with the enemy.

Such a choice, as long as it is a slightly minded person, know what to do. Nothing else is just an excuse.

Now, this excuse has naturally appeared.

"Go with your men, explain the situation here!"

The bronze dragons looked at the distracted eyes of the two dragons in front of them, and did not emphasize anything too much. They only faintly said that they could be in the continuous war for the dragons on Long Island. To survive, it must have given up something.

And give up some, naturally it will get some.

And this is enough to let them know how to choose.

As for the green dragon dragon?

For Tilmotti, the geese who had been yelled at the five-color dragons and killed the chickens for the monkeys, the bronze dragons could only sigh silently again.

Just as Ye Qi said has given Til Moti the opportunity.

However, the other party did not cherish it.

Then you can't blame others. After all, you won't die if you don't do it.

Because of the rainy rest yesterday, today’s decadence began to be busy at six in the morning, until the manuscript was finished, it was a break... and today I ate a meal... but, a decadent mood It is quite good.

Yesterday, after a few words of ruin, I didn’t expect that the unnamed Heavenly Road, the half-monthly floating two really gave me a 3k reminder... This really moved the decadence, and I didn’t say it, only added! !

Tomorrow, more words~ Thank you for your support~

Thanks to the unnamed Tiandao Happy 1888 starting point, the prodigal wandering around the sea, the thurther200 starting point of the reward, sn, x, their lost heart, Wang Xiucai, the book friend 140417173517758100 starting point of the reward ~~~ decadent again thank you Supporting decadent brothers and sisters~~~(To be continued.)

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